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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 1, 2024 8:00am-8:31am CET

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to live from berlin. more than a 100 petals to indians reported, killed in gaza after kills, killed, exceeds around in a convoy. a mass claims is really troops open fire as crowds try to get food. israel says most of the dead were trampled in a stem p. also coming up before the political battle to win boats in iran's elections, authorities have a fight on their hands, getting voters to the pallet. farms as demand for cocaine grows to all time highs in europe, the authorities in peru call for international cooperation to stop the international supply chain. the
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alarm terry martin. good to have you with us. united nations secretary general antonio gutierrez says a deadly a distribution incident in gaza requires what he calls an effective independent investigation. must run guys. a health industry said more than a 100 people were killed. one is rarely soldiers open, fire near a crowd surrounding and a convoy is real blames the death on the stem pied thursday's incident added to a palestinian death toll which the gaza health industry says tops 30000 people. now these aerial images have been released by israel's military. it says the show palestinians in garza city, running towards 8 trucks in the early hours of thursday morning presenting in a deadly stem bead. a. it full $45.00 c. m. m up ambush
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the a trucks bringing that con void to a halt. as you can see, in this video, the tags that were there to secure the condo boy sees the cousins being trampled and cautiously tries to disperse the mob with a few warning shots. when the hundreds became thousands and things got out out of and the tank commander decided to retreat to, to avoid harm to the cells of gauze that were there. these real defense forces operate according to the rules of engagement and the international know id. if the strike was conducted towards the 8 can avoid the how much strong health ministry and gaza has presented a different version of events, saying more than 100 civilians were shot dead by is really troops. while waiting
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for aid eye witnesses said that some drug drivers tried to escape the is really fire causing deaths and injuries. and some of the wounded said they were headed by . is there any gunshots? by the, by, on, by after they stop shooting. we went back to get our aide. by the time i got flour and some canned goods and took it down from the truck. they shot at us. if you want to get us a this way, then you might as well not bring anything was the us says it's trying to establish exactly what happened and that the incident underscore is the need to expand the supply of humanitarian aid into gaza. 2 things are clear, one, just in the aerial footage, you can look at that and, and right away, conclude the situation is incredibly desperate. and that tells you that we need to do more to get him out of turn system. so and then the 2nd thing is that too many palestinians died today, as has been true far too many days since october 7th. and so that's why we continue
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to push for a temporary cease fire agreement. president joe biden has warned that it could complicate the negotiations underway between israel and how much to reach a temporary hold in the fighting dw correspond attended. kramer has been following the story from jerusalem short while ago. i asked her if we're any closer to knowing what really happened during that a distribution instead. i know we don't know because uh these are still the conflicting reports. uh that though we are getting there. i mean, there has been reactions from across the world to this, you know, uh, worksheet is expressing the whole wrong concern over what happened there. no witnesses yesterday were saying that his shots were fired from the is really military. when people approached as a trucks that were coming in the corner from the south, pausing a check point to the north and that caused this to impede uh, the people were running away and panic and also uh, you know,
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the trucks trying then to, to move away well, the is where the military has denied at this time 9. that's been saying it was for a system, pete, and then there were also these warning shots being fired, rehearing now of course caused for a solar investigation into this incident. but it's under lines um the really dire, extremely dire situation of people that they have to basically fight to get to those 8 convoys. and this comes, of course, of to days of warning by many of the humanitarian, actives united nations. who are, you know, trying to distribute food, they've been saying that that are having difficulties to reach the noise. and that is an extremely difficult situation for people, the noise to get to any supplies bid for food or water or whatever else us is saying that. so one clear lesson from this tragedy is that more
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a must be sent into gaza. is that something is real, would agree to the israel. i thing would say that what we've been hearing you from uh, officials, uh that they are loading in enough aid and that, you know, that is dis bottleneck around the crossings. and that on the other side, a trucks are not being moved caused fast enough by the united nations, by those organizations dealing with a distribution though, the organization thing that multiple obstacles for them to, to do so. and it's extremely difficult to main concern is indeed, you know, getting the trucks also to what's the northern part of the gaza strip and that there's simply not enough age coming in. you've been seeing this week. the countries have resorted to dropping 8 supplies and medical supplies food from the
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air that mainly reached a southern and central gaza strip. and the also caused by the humanitarian organizations to open another. crossing mainly the crossing in the north. the arrows crossing which was partially heavy damage during the october 7th attacks, to open this one to have a more direct way to going into a new within a garza so any thank you very much. that was the w, as tanya kramer in jerusalem. following stations of opened in a run where voters are casting ballots from members of parliament and a key religious body called the assembly of experts. this huge selection as seen, is a measure of public sentiment toward iran's establishment following mass protests that began in 2022. authorities are hoping for a big turnout, unlike the last parliamentary elections in 2020 pulse, all the lowest turnouts. since the 1979 is la,
