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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  November 9, 2023 11:02pm-11:31pm CET

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chief of israel's intelligence agency and the director of the c. i a every part of the met with officials from guitar to talk through a deal to release some of the hostages held by him off in gaza. and when it comes on news that is real, has agreed to a daily for our paul's and the fighting in the gaza strip. israel continues to ignore international calls for a ceasefire, saying that will not happen until the hostages are free. i'm free golf and berwin. this is the day the, the version of the coming in for rough up. that's in the case. you know, i think what if we will see this come up with you 2 minutes aaron. hey, this comes one. meet sign up to rough up. we'll stop. if we need a meaning for a continuous scroll post even turn key,
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we will not allow this. our efforts to assist disabled population will typically used by the gym. all sizes come up also coming up in germany marks the 85th anniversary of the nazi pogroms against the jewish people in 1938 is depend upon our limit. there are parallels between the mentality of radical islamists who want the extermination of israel and the jews, and those on the phone right to despise our culture of how it comes from members. and when to our viewers watching on tv, as in the united states and to all of you around the world, welcome. we'd begin the day with israel and the united states on the same page, perhaps not reading the same blogs today, the by whitehouse confirmed that israel has agreed to stop the fighting and gaza for hours every day. its all its not a ceasefire. it is
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a daily window of safe passage as the exodus of goblins from the north to the south continues. today's announcement did not come easily or quickly. you as president by then us secretary of state blinking, have spent the past week putting public pressure on israel to approve. humanitarian pauses in gossip prime minister. netanyahu has tried to downplay any differences with his country's most important ally, keeping up appearances. it didn't seem to be on the us president's mind today when he spoke with reporters.
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provides patients may be some watts in, but he and his administration remain on message that the us that stands with israel and his goal of defeating the terror organization responsible for the october. 7th massacre of 1400 people is really forces are moving ever deeper into garza city targeting again. and again, what they say is the heart of how moss fighting their way through the gas a street. these really are me released these images showing you soldiers operating inside the territory. each real says it's forces supported by air strikes. have been targeting to masses, empty tank positions to the advance and to the heart of guys, a city comes with a heavy price for palestinian civilians. the flow of injury to the l. c. for hospital guns as largest continues with some of the new arrivals sharing. what they
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went through we were trying to flee to the south. as soon as we got to the street, a 10 cues of more civilians have fled, fights engineers, tracts and northern gaza. the un says the bombardment has displaced about 2 thirds of gauze as nearly 2 and a half 1000000 residents. on wednesday alone, at least $50000.00 are estimated to have walked along and evacuation route to the already overwhelmed southern part. is real claims from us just trying to stop them . we saw some us put in the road low. we saw from us lying about these red tuning. people went out on the way through the south. we saw some of the everything you know, fall of the decision population will stay in the box and see he's real sense how
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much leaders, uh, hiding in guys, us underground tunnel system. at least some of the nearly 240 hostages taken by the group real. so believe to be there is a leader say the ground defensive will continue until they are released and the terrorist group is destroyed. that means more. gaskins, are likely to be caught in the crossfire. it's hard for the latest. now. let's go to journalist and show me so cool. he's in jerusalem forest. so me, the white house just hours ago announced that israel has agreed to these daily for our humanitarian pauses in gauze of what are we hearing from israel about this? what i can tell you that is where the downplaying, there's these early military is saying that this is not you that it occurred today . but also yesterday that they've been enabling as these kind of like talk that
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because they call it tactic on pauses in certain areas. in certain neighborhoods, that means they're not seizing the fire. they're not stopping the fight thing in the gaza strip, but rather enabling certain areas. and for the people there to go south. and they reported that today, another 50000 gallons a went the south is there's even a concern among as some of these are limited 3 that among those 4 are going south, there might be some, some us and fighters that are going to be solved in any case they're referring to this is, is, is definitely not the ceasefire. definitely is willing to continue the fight, but rather i kind of looking a breaks. there were also reports it today of the director of the c i a the head of is really intelligence and officials from to tar meeting to talk
