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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 20, 2023 6:00am-6:16am CEST

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the, the, these, these things up we can use live from building the russian to a strike and kills safe and people in ukraine, among the day it is a 6 year old girl. the attack happened just people were on their way to church. also on the program mass evacuations, as was five's threatened cities in canada, the entire population in yellowknife in the northwest territories awarded to leave . the hans and the state of emergency is enforced in british columbia and dean foot totally decrease in vain fellow tyson hartford lives taking
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a thrilling stock today. unfortunately, you campaign will have all the goals and more coming up in the i'm jared. read. welcome to the program. a russian, a strike has killed at least 7 people in northern ukraine, among the date in the city of chimney. here is a 6 year old go more than 140 all the people were going to, the united nations has condemned it. as a highness attack, the dow seeing the flames caused by a russian missile strike in the historic city of china near the a woman pausing for a photograph in the city center captured the moment of impact. this slippery slope was looking for luis, for it was horrific and people were lying around somewhere. i don't know if they
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were dead or alive. it was a woman under a cock people at what was scans, which is of course it's horrible. the fisher flew up to believe there was screams and lots of dead and wounded. so i'm your lenses so it's horrible. so i'm helping now to clean up a little bit. often. it's a real tragedy. so what, what the, what the missile strike hit, the city center of the journey of among the buildings damaged were a theater, and a university. many people were on their way to church for a religious holiday. their lives now disrupted by the horror of war. sima the, it's a little more of them with all the victims are being provided with medical care. the authorities are working last week and response headquarters has been set out
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and we would need to know when you all the effect of buildings will be restored and all necessary assistance will be provided to those affected you with the following . ukrainian media reports say an event featuring drone manufacturers and aerial reconnaissance training schools was being held in the theater. security services are investigating whether this was the target for the attack. let's, let's get around up now. some of the world news headlines. authorities in ecuador have tyson security, a head of sundays presidential election. the boat is taking place 11 days off to candidates and a fee of $10.00. c. r. a was assassinated. at a campaign rally. he had found down to credit valid to crack down on drug cartels. he's become increasingly active in the country. representatives from the west
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african regional book, a co boss have met with nisha is ousted prison of my 100 bond zoom. the block has threatened to use force to restore him to office. the delegation also held talks with new jersey carlita. i'm to run minds you on the general see, and he says the country remains open to dialogue box will defend itself. if a tax, taiwan says $25.00 chinese a craft across the into it's a spice. during military drills, the maneuvers are seen as a response to a visit to, to the united states and by taiwan sized president. it comes as the reason summit, after recent summit, in which the us south korea and japan condemned china is aggressive pasta in the south trying to see and degrade to strength and military ties. russia space agency has reported an abnormal situation on board its lunar $25.00 pride currently opening the moon west coast. most gave no further details of the incidental.
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whether it will affect the score a spacecraft plan tops down at the moon's south pole as well. writing wildfire as a drawing closer to sit easy north and then waste in canada, prompting more evacuation orders, the state of emergencies, enforcing the province of british columbia and that's with 30000 inhabitants, have been ordered to leave their homes. and in the remote northern territories, the fight is getting close to the regional capital of yellow, nice smoke from the mcdougal creek fire trouts the city of colona weather conditions have been making matters worse. strong winds and lightning from a cold front get hot air that's built up over the sweltering summer trying time through the 150000 people that call colona home. while the smokers been insane, we had what was it $196.00 for m $2.00 which is hazardous. it's
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like phasing air quality going on with conditions. rapidly worsening authorities declared a state of emergency in just the last 24 hours. the situation has evolved and deteriorated quite rapidly. in just the last hour, we've gone from about 4500 homes under evacuation to about 15000 homes, families div actuated from their homes across the province. people fleeing the yellow net fire and canadas northern territories have meanwhile arrived in calgary . yellow knives, entire population had to be evacuated, counted as prime minister has promised federal health and praise people for stepping up in the face of crisis. the number of people who have been evacuated has been taking these incredibly long drives to get to safety, doing it in a thoughtful,
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orderly way of being there to help out each other and look out for each other is really the best of not just what canada is with particularly people live in the north where the sense of community and looking out for each other is, is truly extraordinary. for the residents of yellowknife, there's some good news firefighters there have so far been able to keep the flames threatening their hometown at bay. and millions, bracing forward the arrival of hart and hillary as the storm closing on the us state of california and northwest and mexico. hillary is expected to plow into makes it because baja peninsula on saturday night as a powerful hurricane. and before reaching southern california as a re tropical storm full costs, as of one that you could produce, potentially catastrophic flash flooding. sun communities are setting up shelters on public events. i've been rescheduled. hillary will be the 1st tropical storm to hit the southern california and all that i see is a lawyer. i spoke with
