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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 19, 2024 4:00am-4:16am CET

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the, the you are watching the double you news live from building a victorious of flooding me person a p. as in moscow as world latest condemn his re election through 10 greets crowds in red square a day off to his victory and elections where he faced no meaningful challenger. the uses divide was based on repression and intimidation. and us present joy fide and warranties, rails prime minister, benjamin netanyahu against inviting rafa find entails net in yahoo and a funding code that he's deeply concerned about. and major, it's riley assault on the goss, and cd with one and a half 1000000 people of sheltering
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the jared raid. welcome to the program. now i the free no fee, that's the verdict. don't waste in capitals, have to leave it on roches presidential election. the country's election commission says flooding the person was re elected with id 7 percent of the device. now the poll was held following a crack down political opponents. meaning that pollution faced no meaningful opposition. the russian leader has appeared before cheering crowds in moscow. it was a try i'm send flooding the pollutant who took to the stage a day of to being re elected russian presidents in the land slide. when the victory coincided with celebration, smoking the 10 year anniversary of the annexation of crimea natural, you know,
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flying goes by the other election candidates who'd been allowed to stand against him. he sang, his supporters for when most had predicted earlier, he claimed his victory was rooted in democratic principles and you most, it's for them when the, the source of authority in the nation, which is the russian people that i knew you dates. i ceased, you know, while most most divides willing to talk, express the support for tuesday and they will some public discontent. there is my hope that the other candidates would have better results or i don't expect are there any particular changes near bulletin about there are, there are no candidates. my life more. so i voted against them all. i would like you create to be free and the troops to be withdrawn from their gym and he called the vote a pseudo election with voting, taking place and occupied. you cried, violating international law. the violent the election in russia was an election
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without a choice. the election process not only shows shootings nefarious behavior towards his own people, but also violates the charter of the united nations. i try to find nazi when washington also pointed out the lack of democratic choice state to it would not congratulate food to this was an incredibly on democratic process. and certainly him being president of russia. it does not excuse him, of is of his talk or see the outlines including china, north korea and venice zabeda did congratulate the russian presidents with the victory, grunting putin and not the 6 year to his net quarter century in deva, towards the top proceed themes and stuff people in other news you as president joy bite and has or piece of cheese, deep concerns of israel's plans for
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a ground offensive and a rafa in southern cancer. he made the comments on the fine to use ralph prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the 1st song cold in a month, around one and a half 1000000 people are sheltering, enrol fine and is the main entry point for 8 into gaza. making yahoo insisted there is a planning place to evacuate people. and these promise to lift mo i in. but so far, he has refused to roll back plans for a ground operation there. it's joe biden is austin yahoo to send a delegation to washington to discuss the rasa offensive. earlier i asked for may us and boston gerald. finest on. how much pressure the us would be putting on these right? i think that clearly the administration is extremely concerned about the potential you might have heard and catastrophe. if the as rallies follow through on the threats to go in toronto, they've been sick knowing consistently for weeks now that they don't believe that
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the as roy's have put in place the means to protect the civilian population there. uh and to uh, to target homeless operative so that are still in the rough area until they do that until there is some clear understanding between washington address. so them about how to go forward. i think that we're going to see the administration continuing to emphasize the risks. and there is an increasing view of, particularly among the democratic members of congress that you review. i semester ations needs to be more explicit and telling israel to stand back. let's talk about that as the us is pushing for what's being described as an alternative approach. and you're saying it will probably be more explicit. what do you think this alternative approach could main as well?