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about a possible deal to get more of the hostages release. what do we know about that or yeah, so the, there was a meet the, with the participation of the, the chief of the see a, the, the heads of the most sides of the prime minister over cut the, in which a, these issues were a discuss. but on the other hand, we hear from is really officials, even though they talk about the progress that was made, which is something that we haven't heard in. and then the last phase. but they didn't say that maybe could take up to a week content. such an agreement would be made this then the differences between the parties a is around a once a larger number of the hostages, where least they're saying that 15 would not be sufficient. they're talking but at tens of hostages release, and they have the same time, how much is demanding at least 72 hours
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a ceasefire. me also we're hearing is womic jihad which is another militant group in gaza. they said that they are prepared to release to is really hostages, for humanitarian and medical reasons. a is a just a coincidence taking place at the same time as these talks in kotor. splitting it differently. there is a high coordination between the different organizations they, they, they launch the fact that together on the 7th of october and, and the we can expect that there will be some kind of understanding between these 2 organizations. and it was also interesting to be released the video there was one, the child was the 13 years old, who was a speaking a was addressing that finding out in this, a pre recorded the video that was released by this rama g r a. he called them that
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they knew how to stop the bombing. he said that he's being protected by the islamic jihad. and that if he prevents to admit this in an order from going into the gaza strip, it will also hurt the is riley's where i headed inside the the gaza strip. of course a, is there any, is a rejecting this a and then saying the, this is a propaganda and, and so forth. but it just goes to show you the, the, the issue of is riley is a, has been size. it goes off, is throwing a lot of motions here and there. is there any public journalist, sammy spoken with the ladies tonight from jerusalem? 70. thank you. or i'm joined now by uriel, i will also, he's an associate professor of political science at tell of university. he's also the author of mortality and the morality of nations, which looks at the nature of social and political groupings that make up nations.
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it's based on studies of various groups including is really jews. and he joins me tonight from jerusalem. mister elbow, if it's good to have you with us tonight in the last month, many of our guests here on dw have told us that the october 7th i'm off attacks. fundamentally changed is real. is that true or are we seeing the result of trauma and shock? experienced on a national level do see those in mind with you and just through the report to the 13 year old boy. and this is been heartbreaking. and there are about $240.00 copies now. and what happened on that started? it was 7 and it was devastating to the east side. and the closest that because com is the memory of the holocaust. it's also the data to
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reduce the single the extensive offers. so these are the sort of in cooling steve memory moments. the shit and sons, of course, we also have to bear in mind that we humans are very adjustable and we are to quite quickly. and this is to a certain extent. sure. it is all to especially when you look at these early civil society that is responded remarkably well to the challenge. october 7th, i actually on the state, the state division, which was virtually awesome october. so there's one of the finding a feature experience, the whole he's really on the leak started. it was the day we all feel what it's like to be in the field state, the society,
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the discharge. and that's what i want to pick up on this nation of the, the, the condition of society before october. the 7th, it seemed that before the terror attacks that israel seemed to be ribbon by deep disagreements, particularly on traditional reform that was being pushed through by the government under benjamin netanyahu. are those types of wedge issues that were being pushed by the government or the now gone? i mean, is israel's united now in a way that it wasn't before the attacks as knowing? so it's united. we searching a very specific goal which is to buy from us. but these, the majorities of these rooms are the society by no means easy united society. and this is the result of the year. we've been meaning to know me in many ways,
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by the way. the massacre versa is the result of 30 you 30 year old, the tossing 30 deadlines. i would say the lines between, you know, when we don't see in cause they will be helping each other continues throughout the state to look up the whole. and this is partly using the ongoing falls of the vital and it's a deal has to be using dispos here divided rule. the nose on the these are the, there with the using particular the arcs in general. and the posting is between the ways, the kindergarten student between the bill to inform us the goal. so we need these, right? so the old is the ruling by dividing people again and again and again. it has reached, declined 2023 before 9 months, easily civil society has been strongly to the ease of the democracy. it goes into neil's government and he's cronies at that to turn it into
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a to crossing the big machine. i don't think it's all these ministers are still there. they already have a team to which the, the harbor servicing the ceiling. ideas about what's the goal is the results of the war. and all of these respond to the start of the easily liberals across many, usually beyond the realize now the sort of tremendous damage isn't you know, is that what you're saying is, is very powerful. i mean, you're basically saying that benjamin at yahoo as a political leader is partly respond symbols for the the monster as, as to be. it's been called that came across the border into israel on october 7th. i know that the polls that show there is deep distrust in that in yahoo at the moment. um is hold on power does not survive this war. what happens when to is really, society is
