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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 18, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the news life from ballot. the in you condemns, rushes, presidential election. vladimir putin extends, he's quotes a century of rules, defies no meaningful opposition on the use among those describing the 1st is not a free no effect of how and the climates of intimidation also on the program. israel says it has care over how much command and a rate on one of the causes largest hospitals and ministers as an operation against the medicine group at the l shape of hospitalized ongoing. i must run helpful thoughts to say that have been multiple casualties upon the complex is on file taiwan and box time. yes. and students to codes of the legislature to protest
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against the trade deal with china. you made some of them still thoughts the . i'm feel good. welcome to the program. rushes election commission says bottom approach and has been re elected as president for 87 percent of the vote. the poll held over the weekend following to track down on political opposition, leaving mr. person with no meaningful rifles for the position. he was what base was one of the factors that live in you and us officials to describe the contest is not a free no fair. in his victory speech, the russian president said he would not focus on ukraine. 2 years after a full scale invasion that was expected to last only a few days to marching out to meet supporters. platinum at $210.00 celebrated an entirely predictable election went off to securing. yet another time,
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as russia's president he claimed the victory was due to the trust, and hope russians had placed in him in his renewed cbm. yeah, for sure, but he is disabled. i'm looking at the 1st of all, i want to thank the citizens of russia. we are all one team has done that, i see called us citizens that came to polling stations and voted you put a good list of what you showed us once again. but i want to say, and this is very important and then you most, it's for them when the, the source of authority and a nation, which is the russian people that i knew you would a, it's a, i see scheme that all voters had little choice. all those who could have meaningfully challenged putin are either jailed, exiled or dead. rushes leading or positions take a alexa in a valley, died suddenly last month in optic prison,
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breaking his silence of an invalid. these death boots included an unfortunate incident. the elections have been criticised as being neither a free nor fat by the us gemini and ukraine to mcgill. my. what is the russian book, pater, is simulating another election? well, everyone in the world understands that this figure, yet as often happens in history, or simply become a ticket to power and just doing everything you can to rule forever who is there is no evil, he won't commit to prolong his personal power. so police, but a lot of the election when appears to have been bold in clinton's plans for his war and ukraine. in his victory speech, he vowed to strength and rushes military suits and has now been in power since 1999 . if he completes his next 6 year to he'll be russia's longest subbing leader in more than 200 years. well, professor said okay,
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if i chang co teaches the henry i chose and just center for global affairs of the johns hopkins school, different funds to international studies is written extensively on russia past and present to welcome to the dublin professor. why does bottom associated feel? he needs to go through what we all assume to be a sure rod of election. well, dictators like to do that. it became just like to stress that they have uh, connection to the people that their rules, their power does not necessarily come from god. although of course, claims that connection as well. so the russian orthodox church, but from the public mandate, i mean even style and have elections for this matter in the ussr. so it's not whole, not surprising that, that people like who would want to be the electives in quotation marks again and again. right. i'm just in saying by who he needs to impress. give them that he's. he's grateful. empower, appears to be absolute. well, you know,
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who did the style of the warranty press when he had his elections, when he will see or a number of, of so the general secretaries. so they, they like go the legitimacy that comes from public boat vote of public confidence in them, even though the polls may be red. um, it's just not all that unusual in right camino stanford. in the 1990s they have the same thing with the leaders getting 99 percent of the vote. and then you have to have a ton pay and what did the promise about us? i'm isn't minded to deliver. sure. well, he had a good kind of a campaign i used to have uh, he had the state of the union address uh, recently in which he set out the various new goals. he highlights his results to bring the war and ukraine to victorious and highlights of the great are investments and old walks of life. uh uh, so russia will turn into paradise on these walks you. that is sort of what he
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promised in his way to the state of the union address. but no, he did not really complain in the other, in the sense of going from city to city because he felt he did not need to do that . there was a, some rush opposition groups. they organize a space noon protest against a pro 10. was that the only way to register opposition and did anybody pay any attention? well, you know, the rational position is always trying to come up with various methods of opposing the regime through different meetings, for example. and one of the previous selections, nevada nice organization promotes something called smartphone chain, where people would uh, both 4 candidates selected by nevada named his team in order to prove that would be supported. united russia was not popular and that did not really succeed all that much. now this particular a protest vote to entail people coming out at noon on sunday to register their support for nevada. ne, more for freedom and russia and against me. and it's great,
