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tv   Reporter - On Location  Deutsche Welle  March 3, 2024 4:15am-4:30am CET

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so that's all for now, i'm coming up next reports or looks at the slow pace of reconstruction. the following last year is devastating. earthquakes and turkey. as always you can get more news on our website. that's d w dot com. i'm kind of remote in berlin. thanks so much for watching. take care the enjoying the views and come to take a look at these tv highlights every week inbox. subscribe. now. loading away when it's 40 degrees celsius and the shade can be deadly during times of climate change. i asked whoever's what was the most difficult part of their job? uniformly, they spoke about she's being the most difficult part of their jobs. men described it as a feeling of drowning feats. sky was melting and you couldn't breathe. how do rising temperatures change from different parts of the world?
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in february, march 15th on dw, the a ruined cities and disappointed hopes a year off to devastating of quakes, and se kentucky, hundreds of thousands of people in the region, the still holding out in temporary shelters. president ad one had promised rapid reconstruction, but this is still a long time coming kind of visible the deal is come on in the way of hoping to resurrect this place on how to do that. but sometimes i think we just fooling ourselves a good many years. quakes is all, it is a home to to my true mind fees, especially children. they loan for a little comfort and gentlemen lity as they struggle to rebuild their lives.
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the, the seldom tucker city of untucked you once home to hundreds of thousands of people, now looks like a patchwork of ruins and empty lots. a year afterwards was bad to it, but powerful as quakes. excavators are still working to remove the debris. many neighborhoods are now virtually deserted, uninhabitable on the outskirts of they are destroyed. hometown and in the scarred, tries to create a sense of normality for his daughter, coughing. like so many here are affected by the quakes. they live in a container shell to know a dreary metal of books funded by the government,
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which covens mom 7 and her baby brother ali. let susan ballet from the castle in such crammed quarters, 6 year old coffee and has hardly any room to pay the. and the assembly struggling with many other problems so far last go tells us the you you can't wash your so can you want. there are many water outages. sometimes i wake my child up at 2 in the morning to wash here, because that's when we have water. the cities infrastructure is broken, not the authorities can get things under control. every thing has become so complicated, the slee mazda stadium and 7 of both teachers. they used to have a house. they tell us regular incomes on the plans for the future. the family felt
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safe and secure. with all that suddenly changed in the early hours of february, 6, 2023, cut off the high till color. look, it was very dark everywhere and i looked around in the wall was cracking. things are rolling in every direction. i that take that i thought i was having a nightmare as though it wasn't a nightmare. but a 7.8 magnitude quake followed by another mass of tremor. o neill was laid to closing unprecedented devastation in southeast in toki some 300000 buildings collapsed or were heavily damaged across 11 provinces experts, blaine, shoddy construction and deluxe enforcement. the safety codes for the scales, the disaster within seconds, homes turned into death. trips high up and make the public cut out. cool to move.
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that was the scariest time of my entire life to get to those seconds. felt like we agreed to. i remember trying to protect my daughter going to so nothing would happen to her. so in this but i just kept telling her mom and she is okay on this, it's going to be ok, but my daddy will save us. he comes with a sick buck bone crying, but his mom, the animals, the lama, mom, the families survived. but more than 53000 people didn't these grades and i'm talk, you are a monument to the pain and loss of the world. mom does she own moines, his brother and his mother. he himself was trapped under the rubber for mold in a day. he tells us ok, so subject to them to settles when i managed to get out after more than 30 hours. it looked like the apocalypse. that happened. i said no one knew what to do. everybody had lost someone in the state wasn't there for us. there was no help
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the year later, hundreds of thousands and the afflicted region are still holding out in contain envelopes or other temporary shelters. defying winter temperatures and drain, waiting for the cities to recover. like mimic desk upon me, who invites us into her improvised kitchen. she lives here with her husband and 2 children. but all i can get used to the same 8 a big house. i had everything she was in, and now i don't know what will happen. what will become of my kids with all the rain and the cold? i sometimes tell myself, god, i wish we had died to just as a family image. shortly off to the quakes and facing a national election president ridge of tony bad one made bold promises. he said, halls that dissolves to zoom would be rebuilt within just one year,
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unless it's all gone. and the 1st phase is to complete $319000.00 housing unit a within a year from left hand them over to the owner. to see that the construction sites like this home and now doting view is quick he to region. but even in january 2024 pro curse is going much lower than originally promised by the president here on the outskirts of and talk to you most of the awesome and his team from the state housing agency, toki, or racing to get the 1st few 1000 departments ready? sean india, to come to you all. the biggest problem right now is the rain. it's been raining very heavily in the region, but we are working on stops, defends, we want to make sure our earthquake victims can move in as soon as possible. it's the experts say it's not just the weather that slowing down assets, but also rising construction costs in chrome economic. i'm certain, see in turkey it might take 10 years or more to rebuild the cities like i'm talk to
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you 7 plan, a 2nd coach estimates to also some project, but i'm, i'm at the only concentrating on housing construction video. so there's always no serious investment and tourism of the service sector or an agriculture. and that's when your bond to bring back the 30400000 people who were driven out. we have to rebuild the city economically as well. and the other one was getting q and the planner ones against for p team. past mistakes. many homes collapsed because safety codes had been ignored. he says, i build is and public officials responsible for green lighting, building projects. because we're above us, we've not had any experience for disaster the century here, but also the negligence of the century attitude. if the central and local authorities had done something sooner about the whole stock of buildings, it'd be most serious inspections would not have lost so many lives in the city.
