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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 1, 2024 3:00am-3:15am CEST

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the, the, you're watching dw news live from berlin, major set back for turkeys, president air to one in nationwide elections. opposition supporters are celebrating partial results that show the ruling a k party headed for defeat in key cities, including the biggest city assembled, also on the program. as well as prime minister opinion. i mean that's on yahoo! rejects calls from tens of thousands of protesters for him to resign. that's on yahoo saying early elections where the only benefit from us. and per francis leave the eastern mass at the vatican, calling for
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a cease fire and gaza and praying for the victims of the david levitz. welcome. thirty's, president. ridge of type air to one and has conservative a k party have suffered a major below in nationwide local elections. parcel results show the main opposition party is on course to keep control of key cities. the secular c h p has already claimed victory and the capital incorrect. and in turkey is biggest city assemble sundays. elections are being seen as a bell, whether for, for support, for air to one who has been pushing for his party to win back, assemble for years now. he promised to respect the elections outcome. what are they gonna do? double use. usually a han give us a snapshot of the mood and assemble the position supporters here. and if symbol are
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celebrating victory, many people are home doing that on the dancing waving flags, and they are celebrating them a, a at, from a model you model and the set, you know, all position c h, b managed to retain control over this. you to be important cities of 60000000 people with a surprisingly large margin. preliminary results also suggests that president ad one's ruling a case. he lost many of the cities and provinces across the country to the opposition. one explanation is that many people you're in charge of frustrated with the economic prices and the government's failure to bring the full range innovation under control inflation currency sense at more than 65 percent. and many people seem to have expressed their frustration at the ballot box tonight. looks like a historic try in full to, to show position and like
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a major flow to present an ad. one's image of invincibility. you will be hung there and it is stumble. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has rejected calls from protesters for his resignation. he said early elections with only benefit hum us and jeopardize negotiations for the release of hostages. huge crowds of protesters blocked roads in jerusalem on sunday as they marched to the parliament, the 10s of thousands gathered in jerusalem for the beginning of a for the rally. it's the largest anti government demonstration since the october 7 terrorist attack many are fed up with the failure to secure the release of hostages, held by him us among other things, and are calling for an early election. so what i'm doing here is trying to change the government because this government is a complete and utter failure. and the only way they will need us into the abyss
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that will never come out though faced with increasing pressure to resign. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu standing his ground a can you up to the limitation of how most battalions there. as the fighting goes on, israel's delegation has arrived in egypt for fresh these fire talks. but both sides have cast out on whether there will be break through this time. they say the gap between their positions is still too wide. simon may bon is the middle east analyst at the u. k. 's lancaster university. we asked him what he thinks about netanyahu's argument, that early elections would only benefit from us to. yeah, i think we need to contextualize this in the sense that there has been a lot of anger directed up benjamin netanyahu over the past. however many years, most of his time in office has been characterized by anger, frustration,
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political divisiveness, and not more so than the past couple of years. he faced as challenges from the right from the religious right, from people who are frustrated out the religious right, the oppressed protests and, and growing anger at the exclusion of the. ready tree service full members of the head of the community. and so to say that this is all about the, the hamas situational the inability to get the hostages back, i think, is misguided. and i think it points to a much deep frustration that is brewing within his really society netanyahu's political document and his political maneuverings. simon mae bon therapy is really military says it's killed, a senior commander and has belies know its missile units. the army released to this video, it says shows several air strikes and 11 on the idea has identified the commander as is mile of dean, saying he was killed one the is really air force and bombed
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a car in southern 11 on has below, has confirmed his desk the run back to militant group has exchanged regular fire with is rarely forces since homeless carried out the october 7th. the terror attacks as well. christians around the world are celebrating the most important day in the church calendar for the faithful easter sunday. march the day of jesus christ was resurrected. 2 days after his crucifixion of francis use his eastern message at the vatican to appeal for an end to the fighting and the middle east. easter christianity's holiest holiday. as is customary pope francis let this use easter sunday services in the vatican. saint peter's square in front of some 30000 faithful during his address. he called for respect
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for the principles of international law and for peace and war ravaged, places named conflicts and ukraine. and the middle east he noticed that a foot general, i'm in the opinion though. i can see i can i appeal once again that the access to humanitarian a be insured to gaza. he's sort and call once more for the prompt release of the hostages seized last october 7th, safety october and for an immediate cease fire in the strategy for you for calling the last 3 shots. despite for assistance speculation about the 87 year old pont himself, he appeared on good for the in jerusalem, where the bible says jesus was crucified, buried, and rose from the dead. the scale the eastern mass was held to a relatively empty church. usually the streets around the church of the whole lease of poker in jerusalem's old city would be thronging with palestinian christians.