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make revolution. rent is in the middle of an economic crisis and has been racked by protest. of the designs are everywhere and the messaging is clear. iran has been scrambling to boost boulder turn out ahead of friday's election. it's introducing electronic loading and several cities. and the number of female candidates vying for a seat is more than double what it was in the last part of the entry election in 2020. but the government's efforts appear to be falling on deaf ears. my shaft i should lessen. lee, i will not take part in the selection i know best because the results of the last 2 elections were not good at all. yeah. and this group now the term, the biggest problem with the election is the people's lack of trust in parliament. a political distrust and an ailing economy have helped fuel voter apathy. although the elections are seen as a crucial barometer for legitimacy. the government's own surveys show participation
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will be well below 50 percent. friday's vote includes polls for members of parliament, and the assembly of experts will have the power to appoint, runs supreme leader. the country system of pre approve and candidates has led to mass disqualifications. and the removal of true choice, according to critics of the current hard line government. yet no, you don't even know. yeah. into all the time the word election is completely meaningless. it should be called an anti election or non election road. and the good bottom of the election is rejected by the people and these land make republic, and you don't sell it to them about them before. sure. the memory of mazda many is also casting a long shadow over this years boat. the 22 year old curtis iranian died after she was taken into police custody for allegedly violating the islamic dress code. the death led to wave of mass protests against the hid job law and
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other social issues in 2022. the movement was violently crushed by authorities, but the demands for change and an end to these womic republics rule injure war. and this we can talk down to sarah, buzzer bundy. she's a marine corps, a fellow at the giga institute of at least studies in hamburg. thanks to bring with us. so we just heard in our report how low voter turnout could challenge the legitimacy of this election. how much of a problem is that for the government to good morning and thank you for the invitation. i me, yes, it definitely is a serious problem because the, maintaining an image for the government is quite important. the iranian government has invested a lot and it's information war. and the policy is it has invested a lot in this course. manipulation has invested a lot in portraying itself as
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a legitimate and one to them. popular government. it has used ideological a cards, it has used political cards. it has basically tried every trick and its arsenal to maintain that image. and it's quite important for them, especially for example, in the report was mentioned that the number of women in this selection and abrupt being candidates and this selection is increased right off. that's that this is all stress of violence crackdown of 2020. this is a desperate attempt by the governments to shift the narrative to change its image, especially the court at the global level. this is very important for them. tell us sarah, more about why voters are reluctant to participate in the selection. i am again a lot of research to the wonderful report that you had put together and yet the people on the streets and to run as i've said that's there is an a complete loss of trust and hope in change. um,
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so basically the one of the key slogans during the past rounds uprising in 2022. and before that was down with the regime, the people want a regime change. it means that they have no hope. they say no prospect of june change in the current system and they are demonstrating this last a pull from lack of a trust in the government, in their very evident political equity and not attending to the ballot points. because regardless of what, who ever they vote, the situation has just always got was, you know, we had since president part time me, we had several internal in a single 5 thing within the internal one. it's going to lead to the wrong, the so called conservative comp versus the so called reform this time. and then ro, hardy came, he pressed the end of himself as a moderate pri magic president. i imagined this on the elections around that so,
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but nothing has changed. the rhetoric of the regime has not changed. their strategic planning has not changed. they prioritize, they, sion, of financial resources has not changed. and so people see no point in taking part in and actions are report also mentioned the death of mazda armine and the government crackdown that followed that how does all of that factor into this election? is it still an issue? is it still in voters months? of course it's is this um, you know, if people are not on the streets to protest things like they wet in 2022, it doesn't mean that the problems are sold. this is only, in my opinion, not a temporary silence because of the why is your largest scale violence correct on that was used by the government during those protests. and none of those issues
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have been addressed. still the issue of his job and the issue of women and the issue of personal private lives of the ring, us citizen that and their personal choices in their lives is, is still controlled by the government in various forms and shapes from the internet controlled to surveillance. the right of access to public spaces on their, their own personal attire. so none of these, of just as also, you know, there are lots of corruption for example, only a few weeks before the election. a group that is, according to microsoft, a group called i need a cyber, a group have a hacked, supposedly the files and records of the iranian court system over the past. the, as a result, a lot of i'm, you know, that, and the documents that the have actually shown that the scale of volume and to use in, during those protests was even for some people have
