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tv   Made in Germany  Deutsche Welle  March 8, 2024 4:30am-5:01am CET

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say harvard, the other people might see it differently. american story, hobbies in revenge and retribution. past not be. i was born, i made world war 2. when america stood for the freedom of the world. i grew up in scranton, pennsylvania claim on delaware among working class people who built this country. i watched in horror as 2 of my heroes, like many due to doctor king and bobby kennedy to assassinate their legacy, then smart, read it for free, for so clear a career service i left the law firm became a public defender because my city of wilmington was the only city in the mirror and talked to private national guard after doctor king was assassinated as riots and i became the county council on almost by action. i got lex's united states senate and i had no intention of running that age 29. then vice president of our 1st black
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president. now president for the 1st, when was the me having to learn to young? how do i they don't let me understand the elevators vote, so i'm trying not to jump and i've been told i'm too old whether young or old. i've always been known. i've always known what endures. northstar. the very idea of america has ever all crated. ek deserves to be treated equally throughout our lives. we've never fully lived up to that idea, but we've never walked away from ready to walk away from
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the mm hm. oh we are. it's how old are i do? hey, retribution of the oldest of ideas. but you can lead america with age and i do is going to take us back later. not because the land, the possibilities. you need a vision for the future and what can and should be done. so now you've heard mine. i see a future were defending democracy. you don't diminishing, i see a future for restore the right to choose a protect our freedoms, not take them away. here
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we have to pay their for sure that i see is new to fully say the plan from the crime of crisis and our country from gun violence above. oh oh no. i see a country for all americans. now always be president for all americans. because i believe in america, i believe in you the american people years and we've never been more optimistic about our future than i am now. as so, electric bill and the future together, let's remember who we are. we are the united states and the
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to the right. that was us president joe biden finishing his state of the union address. the last of his 4 year term is coming in at just over an hour, very rock us something that he seemed to relish different moments we were cancelling. we were doing. we heard calls and callbacks from the pole, but in fact something we've we've, we've seen more of in recent years, but this seems to sort take it to a new level. um let's go to our w, washington bureau chief. you just pull for
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a little bit of the processing of what we just saw on there. there is, this is as i said, a bit of a hard time here. um, you know, just over an hour by and covering a lot of ground there. everything from um, from, from ukraine, from domestics to international, such as ukraine, gaza from tax policy to prescription drug prizes. we've talked about this being a sort of a, a reintroduction of himself before the, the, the election coming up in november. if we look at it in that frame, what did we see here? it was as a clear statement about his re election campaign and how he really wants to create this narrative. so i think the main take away is really he present isn't as strong as chris reactions to those who shouted and 10 major taylor rena. strong from supported, were sitting there wearing a ma,
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got head trying to provoke him. he tried to kind of answer the funny way he was there. he was vivid and he has a very strong ideas or strong ideas. he tries to solve here tonight, stephen that i found it, especially for an international broadcast to really impressive as a to stall. the dog was just talking about ukraine said that the freedom of democracy is under a take home and overseas. he said, put in a will not stop. he kind of referred to donald trump a couple of time in his spiritual. it's also also early on actually was out really mention his name, but quoting him when he talked about a 14, uh uh saying that um that uh download from uh the former president told her to refer to him as told at 14 he should do whatever the hell,
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he wants to go as nato members who don't pay that fast share. so he took a very strong stand on nato in the beginning. then of course, he talked about women's rights also a topic which is very important within the democratic party to come up. but also kind of in these groups which are at the bring if they should vote for him or not be so obviously female voters but also a young border. so he definitely addressed them. he talked about student loans, which he already helpless fudge wants to help even more. he talked about the increasing tax for the rich and decreasing tax for the poor. so making the whole tax system a more just ends see any dicing, you know, a very smart way, talking a little bit about his age for i'd say it's not really important how old you are, but how old your ideas are referring to drums slogan. let's make america great
