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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 22, 2024 2:00pm-2:15pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the, the news line from the, the us secretary of state or lies instead of 8th, the tops of israel's prime minister. it's onto the plane can, 6th trip. so the range of possible diplomatic pushed for us the spot in gaza as washington increases the pressure on israel. also in the program of russia attacks ukraine's editor supplies with a massive wave of mist files and drugs. strikes target infrastructure and residential buildings in the largest bar. osh for weeks keeps as it shut down. many of the 151 incoming messiah top indian opposition figures arrested of corruption charges just weeks before national elections ovens. occasionally, while supporters accused the mode,
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the government of trying to eliminate him from the rice the i'm feel good with welcome to the program until the blinking is in. israel also talks with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the night is stopped on he's at 2 of the middle east us secretary of states is expected to discuss humanitarian aid, the distribution in gaza, and to just route not to launch a ground operation in this, in the city of rough or in the south of the territory is around still pursuing the homeless militants that it holds responsible for the off type of $710.00 attacks. so i can totally blanking arrives with the un security council due to vote in the next few hours on a us sponsoring resolution for an immediate cease. 5, it was lots going on. let's catch up with some of this with released. i'm
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list ashanti, resigned as welcome back to the studio shortly. so blink and 6 trip. is there anything different about this them the other 5? well, it's please friendly of them all. i would assume i be of been hearing the last week's growing a criticism from the american administration towards the national government and their choice to refrain from going on with the plans for the day after and cause of what would be the end game of this operation. what would be the end game for the long term for palestinians in the region? this is something an attorney, i was not very happily willing to discuss. and this is something the americans are pushing guess in order to try and find a solution from where uh, from the catastrophe we are experiencing every day now in the gaza strip. right. and this, this was thing of relations between these 2 allies. perhaps coming to ahead today in the un security council, with the us sponsoring a resolution calling for an immediate cease fire. what are you expecting there? well, we need to notice, i mean this is the 1st time that the americans, you know,
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so far they've been refraining from that. this is the strongest language. we've seen the americans and the biggest pressure that we see the americans trying to apply on that arena, sort of trying to touch the signals as well. our, our patients is running low and also to say that to the rest of the world, we see and hear the criticism. and we are working in that direction. however, this specific reservation we're talking about, the resolution talks about the need for an immediate cease fire and acknowledge that. but it also recognizes the need for the a hostage deal to be connected with the ceasefire. so in a way, other than the declaration to maybe meaningful resolution that this might be practicing on the ground, which you know, we do, i'm not sure we will see much of breakthrough because as long as the hostages are still part of the resolution, we're still back to the same place of needing israel and how must both to agree on the terms of the release of the hostages to move and move forward. okay. as well secured at intelligent shameful being katara lights that some mold tool set, the lights it to the release of hostages. and the deal with, i'm us, i'm, is that
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a good sign? are we likely to see some movement? well, we hearing, you know, there's so much a secrecy when it comes to these talks and we have so many back and forth discussion, you know, boomers, but it seems like there's a quick push of the americans. we know the head of ca is also expected to be there with this is really counter about the gibson counterparts. they're, they're talking about narrowing gaps. the gaps is still there and one of the talks that are the most important contention points also been addressed by blinking editing. yeah. when they're meeting is what happens to the north of guys when our citizens and egypt, the palestinian citizens who were forced to sleep? when will be, will they be allowed to go back? that's a point that is very important to come off and it is the same time also something that is real is pushing against. and that would be a big part of trying to solve the, the, the problem of trying to get an agreement between the 2 sides. blinking is pushing the head of say, is pushing israel. these are at the table. and maybe within the next day or 2,
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we will find me find a way to move forward in that. a brief for them about isabel's plan is to attack rafa in the south of the territory. i'm any change the free quote nittany i was still in the world to believe that he's willing to go into or off off. but practically this will take weeks before it happens. as real has committed, the americans have insisted on that to 1st evict 1200000 palestinian who found refuge in gaza. so as long as this operation is not starting, we won't see any put on any soldiers on the ground when it comes from the taser as soldiers talks about showing data, please me, at least at least a shot here. designers that will bring your life coverage of back to you and security council meeting and votes on i, your true channel. i handle that at dw news are now to ukraine when a number of people are unfortunately killed and many wounded in rushes overnight. at a time, president of all the visit lensky says, you kind of broke down over 90 russian base 1000 drugs. described it as the largest
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strike in the countries on the countries energy infrastructure. there's the will, the guy sniffing out survivors a familiar site for so many ukrainians, and one scene across numerous cities on friday in the aftermath of fresh overnight attacks from russia. many people across the ukraine are still missing, including here in jeopardy show. one of the hardest hit titans to do is if we don't load more explosions after the 1st one, there was so much debris flying around us. i had only one goal to ensure that my child was alive. i rescued him from the rubble. so many residential areas were affected. the primary target of rushes. miss island drill and attacks
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was ukraine's energy facilities. president reloaded music lensky college at the largest strike on their energy infrastructure of the entire war. ukraine's largest hydro electric down was hit in the early hours of friday morning, causing blackheads that have left more than a 1000000 ukrainians with power because there is no, no boss signal. and we need to get in touch with the elderly people to find out if there are tang and what they need. the escalation of russian strikes has forced many elderly residents of this border time to evacuate and move deeper and to ukraine for safety. they leave their homes with little hope for peace anytime soon. as keith calls on europe for additional air defense systems in my
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wake of this latest barge of rush and strikes, you lead us a meeting in brussels yesterday and today have agreed to work out to planned to use interest from frozen russian assets to help keep buy more arms is you're paying commission present a sort of funding lot. we must continue to support ukraine's efforts to fight back on the battlefield. so i'm glad that lead us endorsed our proposal to use the extraordinary revenues from immobilized washing assets. this will provide funding for military equipment to ukraine. we can expect to collect around 3000000000 euros for 2024, and similar amounts in the future. yes. so let's get more from brussels bureau chief, alexandra from nominate. welcome, alexandra. so tell us more about us. how late is the hoping this money will be used?
