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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 4, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CET

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the, the, this is the company news life from the us supreme court has donald trump a major victory with wide ranging implications. the justices unanimously rejected, paid by colorado to block the form of presidents from its pallets, crushing similar attempts and other states also on the program. germany denies the trembling summit that some faster that rushed us as they own volume was called in over the recording of german generals, discussing new price by the incense that meeting was just routine. w new springs, freaking pregnant children. rescue from the russian objectives have gone to america
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to remind the world of the thousands of others who are still being held. $3000.00 of the chinese communist profit. they've got it for the national people's congress . rubbish down president cheese plans, as the economy slows. regional pensions run high overtime on the on folk ahead welcome to the program. us supreme court has ruled that states cannot keep donald trump of the 2020 full pallets. the unanimous ruling strikes down colorado's bit to bomb. mr. trump from its presidential primaries, the states top core to remove the former president from that balance in december. so i think the constitutional donald insurrection is running for office. similar attempts have been made in other states, pointing to mr. trump rolled into january 6 attack on the us capital. a supreme
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court decision applies nationwide. 15 states including colorado, whole, the primaries this week on super tuesday of the correspondent, general doom allow and washington has told us, know, the supreme court has unanimously ruled that donald trump can stay on the ballad in a very big win for the former president and one with far ranging implications, it basically ends all challenges to his candidacy. that revolves around section 3 of the 14th amendment banning insurrection is from holding. * office, so as such it will not only apply to colorado, but nationwide. we know that there were similar challenges in illinois and in maine, so this ruling would put that to rest as well. now one of the key sticking points, and one that we heard a lot during the oral argument, is that it would be difficult to justify having individual states decide for the
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rest of the country. who can appear on the ballot and who can't. if different conclusions are arrived at in different places, well, that could definitely lead to some amount of chaos. now embedded also within this ruling is this opinion from the supreme court that it would be quote, critical for congress to decide when section 3 could be involved under which standards and how expensive be enforced. so using this argument appears to have been a long shot, but it was an important question to clarify ahead of super tuesday. colorado is one of the states, of course, going into a primary tomorrow. now donald trump and true donald trump fashion has already responded to this ruling, saying that it is a big win for america. steve w, corresponded to help them alone in washington. mediators are under pressure to secure a see fire in gaza before the start of the most name, holy month of ramadan,
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next week. good talk agent on the us have been holding closing cairo's so you can get truce in the 5 months. the conflict between israel and the mass which many countries regard as a terrorist organization are us officials. israel has broadly approved a deal. us vice president come la harris is calling for an immediate cease fire and the temperature for at least the next 6 weeks. the comments of the strongest by the, by ministration, since the will be gone, the vice president is hosting is ready to go cabinet member at benny guns and she says the faith 5 would benefit both sides. and given the amends scale of suffering in gaza, there must be an immediate cease fire select which is what is currently on the table. this will get the husky just out and get
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a significant amount of 80 in on with a chip. should media reporting significant progress in cx 5 folks. so unless that kareem outgo harry in cairo broth is up to date the way it said, 1st of all, very, very sketchy news. we don't have any refresher statement says we know that the how must indication egyptian intelligence that the customer immediate us and us intelligence of sitting together in cairo. now we have to egyptian state media reporting that there is significant progress. was all the need for the substance or defense uh what this process parenthesis might entail. but one of the problems yesterday, one of the sticking points, why the is there any indication, did not show up in cairo, was that the x rays demanded. and this is from a home us about to who is going to be released, the names who is still alive,
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who is injured, who is that they wanted to have more details about the hostages. and how most refuse to give this the test. they say this will be given when there will be finally a ceasefire. and the other thing which is also may be important, but also not confirmed is so that's it from these really media. there are reports that the, these right is a no, not any longer demanding this list and the, that the, the modeling just the number of people, the number of hostages, who us, the life. but a very important all this reports are not really officially confront. i've shown his cream out go, harry, in a kind of what take a look at some of the stories making headlines around the world. looking for the governments of calling for an international investigation into the death of professional positions. either like saying the valley countries including the us and a member states express outrage, the un human rights council that accused president pruitt's end up being
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responsible for missing the value of these death. a ukraine says a railway bridge blown up in russia. small revision was being used to transport ministry supplies. it kind of intelligence has confirmed the crossing was destroyed and it has not said that it carried out their time. russia has blamed you crying for reason strikes on its infrastructure. germany has denied russian media reports that balance. i'm boss of that has been summoned to the kremlin, the crime. the claim follows the leak of a conversation between jim and generals about weapons for ukraine. building says the boss that arrived for a plan meeting rather than being summoned. invest also refused to answer questions from russian. generous. in the links recording, published by russian state broadcaster to senior german officers discuss the potential use of german, made the taurus cruise me files to attack the cache bridge and occupied crime in germany's defense minister, published victorious as accuse russia of conducting an informational tickets. i'm