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again. so bringing it back to where'd boss and 5 and says i'm believing in a strong future of this country. we're watching by them right now in the house of representatives. he's meeting plenty of well wishers. glad having a good fits, as he makes his way out. that moment in which he talked about his age at the end, you just reference that in as it seemed to be one of the only bi partisan moments of levity. we saw him referred to as senator lindsey graham, a republican, and a, a long time member of congress, just like fighting. we saw the gram, give a hearty laugh there, and yet this, this, this entire speech had very serious moments as well. it had moments attention and it really began with a very kind of serious opening, this reference to january 1941. hitler is on the march. this is how bought and began. and then he said that he wanted to alert the american people. this is this idea of the dangers that's his presumptive opponent, donald trump,
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in this upcoming election that the trump poses. is that going to, is that going to, to basically lands with the american people, or is it going to be something more like immigration is going to be these bread and butter issues like the taxes, like prescription prices. what is really the message that's going to resonate domestically now? that's kind of the $1000000.00 question. here's steven. he definitely has his core office come paying. i mean, i think we see that clearly off to the, to night at the t or a off donald trump for this reaction, the end type, democratic politician, he sees a trump to be this will be in the core of his campaign, the warning americans, if you want this man again, he will destroy our democracy as we know it. and to use this term
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tonight wake up congress. it's also a term which probably will stick a this is this campaign and which is kind of funny. also reference icing to him being call. so often a sleepy joe, so wake up people because this here is a brings or at the bring. therefore he started with these a strong words. it's nothing less than our democratic system which you will be voting about uh on in november of this year. so yes indeed, i think you are right, that is strong and to try to paint the picture what another presidency of donald trump would mean to the american democracy. does this resonate this of people? how many people has been watching his speech? how many people will really get a kind of what he try to bring across because there are only listening and reading and watching their own little media bubbles. that is the big,
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big question. but i think he had a strong start and to definitely exceeded some expectations. yes. and that's i think all we can say for now. well, i want to say a little bit more when i asked about ukraine, for example. that's something that definitely here in europe, many people are watching many statesmen, so many normal citizens are wanting to hear more about what the us is going to do about ukraine. what it has to say. european countries trying to come up more funding more ammunition. while in the us funding bills are installed right now for the pray more effort. this becomes something of a political issue, a binding again, urging both sides to push that through. and we saw actually speaker of the house mike johnson nodding in, in, in response to a lot of what biden was saying with a few times that he very visually agreed with. why is this going to help move this bill forward, or is it still going to be a political football? well, that's a good question now. you know,
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it's even the speaker of the all the house has only so much power because such a small margin which kind of by the end of the day, besides, really, if a bill comes full or not. and the republican party is also kind of hold hostages in the house of a small margin of the reading call. cuz this is cut, just cut a handful of a writing if i might say sort of of my god from supporters whose owns the goal is to prevent joe biden from kind of having any success they don't care about the outcome itself. i just want not to widen to kind of come up with a bill which would not only allow ukraine to quite get more funding more weapons, but also which would come up with a border. daisy talked about that, that joe biden and cheese in agreement with many republicans here. is willing to
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spend more money in fort money for border control. but again, these a handful republic couldn't small guy. republicans prevent that from happening from happening. so yes, he addressed that it was strong, the really strong, totally about the strongly about the importance of the freedom of ukraine. he told strongly that portion would not stop in ukraine and would positive fred not only 2 european countries, but by the end of the day, also to the us itself with the tub to convince those republicans who stand against it. i doubt it, but we shall see another big and burning international question that he approached as well or the issue of israel's conflicts in gaza against home us. this announcement of a humanitarian forth of the us military will, a wreck on the coast of causally says no military boots would be on the ground. but
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the idea is to facilitate a incident territory much faster. will this a se assuage his? is the party members who've been very vocal about their desire for a cease fire in, in gaza. this is meant to obviously facilitate aid. but does it go far enough for what's many party members of calling for? is it well and it is a 1st step and i think it was interesting that to speak of the house of mike johnson, that was the only time at least what i recall when he stood up and applauded. that's what the law makers to write during the speech applauded a job by them. and he said he is fighting to free every single hostage and you know, saving, you didn't leave it there. uh, uh, this is temporary. uh, peer they're going to build, which was kind of a known stephen earlier today of what we heard earlier before his speech. he said explicitly that is really must a low help into gaza that israel must