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a guy sometimes i don't. yeah, he's the bureau chief for nbc and use radio in l i. e. and given how re tropical stones are in california, i ask him how people they are preparing. so right now you can see stan bags being deployed in some of our mountain and rule areas across southern california. springs has already seen some precipitation. i got some rain early this morning. rain is going to sprinkle out the rest of the evening here on saturday and then the rain is really going to show up late sunday evening. here in southern california, i suppose to make land fall around 5 o'clock local time in san diego and a everybody's really kind of batten down the hatches we've been told to bring and everything from our patios in our back yard. make sure that the pets are okay. make sure that your car is up and running in case you have to evacuate through the
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debris flows, or a mudslide, or a land slide or something to that effect. so people right now here in southern california are just kind of sitting and waiting. it's been comm before the storm, quite valid to here, quite literally as you say jason. some areas are expected to get a year's worth of rainfall in just a few days. there's warnings of, you know, life threatening flooding. what's the impact of that going to be if it ends up as being a being as bad as predicted? so what some, sometimes people forget that california is a desert and the areas that you mentioned that they are going to get a years worth of rain. that's that palm springs, that's our rule areas are desert area where i know 24 hour period, they're going to see almost 10 inches of rain. so with that, all of that story, all of the top soil, all the rocks, all of the debris, that's been built up over time. those 10 inches and 24 hours. they've got to go somewhere. so they're just basically gonna clean the top soil off of
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a lot of the area of southern california. and so what that will do is, you know, come down from our mountain areas and end up in our neighborhoods are in our streets, in our cities, and maybe block traffic, or block highways. it's been quite inside the block major thoroughfares to me, you know, major mount metropolitan areas in southern california. people may not be able to get to work on monday morning. people may not be able to get to their kids to school on monday morning. things like that and it may shut down access to mostly stores in the winter. we saw, you know, 10 to 15 inches of snow, shut down an entire mountain community of big beer and lake arrowhead area. and those areas right now are just prime for mud slides and major debris bloss. so that was in the scene, uses a news radio is a light bureau chief jason can put down. you're speaking to me um a little bit early on. okay, we'll go through some support now and the bonus league is back in action of to
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champions bind munich east, past bremen for neil. the question now is, can anyone stump them from winning a tow straight title? leave the cruise mistake. they claim they overcame. i'll be line 632, in a battle between 2 binds potential title challenges. found the arrival victor pony face should give labor cruising some extra potency and attack. he wasted no time in making his present spouse, setting up jeremy frame palm for the opening go i know the new signing helped with eva cruz and double valley 10 minutes later, eunice hoffman's corner was headed in by jonathan tom. they've a cruise in tune a lap against a team who did barry spine munich, and the german supercop to the delights of coach chevy alongside patrick here, right from the supercop down the o mode, cut the deficit just before half time. another corner, another free header, both sides guilty of some poor defending. there was nothing poor about neva choose
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instead, go by stop, play a story on via these chip. restoring that to go cushion with freedom from fairly delighted with his assist. where the v it's meant to, to know it is up for debates. the end result is always the same. like 6 larisa pen to ensure to know the finality when he made it 3 to with 20 minutes to go. the labor cruise and how 5 mazda, that's an impressive openings, a victory showing why something along side to be tied to content is well off to that match. the leave of cruising coach was full of prize the history of, of bundle size, frame pong. and that's based off quality, they, they complement each other or they have different quality so we can share it at the friends of south. so there is more control. i think the more temple a more rest of the space. so that's good. i think that we wanted to find the right balance between qualities between the hours, between a maturity of a,
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of experience. and let's say it's just the star by the way i did i did for today on from monday we were to start thinking about dropbox. well last seasons, ron is up to altman lifted light to get past spears and cologne. so i don't need them all in one security for the, i'm sorry, a bully dean. after a cooling uh to get don't links going to say good campaign or through winning stuff . this is don't man's 1st competitive games since they lost out on last season's title on the final match, de, adding it to none of the vin on munich. as well at the women's world cops, sweden defeated hers so strangely, to nail, to secure with the place sweden half. now one 3rd place that the world caught 4 times the spot, the defeat them. matilda is still achieved. the best result on the world stage oxy . vance. had hope them entailed those magical tournament within, with victory against sweden, a sype, it's never lost all straw. you had
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a world. however, history as it does repeated itself in this match. sweden's 1st goal came in the 1st half following. the contact between australia is clear hunt and stina black stainless sweeping was awarded the penalty due to unintentionally clipping the hill . after the video, assistant referee had a low read. elena rosa converted with top. it is to give sweet in the lead before the break just after the arrow marks we did double duly use. this came from seen of like seeing is down because of already has money fired in from outside the box, the to new victory hands sweetie. and therefore, 3rd place finish at the women's world would anticipate an end to them until this you'll what seeing dw, use live from berlin. he's a reminder of our top stories. the u. n. has condemned what he calls a highness attack on the city of attorney. here in northern ukraine,
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at least 7 people were killed by a russian, a strike, and more than 140 office wounded worship as were on the white church when the attack happened. coming up after a short, frank is our story. sports life is more on detail, brings up. com and on social media dw, so i'm tired reading, billing, thank you so much for watching. have a great day. the prices got issues with a lot say what the the another in charlotte.


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