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a stroke. and it also reveals a lot of corruption and you know, scandals and bibles ment, fraudulent activity, lots of public assets, lots of public fun. so people have none of these issues have been resolved in the eyes of the people and they have no hope that it's this much missed or this council of experts will be able to change or winning for that not to to change any updates . so thank you very much for your analysis. that was sarah bowser bundy. from the giga institute of middle east studies, the hong kong lawmakers are preparing to pass controversial new lead security legislation. it's more than 3 years since paging imposed a similar law that almost eliminated descent and pro democracy media in the territory. article $23.00 would be part of hong kong. many constitution. it requires the suppression of descent and threaten in threats to the state. it contains broad for revisions against treason, instruction, and espionage,
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as well as what it calls destructive activities, endangering national security human rights advocates say the article will dramatically undermine due process and the right to a fair trial. the moment that changed everything. july 1st, 1997 when britain handed over hong kong to china, which promised to respect the principle of one country to systems. that meant that hong kong ers could enjoy many of the democratic freedoms they'd had under british rule. under hong kong it's own mini constitution. but in 2003, beijing tried to introduce security laws under article 23 of that many constitution . hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets in protest, and the proposal was withdrawn. in 2014, a civil disobedience movement arose, pushing for more democratic government. organizers feared that the police might
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crack down and everyone has to stay finally alert. the riley has been peaceful, but now to your guys and plastic bullets have been transferred to the government headquarters. the us. soon after, the police forcefully cleared protests camps and the government did not relent. setting the stage for future classes with democracy activists. 5 years later, another series of widespread protests sparked by a proposal to extradite criminal suspects. the mainland china was met with a harsh police response. no one is upgrade. we have more and more angry. you never know what the government will put on this. i'm. i'm just worried about the cold rather than answering the protesters, demands the following year, beijing impose the new national security law, the defined many anti government efforts as the session and subversion and assigned
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life sentences for many of those so called crimes. that was it for many of hong kong pro democracy activists. dozens of opposition leaders were arrested, along with journalists and ordinary citizens. others went into exile. independent media was silenced, phasing signal that it had fully taken over in 2022 when jesus and ping arrived in hong kong to swear. and john lee, as the territories chief executive or the ceremony happened on july 1st 25 years to the day after the british hand over the service, li has said that the new security legislation is a priority. and with the opposition vanquished, he's likely to get his wish a sale to the us and immigration is a key issue leading up to this year's presidential election. there's been a surge in illegal crossings at the us mexico border president joe biden and as possible opponent, former president, donald trump made competing trips to the border in texas. trump met with the
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republican governor, greg uh, with an eagle pass center of the state lead cracked down on an authorized emigrants some 400 kilometers away present by met with border officials in brownsville. dw corresponded benjamin alvarez river was in brownsville for jo biden's visit or the waiting for president bite and the head of his 2nd for the trip since taking office because we want to support president barton and show him that we are behind him. and his efforts to improve the situation at the border, i wanted to support these visits and discussion about fixing these issues that affect all of us, whether you're republican or democrat. 7 across the street, a group of protesters, pro integration border organizations, turned out to support migrants and asylum seekers. inter voice disappointment with
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the presidents, the schedule. we feel that it's a missed opportunity for him not to meet with community organizations to hear our perspective about what's happening at the border, how to handle immigration in a way that is compassionate. and that leads with our values biden's motorcade is made with child, so listen up. we're still in a fight activist. say that regardless of who is in charge in washington dc. the problems here on the ground remain in the last 20 years. we've had a different, you know, congress has changed the white house change, we had the supreme court change, but immigration remains the same. we use the same poster boards of protest 10 years ago. today. it does seem to match the same as the migration hotspot might have shifted away from brownsville. but this board of town has seen its impact up close
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vis you are is one of the entry points here in brownsville, texas. the place of president biden visited today. he is under pressure not just from democrats, in migration activists, but also from republicans who try to pin an increase of our regular migration is a failure of bite and era policy. at the same time, democrats are saying the republicans have no interest in solving this issue to keep this front in central until the president selections of november. so let's take a closer look at this now with data be reported, williams, blue cross william barton is under pressure not just from republicans, but also from democrats and migration. active is to, as we heard this, he managed to score any points with his visit to the border. while i see that report, we just heard from our colleague was really fantastic. it really hit hit everything right on the head about all the problems there and the frustrations because we heard that that, that active is talking about how this has been a problem for decades in the united states. not a democratic problem is not
