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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  August 18, 2023 10:30pm-11:01pm CEST

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the season kicks off, so you have a lot of work to do. your cell kick off the it's been cold and new alliance in east asia. today, the latest of japan and south korea, are you as president buttons gift for a summit? the locks the to asian pacific neighbors into binding principals, ending decades of tension following will bore to the white house in 5th, the deal is not directed against anyone, but all 3 states share to threats. china and north korea. at the re, alignment of interest, the promises to change the balance of power in the region. i'm anthony howard. this is the day the
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this summit comes at the moment when our region and the world are being tested by geo political competition. this summit signifies a new aero try lateral cooperation for the us, japan and here. ok. korea and japan. um now apartment associate universal values and for so you common interests. it's not directed at any one particular nation. it's exclusively not. and nato, for the pacific profile, trying to oppose this rather than countries forming peaks of all kinds. it's a big deal that the 1st stand on somebody is a big deal. also coming up, the russian needs soldiers to replace its losses in ukraine. the kremlin has made signing up the military service more lucrative, including high def benefits for families. but can i really count on the money when it's needed? and those don't, if i want you to support families who have lost it or like you would have loved ones, you to help them raising their children. but give them an education
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a bad one session. i used to have jo is on cbs in the united states. and all around the world welcome. we'd begin the day in the mountains near washington dc where us president joe biden has been hosting a summit with the latest of to t u. s. allies in east asia, japan and south korea. to me, i can see the on the right and you and so your were received at the presidential with trade of camp david. it's think 1st stand alone summit for leaders of the 3 nations and comes to meet the growing 3. so think nuclear is north korea and the rising military and economic mice, sean. now, even before the meeting began, us officials were already sharing ways that it would break new ground in relations among the 3 states. one key aspect is a formal quote, judy to consult. it's an understanding that
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a threat to any one of the states would be considered a threat to o, requiring mutual discussion on how to respond to the states will also expand a military cooperation, including on missile defense and expand 3 way military exercises. i will also inaugurate the 1st try lateral hotline, so that latest can communicate securely. in case of the crisis, weight is also committing to annual meeting someone late as of the 3 countries to be continued by future governments. that as the meeting began, the 3 leaders west stressing its significance is some of what they said with a guest. speaking through the interpreters, our trend lateral partnership is opening a new chapter which carries great significance in my view. president to roosevelt wants to state it. freedom is not a given but something you fight to win. the fact that we did the 3 d this has got together in display. liabilities means that we are indeed making
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a new history. as of today, our countries are stronger in the world to be safe. as we stand together and i know this is a belief we all 3 share and i want to thank you both for your political courage. brought you here. for more on this web got sheila smith with a she stay new fellow for asia pacific studies at the council on foreign relations and joins us from washington, dc. so good that be with us. we just stood, president barton talking about the political carriage of the south korean and japanese latest that brought them to camp. david, what makes this such an active coverage? well, thank you for having me, anthony. it's a pleasure. i know this is a relationship that i'm like, for example, for your european viewers. it's unlike nato, which is a multi lateral lies alliance in the, in the pacific. us allies are,
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are all bi lateral allies and south to in japan have struggled with some of their ability to cooperate and the security rel, due to political differences over historical legacy issues. so that referenced by the president to the political courage of, of the president of south korea. and the prime minister of japan alludes to the difficult political environment within which each leader is operating domestic politics. the are sensitive to the relationship on both sides, but perhaps particularly more so in south korea. so this is a real breakthrough, i think for the try lateral relationship. but it stands on the foundation of a strong japan, south korea, a diplomatic achievement. sheila cooperation and trust the woods, we hear a lot attached to the pharmacy. what's the real significance of these camp? david principals the late as a signing off on today. so there's 2 aspects. i think i would emphasize. one is both of these allies have looked at the threat emanating from north korea for some
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time. most obviously of course south korea, but also japan because north korea has developed the capacity to launch missiles and most of its missile tests are loved in the direction of japan and these days. so both countries are worried about young. yeah, again, it's ambitions, it's nuclear ambitions. in particular, but what you saw throughout the, the, the principal statement is reference to the end of the civic. so beyond northeast asia, these re allies now have turned their gaze to the challenges that are bound to the air. and they're largely associated, obviously with the rise of china. but i think the definition is important. it's not just security, cooperation or strategic interest and stability in the region. it's also this economic competition that lies ahead with china. the us has been king distress that way. we're not looking at the nice so for the spatial pacific region, which is that assertion, just semantics in this case. and then how d 5,
