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tv   DW News Asia  Deutsche Welle  November 15, 2023 6:15pm-6:30pm CET

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the rebel alliance and me and boss, challenging the johnson and when it's basically the return democracy to the country, their strategy will have that story on ball and z, w. news agent in just a moment. i'll be back at the, to the good, the pricing strategy issues with a lot say what crazy, the fast fashion as an environmental 9, a clothing graveyard image of land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial
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nations no longer need and lightest textile waste gets stranded. fashion watch now on youtube, the faces the, the videos, a shock coming up today. the biggest challenge to the me in my home, in yeah, as a joint drip on the line. so it's attacking the rid of traits and taking control of florida outposts. the president is wanting the country good fracture. what is this autonomy point for the fight for democracy me in law plus the fight for democracy in hong kong continues in the u. k. we look at how home. com active is faced in the u. k. a standing up for their belief, despite threats from china. the
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biggest fan and you're welcome to do the news. aisha. glad you could join us. and a hometown rentals in me and i'll have taken control of some boulder outposts with india, after forcing me in the army. so just to flee. dozens of troops crossed over to india to escape attacks by rebels. the violence in june states on the border with india is the latest of to new front. that rebels have opened the games the hunter. the other is in the kind state. a joint coalition of rebels began a new offensive against me and my army in october, beginning in northern shan state. on the border with china. the u. n. now say is more than 200000 people have been displaced due to the fighting. it's also the most serious challenge to the whole task since it as you power, you know, cool in 2021. serious enough for china called for
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a stop to the fighting. and for the president of me and not to one of the country could be at risk of breaking apart. gunshots, ringed out of the border between me and more, and india. as rebels and me and more fights, the military, him to thousands of people are fleeting. the keels and crossing over into india, among them. soldiers from the in mars, military hometown. many soldiers of surrendering to meet around the state. police are those, i mean i've seen the show in the go to us for the phone and they say we have to do more work to work. i mean, forced cookies, some right? yes. the, the, the, the, the small we still got. so a
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thoughtful and that's another one. these also include 0 that was out on the didn't me and most trouble groups have been gaining ground since october. they've taken control of several towns and security outposts in an effort to overthrow the military one double that. okay. okay. double thing to hear from them in more national democratic aligns me release this footage, showing what they say is a tank abandoned by the home. tell me and you know, and a valuable stockpile of weapons. now, in the possession mantle, mars condo came to publish in 2021 in a cool. but it's authority has never been challenged before. at this level, officials and neighboring china say they are worried about this conflict destabilizing the region. well,
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they go to what we are highly concerned about. the conflict in northern mia mar. encourage all parties in myanmar to immediately cease fire and stop fighting and ensure security and stability along that china myanmar border. for now, fighters on both sides look set to continue to hold on to those saying they will hit back the rebels. the tillman to march on and root the country of its dictatorship. and the, joining me from all from london is mark farm and uh, his director of the interior obama campaign, u. k. mr. fonda, these rebel attacks against the me and my military. would you call these a timing point in the fight to restore democracy in the country? i wasn't that certainly how a lot of people in my mind, seeing we, it's quite unprecedented to see one but a different ethnic is coming together to launch these joint operations against
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the middle tree and also to have such a, a wretched success. and that has encouraged all of the ethnic organizations on groups and some of what's called a pdf people who's defense forces, which people in the country have set up arms groups to resist the military. i'm so racing increase the types of military outposts in the time state on the west by the south. think of any states and the military so far seem incapable of counseling. these leave offense, but not all these rubber groups literally on the same page because they have, for the ministry for yes, primarily for autonomy in their respective regions. is that still the aim or is it the why the goal of a starting democracy to me and ma? well, i think what we've seen in most of them have been committed for a long time to federalism to, to having more autonomy both as an independent um,
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but they recognize that they need to look at them across the excitable state. so that to happen because of the pressure they've been on the, from the military for so long. and they've mostly have to focus on their own areas of control to try to maintain those areas to the running their own. the ministrations, what's changed now in the last year is we've seen them coming on the offensive and taking more of a tree from the bodies miller tree. and now in the past 2 weeks is massive escalation in shawn states in the east. where on the lines of 3 s to come to guys, ations are managed to take thousands and thousands of military outposts and some significant towns as well. what has the impact to being of this reason fighting on civilians in these border towns? well, we've seen more than 50000 people displaced already and shunned state the truth that there is probably higher than that. but it's difficult to verify because of
