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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 18, 2023 3:00am-3:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news life from ballad, germany propose to buy in advance to missile defense system. us approved israel, sale of arrow 3 in the sense as to shoot down the high altitude. miss silas, as gemini, seemed to build a sky sealed in response to russia's attack on ukraine. also on the program. west african leaders meet again to consider a military intervention often use as coach. with tough sanctions already in place. they say the military option will only be triggered if diplomatic campus stay
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and survivors of a nice met boat journey, a rescued off cape bed in the atlantic. more than 60 people are believed to have died during the 5 week old deal. as migraines tried to reach your at the high that on that part. welcome to the program. germany is set to by the advanced arrows, 3 missile defense system from israel following us approval of the sale is part of german efforts to build up a skype shield. in response to russia's invasion of ukraine, developed jointly by israel on the us. the arrow 3 is capable of into setting high altitude, ballistic missiles and is used in israel. so cold i and
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a rose 3 is the jews in israel, military defense crown. the system has an extraordinary range. it can destroy a targets, a 100 kilometers above us in the stratosphere. it sales germany for $3500000000.00 . that's more than 3 point. 2000000000 euros is the biggest deal of its kind in israel history. and more was, it was done, this is not just a defense the animal planet. israel is selling to many of the sophisticated our 3 missile defense system. how much on 75 he has to get with the jewish people with grant to death on the soul of nazi germany. 75, he gets late to the juices estate is giving to him and one a couple different gemini, it's a means to defend itself. such as rainy pride, what a historic to an event. germany launch the european sky shield initiative last year with 17 other nations. rushes invasion of ukraine had magnified the need for joint
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european at defense system to protect the skies or been the 2 members. with the, with the europeans guy shield initiative, we're bringing together european states to join to increase protection against ballistic missiles. and crews from is l syndrome. once fully upgraded, gemini, a defense system will feature 6 iris t surface to a rocket systems to target short range missiles, a dozen patriot systems to intercept medium range missiles. and the arrow 3 system to defend against attacks were much, much further away at all 3, according to calculations and some other people have a footprint of couple of 1000 kilometers. so it can defend please a large area to the contrast. but so far, the angle color of the thing that means arrows rays, radar system could also monitor the skies of, of poland,
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romania and the baltic nations. data from the 3 sites in germany would be transmitted to a central location west. so just would be watching for threats around the clock. if a roof each attack were detected, an arrow 3 defensive me saw would be sent up to intercept and destroy the target in space. the sale have yet to be approved by both countries. parliament. once that total is cleared, the stage will be set for the world's most advanced missile defense system to be fully operational in germany by 2030 minutes as inc and isn't less than the defense of security research group at the run your institute and we asked him higher job and these arrows 3 missile system would fit in to your existing ad defenses. so that's a good question. i think that's one of the challenges that is facing skies shield
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is how to further this european integration and cooperation through sky shield. whatever 3 does is give sky shield some much needed emphasis and kind of confidence, particularly in the high altitude air defense and, and, and the ballistic missile defense system. uh, but i think it's no secret that other european countries might have wanted to see a european system, or possibly even a us system to further closer defense cooperation in europe. but the are 3 is number less, a very capable system for european defense that was defense on the list of the test e can. let's take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. now. washington says it will approve, approved a request by denmark and the netherlands to send f 16 fighter jets to ukraine. us secretary of state anthony blink and said the transfer could go ahead once ukrainian pilots have completed that training. so it's in us made west and the system is required, governmental approval before they can be moved or re sold. firefights is
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on the spanish island of tennessee for still bottling the most devastating wild fire that seen in decades. the blaze expands 41 kilometers in his 4th more than 3000 people to evacuate that homes. emergency services, hope the weather conditions will change over the weekend. stop the fire from spreading further on the world's 2nd largest fashion retailer age of them has decided to gradually stop sourcing from me and more often reports of labor abuses in government, factories, age and then is the latest brand to cut ties with suppliers in myanmar others includes our own india tax prime. ok, and marks and spencers a powerful us quite construct. columbia is capital ball gets all forcing residents to evacuate offices homes and hospitals. colombia is
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congress building was damaged in the quake. the at the center was 40 kilometers size, east of boca tall, civil defense officials are assessing the damage. so father, no casualties have been reported. report are not moving on. the west african equal west block says it's ready to launch a military intervention in news. yeah. should diplomatic efforts to reverse a q that failed, defend cease from the blog could be meeting in, gone to adjust address the crisis new jazz world in june to has repeatedly defied international efforts to restore president mohammed bassoon to office. last week equal was equal was activated a system by force full potential deployment in these yeah. that go us military. those are facing the dilemma. use force and risk crease, the instability or back off and allow another west african nation to be under