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a republican problem. is not any one presidents problems, this has been a failure of the american political system to get immigration under control with both parties depending who's in power at the time using it as a means to attack the other side. so this is just the next iteration in both sides, in this case, in the form of joe biden, that donald trump trying to score their political pointed their particular camps. whether it has any effect or not. i think this is one small piece of a much larger migration immigration border security campaign question. as we head into the general election in 2020 of this year 2024. the former president trump was at the border at exactly the same time. an eagle pass, texas doing his own event, obviously not a coincidence. what do you make of that? well, you, it's right. definitely not a coincidence. i think there's no coincidence isn't politics much like in life. of course, you'd have to talk to their schedule is their campaigns schedule. there's
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a to know that for sure, but it's just purely a stage to bend to show a split screen of joe biden. and donald trump bite. and according to polls is very vulnerable to migration, and the republican supposedly donald trump want to make that an issue to try to, you know, hold that against joe biden and be able to, when i, in, in, in november elections. but the, by the administration job by that his campaign are trying to turn the tables by showing that actually, republicans are the ones blocking any kind of meaningful reform on immigration. so it's going to be very interesting if democrats are able to succeed in changing the messaging, republicans are excellent on messaging. they always seem to outbox democrats when it comes to messaging on, on a number of issues. we'll see if the democrats have better luck this time. william, thank you very much. that was the w, as william good croft now co pay demand for cocaine. it has grown into unprecedented levels in europe and at
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the same time, the danger to communities is growing, organized. crime gangs are fighting over the billions of dollars and black market money. germany is now one of the countries trying to rally international authorities to coordinate efforts to interrupt international supply lines. the general louisa has got these hands full thousands of containers are loaded in the peruvian pulse of calais of every day. and cocaine could be hidden in any of them. the mound in europe is increasing and such as drug smuggling. the ways is anti drug team is on daily patrol. instead about any potential suspicious containers would be game changing, fluid forces. but most of those is we absolutely need an international exchange of information with only investigating authorities. so they can seize the drugs and the criminals behind the getting the knowledge due to rising demand. coca cultivation improve is doubled since 2015. the drug is almost exclusively exposed
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to europe in germany records $35.00 tons received last year alone. that's why germany's federal minister of the interior, nancy phase, is traveling to south america, offering great to collaboration between nations, egypt, because i've already seen the spiraling violence in belgium and the netherlands public. prosecutors and journalists have been shot dead. and i would like to prevent that from happening in germany. i, he, non side hall, 2000 drug related death. so not just a few. and it's not just about people dying. it's a huge impoverishment associated with violence and huge profits given in peru. rain forests are being cleared for drug cultivation. coca farm is just enough to survive well, international smugglers make billions. the rule of law is being undermined by corruption . it is another one. so they're going to have a shared responsibility. countries that can see must cooperate with countries that produce because this is where the damage is done, the environmental destruction and the mud is supporting the customer negotiations
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for security agreements all to begin soon. more education and training, a planned and a great to exchange of information. the importance of information sharing was demonstrated to the anti drug police at the end of january. a tip off enables the team to seize all of a 7 tons of cocaine and the ports of calais of the cocaine is imbedded in wooden panels. the smugglers getting more more creative and it's becoming harder to find. no so limited, but i mean, it's a great satisfaction, not just for me, but for everyone who has worked with us. we're always off to the drugs with the aim of finding the people behind the that's why corporation is so important and any help is welcome. because the drug business is poisoning society and the people who use them. what you're watching, dw, there's just a reminder of our top story. there are conflicting accounts of how scores of guidelines were killed during a desperate scramble for food from us. health officials say is really soldiers open
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fire on a crowd surrounding an aid conroy. israel says most of the dead were trampled in a stampede, but does acknowledge that warning shots were fired on terry martin, thanks for watching the,
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to the points. strong opinions, clear positions, international perspective. with the nato alliance expanding into the high north and premises presidents mount cause thing, he can't rule outstanding ground troops. crane the wes get pulled into direct conflict with russia. find out, obviously the point to the point, the next on the w 9. but
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you will tell you we are happy that we are back to the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use force and for the present in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa in 60 minutes on d. w, the green innovation, super green and green chinese, the holy grail selection, mobility, green revolution global. so listen to all kinds of problems.
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pictures. i'm trying to subscribe to those channels. we've got new videos every friday tried to plan. it's a it took a while, but this week sweet and got the green light on. it's been to join nato following finland succession last year. it is, nato is now firmly anchored in the high north will that strength and the alliance for risk provoking finland's neighbor rashad. meanwhile, new trouble is brewing in south eastern europe as the break away republic of trans mystery out just south of ukraine asked, was russia for protection as the challenges multiply nato member send diverging signals in the direction of moscow? with francis presidents sparking pushed back by refusing to rule out sending ground troops to ukraine.


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