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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  August 17, 2023 11:15pm-11:30pm CEST

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i shield similar to israel fire and don't in response to russia's invasion of you. right? right. you're up to date if you don't new business with a coupon that you value is up next and we'll take a look at and they'll be taking a look at the indian automobile industry. on top of 40 s for me on the team here in britain. thanks for watching. take care and i'll see you very soon. the doors, the scoring we say they were about never giving up sports flies every weekend on dw you can draw the line between the spacings because i don't believe that spaces is i'm all really relevant criteria in any more than i believe that rice or sex is
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on frontier in. 2 2 2 2 humans are closer to a chimpanzee and vanishing. pansy is even to a dog. but duck here, series about our complex relationship with animals. watch now on youtube, d. w documentary, the, the auto industry and the welds thirds biggest. com market. india is booming despite many challenges and recent years we'll look at what's next for the sector without correspondence in delhi. and indian graduates moving to germany as the you work in country tries to your younger migrants to help fill if labor shortage. welcome to the show. i'm sure bondage in belgium. india is the wealth, 3rd largest con market. more than 5000000 vehicles were made in the country last
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year. the city of 10 i has emerged as the hub of car making in india. it has been dick named the detroit of asia because auto giants, including bmw, shim di nissan, titan motors, and my hand dra have a presence there. meanwhile, the country is growing middle class as shifting to luxury vehicles from inexpensive cars. but most of the cars made in india stay in the country last year and exported nearly 700000 vehicles. now, that pales when compared to other asian countries, thailand exported more than a 1000000 cars. south career 2300000 china, 3300000. an ages biggest auto exporter was japan, with around 4400000 units exported. joining us with more is dw corresponded charo. katya k, in daily charl into the oldest sector has transformed fast, but it's still far behind other asian countries. why is that?
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well, a host of reasons actually uh to begin with uh, cause it made a huge dent in the auto sector. and recovery started only in 2022. and even then some of the problems that lingered on. and now the semi conduct, the chips, or there's that has been affecting auto sector the world over, has been affecting the auto sector in india as what it continues to be. the king really of the sector, the big market data. it has about 40 percent markets, in fact, some ripple suggests is even more than 40 percent. might change. things might change in the future little bit because marketing is yet to focus on electric vehicles. but apart from that, the next part is occupied by hyundai. uh and then the other home grown brands like thought how motors and my head drops. most of them are also focusing on ease. so the future might see a bit of a disruption. in the way the auto makers are lined up in terms of market share. now
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you just mentioned electric vehicles there, the indian government approved a $7000000000.00 plan for electric buses over the next decade. now, how is the market for electric vehicles and maybe even hybrid cars before you start talking about green vehicles developing? well, the market is really electric right now. uh, on the pun intended. uh, as you can see, there is a lot of, uh, shift on. uh, there's a lot of focus on public transport as well because of india's green strategy. and in terms of personal vehicles as well, a lot of people are going for electric because the market itself, it grew by more than 200 percent in 2022. according to a one report that i saw the homegrown band talk to him because it it dr. motors. it leads in the electric vehicle segment, the big market leader. as we discussed earlier, model the is yet to focus on electric vehicles. but even marty is making hybrids.
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so taking hybrids and electric vehicles together, people are interested in buying them. a lot of infrastructure is also being set up, for example, of charging stations, even residential societies. i'll building charging stations. so the future does look very bright. for roy electric vehicles. carol, thanks for joining us. and it's not just the auto sector, many areas of blooming and india, which over to of china is the world's most populous nation earlier this year. and while it faces very different challenges from its neighbor, the government wants to make india one of the world's biggest economies. india is a country of superlatives with a growing economy, but it's also facing many challenges. the country aims to have the world's 3rd largest economy by 2030. what makes india so successful? one factor is its population. more than half of the countries inhabitants are less
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than 30 years old. india has been fast approaching china to be the world's most populous country for a while now. but there are also structural problems, including serious issues with india is the job market. most jobs are low, skilled, and poorly paid for academics. on the other hand, there's too little work because the field is not developed enough yet. even worse, only 20 percent of the female population, because a page on the indian school system teaches to few basic skills and trains fewer academics than other industrialized nations across indian schools. particularly in the areas to the board. i don't know just the full 5 lead people 5 without being able to read a single line in any language, not just in english, without being able to do some food calculations including addition and subtraction . india's economic growth is also reflected in the growing prosperity of many