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these 3 countries going to be tied militarily as well. militarily, both of those countries will be very focused, their militaries are primarily focused on national defense. so whether you're sitting in south korea, looking to the north or you're sitting in japan looking to a broader sweep on the russians to the north, to north korea, to the west, china, across the east, trying to see the japanese military looks to their, to, to perform whatever task they need to defend japan, but beyond that, their broader conversations about maritime security. we've just witnessing the reach and of course, chinese tensions with the philippines in the south china sea. there are questions about whether or not the behavior of the chinese military across the region, again, particularly in the maritime domain, is safe and end peaceful. so you have, i think not an integration of the military's to, to stand up to 40 article 5 type cooperation. but you do have a,
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an assertion here by the leaders as they have a state, they have shared state and they will be coordinating and acting in concert should the region be under threats. and that's the historical significance of japan and south korea. we typically really put this historical friction completely behind and then the question thing, what are the limits thing to a disagreement? well, this is the big question, and i think what the 3 leaders attempted to do, especially in the, the, your clips. you highlighted this, they, they said the time has come for a much deeper strategic relationship among the 3 countries that they have turn the page so to speak on the past. but the people of south korea and japan will still take some time, i think, to get through many of the specific issues that often arise in the relationship. so the bilateral diplomacy between soul and tokyo is always going to be, to attend to the, the, the citizens sensitivities, 2 issues related to the mass. i don't think that's going to go away,
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but i think we've seen today a fairly large step in the direction of talking about what the 3 countries can do together. even as they tend to some of these more sensitive issues that show that the us officials have been a pines to point out their stress. but this isn't in that any one particular country as a threat, but will that fly in badging and young young? oh, even most go for that for the, you know, and i think, you know, you see has been listening to the chinese government's comments about this upcoming trilateral summit. they have clearly seen this is something that they don't like and that they indicate is a challenge or attempt to contain china. that's the language. the chinese government tends to use towards any us uh, allied statement of security concern about the beach and so expect the chinese government to continue to emphasize that this is not good for peace and stability in the region. but i think you're also beginning to understand that across the
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region, china is own behavior has begun to, to, to strike a deeper cord of concern. and so i think that's part of the back job to this try lateral summit. it's not just process level, you know, internal ambitions for the 3 countries. it's also the realization that we are in a very different moment. you saw, for example, both president yoon and prime minister sheet attend nato summit of late due to russian aggression. you saw vladimir putin meet with kim general, kim john in john yang. uh, so there is movement also in the china or russia account game side of things or north korea side of things that i think all 3 of these leaders are quite aware that there's a dynamic afoot here, that they have to be very sensitive to. and i made the state camp david and for the region, sheila smith from the council on foreign relations. great to get your input on the day. thank you. thank you. the the, the client in russia have lost
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a staggering amount of soldiers in they will. now, i 3 months in, from russia's invasion, then you know, the times says us officials estimate total casualties on both sides are approaching half a 1000000 with up 212-0000 debts on the russian side alone. but the crime and russia risk struggling to maintain the size of the armies. the crime is running a campaign now telling sees a citizens to become the fee and in list that is correct down on bribes type to avoid deployment. meanwhile, moscow has boosted the salaries, paid the soldiers since the start of its invasion by now and 3 times the average wage, with bonuses for capturing territory, but how lucrative is a career in putting some is that still goodness can you earn 6 money by going to the front in russia,
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this is exactly how new soldiers absolutely recruited his last address to the nation. rushing presidents logging into 2 tried hard to make the world look more attractive to potential soldiers like a i propose to create a sufficient state default. its task will be to provide the assistance of the family. so for them to find those to be met to around of the special men in their operation. i mean, it will coordinate the provision of social media co end of the cycle, logical support. you feel like it is the most important task over the phone is to organize long term care at home within the them. here is a breakdown in concrete numbers of how much russians soldiers can earn throughout his service. upon completion of 81 year tour of duty, each soldier will receive a one time payment of around $1830.00 euros. depending on the soldiers military rank and tasks, the monthly salary can vary between 1910 euro,
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and 2270 euro's that is over 3 times the average russian salary. in bonuses are given to encourage more aggressive fighting against the ukraine choices, that sort of stuff and for capturing territory. go get it on my for each kilometer a russian soldiers advance a crane. they can expect an additional sum of $470.00 heroes. the same goes for the capture or destruction of weapons or military equipment used by the ukraine forces . but where there is war, there is of course death. i understand how unbearable, at hearts it's now for the wife and those songs, the fault and soul. joe, he said i d and for they apparently for both auto. that's the worst thing to and the notion don't, it's always use it to support families who have lost it or like you would have loved as long as you need to have them right. isn't that of children,