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boy, this is clearly about undermining our unity because it's about splitting our domestic politics a part of the time. and i very much hope that putin doesn't manage that to link does that we remain united despite any disagreements over the tourist issue and all the questions that need to be onset intended for. in the end, it's crucial that we remain united, do not allow ourselves to be divided by putting that's exactly what he wants and we need to stand united against that to you. now. let's look at the mass as there, isaac. and with that, german born us based a political science as to thomas read from the johns hopkins university, a welcome to dw. so i think just confirm that this lee is real. so what looks like it's gone wrong as well. what has done wrong is that's a phone call, or when next conversation got into the hands of what it looks like to be a russian intelligence. and then these,
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a russian intelligence office has appear to have simply published the conversation and an operation that we have known for many decades as an active measure. and what did we learn from this league about what, what germany was planning to do with that, of the taurus of things to do about the taurus. but one thing that we learned is a german uh from this there um uh, officers and senior uh, as far as office has apparently had a fairly sensitive conversation on uh, on the line on a platform that is not very secure. and so one question that i think should be asked is whether some of these more confidential conversations should happen on a web ex line that cannot handle a property classified secret conversation. i understand this was not classified as a secret and whether it should allow, you know, participants to dial in from singapore as happened in this call. but really, what we learned is that russia has dialed up it's, uh,
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it's covered intelligence operations against the drum and target some that is a significant step. and that's collection. really what, what, what, what makes you say that? but russia has dialed up its covert actions because presumably they've been listening in on these calls for some time. as far as one question that arises, why made wides? why make it public? why make this information public at now and reveal that hand? yeah. so let's, let's distinguish 2 things. one is intelligence agency is doing their job and simply spying on the armed forces and political conversations of their officers. that is happening and it's happening in both directions. and in fact, the russians here are, we have to assume and to exactly know, deeply penetrated by a number of western intelligence agencies. the 2nd thing that happened is that this russian intelligence service, we don't know which one for sure, decided to then publish the intercept, publish their intelligence of their role intelligence in order to drive
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a wedge. as the german defense minister started to set to drive a wedge into the drum and political conversation and i suspect they simply couldn't resist the temptation they looked uh, they listened to the intercepts they saw this is potentially politically explosive material. let's put it out there through r t and indeed, the more we talk about it. and the more lynn, the political conversation in berlin revolves around this leak. the more successful the operation hands. and just before we've, we've heard the drum and defense minister accusing russia of wasting this, this information bull. wouldn't he be back to off looking at why senior jim and office is a holding such a delicate and embarrassing tools and an insecure line. it's well, indeed, it's always a difficult call. if you publish something like this as an intelligence agency you'll make cut off your sources because they will now mix their phone calls more secure. but let's, let's really spelled this out for what it is. russia has,
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of course, engaged in, sadly, trivial, social media type, this information campaigns. but now they're deploying a tool out of the old, a book of trade craft in terms of covert operations and really leak a authentic conversation was a far bigger impact on the public conversations, which is why i'm here getting this into the right now. so what does that mean? we have to be super careful next time. at least like this comes around not to assume automatically is that it's authentic. this time it was a sentence, no reason. it is the next time, especially in an age of a long and artificial synthetic voice and image generation, but also not to cover it more than we really should start to your own analysis. and we thank you for it to thomas read from a johns hopkins university. thank you. as a group, i think crating children that how does that travel to the us to raise awareness of
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mass abductions by russia. authorities estimate that at least 19000 children have been forcibly relocated from ukraine to russia since the invasion 2 years ago. i dw, is that in his poll reports for washington dc, so i saw you on kiera victims. so 1st i swore in ukraine. the 3 children were adopted by russian soldiers during the royal siege of maria pull 2 years ago, after most of the parents were killed. indeed tech they travel to washington to share their stories and seek support from lawmakers to continue funding. ukraine. why we're working very hard with wondrous and the white house and everyone on the additional supplementary by just this issue, kids and especially having their voice as a having brave 11 year old, 13 year old saying i wanted to go back home. i am ukrainian,
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i didn't want to be turned into russian and they, they were holding maggie, my, my will, this is such a powerful message. the organizers hall trying to avoid re traumatizing the children by having them repeat their stories multiple times. they have provided pre taped interviews for an event at the ukraine house, or say on the what to say i'm one minute but a but so, so the to pretty almost, and you were she, we're going to win in the, in the building. and when you pull for such as normally, this is the bush with a low most of my monthly the i'm on the bridge are waiting appraisal. the blues are bubbles, are free, hello, you have for 0 to one in his ability. a few moments later, we talked with a 13 year old sosh off, and the 14 year old kira the old site to young the g shirt and i've done it,