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miller. people the block he does have once again emphasized that on the dimension in the chair is a last resort. let's do one b and that every. busy is phase the beauty and forces both with stuff that move the military and disobedience components are ready to sub, to the portable duty by the level constitution. the saw this meeting to be best testimony to the but when and how rest applicant troops could intervene, remains on care. you guys, one has already ignored an echo and was deadline to restore democracy. meanwhile, the allstate president mohammed buzzle and his family are under house arrest in the
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capital in the army eco was have called on the kudos to release the president. yet another demand rejected by new jersey, new rulers. and for the i'll use the postage, the president to know what and let me know what day it was. i forgot the seats. i'd speak is not only the future of new jersey and democracy, but also the credibility of echo was on the block is running out of time and options for historical and seduce new order in new jersey. like a did a dom who is a security on the list. i'm the managing director of beacon consulting in nigeria as capital, a boucher we austin, by the if any decisions so that have actually be made at this eco us meeting. what
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we're hearing from the venue of the meeting is that the participants about 11 countries committed themselves to a military intervention if it comes to the. in other words, they have endorsed the outcome of one area and meet into the health cards. building a new job where the shut it out, it costs a really trading dimension. so it appears that this is inc and their way confounds before the meeting. did deal with the nickel was funny. i'm in between where the members, where i def, i divide it and so this meeting was more or less in the sense of that, that initial decision to go ahead with the military division. if it comes to security on the list could be down there that the muslim majority practiced on rampaging molds of attacks and set fire to churches off the reports. the karone had been desecrated by christians. the alleged desecration is true, would violate pakistan's stringent blasphemy laws, which even the life of
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a death penalty to be used for people insulting is long. a mold, ghost vigilante, brandon sticks and stones. to punish focused on the christian minority of the 2 men. little accused of this accepting the code on our printer, police has done nothing when a man smuggles cocaine is quite within hours. but the person who committed less for me has not been arrested after 24 hours. the police should side with the most dilemma. shake many christians and jetta and follow had to flee. as the most of the mob ransacked the homes. the rolls of the cemetery bull, vandalized and churches set on file christian protest, those gathered and cut out you calling for better protection of the people. the
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rest, the home is about christian community were burned and press on about today. oh, churches were attacked and all religious, all 2 facts were destroyed. this isn't the 1st time such incidents have happened to buckets done. they occur frequently. we've always thought peace. today we gather to judge the punjab government to protect our people. for the love of god, provide justice to our community and ensure our right to live there between a couple huckabee in darkest dons and tell them prime minister and bar on hook. cocker has addressed divine and saying he is gutted by the visuals coming out of john butler in face and about still an action would be taken against those who violates laws and target minorities. all law enforcement has been asked to apprehend culprits and bring them to justice. rest assured that the government of focused on stands with off citizenry on equal basis focused on
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splost for me, those are known to be some of the harshest in the world. but reports show that vigilantes often take over before the police on loki quotes can take stuff, leaving those accused at the mostly phone angle of the 60 people that lead to a di, you did a boat carrying migrants which was fine drifting of west africa. and then you said the boat, just less than a go in early july. finally, process show in cape the of to weeks drifting it. say these few survivors of the latest to attempt to reach europe from west africa. most of the passengers and now believed to have died and the survivors will be sent back to send a go. the un says safe pos ways to migration a solely lacking world wide, leaving many to seek out the dangerous journey by boat. and can, with the doors,
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see, it comes with a lot of pain. yes. we know that migration issues a global issue by which we quiet international cooperation, a lot of discussion and global strategy, especially about given what it a well, just go into right now with migratory issues. it means that all of us, all countries have to sit down at the table and see what we can do so that we don't lose any more live, said c major v. there's no my is so the to do the fishing vessel left to senegal on july 10, carrying around $100.00 passengers, mostly senegalese, migrants move in one month place of the coast guard and cape bed has rescued just 38. survive is the atlantic migration rate from west africa to spain is one of the world's deadliest already this year. more than 300 people have died or gone missing while trying to make the crossing. despite the risk,
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the number of people leaving has searched driven away from home by climate change and economic and political instability. ok, that's open. i, thanks so much for watching. goodbye. the algeria is here, mauritania is here on mark track. we know is this one of the great drains and the grim reality this a hair, it was hail. i swear. what remains? i just want to be for you. the house on the age of this a hard on the last shelter. start september, 2nd, on dw, the.


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