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i think that as, as we heard from from j sullivan, the alternative approach would be not a major ground defensive in a rasa. but something more targeted, more, more precise and try to identify where her modest leadership may be hiding. i add to add to use other kinds of military means to achieve those targets without the threatening as security of the civilian population. and best of their as someone with many years of diplomatic experience, particularly in the middle east, i'd like to ask you, what do you make of where things stand right now in this conflict? well, i think that increasingly there is a great deal of frustration over the failure of diplomacy to achieve even eliminated ceasefire. we have seen that there is going to be another,
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is really delegation going to continue the negotiations. but the, but the administration i think is very frustrated that they haven't been able to impress on either the as rallies or home us or the need to take steps. now that would address the amount of terry crisis and bring this fighting to a hall. and i think that again, as the, the days the weeks go by, the pressure on the, by the administration to do something more, to bring this conflict to an end is only going to increase. that was former us ambassador gerald firestone and busta. thank you very much. for your time and your insights today, it's a pleasure. the meantime, a you and batch report has issued a di warning full, gaza hoff of gauze ins are experiencing catastrophic hunger and famine is imminent unless there is urgent intervention. the warning comes as ease ralph ice is
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increasing, increasing pressure from its allies to allow more into gaza. huge crowds of guidance gather to receive aid at the shelter run by the united nations agency for palestinian refugees amid in increasing hunger crisis and the gaza strip. where aid has only been trickling in since the beginning of the war the people are dying. we are asking the era people to press for a ceasefire, and so we are exhausted and dying. the united nations has published and the latest report warning that causes on the brink of famine, the you in humanitarian coordinator and gaza says that he's working with israel to open up more land routes for 8 shipments. as soon as the goods come in, the 200 drops a day or whatever the case may be, is not enough to satisfy the, the, the numbers that we have to address. and so as soon as goods come in,
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they don't get stored anywhere very for very long unless we can, to significant supply increases into those areas. those people who can shop catastrophic levels of the amount nutrition or food insecurity will add face. we will see these problems. the use top diplomat, joseph bro. believe israel is using famine as a weapon of war in gaza. we on no long down on the being of, i mean, we are in this state or for me affecting was enough people. we can not stand by and watch about as junior and stuff. what are we going to do? because this is this, i mean there's not a natural disaster. this is not the flaw. there's not that hes quake is entirely mine made my home mess. they have to say it,
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my home. well, in each shipment arrived in garza from cypress and some countries have sponsored air drops. agencies say that this is nowhere near enough and can not replace the aid delivered via land crossings. were dozens of humanitarian aid trucks. a wait permission to reach people in gaza is a quick look at some other world news headlines in spain. meantime, hundreds of people have taken part in a protest against the killing of civilians in gaza. the event in the city of san sebastian culminated in protest is a line on the ground to symbolize the dead around a band inspired by assignments. picasso, anti will painting lawmakers in gabby, i have delight evolved on a bill to scrap a ban on female genital mutilation. the practice has been there has been illegal
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since 2015 but is land that conservatives one to reinstate it. they say a band prevents them from practicing that culture and religion. at least 2000 people had been killed in highest use capital for the pran. so made a growing lives of gang violence. gunman targeted himes in several neighborhoods including those that were previously peaceful violence has sewage, dean higher. see since the start of the month has gains and 5 full control as well . it was a monument that shaped modern taiwan 10 years ago, or hundreds of students seized control of parliament, while hundreds of thousands more joined demonstrations and support on the streets. their protest helped stopped a planned trade packed with china that they said could leave tie one vulnerable to co wish and by badging. the double use of james chide to spike with some of those who to pass a decade ago, hundreds of students storming taiwan legislature. the occupation of the building
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lost in more than 3 weeks through southern charm to express and the plans of trade patches of china. 1 leaders including dismantling fe fun said it was passed without cross party screws and could leave type a vulnerable to economic pressure from china, which claim solvency over time want. it was named the son found these names off to the flower became the symbol of the students calls for grades of transparency to targeted was eventually scrub. revisiting the legislature building for the 1st time since the occupation leading face on tells us the movement was the turning points in taiwan is political history. pringle originated at the how wants to relations with china? i agree with you. if you decide it's fine, a small group of political leads, but it sounds almost like a trick out. symbolize that, that one is useful, have a desire to decide. our relationship which i know of i, our self employment at the time was a can see it's high when he's policy,
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which then and now favorites close to economic ties with the trying to do this. it's every presidential election since they've lost to the now in 2019 didn't join the d p. p which has tried to rims high ones economy all stages influence. but because of that sounds almost so old integration, sage, and has been stopped by the towing. these people, so that is quite the pivotal for, for insurance itself our, our, our relations with realms then though the world was launch, the looking elsewhere. mostly a deadly protest happening at the same time in ukraine. the protest has faced a similar set of questions move closer to their authoritarian neighbor, will charge to own democratic future. indeed, russians antics ation of crime in triggered by the process and ukraine was formalized on march. the 18th 2014 the exact same process as in ty paid to the legislature in taiwan, the sunflower movements monthly motions for the new political generation leech. and
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i was just 9 years old. when she, with her parents joined hundreds of thousands on this type, the streets in supports of the students. now what university herself, she says with some families, minutes continues to shape you of tie once future. lawrence is a about us only though i lots of people will think on our road. what power do we have? even if there's 100 people, what power do we have? if the government wants to do something they can do us? that's why it was such a moving moment. it showed if we work together, we can change our society, say what it showed taiwan belongs to us. a majority of time when he's going to answer the question, which one, despite paging ramping up military pressure until i pay in recent years on so many he, the important se attached to ty, ones autonomy, even in the face of such threats, was seated in the sun from movements 10 years ago. so you're up to date here on
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