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somebody else inside this is what i've done 5 years on my tablet. if shows i look, this used to be on how to screw 3 phones in. we always come to the top. but that thing gets heavy you know scanner into sort of coughing to show us what's left of their old home. an empty area and the few piles of rubble and it still feels very much unreal for 6 year olds coming. but say you have to play in our garden. i love with my cousins. but after the earthquakes, there is nothing left to call and this much is ingle wants to believe in the government's many promises. it's difficult for him to see a new beginning, toronto. hi, ellen. my biggest dream right now is to have a solid roof of around again. but it looks like it will take a long time on the bus and tell each other that we will resurrect this place has
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come on. but every time we say that i feel like we just fooling out. so how does the test onto tend to me? is it come through? let me give you, make it on talk. you is a city struggling to get back on its feet. many shop owners are now selling from contain, is offering everything for mobile phones to closing and sweet or the economy here is on its knees. most of the former customers arrive at dates or displaced lunch or were facing many difficulties. everything is expensive. there's no work, that's why we're struggling on the even us to come to our, to move us, get into trouble with them and they decided to do something on that round to make ends meet. so life has to go out though. i mean, we hope that our city will soon be back on its feet. that's what instead of all the way up to the high, you always have to deal that say everything will get better. but i don't know. i think it'll take 10 or 15 years to rebuild this place on this. you lose all of the addition. you doctors, you kindly see. yeah. and my mother of 4 children was i'm fighting for them. we
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have to hold on somehow too much to at least we are still alive. and that was how it's hard to make this and that hope is something england doesn't want to give up either. we'll get in today won't be so much fun to help his 6 year old daughter, kathy, not with a c, as in trauma off to the quakes to take her to her favorite place. so let me 34, a side. thoughts from us sometimes for some other reason as he has been orphaned by that is almost a teacher suddenly news, what the children are going through. she herself lost relatives and friends in the
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russell's letter to meet him. samuel, most of the children didn't smile. they were constantly distracted to, they were supposed to be here that they didn't want to leave their families. but slowly we helped them overcome their fears in minute and then you did it with our to sign up later. we did it with love and get a did it by working together. yeah. we just want them to have a bit of their own class. i'm not going to notify the school building with stuff, the quakes relatively unharmed. so that's my 1st used it as an emergency shelter and started offering classes again, a few months ago. the 10th day hire for the life of the city. there must 1st be people, and these people should come together to achieve something on the job. it, of course we both of meet the government set to work. let's have a to the, let's face commit another they have all been grieving for a year now
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a few minutes. but at the same time, we're trying to get back up by us and stay strong beecher calling my actual assures and to dance lessons, or helping the parents to. and it gives me the, almost like a break for hosting you get. it helps us a lot, toyota. we can finally take a deep rascal. so let's look at a lot of trouble. it's for a moment. it's not dancing, having fun. it's a getting the nightmare of the quakes for coming and the other children. the so the happiest moments, this new break from the strange new life in the a ruined city. the code at the end of the passage got an e. an expedition ventures on 2 places,
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but no one has good x. why is the ice melting more rapidly? in the ice feels unknown past the next d w. the not laughing anymore? the why the, the new electric vehicle force from china, from revolutionary battery manufacturer to the top spot in the market, is the spark. finally running into the last 60 minutes on d w. we are all set and we're watching closely in to bring you the story behind the news. we rolled about
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unbiased information for 3 months. the the, the ice fields in the past to go in on these unknown valley discovered terrain. a team of mountain is and scientists tend to explore these almost a miserable regions where global climate change is more tangible than almost anywhere else in the world. the gym and scientist is leading the expedition in the hosp. i.


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