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but this year since the war began on october 7th, palestinians need special permission to cross check points. this is not the only war to one place. it worship a 2000 kilometers to the north and ukraine. castle lexmark, the 3rd eastern. since the rest is full scale invasion. with a midnight mass pilgrims inside saint nicholas cathedral in chief held candles and prayed. but priests gave blessings. many of those gathered inevitably prayed for peace and victory in britain and king charles made his 1st official public appearance since revealing his cancer diagnosis. in february he and queen camilla attended an easter service at saint george's chapel in windsor and met well wishers afterwards. droughts in southern africa means
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that people millions of people there are at crater risk of going hungry. this comes just a year after devastating floods hit the region, zambia animal law, we have already declared national disasters. now conditions and zimbabwe have also become critical. first came the storms in the fonts and now extreme heat and drought. here's what's left of the season's crops. when our food situation is difficult and we only eat once a day because we have nothing in the fields, not a single grain. every thing has dried up is not mine. we also have problems with sourcing water. we'd like to request if they could assist us with water. maybe they could build a bar hole for us. in the meantime, maybe come to this distribution center to get assistance. february has been the drives, didn't send bob point in a lifetime,
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according to the well food program i just spoke with some of the eldest from the community. and the last time they can remember this type of child is 90. 47 is so it's, this is not a normal circumstance and they say disk drives. now with this type of heat, the day of experience is it has not happened before. just a year ago, much of southern africa was hit by deputy tropical storms and floods. these climate extremes, scientists say becoming more frequent and more damaging in neighboring zambia and malawi, drunk has reached critical levels. both countries have to clear up national the soft as and sing. bob, we could be on the brink of doing the same agency, is one that nearly 20000000 people across southern africa are facing hung up and will need assistance in the coming months. now it is,
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scotland is famous for it. start rocky landscapes. many people don't know it was once rich and forests. well now across the country, initiatives are working to bring back the woodlands and wild life of previous centuries to w spigot. mice reports from the south and scotland not a tree, not a bush grows in these barren hills and south in scotland. at least not yet. so you're only to grab a fun things to be a that they want to change that. the 25 volunteers from the scottish board as far as trust one to help loan to forest check, but you're not right on top of a boat. that's a stick experience. that's fine. yep. so that's the soft ground. and denise, not to give you a whole the right size for the tray. which in our vision is to make this into night to put them. so all the chaise, all around holly,
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all the trees features you'd expect and the ground is good ground and the trees will do well here. it's supposed to look like it did thousands of years ago before people cut down the forest for firewood and to gain past you. when i bought it, i feel like i get the feeling of the a mother. i need to get arrived twice for her and then wish it could grow out very strongly and have a heavy live sort of thoughts on that really. it's just this punting trays to see, i think is the best thing. ordinary people can do. it's so easy to do, and it's just isn't investments in the future. really, a flaunting many thousands of saplings which she passed for centuries, munched up everything, but take some physical outfit. this makes sense of purpose here, so this land won't be sold to the highest bidder. in 20 years time, it will stay as it is in the neighboring valley. the boat,
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as far as charles has already planted around 750000 trees. since then, 20 species of the us have recycled as of many wide plants and hubs. and eco power dies in the scale to choose. the volunteers hope it comes up as a model to regenerate many other valleys, many trees and started to flour, here in germany somewhat earlier than usual. apparently due to climate change in the western city of bon japanese cherry trees are putting on a spectacular display. urologist save this winter has been one of the warmest and recent years, causing the trees to flower a few weeks earlier than normal. as a result, several streets in the old town have been close to traffic so that everyone can enjoy the spectacle is coming up next more and more british citizens of leaving the u. k. a post for exit to
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documentary little britain and adult, done as follows. the challenges of starting a new life in france. i'm david levitz from me on the whole team here in berlin's, thanks for watching the w for more news check out d, w dot com. or you can also follow us on social media at the w news. the, every jenny is full of surprises. we've gone all out to give you some time, one day in the footsteps of the right people in your northern most count the police, the free time. but still very much alive. your guy to the special hot spots in germany
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recognizes where exactly.


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