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a big chunk of that money is spent to be spent to, to help you cream by equipment and i'm a nation and weapons. and that is, of course, what the country urgently needs right now to send out the rest of the tax to protect its people. it will be about 90 percent of the amount of sweet 1000000000 euros and it sounds like a lot of money. but we have to consider that germany alone. according to the a chancellor. all of shows has already spend or promised to spend around $28000000000.00 of euro's and do you as was planning to spend $60000000000.00 you asked dollars on military age for ukraine. however, this big package is still being sold in congress. so you can understand that any amount of money is very important and urgency needed for ukraine. okay,
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so just the money you lead is also how russian grade in miss sites. yes, and the european commission has now and said that they will impose tariffs on russian green imports to the european union. and there are saying it is important. and the goal is to prevent russia from using these revenues to fund its war on ukraine. they also want to tackle the issue of russian imports of the exports of stolen ukraine and rain. and they're also saying that the ones to prevent as testable is ation of the you markets. because we have to understand that russia over the last 2 years has been seducing unprecedented amounts of as a lead in parts you could particular and that has driven core prices down and to the you are p and farmers are hurting. so that is
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a watch. it's also proposed here in brussels, an old member states on board with these moves despite to rush this morning to brussels and not to do this. while the restaurant is of course, fuming their warning alpha, catastrophic consequences when it comes to the profits from frozen russian assets. there are saying that when it comes to the green issue, european consumers will be suffering. but i think most of the leaders are totally unimpressed. but there are some leaders, 1st and foremost, of course, the hon. gillion prime is to speak to an old man who has repeatedly expressed to the doubts who has questions ukraine's ability to win this war. in an interview that was conducted to tea in brussels, a viewing organ stay here in brussels. he said that what she's proceeding here in brussels is a war atmosphere, a war logic. and he's stressed that this is not
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a hung reese for. so he has to become a big problem for the u. a. p and a union as a whole. and of course for the unity of the blog. okay, sounds good. sounds good. all right, 100 phone number in process was run your way to kill position figure has appeared in court to fight his arrest for alleged corruption just weeks before national elections of in the car drove out. is dallas chief managed to and part of the political alliance phone to challenge the prime minister there under moody. but the guy drew while the supporters of described his arrest as politically motivated out of town in protest, the anger but not disbelieved. well, that is of good lead to one of the prime minister and none of the more these few assessed critics moody can't defeat arvin cajun about. that's why he was arrested
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the data you what i'll be sending, this is the murder of democracy. it's been going on for a while and nowadays arrested alida and look at the timing because i do not have very inconvenient timing for daily chief minister of in case we bought, taken into custody just for weeks ahead of india. national elections gives you the spot, the head being accused. what's a good option to scheme involving liquor license up rules. the chief minister and his allies insist he has not done anything wrong. look at one thing. i think i got to keep 40 till i see the chief ministers house was searched in this rate for only 70000 engine rupees. were found in castle, which the enforcement direct right returned by. they've taken the chief minister small by us and half a rest attempt in the kids you out of drew's to office with an antique auction age
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. and nearly a decade ago, his body t a p, is now a member of a broad opposition alliance. aiming to children's to be to be in upcoming elections . many critics say the routing parties targeting or position leaders ahead of the vote. the media is with the point to ensure that there is no living being on the beach. it be let the government denies political interventions and cause these accusations, desperation of the position the most, the opinion polls predict, comfortable as in flood prime, mr. moody who is seeking to come to get them as a reminder about top story based out us secretary of state and to me, lincoln has arrived in is around for 12 screens at 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu . as washington a pushes for an immediate cease fire in cost, i sent you up to date a pro well use of the top of your,
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our next on the w motoring show graph looks at why america is showing up with extra large trucks. and actually the old friends mean friends and nature defend itself in case of an emergency. we cannot guarantee that we could protect munich draper, berlin can't do it. faced with rushes war against you. will grace's military alliance spaces, new threats.


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