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a react. and he talked also very explicitly about a 2 state solution that, that only a 2 state solution could bring a somewhat of peace into the whole region. he's tireless. working behind the scenes scenes with many members of his government to convince israel to for a couple of weeks long, a ceasefire as for now, he's obviously not successful for this, but he needs, he needs a to find a way to make this. these fire happen if he wants to win the next connections because they're far too many democratic voters who will not vote for him if the situation is not getting for better for those people living in gaza. and it is
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remarkable that the president, the president of the united states, was 20 or 25 minutes late today because he couldn't make it in time to the capital building because there were hundreds of protests was on the streets, protesting against his israel politics. so this is a major topic and this port we have been talking about the whole evening. a is one step slight, only a small step and definitely not enough to convince his fellow democrats too old for him in november. and if you're just joining us, we're seeing lot of pictures of us present, joe biden, following his state of the union address before both houses of congress. it's the last of his 4 year term. and it was something of, of a preview for his re election campaign. of course, the election coming up in november against more than likely donald trump wanna wrap up the us with you by asking, you know, we've been talking so much about age. we've been talking about this potential re
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match. that's the voters, frankly say a lot of them do not want to see or they're not excited and particularly by either candidates. but especially with jo biden's age. he responds to this by saying that this has been his life and he said, i don't, i won't walk away from much. now making this both personal but also a broader issue about democracy and about the, the direction of the country under a potential a trump, a term was he successful? do you think that he was successful in turning around this conversation somewhat, or at least providing a counselor argument? and i do think so. i think he really exceeded the expectations. he showed that he is chris, also in his reactions to people shouting a to him, but i think uh the map you draw out there tonight. it's very consistent and he has a clear understanding of the role of the united states in the world. he has
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a clear understanding that democracy is at stake here also this in the united states. but you also own understands what his fellow democrats wants to hear to vote for him. and he, he highlighted to successes, which it definitely has to show for 2 in his last 3 years. and i think he, he kind of pushed, writes the right buttons, talking about raising taxes for the rich, decreasing taxes for the poor, giving more money. for example, for public teacher, so talking about education, that's a huge, huge topic here in this country because education is so expensive. so um, i think it was a good start for him. um, but it will be a very rocky rocky way in the next $430.00 days or so. no 4 and the 30 days. that's kind of the tool i'm tired now you're telling me how many days is it until then the
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election? let's just say it's a number of months at any rate, and that is dw, as washington bureau chief in his pulse. she made it through more than an hour of the last state of the union speech of 2 buttons for your term and office. we thank her for her time in her insights, of course, you know, thank you a n we turn now to other news. the world celebrates international women's day on friday. the data is meant to highlight the issue of women's rights across the globe. women in gaza say they've been deprived of even the most basic ones. do you in estimates about 1000000 of gauze has displaced people are women and girls. most are now living in 10 camps in the south of the territory, trying to survive with what little they have. cleaning, attend, that can hardly replace it last whole cooking with a thoroughly to water and caring for sick children with no medicine to treat them.
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the life of displaced women in this makes shift come in. rafa has turned into what seems to be a never ending fight. plus the bible on the books, how most of the women have disappeared. there is nothing left to cool women. we are suffering in every man. we have been destroyed. we suffer from everything from poverty, from sadness. there is no food, nothing to drink, no water. close to 1000000 women and girls. some garza has been displaced according to the un since israel's war against how much the gun off to the october 7th, cairo tex, than for students. i don't have a house full of my children at you yesterday. i wasn't feeling well either. i couldn't find medicine. i had to beg for it because of the flies i had to get up to clean and disinfect the place from off colorado or far from modest and garza
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facing a daily challenge to keep themselves and their children live with the very little they have. and to cope with desperation, as there is no end to this war inside. it was just a minute. what have we done to have to live like this? now i have lost a year of my life. what have i gain from this war? is what have we gained? we have been destroyed, some of our schools are gone and our families are gone hunting. i wonder if we gain from all this war. i have put her questions, but so many women and because of us every day and that continues to go unanswered in israel. the memories of the october 7th, how most terror attacks are still wrong. despite the continuing hostility, some is released or returning to the communities that were hardest hit in those attacks. the village of nothing for sar is just 100 meters from the gospel border.