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the conflict ends and the difficulties in getting access to the people taking shelter anyway. that kind, some people have displaced in junko summit, going to the other towns and villages. i know easily a humanitarian process throughout the country now because whether the 2000000 people have been forced to flee that homes since the military. cuz in the beginning of 2021, i have a large number of those, the international community, the un agencies and others have no access to be able to reach them. china here, once the fighting to stop and even send a senior official to meet the what uh, what is china's interest here as what china has significant economic interests. it has in this area, there is an important pipeline varies minding interest that they have. and they
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want some form of stability, but they've been in china is becoming more and more impatient with the music industry over this scam sense as they've been gone along the line. but china border with thousands of chinese citizens that i've been pushed into effective slavery. i'm trying has been cooling for action on these for a long time now, and the mind the ability to fail to take action. so it seems that having lost patience, the chinese authorities have given these ethnic organizations on the board to the go ahead to go ahead with the offensive. so i, china, is making a careful game on the one hand, this maintaining its, of support and supplies and thousands to the military. but at the same time it's, it's also aging its bets. and at the end of the day, a week, my military suits china is purposes in some ways as long as there's not too much instability and refugees going across the board. that because china can get
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a better deal with china, has more influence. and the military become more dependent on the regular leave at the for the time being. thanks so much for joining us today. i'm not finding that director of the in general, the campaign you care. thanks very much. i thank you. a much anticipated meeting in san francisco, the pain chinese president change in thing and is your account about joe biden? we'd be watched carefully by a particular group of people in the u. k. pro democracy, activists from hong kong files and slides to the u. k. following pages cracked down on democratic rights in the u. k. these hong kong guys continue to waste the hopes for democracy back home. although, we don't go from the exxon in london to now fights the democracy back home.
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despite the risks, the hong kong government is offering a bounty of over $100000.00 euros for his capture, including myself. this token of the system has a prospect to my life, as well as my unwavering quest for the more crissy essentially, to transnational repression. the aims and crushing older boys is best pro democracy across the globe, hong kong, the thirty's of issued arrest warrants defend now and 7 of the overseas activists accusing them of national security offences. hong kong has had a special administrative status since its hyundai, from britain to china in 1997. it's based on the principle of one country to systems, but basing has increasingly ramped up its control of the territory. 4 years ago, hundreds of thousands of people from hong kong took to the streets to demonstrate against beijing's interference. and now
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a survey at by profession was one of the leaders. at the time. he spent 2 days in police custody of to which he fled to person of these days. it's only a small representative route, protesting in london in hong kong itself. hardly any one does to publicly criticize the chinese government withdrawing the world one day. after $9.10, we have witnessed a system at a real issue of our freedoms as well as democracy and autonomy. and then right now we have more than 1600 food increase in the surfing the lives in the home comprises . now speaks of intimidation, even in london. he thinks it's likely attempts could be made to kidnap him and has spoken of an incident shortly of to his arrival in britain, where he was brutally b, not by a group of strangers. the british government does not want to
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expedite fin now and says, no attempts to intimidates and science people will be tolerated. we've repeatedly off the chinese embassy in london for statement, but haven't received a reply. a democracy protest as much 3 london's time to town. and now things britain needs to toughen it stones towards beijing. impose sanctions on home calling officials and detach itself economically from china. they made the phone call regarding a home phone issue. the, on the other hand, we have some ministers or maybe some, some other people would pursue for more trading with, with china, increasing our dependency on the chinese market. i would say, well, we must well change from this kind of inconsistent approach in london. and now, and the other activists can express their opinions publicly in front of the chinese embassy. they dream that one day this will be possible again in hong kong to
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the after both of my colleagues be a good boss that does accept today there's most tories from the region on our website dot com, forward slash aisha. amazon. you can find more, not facebook and fixed pages. we're back tomorrow. at the same time, we'll see you then. goodbye, the reality of the fine. a catastrophe is the good news. a history action or should we believe the prophecies? when the m. 42 next on the we've got some tips for your package,
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the magic corner. feel free to use. check on some great cultural memorials to be the w travel. the view of the world was coming to an end. it was like if so you're not alone. for centuries, people have been trying to protect the architect. february 1st 15, 24 may 19th, 1910, and december 21st 2012. the whole thing pencil did for tuesday.


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