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but i hope for victory and for my mazda to return your money. i dream of becoming a firefighter, somebody i dream of helping people and the most difficult situation in for me a tire shop. i mean, i remember lying in the hospital with injuries. uh they told me i might be taken to nor financial but i'd of them to a grandfather managed to rescue her. but i was very relieved because i was afraid it wouldn't be possible for them to bring me back to me. as of right, the grandfather travelled with her to washington. you too at the should have listed a need to do to the children of the future over any country, the children of the future of our ukraine, and my opinion by taking away children from our country. there is simply trying to do private, our country over the future with issue. so i'm seeking help to assist and bring
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back our children. no longer there was a shit and i shall be 2. at least 20000 ukrainian children are still being held hostage. these 3 are among the 300, was being rescued. they are using their voices to help free those who weren't as fortunate. williams, national criminal courses issued and the ras one it for a lot in the for russian president vladimir putin, of the abduction of these ukrainian children. and catalina was all a is a ukrainian lawyer and seen the electra at the keys a more like human academy. she joins us from london. welcome to dw. so we know that the abduction of children in this way has been classified as woke. crime is evidenced by this one and from institutions to arrest. but what's has been the motivations for countries who have been found guilty of such crimes in the past. why could not children, as well as the ground father of one of the
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objective girls has just sat in the video that you show children all the future. and if a certain country, uh, the way it looks with the k in case of rush in the car, integration against ukraine, is really pursuing this subjugation of a nation if it's really pursuing a single, a narrative. and with this piece of the nation, it would really target its use. so it's not just the abduction of children, the children who have been returned. they reports about the indoctrination. essentially. the fact that they are told that ukraine does not like them, but to crane will treat them as enemies. the same reports by the way, come also from children who have to study in temporarily occupied territories by russia. so that indoctrination continues there as well. so i think we can see just
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a comprehensive policy of trying to influence ukrainian hughes, including so deep rotation and even children to foster families and their indoctrination. and i wonder if better of the what the ethical considerations of that for around re pod tracing these children. if you're, if, if you were taken from your ukrainian who would have very young age and you end up being with these foster family for years and then end up regarding them as your real family is. he told him, i say that if you will rescue that, you would be more than likely be taken back to ukraine because that's going to be quite traumatic. i would have felt as well as the how does why the return of the children is so gross. so it's so important for it to happen as soon as possible, because as you were saying, they're still forming as human beings. and the fact of being docked for nation and
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of staying in russia will differ depending on how long kids stay there. i'm. i will just stress that by the 14 children ross, a does violate its obligations, not only in the fields that regulates will 5, but also in the general fields of international human rights. because on to the convention on the rights of a child, children, i intend to maintain their identity and to maintain the relationship with their family. and this is their identity, their names, the nationality, the right to communicate with their relatives, the thraso denies them. and so what is known of the whereabouts of unconditional base children now it's on, oh, well, the information is quite patchy. so it is essentially the network of wanting tiers who are trying to identify where the children are. because children end up in russia through a variety of fruits, for instance,
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the young commission of inquiry names on the basis of the interviews with the return of children and victims of witnesses. names such roots of gene partition from temper on the occupied territories, especially from the nearest, under the hans regions which are in an eastern ukraine. uh van of for seen the parents to send their children allegedly, to summer camps and them, they will be further moved to russia as well as a separation of fund that is during the so called filtration procedures. so all these different means of taking children. they also impact the way the information about the number and their warehouse can be established. okay, thank you so much for joining us in outlining that for us kathrina because all of them keep more of that kind of nice. let's take a look at some of the stories making headlines around the world that sebastian
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rates has been sworn in as prime minister factors found ceremony. and it's what i'm about as far as last month's general election, which was sent not by obligations of the votes. rigs, environments the most popular positive was disqualified, and should be fixed. returning to power with political tensions. still unresolved european union has find apple $1800000000.00. it says apple was unfairly preventing spotty fi and other music streams from informing uses the payment options outside. it's apples to apples and says paypal a p as a china where nearly $3000.00 delegates the gathering for the annual get together of the country's political elite. but national people's congress come in this policy showed peace, lays out policy for the year. ahead with the economy struggling and visual tensions . i think high over taiwan, surprise move beijing has a scrap very traditional news conference with a premier at the to chance one of the few opportunities for quit doing this to