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but give them an indication of a headboard session. right. he's and to that and president protein has increased the death benefits for soldiers killed on the battlefield. considerably. according to a decree by pooty, a $47577.00 euro payment is made to the families of each fallen soldier. but it's not only money with which the russian government is trying to recruit new soldiers. there is also an array of social benefits. the russian defense and industry will give financial aid to where the rental or purchase of housing soldiers will also get free medical examinations treatments and physical rehab at military facilities. as well as free health and life insurance to name just a few benefits. and it's not only the soldiers to profit from being deployed. it is the whole family. families will receive summer camp vouchers with children and
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college. a children will get preferred placement at top russian university and i see it to be 2 professional will respond to any time the best steam because we are all long country. i do watch ment with united mean metal with confidence in our sales. we want to get to know a strength of truth or our site to them. and as the war against ukraine continues to grind on, it seems clear that president pushing has no intention of giving up, no matter the human or financial cost. and with an average salary of some 630 year olds in russia, the financial incentives to join the military will be tempting to many people. what ever the risk? okay, jobs, as i say, new consulting fellow of the russia and you raise your program at chatham house in the u. k. quite, that'd be with us. i'm gonna stop asking you 1st about these latest casualty estimates from the us up to 120000 russian boarded up 270000
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ukranian troops killed. do you think that's credible? well, the keywords you use there is estimates. and let's not forget that this is just one of a very wide range of guesses at home and the casualties and fatalities that have been on both sides. and the reason why people are guessing is because both sides of working really quite hard to suppress those figures. russia definitely does not want it to be no more widely within the russian federation. just how high the desk told has been. and how many more actually soldiers have been maimed as well as those killed and the number attempting to be reinstated into society? ukraine to has its own very good reasons for keeping those pick us on the raft. so you do get a very wide range of assessments suggest with these biggest lie and it has to be said these big is that we feel good from the new york times today on not the most extreme given these losses care. what of the exact number is for which side of these last is a big problem in terms of a shortage of trips?
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a shortage of troops really isn't the biggest problem on either side. the problem that you train face is, of course, it is a democracy rush. it can continue to empty its prisons to round up immigrants, off in the streets, to throw people in the, into the front line to try and stabilize it without really paying attention to the human cost. but ukraine is a very different organizations, like a country, a society which is going to be very much more sensitive to the human cost of this. now balance of gain to that, of course, the brain fighting for fighting a war of national survival with the threat is very clear. and of course the motivation for people to join the fight is going to be so much higher. it's really not the, the reserves that held behind by each country that is going to be the turn, the mean factor here. it's whether russia can actually sustain this, the numerous rate at which it's pulling people into the slide, where it's going to draw on is reserves with us and know from the long term. and so who then is willing to take out these office as well. we've heard from your
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correspondent the a lot of detail about what has been announced for the financial offers that are available for people joining the russian on forces. but as always, there's going to be a big difference between brush it what russia says is going to happen. and what actually really happens in real life. we seen time and again how these promises that are made for russian service went on actually follow through on even the best benefits you could a headlines because there was something approaching 50000 bureau that supposed to have been decreed by president boynton. what actually happens in real life across russia is there's a huge variation in what is paid out between different regions of the russian federation between different administrations. and sometimes that pay of doesn't happen to tool if somebody is killed but is listed as missing or deserted, as happens regularly, then the payoff doesn't reach the family. so there's a big gap between what is said and what is done. and most russians will be aware that what is supposed to be being promised may not actually necessarily be what end up being ends up being given out there things benefits and extensions of existing
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benefits. did i speak to person being forced to reach a new demographic here of what they saw just solutions up against the problem in terms of the replenishment of a manpower that's been thrown into the fight. he saw from the attempt to partial mobilization of the country back in last september, that there was actually significant push back against people with not keen on this idea and triggered a wave of immigration from russia where precisely the people that they need to recruit decided to leave the country rather than get involved in the war. ringback so what's been happening since then is mobilization by still an undeclared pastor and of trying to bring in people who are not in a position to resist being drafted into the military. for example, a 1000000 immigrants, for example, the continuing process of pulling people out of prisons in order to throw them into the army. all of the groups from society that are not in a position to make a fuss of the ones being targeted to try the plug, dismantle again. but of course,