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it's greatest impact was perhaps to what people see each other. so those people who came out into this into the russian point stations are sort of mainly in europe actually. so that they're not alone. and that's important as it is a kind of a moral support exercise more than anything else that might have practical consequences for rashid self. lot to be a person is what a 71 years old. he's got a new 6 year term. is anyone daring to consider what a post coach in russia might look like? i'm afraid not. i mean, we, we keep talking about what it might look like and who might possibly succeed him. we know it's not going to be done through boeing. box is you will have to be care, it's uh, from the kremlin, see 1st and then of course the power struggle with them too. but how long this will take is anyone's guess couldn't, can run again. and in 6 years time. and you could uh, go on for another 20 years if you asked me. so i think it's too early to really
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envision russia after it will come one day. and we're all hoping for the russia. it's somewhere there in the darkness. the moment i'm not seeing the light of the end of the tunnel quite yet. you mentioned joseph's down in a couple of times there and he makes it to tons and tons you 9 foot. and we'll suppose, mr. stalez who rules that the soviet union for 29. he is. do you think this is an important milestone for him? oh, maybe i don't know what to dreams. all we know, for example, that she is an invasion of ukraine, was perhaps motivated by an idea that the strength will have some kind of you start the legacy is a unifier of what he sees as rational lambs. so being, you know, the longest serving russia and in present history, is that something to drive seem, i don't know, but you know, he's certainly not going to believe was power that you know, for sure. all right,
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i thank you so much. refresh the 2nd i read. shane customer, henry kissinger sent for global affairs. you russian selection, luna loomed lodge in brussels by european union. foreign ministers have been missing. the english foreign policy chief, joseph burrell, gave this assessment to this has not been the fan elections. no sea of service you highly restricted in vitamin position to do for them optical a, what i can say. but more than that, these are the extra as being bays and regression and intimidation and being held on de ukrainian bulk of by category violating ukrainian southern. and let's get more from our brussels correspondent christine manuel. welcome christine. last statement that from joseph burrell, is that, unlike view,
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likely to be backed by all of your latest, are also european union. foreign ministers today put out a joint statement where they said that the election in russia was ashamed that it was an say, it was an democratic you're hearing accepts of that statement from the foreign affairs. she said, joseph boy, ralph, they were particularly scathing on the points about pots with this election being held in it occupied territories. and they said that they would not be recognizing these results. they would never recognize these results. but i found it interesting that the statement didn't make that reference to the entire election, despite the fact that they're saying that this essentially was a and e legitimate election. so they seem to be 0 in particularly on the bits about the election that were held in occupied you training and territories. i'm talking about parts and regions like, uh, in the don't at that lawns get that done yet, regions and semester pool and in crimea. so they, uh,
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united on that front in condemning the election, you had the, you need those come out today as it is on various platforms, essentially sarcastically congratulating the russian president vladimir, pushing on, securing the win that everybody knew was coming. but yes, so i could say that it's, it's around the been condemned here in europe. the election. i mean, while we're working council has ratified the new 5000000000, the euro military, a package for you credit. so if it's completely new money. so this is the european union saying that an additional $5000000000.00 yours is going to be made available for countries who go and donate some industry aids to ukraine. they can come back and get reimbursed via this money. so in a way it is new money. but it's, it's been a long way coming in the sense that, for example, the french were insisting that the reimbursement should come with conditions that
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own the money spent in europe. in the sense that munition and weapons voice in europe should be reimbursed. the french and drops of their uh that's uh keep them on to face. the germans also were trying to see if, if, by latrell donations to ukraine could, could be considered in terms of, you know, who is going to put how much towards this 5000000000. of course, you will know that germany is ukraine's biggest back in the european union. behind the united states, it is number 2, but from a g d p perspective is he weighed out in the size of his cdp. it ranks number 11, but germany was trying to see if for example, it could have to come with less of that 5000000000 years because of what it's already doing for the crate. so in a sense that is new money, but it is going to be channeled via what they have created an instrument called a european piece facility. and the idea is that countries that donate to ukraine can then be reimbursed via this 5000000000 years. let's hope ok, the receipts christine mon, drive and brussels. thank you. i this is,
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i was name the how much come on the it says it kills during the right at causes cities as she for hospital fake our booth was the head of the miller. since he's on his groups, internal security department, as well as intelligent services he was responsible for come. what do i think tara attacks in the gaza strip had been hiding in a building in the hospital? complex is rad. release. these images of the right and the army claims thomas miller, since 5 of them from the hospital having us run cause a health ministry is reporting multiple casualties. people have been seeking shelter, al schafer since the war began, and responds to the homeless turbo tax on october. the 7th is getting moved from jo nissan. we sell come injurious and welcome back stomach. let's start with that's a about ready to talk us through what happened yeah, 1st of all, this is the,