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question a chinese lead to our report to a cliff at kuhn hospital. i'm vc, is congress it's chinese political theater at its finest ties. as a communist party, delegates gathered beneath red flags invasions, great hold of the people for china is the annual legislature, the national people's congress is basically a rubber style parliament. but the event does offer signals of had the ruling communist, at least balance the need to kickstart the flagging economy would leader she. jim. ping's focus on security and expanding the parties role facing stance on self. and the taiwan always attracts attention, while no one expects meaningful policy changes at the end p. c. recent weeks of scene china reiteration supposition to any us support for taiwan, which beijing claims as its own. the design, china has always firmly opposed the united states. engaging in any form of official
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exchanges with a taiwan authorities and family opposes interference entitled arms affairs in any way. speculation squirrels around the face of chin gung, the former foreign minister and she proffered jay has not been seen since last june . after rumors of an affair. ex defense minister lead sean crew also banish last year from she is serving on presidente 3rd term is leader. as rule has been characterized by a focus on national security, even at the expense of economic growth or business confidence. the world's 2nd largest economy is losing impetus as the government tightens its grip on companies and debt level search. after bursting of a real estate bubble, she has prioritized security on foreign policies. that filled ties with russia and the global side will take no more aggressive tone against the west, especially the united states. now the china is trying to ease relations with the
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west because it needs foreign investment. the m p. c will also reveal beijing's plans spending on national defense, which is likely to keep increasing. but this is primarily a buyer's, a display of power. the real decisions have already been made behind the scenes as a report from our agent analysts stand reports actually, if it could, and who joins may not welcome eclipse. so we just to highly choreographed that event taking place against a background about ground of slowly economic growth and increasing debt. so either is there anything particular you're going to be looking at for? well, i think we'd be looking for clues. this is always a very, as we mentioned choreographed event, the decisions have already been made. we want to know what those decisions are, because traditionally you have all the pump and squared circumstance at the, in the great hold of the people. but actually finding out what is happening within this opaque blackbox of power, that is at the heart of a power in china,
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how decisions are made. that's where we're always looking for the n p c. despite all the, despite all the pageantry we want to actually find out what's happening in china. okay. that one of the things that is not happening is they the press conference that's usually given by the premier at lee chang holding the news conference after basic events. this is a big deal. it is, i mean this is the only contact between the world media and the routing party in the world. the 2nd biggest economy that, that there is a now there's no, there's basically no official point of contact. it was the very stage managed events. the questions are chosen in advance. i remember one year being told that maybe i could ask a question and then 2 days later being told what that question was going to be. so it's not, these aren't real questions, but i'm one year reuters the news agency broke this packed and they asked a real question and it cost incredible trouble. reuters was frozen out for ages. so there's all kinds of it's, it, it was even though it was very little contact,
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it was still something. now there's nothing. so people are wondering what's going on with this. maybe it's, it's changing, paying, showing just how powerful he is by taking the premier because was always given by the premier, taking the chunk out of the equation. and now here we are 12 years into well into his 3rd term, a power and we still have, we have no idea of what direction he's taking this mass of country. okay. and a brief word on that direction because as the academic indicators of was, do we expect a change of policy? you said that's one of the things that, that you're going to be looking out for. yeah, i mean people are looking to see if the government tries to spend its way out of trouble, but it's on it's has difficulty there. i think what we're going to see is that it's going to try and get closer relations to the us so that it can basically sell its good state to the west and on to, to europe on the us. and i think it's going to try and make nice at the same time was showing itself to be a very powerful country. so it's a balancing act that it's got to do. okay, thank you for that. cliff i t w i
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h animalistic, perfect. cool. thank, as i said, show up today. i'll have more world news at the top of the our us and valve is coming up next on dw, looking at have campaign as having given up the fight for freedom in the
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freedom with the desk of gina mazda. i mean, in september 2022 iranian women, their fight for liberation, also being done on the big screen. now, there are 3 new films by 3 courageous female directors. they are tribute to iranian women and their revolution. on van d, w. non consensual porn women
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are falling victim to artificial intelligence, which is being abused by anonymous perpetrators to create deceptively leo pornography known as the thing. and it's become a nightmare for thomas when in those in 45 minutes on d w. the floating away when it's 40 degrees celsius and the shade can be deadly. during times of climate change. i asked wherever, what was the most difficult part of their job. uniformly, they spoke about she being the most difficult part of their jobs. men described it as a feeling of drowning since the sky was melting and you couldn't read. how do rising
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temperatures change from different parts of the world? in fennel, march 15th on dw, the this is the 1st global feminist revolution. the barbarian christian telling me the woman that you are not allowed to show your head the this is about the life the last sundays the
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in september 2022.


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