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that's a finite resource. and if the casualty figures that we here are accurate and if the will, brian's on as it is likely to do then eventually president boynton is going to be faced with choices of making this mobilization at the more public more obvious and therefore more unpopular. yeah, we often look for signs of weakness in the kremlin and potent does any of this struck you as desperate in any way? oh, is this actually a form a spring in that they have the money? and so they are going to use it to attract the manpower they now need specially certainly has the advantages in being able to trash the economy and proceed to this war that's not sustainable in the long term. either. of course, no rushes beating through this habit of spending itself into a state collapse, but in pursuit of unwinnable war. that's something that happens fairly regularly throughout russian history. twice, at least in the 20th century alone. but for the time being forced into appears to
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be confident that he can wait out the width of his patients and the, the resources that have been drawn to trying to keep this will going is actually going to be longer than ukraine in the coalition backing it because if you can, does not demonstrate some greater success in this counter offensive that's been going on for several months now, which has been handicapped by the lack of weapons and weapon systems that have been supplied. deep writing to enable it. points in reckons that the western coalition will eventually push your brain into some form of ceasefire and negotiated settlement, freezing the conflict in a way that can only possibly benefit russia. hey josh plan consulting fellow of the russia and you ration program at chatham house in the u. k. was great to have you on the day. thank you. thank you. well, officials in the indian capital daily recruiting women to drive the cities public buses. accounts as a big step in a city with old bus drivers, some 15000 of them have to now been on the main the w as many are child re met. one
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of the new women recruits at work at 430 every morning while the city is still sleeping. yoga porter, a drive full book at this bus, people in new delhi, yoga as a bus driver. and one of only 3 women drivers in this depot. she's bought with a batch also newly inductive. female drive was in the dairy transport corporation. or did you see the cities mean public transport operate to the state government started the program last year to attract more women drivers to the d. p 3 so far, $24.00 women have been hired in the total workforce of about $15000.00 drivers. at 5 in, you'll get those sets off on her duties. she has been driving a bus for 8 months now and loves her new job. it was my child to dream to drive.
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i started learning on my own. i began with small vehicles, then moved on to big ones. when i got the opportunity to drive a bus with the daily governments initiative, i took it. i was one of the 1st women drivers to join lilian, both drivers of still an unusual sight and india. with these passengers at least see it as a positive step. i feel more confident and safe now travelling as possible. i also think men are now less likely to behave inappropriately towards us. women are making progress everywhere now. so it's a wonderful thing that they're coming forward in this field to. there should be a quality between men and women everywhere. the task boardman, instead of deli last gaylord, says the initiative helps to empower women and make them financially independent. and the response so far has been over to the phone. if you means they have said this very clearly,
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that i wanted to prove that i can drive the bus on the legal and to the confidence, which is really it is amazing that um, i think the feedback i bought was not of a few means. wanted to become a driver, but that aren't able to afford that and the for any expense. so the government side of funding that yellow says one day he hopes to have at least one people in delhi drawn entirely by them. and you'll get that has a similar dream. she wants more women to join the program and says that there are steps that the government can take to helped make this possible. save job right now . we are on contract in. it would be much better if we get permanent jobs. one's job security is there, i believe more women will come forward to drive or they can have if they get more facilities and benefits like regular salary hikes and medical insurance, retirement funds, etc. they will be much more willing to come,
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as opposed to this session to such as like a bus suite and debbie. you'll get that and he'll female colleagues or your motors to defend the women. you'll be that feels happy driving, but even happy that a new call your avenue has opened up for women now before we go to catch famously, great fans of water, but that hasn't stopped the company in simple offering luxury cruises for willow, feline pits. and the runners cats get to experience a 2 and a half hour round trip of simple hobble, with the views at office of the city skyline. after sunset, the cat skipped the chase scraps from the 7 course. the now the honest a that's kept laugh fine with display will say don't usually high on a catch to do whatever the cats make of it, the cruise is proving popular with their own
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cat sports in 5 weeks. that is all for the day. for now, i'm anthony how'd in the and thanks for watching. have a great weekend and we'll see you on another day monday to boston. the
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to screenings. don't take mommy to my son. your mommy's not coming back. over the february 2022, russian troops invaded the ukrainian city of computer. it was we captured 6 months later. the occupation was hard. you can bring into the work under russian occupation who resisted. get out of here, little sure. who collaborated? some people just remained to the posts during the occupation. how can life go on after all the terror? everyone can endure the fear we felt every day. when russian cars start to august 25th on dw, the
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this is the, the, the news live from who in the us, japan and south korea agreed to deepen military and economic ties. they just make for storage 3 way summit and can't david presidential for treat in the us with former enemies, japan and south korea clutching to cooperate to combat the region with for it. also on the program, the staff because eco y says it's ready for possible military intervention in each year. it's different medic, if it's failed to restore democracy, the latest one site we launch the operation.


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