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she saw hospitality that these really military rated already 4 months ago took over those hosp. but the way she can pay the gains to hamas, the fighters, and then we drew from this place. so now it seems that even though is really losing control, so it says, oh because of the safety of the northern part of the street, how much has managed to come back to this a complex. and in the book me see, 2 30 in the morning is really forces entering the the, the house. but the complex i there, there was the exchange of fire and the is really, is up talking about more than a plugged in a fight or kill, or one is really soldier to. and i, i can tell you that also a journalist from a judge 0 who was covering these events was arrested and taken by these really forces together with many others who were in this
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a complex. and then being taken to the question a by these were in the military. right now we have a president biden holding his 1st phone call for months with his right, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu without having to de, against a background of a growing rift between them. of israel's conduct of this war. um, what if we learned about this call? well we know that the 2 key questions is the issue of the a, a going in to the goal is a strength and the expected the operation in the last uh uh, the last, the city a, that the days really a military is intending to take over where we have a $1400000.00 palestinians love slaves from various parts of the gaza strip and are taking a shelter in this area. are the americans. and they say that if is read should go
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in to that area. rough uh it should have a plan and the plan. ready exact, you a, a, the residence there, but how exactly where would they move? uh, where, where a with they have their facilities and the so far they have not seen such a detail plan. and by us in america has made it clear that the without this kind of a plan then is a not a go ahead. ready this income pay, i will, you know, so that is the issue of the humanitarian. a situation in gaza is something that this tracy is a very much on please. and they would like to see much more a coming in. okay, thank you for the access time. anytime this time you socco in jerusalem, i will take a look at some of the stores making headlines around the world's most stuff in
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spain, by hundreds of people have been typing path in a protest against the killing of civilians and gaza. the event and the city of san sebastian culminated in protest was lying on the ground to symbolize the dad around a banner inspired by picasso's crime is anti will painting again because policing nigeria government have kidnapped at least 87 people from a village on the northwest residence the vision. yeah. could your and could do an estate side of the bandits arrived on detected because that part of their motor bikes found a way hundreds of people have been kidnapped recently by counting as demanding ransoms. tyler brown, the officials, enough counties downsize pakistani as strikes have killed 8 civilians in the boarder regence of cost unpacked to the top to bottom, says saint lawrence retaliated, $3.00 attacks on military post is not a bad claims. terrorist of taking shelter and i've gotten this done and kind of got the tax on pakistani territory. the un human rights council, the engine
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a 5 will today finish it's discussions to of a fact finding mission into the rounds of violent repression of protest. emission says it doesn't cover this torture on force disappear. it says that amount of crimes against humanity. investigators that focused on the evidence responds to mass protests of the day. i'm tina mazda, i'm in a in 2022 who they say died from physical violence while in custody. film said women in iran have continued to speak up, including this woman said in the hospital clinic in the mountains. i try to delete the photos. we've taken off of that without, i had covered another woman who spoke hands against the radian allstar too, so it's like the country and it's now hearing by lives taking treatment for an eye injury. she says she stuff at the hands of your ranking and security forces to have missed the bomb, died as miley a matter. hearing about it, she screamed and said, go away or i'll shoot you in me. i the one you
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saw, he targeted my eye with this evil smile on his face, and then he shot me intentionally any i get how much rain he'll take resolving. i have been thinking about the whole thing across with this and wondering why he shot me. what have you as phone most co star, if the curry was part of the, a rainy, an uprising labeled women life freedom. she was blinded and the right guy during one protest. she eventually made her way to berlin. after harry is 24, she had been a student in tehran and a theater performer questionnaire. my son, me, me to the killing of gina mazda. i mean the spark to protest movement against the islamic republic a little after i heard cause to protest by joining them on october 12th to
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oh, good good. should i tried last week? i had horrible anxiety. when i reached the sidewalk, i found out they had blocked it. my heart was racing. me. i was scared of the anti you in search and see forces see how some of the are going to have is just the last, almost a moment. i wanted to pass by these forces and i had my huge job down on my shoulder. once i got closer, one of them pushed me from behind. of the screen. just show me completely intentionally in the i was an evil smile. i heard people and at the same time i was hearing listening and my years protesters were chanting, one security force member had just shot me in the i said in the
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this with the mom. we took a taxi and looked at my face in the mirror. i was bleeding from my face and my eye was swollen. carmella, i didn't want to believe that i'm the person that i received was me and all that going on to own my own chair. make it well. i know that i'm leaving. i'm on co star after how are you had lost the site in her right eye and with a warrant out for her arrest, she fled to you. rocky curtis, dan identity germany. thanks to a humanitarian visa, la jolla as a how me i know how are you? i covered the mirrors in my house with newspapers for months after it happened to me. i didn't want to see my face with the injured i. i spun. uh, but actually during those days that i was suffering spiritually and psychologically vocal, that i was thinking that my, i as a mark of the crime and the cruelty committed by the islamic republic. but it had