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people. the middle class is expanding, and there are increasing numbers of rich people at the top. we have money to invest in the economy. india is also number one, globally for mobile internet use. an apple already prefers to produce smartphones in india rather than in china. if apple is done the same, for example, in drinks in relating, not only the apples, so that will take knology at both management style. it also rings same the way we're doing things. but the india won't be able to rely on market forces along to become one of the top nations, economically. the country need strong policies that emphasize education, infrastructure, and businesses. now to some of the other global business stories making use, texas is requiring companies to include tesla technology, an electric vehicle, charging stations, the us as investing $5000000000.00 in charging. and it's charging infrastructure,
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but only pays dates for programs that include multiple technologies for tests. a lot of the state decision could help make its technology the us charging standard, german restaurants. so more business during the 1st half of the year, revenues rolls by nearly 16 percent. but despite the latest growth numbers, business is yet to reach pre pandemic levels, choose your highest and greeted prices and wage costs. japanese exports fell in july for the 1st time in nearly 2 and a half years for showing demand for light oil and chip making equipment. drag down the countries latest data. it shows a drop of 0.3 percent for the last month. depends economic weakness, underlines ongoing concerns about a global recession. the u. k is biggest defense company, b a. e systems is acquiring us space tech from bowl our space for more than 5 and a half $1000000000.00. it says the deal will help it meet growing demand for miss styles and be mission. 2 weeks ago. be said it's 2023 half year in net profit
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search to 57 percent amid the war in ukraine. and now to germany, where more younger indians, i'm moving, they're coming here to help build a gap and the labor market that is being left by the countries aging population. many engine graduates are taking on apprenticeships in areas that they wouldn't normally work in back in india. even though lead kuma is hindus slicing dealers in every day task. he doesn't see any religious reasons, not to do this in germany. a guy in india who is always holding, but there is no problem from delhi to the southern german town of violem ryan. and that lead to maurice studies computer science in his home country. not because he enjoyed that, but rather because he was looking for a stable job. however, even with his degree,
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there was no job guarantee in india. that's one of the 28 year old learned about the opportunity to do an apprenticeship in germany. the only for the future was very, very important for this stuff. they wouldn't make sense that is skilled in those months. on the cut, maria hsia g also studied in india before immigration to germany last year. in addition to working at the butcher shop, attending a vocational college as part of the training a be card for the 22 year old. the automatic dialect inside the western germany is the site right? well not the 1st 23 months. you're really tough here. everyone speaks this automatic dialect and maybe i wasn't familiar with it. i learned a different kind of german demand on the highs up. so far, the local chamber of skilled crafts. i'm an agency in india, a place 13 indians in german butcher shops. initially most businesses hesitated to
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take on apprentices from india and other stuff that for so on the one hand, there's many people in india willing to move to another country to find a job. and on the other hand, businesses here in germany need work or skilled workers. we were able to find a group of german businesses which wanted to give it a try. and we also found a group of potential apprentices. we're willing to learn driven in india is 5 or 5 of them was a master butcher. you asked him later was an early supporter of the project. the 61 year old is very happy with his foreign apprentices. you see all the people i see a future for them here in 34, or 5 years. we will see the 1st indian families here. they will settle down and then they won't want to go back any more. you need to look, since things are going well, other businesses are now looking for new recruits the chambers already reaching out to potential candidates either
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now here's something to sink your teeth into. burger king outlets in india, i am no longer adding tomatoes to their burdens and rob students sewing vegetable costs prices of searched by as much as 450 percent as a result of a bad harvest. most soon reins disrupted the harvest season and supply chains which led to the ongoing tomato crisis. burger king's menus changed. perfect things. menu change comes after a similar move by fellow fast food chains, mcdonalds, and someplace. and that's or show for today. for more checkout. vw dot com slash business, and the dw, use youtube channel. and of course we're on facebook and me and the entire team here in berlin. it's good by and take care of the
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p. last everything in a mirror, 2 hours benedict put talk. snakes house was completely destroyed by the disasters flooding in slovenia relief workers. and neighbors help as much as they can. everyone here is searching for a beautiful at mid mountains a month on your w. as we approach that my skin you had a clue has no doubt as an end of nice carol, she looks up to people in the hospice and support stay relatives. it's a judging and meaningful task. that's just like the a 16
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d w. what secrets lie behind being discovered new adventures and 360 degrees and explore fascinating world heritage sites p w world heritage 360 yeah. now the hello and welcome to focus on europe is wonderful to have you with that. but rather in europe is becoming increasingly extreme. this some of you, but most heat waves, droughts on forest fires and some reasons why others and build heavy rains and floods. the bulk of the country of silvia is dropping with the consequences of the worst not to the disaster in decades. dot into rain has triggered sylvia.


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