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it was the 1st community to be stormed on that day. dw, tanya kramer has been meeting some of the people who are returning to loves loan is back, feel good. she plans to rebuild her life and achieve hospital and is ready community on the border with guys a back on say that when i come here with nice, i don't look twice before i oh, i don't look twice before and you know, going to a greenhouse but it's something that is fading away as long as as time goes by, but it will never go away completely. there's a october 7th. we will always stay positive. what happened? the timeline is toharma. she crows, vegetables with seats. her green houses were damaged by real good fire from garza and travel from isabel's defense system. she's confident she can rebuild the green
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houses, other things. so the more difficult and they manage to kill a 20 members of our community and young people all if, if the families come fix some of this with advantage and india many, many ah, this, and we were in a situation this with our homes were invited by terrorist for 12 hours and, and, and they just do whatever they want and where they wanted was to full flags on the land. the chief hassan was the 1st community to be attacked by him, us militants, who breached the border from dallas on october 7th. somebody was killed in this house. jewish fedloan hid for hours with the family in the safe room of her home. today she tells me she feels safe enough to come here because i was on the other side of the fence. in the distance, the palestinian town of
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b to noon lies in ruins. sometimes you can hear the bull being foot over there so we can help them get rid of hum us. but we, we are here waiting for them to do that. if the every day for them does a one to have better life, they need to make sure this from us. we cannot control them and remote control of the region anymore, and then the future will account for them. and for us, as with rockets, fire from garza has become rare, but most presidents us do not allow to return to the homes. fedloan is one of the few who stays overnight when your family are full time family. so for me to overcome what happened was to continue with as much as a family the life we had that me full full of hope because of all people can together are these rallies of each other out there is together united in times like
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this. and this is my hope, the remembering october seven's will always be important. she says. but she's now trying to focus on the future. here's look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. gunman have abducted at least 200 and jerry and pupils from school in north, in the north western town of kroger. and could do an estate. authorities are still trying to confirm the exact number taken in the incident. abductions of students for ransom are common in the region. 2014 extreme is kidnapped. more than 200 girls from chee buck. village. 3 military ruled west african countries have announced plans to set up a joint for us to fight as low as terrace groups. when you share molly and for teen of fossil, i've seen numerous attacks by the groups. in recent years, their militaries promised to end insurgencies and the saw whole region for violence has worse. and under their machines, the eighty's government is extending
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a state of emergency and the nighttime curfew. and it's effort to curb coordinated attacks by criminal gigs. groups have been targeting key infrastructure as we struggle to contain the rest are demanding the resignation of prime minister audio on we united airlines flight headed for japan, lost its fire mid air following take off from san francisco. the tire fell in an airport parking lot, and the boeing 777 later made a safe landing in los angeles. the airline said the plane was designed to land safely with missing or damaged tires. sweden has formerly joined nato as the 32nd member of the transatlantic military alliance. in seeing decades of post for neutrality is a ceremony in washington suite. as prime minister ols christus and calls it a victory for freedom. now stuck home joining the alliance and it concerns about russian and russian calling the full scale invasion of ukraine. 2 years ago,
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both president sweden succession to nato comes as germany's defense minister travels through scandinavia, forest. the stories is looking for a potential blueprint for re introducing conscription in germany. but the task will require significant political backend german defense minister bars. the story is on the full day to real scandinavia. an important part of his trip is to look at the models. these countries are using for conscription because of rush as well, progression against ukraine. there are new, do you political realities and threats? and there's a growing realization that the german bonus van not only leg resources, but people to get food from the door to lot are investigating a step that you have already taken. we suspended conscription in 2011. now we're looking into reactivating it and we're looking at the swedish model that's really simple that i'm each he is sweet in context, all 18 year olds, and then selects around $30000.00 men and women for the recruitment process. and
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all of these around $8000.00 of them actually pulled up for the one year training course. moving on to no way to stories. so military conscripts in action up close, they help protect the almost 200 kilometer long border with russia. the recruits, a very aware that they need to be able to defend themselves and that country should they have to it's, it's those 1st. yeah, we have to be up to our best. it's all time you feel like you actually do a job. we're not just training and we actually do something real in germany. there are some hurdles when it comes to recruitment. the biggest one would be changing the constitution to allow men and women to become scripted. and that can only be done with a 2 thirds majority empowerment. none. the less the government defense witnesses, adamant is country can learn from scandinavia, conscripts um, no,
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with no office of the over them just by doing the jump and loving it and doing it very, very efficiently and was locked up. there's a lot of passion. i was really impressed talk by talking to them. i'm also impressed by the high proportion of so it was women in the know huge anomaly which is about 40 percent. it's a long way to go for the german, i made an exchange of best practices. a strong element of nato's military alliance with sweden and finland. having joined recently, scandinavian approaches will feature even more prominent in discussions on conscription going forward. as russian makes advances in ukraine, keys is continuing to urge its allies to boost arms supplies. ukraine finally withdrew its truth from the key town of audi epsco last month following along. stalemate must coast as it has since taken control of several surrounding villages is keep attempts to bolster troop numbers. it's come up with
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a new approach to mobilizing volunteers. dw sonya found a car reports an appeal back to not just to keep it, but to prepare for the very real one. sleep of ankles is an english teacher in keith. he's decided to join the ukrainian army once and once i wake up, do do to explosions, all flashing messiah was born being key. and in this case, learning programming, or becoming a developer or grades in your family, it feels like you're a law. i'm lying to myself, philip wants to become a soldier and who defend this country. instead of waiting for the drops notice that would assign him to a random military unit. felipe is chopping his own thoughts.


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