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a post and that's in yahoo world. the really a lot of really and also the college, the greatest exploration, the possibility to goes beyond those strategies. ok. the buying and really the people i think the best on our capacity capacity of organ uses for most of us to go to good use in our religious and see here. i see, you know, the and he's lucky. so those, are you familiar with the each one of these goals? mm hm. oh, face that, that you know, has been building is all political career. now we will have to find a way to build bridges on it. and it's going to be a tremendous that's and i think it's, we will the old as possible where we can get, get into possible how also somebody else. you know what you're saying there is that is really as a poor, poor, realistic society has lots of different opinions. will the country be able to find
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it within itself to move to a 2 state solution? even if that means giving up settlements territory in the west bank with the risk that doing that will be seen as a victory for a months. the reason for my mind, the question he's done, we'll do the best minds about the danger of the 2nd shot. and when people speak to the speaker book, obviously the nor possibility to see the tar. in fact, they would argue we already had 2nd thoughts. this is already a warrant to, for one front is military against unless the other is politically visual venus in y'all's government. and i went to the printer and said the thing orders to we this the punch war, both equally posting is what has to come to good. may seem to this be on things.
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and this is not just on the, you know, it's been going on for 140 years. what is being convicted? i think this conflict is that we keep on calling the easily by listing and thought it was easy to use a coffee between all these ready for all his religion. and all of us being is or a little are, this is simply not true. even the gun and street the majority of posting is or against for us, as long as the be, is it showing most these are, these are against that, then you know, both people's, it'd be part of the cycle be hijacked by the radicals. and those are the goals here to help the driver tremendously, by the way, notice politically, financially, to the leaders, all home a 1000000 years. so hopefully more 1000000000 years. let's turn that into this benefit. the chart. and now he's up to us. the debug and alternative moves to come to be a 2 state solution is possible. there is a way to further down because we could,
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we just need hers and not just with the visual and among the postings in the region and world wide. we will need every possible mr. uria, a lot of television university. you have given us our viewers a lot to think about tonight and we thank you. thank. i think you have a service to remember the anti jewish programs of november 1938 took place inside a synagogue here in berlin. today. it has been 85 years since the nazis systematically attacked jewish people in germany and austria destroying homes, businesses and synagogues, the committee meeting, one of the worst nights in german history. that led to the slaughter of 6000000
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european jews during the 2nd world war. this on of air 3 comes at a time when many jews feel threatened in germany. since the latest escalation in the israel, him as conflicts and the synagogues, it was recently attacked with molotov cocktails in the president of germany. central council of jews issued a warning on its defended parliament. there are parallels between the mentality of radical islamists who want the extermination of israel and the jews and those on the far right to despise our culture of holocaust. remember, it's understood it was the same for the chancellor said he's outraged and deeply ashamed by rising onto symmetric sentiment in germany. you've given the weight of the countries historical crimes and can get us started on this 1st question. i said, please, this is about keeping the promise given again and again the decade since 1945, the special, the promise of which our democratic germany is founded to the special credit
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promise never again. we must honor this promise right now. yeah. got it yet. not just in words, this little interaction, some of them for i'm often of them. who yeah us this movie, i could use the movie for germany. the past is always present as is its commitment to protecting jewish life and society. actors in the us have reached a tentative deal with major hollywood studios to in their 118 day strike. this was the reaction from union members in los angeles. on wednesday they been demanding higher pay a share of streaming revenue and protections from a are destroyed by writers and actors have resulted in one of the longest labor crises in hollywood history. and now she's got something to
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report about. again, katie matthews, joyce, we dial from los angeles, k. j is good to see you. a lot of people thought this was never going to add. why did this deal? why did it takes of law? i'll simply credited to the holidays were what? 2 weeks away from the american holiday thanksgiving, and then a little bit more than a month away from christmas. and you know, usually in hollywood, not many people work during that time anyway. so if there was any deal there was going to be made. now was the time. and so what's the feeling there in hollywood house video be received a month? i guess most importantly the, the actors to everybody is a lady. i mean, last night there were in the streets, in hollywood sunset boulevard, in hollywood boulevard, celebrating most of the actors that have been going to premier that have gotten exclusions where they can actually promote appeal. we're excited. i think just