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to show you bush, wherever i go, called this i will be living proof of the violent depression and around a more before day to this. it's about that on so i was suffering a lot of pain, but was thankful to god that i was chosen to show the criminality and terrorism in these logic republic. in that total respect. a new chapter has begun in costar. if the car is life a chapter she already believes is a bright one. 0 yeah, watch over taiwan is blocking the trends on a real sure of the start of a sudden flower protest movement by hundreds of students occupied the polymer and says, hundreds of thousands more joint demonstrations and the strange protesters that help stuff are planned to trade. patrick childhood by side to could leave time on foldable to collection of by badging on the o. and i've,
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james dw is james chase that has been speaking with participants about how the movement shaped today's time. on a decade ago, hundreds of students storming taiwan legislature. the occupation of the building lost in more than 3 weeks through some insurance to express and go to plans the trade pads for the china. 1 need is including dismantling fe fun said it was passed without cross politics, greece, and could leave type, have vulnerable to economic pressure from china, which came sovereignty over taiwan. it was name to sometime these notes of the flower became the symbol of the students calls for grades of transparency to targeted was eventually scrub. revisiting the legislature building for the 1st time since the occupation when faced man tells us the movement was the turning point in time. once political history pringle originated at the time. when is the relations with china? i see what you mean if you decide it's by
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a small group of political leads. but it sounds almost like trick out the symbolize that that one is useful. have a desire to decide. our relationship with china, off by ourselves. empower at the time was a can see it's high when he's policy, which then and now fave is close to economics. why is that the china 3 visits every presidential election since they've lost to the now in 2019 enjoying the d. p. p which is tried so reading so i want to coordinate all pages and fluids. but because of that sounds almost as old integration say agenda has been stopped by the tone is people. so that's quite the pivotal for, for insurance itself. our, our, our patients with a room then though the world was launch, the looking elsewhere, mostly a deadly protest happening at the same time in ukraine. the protest has faced a similar set of questions move closer to their authoritarian neva, which on their own democratic future. indeed russians, antic station of hi man,
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triggered by the processing ukraine, was formalized on march. the 18th. 2014, the exact same process as inside pay. stuart the legislature in taiwan. this one findings mince monthly motions of a new political generation legion. i was just 9 years old when she, with her parents joined hundreds of thousands on this type, a streets in support of the students. now what university herself, she says with some found movements continues to shape of view of tie, wants future door and says a and by this, although i lots of people will think on a road. what power do we have? even if there's 100 people, what power do we have? if the government wants to do something they can do us? that's why it was such a moving moment. it showed if we work together, we can change our society. what it showed taiwan belongs to us. a majority of time when he's going to answer question, which one, despite paging,
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ramping up military pressure on site pay in recent years on so many he, the important se attached to taiwan is autonomy. even in the face of such threats was seated in the sun from movement 10 years ago. a certain states that forcing his reminder of our top story is at this hour russians election, commission says vladimir putin has paid to be elected in a landslide, to fit treats, protecting 87 percent of the box on monday mister page and attended at victoria valley in red square, which he used to spend the case of israel's armies wanting carson and civilians to leave out chief a hospital. now the carriers have a break, palestinian how far to say several people have been killed and possibly complex is on file. please raise the rate on the hospital in november prompted to international condemnation. the don't forget you can always get dw news on the go. just download the app from google flyer from the office for any of the breaking news of next on the w series. ok,
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unveiled with a feature on the history of which the
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the superstition reality they are assigned to this day, the dw reporter causing him still follows in the footsteps offer. and sister who is at the state is the college he is, which is really a thing. it depends on dw texas, the rich and do it now. that's what multi millionaires are demanding. this isn't a joke. many of the super rich wants to tackle income,
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any quality. and they know that one of the solution is in their bank accounts, addressing any quality the millionaire is wanting to pay wealth taxes in 45 minutes on d w, the if you speak to some language and culture, some country, how do we become different? how is discrete logic? one of the people in just a 100 days. my power is because of my family. what killed the, i'm on a journey to find out about the roots of the 19 are to put you on the side for games for to see the my name is from way to shimmer. i'm assuming
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reshaping history. our documentary stops april 6th on the w. as they fly through the air on broomsticks they cast spells, conjuring both good and evil. that can be hideous in frightening or sassy, seductive and downright sexy, which is a remain stay in western pop culture. but jokes and entertainment aside being labeled, which can still get you killed. imagine you find out your ancestor with which at least they said she was a witch. apparently she poisoned people.


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