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everybody wants to get back to work. i think so many people in hollywood forget that the people, the big stars that make millions and millions of dollars, they just represent a sliver of the actual use. most of them are just working really hard to be able to pay the rent in their mortgage and cars and send their kids to school. so most of those people really wanted to get back to work and they've been out of work for more than 2 and a half months. so what i'm hearing is everyone is elated with this deal. and it talk to me about the details of disagreement in terms of what does it better pay, but most importantly, i wanna know about these safeguards against artificial intelligence. or that's the thing. it was true sticking points because as you recall over the last couple of months, they went to the bargaining table. they came back saying we're too far apart. they went back to the bargaining table, then they said they didn't want to meet. so was off and on, off and on, off and on. but it really came down to 2 things, the residual payment plan,
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from streaming platforms for actors. and also a i, as you just mentioned, uh, a lot of people have been saying, you know, when you are on a hit show on something like maybe netflix or amazon and your show gets viewed all around the world. you're not making residuals on that. the way you did with network television and america, and they want to change that. so apparently with this new plan, it gives them better a better incentive to get the residual payments that they deserve. the 2nd thing is the a, as you know, everyone is very, very threatened by that here in hollywood about being replace or about having their life misuse without their permission and without being paid. apparently this plan goes so far as even to say that even if something happens to you and you pass away after you have given your wife is they still have to go to your state or your family to get promoted. wow. so the not, it is the now for sag after the actors union to say rotate with this with move
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forward. let's get back to work and they're saying today they're going to get back to work today. yeah. but we've never had a labor agreements like this that deals with a, with a i and the impact of that. and i'm wondering, is this going to alter the balance of power between talent and studios? yes. because you know what? now we know how to negotiate successfully is what the set out for. people are saying they're negotiating, committee kept at it and kept add it and kept adding and they just wouldn't budge certain issues. and yes, it was the last right for the writers union to 1st and then the actors union, but any, and they got what they want. so i think other union holly were saying this is how you play hardball. if you really want to get the sticking points of the things that you, you think are necessary moving forward in the future. here's you. i've got about 25 seconds. everyone's getting back to work in hollywood. what are you looking forward to most and what are you going to go see?
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are obviously nothing new has been produced in the last. what 6 or so months i am looking for to being able to interview celebrities now that they don't have to get an exclusion to be able to talk about the upcoming projects. so it's business, as usual, you're going to see a lot more celebrities on movie premieres. you're going to see a lot more salaries on radio shows and tv shows promoting their upcoming series right in their films and on the left. and, and i'm glad you may be, this will be that people like you and me will not be replaced by a i in the near future at least high the due date. bethany said los angeles page, a good see you thank here. thank you. of the day is almost done and continue. the conversation continues on line. you know where to find this. we will see you tomorrow the
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to the point. strong opinions, clear position, international perspective. germany's defense minister has warrant. it's military must become combat ready and fast, and that will require a major overhauls not only to the bone despair, but also to attitudes in german society this week onto the points we ask, is germany fit for come to the point the next on d, w into the conflicts own with tim sebastian as the complex and
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got the intensifies of public morning. somebody united states, this rattle needs to do more to protect from city and civilian my just this week for me as well is, i mean i alone for my head. the issue that a country is getting to the security service really as well. the us more conflict in 60 minutes on d w. the imagine that you're eating a hamburger and as you're biting into this juicy burner, your dining companion says to you, actually that hamburger is not made from cows. it's made from golden retrievers. 2 2 2 2 should. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 immediate in cultures around the world,
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people learn to classify small handful of animals with edible and all the rest of the classify as disgusting. w series about our complex relationship with animals. the great debate. what you know on youtube, dw documentary. the germany's defense minister has warrens that in an increasingly dangerous world, the german military must become combat, ready and quickly. that will require a major overhauls not only to the bonus there, but also to attitudes in german society despite billions of euros promise last year to modernize the armed forces. decades of deliberate under investments mean it's still facing shortages and equipment, funding and many were willing to fight this all i'm it concerns that soon germany might not be able to count on the united states for its defense.


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