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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  August 17, 2023 9:30am-10:01am CEST

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investors from all over and moving to latin america in search of bitcoin treasure. nowhere is the crypto currency found more highly than here. but for many, the frenzy ends in really we were promised high speed rail, but so far there is no sign of the coin in latin. america starts august 18th on dw, the hello, and welcome to focus on your but it's wonderful to have you with that. but rather in europe is becoming increasingly extreme. this summer will be with most heat waves, droughts on forest fires, and some reasons why others and build heavy rains and floods. the bulk of the country of silvia is dropping with the consequences of the worst natural disaster
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in decades dot into the dream has triggered serial floods about slight causing multiple rivers to break the bank. thousands of people who have been forced to evacuate from the homes following the was floods in the country's history. major roads and red lines have been forced to close on several villages have been completely cut off from the rest of the world. the slow in prime minister has stated that 2 tubs of the country is effected by flash floods, and to prevent such devices in the future, more damage would it be needed like the one in louisiana benedict adults. nick resides in the beautiful healy reason with this picture risk, but also disaster prone homes swallowed up by rivers crossings, crushed by walter civilian carpenter, benedicts patel. snick doesn't know when or how he will ever work again. after
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flash floods, hit 2 thirds of his country, but it's in this with for the thought on. so the water broke down and the story rose and floated the entire workshop. all of my carpentry machinery was inside that i'm all of it's destroyed now. so it was the way it is. i mean, we spent 30 years of our lives and building based on it. in 2 hours, it was all gone. by which it stays on dirt, debris and sludge coats, the cutoff tone of turn and i cut off, she can benedict's takes. i was inside his family home. there's no running water, no power the floating motor came all the way up to here. it was everywhere. now we have the firefighters, they're doing a really amazing job. others are also pitching in neighbors drain mode by
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the bucket. load falls, soldiers, big homes, and we took the rubble. that is, it's hard to find how powerful nature can be and we're happy we can do out easy loans. that's all that matters. and all we can do the force of nature is on full display here. but far from the flood zone, front lines, the force of civilian solidarity is on show to on our away in valencia, the red cross has been inundated with donations, working loves, and cleaning logs. we managed to get our quite a lot of them as well for the tools. we got a lot of uh, rooms and shovels, even though they are bought out at the stores, people, they're all from all over. so they need to drop them off here. and keep coming during food bolted, walters toes and other essentially almost everybody's got somebody to affect that
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either in friends or family. so yeah, we're a small country. so the evidence that helps, and i think we're going to go through this further sites in leona hydraulic engineers are thinking about the bigger picture. their models accurately predicted where flooding would occur, but not the intensity. no climate change is shifting expectations. we cannot go have a thinking, it will not happen again, it will happen again again from one from a ballistic point of view and we have to be ready for it. that means building more sludge defenses like this one. and we, we all know it was construct to, to, after a deluge in 2010 and helped keep catastrophe out of the neighborhood. this time runs pretty much. bonneville is confident to more infrastructure will be put in
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place. the disaster has focused minds, but he says some communities may have to relocate from the riskiest regions for good. this is front of the really difficult components moving for weight. it's under estimated solve much thinking that induce the people which have to move away thoughts. they will have to move away by can choose now, residents are still really so the news president has come to offer them. messages of support for the civilian government is now doing everything it can with the help of nato and jude opinion. i can assure you that no one is going to be left behind. no one is going to stay without a place to live in sleep, ready to take on on, on, on, on the day that i have currently not months to rebuild. but the years to rebuild benedict says he come to me, they are to think about the future. one where floods may become more frequent.
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now we'll manage somehow for no, he'll keep on cleaning up, seeking some hope among the mountains of mount in spring, but then prices have been so high, but even spaniards are struggling to cool. however, the situation could also be done into something. add one pages, span names to honda solar energy and in order to facilitate this photo or type plans have already been installed in the most sunlit regions of the country. right on the doorsteps of the blonde is angus, et cetera, which will not only find the situation irritating, but is also concerned about potential changes to the landscape of and the lucio in southern spain. that's a conflict that many people in this part of the country having to face
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and says a tooth that she lives in one of spain, sunniest regions with his wife and horses. but he is concerned because that same son has attracted industry. just have a nice a huge solar park has recently been built next to his estate for think for monday, the mother that threw up at the city to the country side of that so that i know they are building the solar rate is around as being the industrial zones right next to warehouse and kind of didn't get them and more are planned. spain wants to produce green energy from its abundant sunshine. that's good for the climate, but threatens and his plans. he wants to started writing therapy center here in 15 to get out of a need. it has to be a nice place for people to spend the day. but i believe i said, but if people don't want to come,
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we love to give up on our project. at all or no problem, i figured i'd have to push it to the 4 others. the solar cells represent economic growth. after tourism collapsed during the cold with pen demik, mayor jose diaz is happy for every cent invested in thinking, selling his own info and by the many of lost their jobs and these hard time. these are but uh you can go to port out of the call at all what i like now through these building projects. some of the been able to get back to the job market is going to offer. now, olive groves are being clear cut to make way for solar plants. some farmers have sees the opportunity to lease or sell their land to the energy companies. nikolai of done has signed over some of his land because water is increasingly scarce and expensive. irrigation no longer pays off cinoya's one wild with the other. nothing grows here. what else wants to wrestle
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you for kids? so we're trying to get at least something out loud and it's like a little mini, i'm looking for it more than $200.00 spanish citizens initiatives. are sounding the alarm and fighting the solar fields, the least below, and you and others, fear that spain will become europe's power supplier. and at that, and because the and the, what the government but some at the people's expense look at. but supplements, may i ask who i'm gonna send them with the yes, i'll send something. i'll check the spell out. last blog does have it on his collect on these huge solar fields are built here with all their environmental and social impact. but when i approve it well, mainly provide economic growth and jobs elsewhere. and it's not here. you have them this time, that's not fair. and so hold on. yeah, no, the pain is being colonized and exploring the study, told us there are other ways like 50 kilometers away. and on most of the village has built a photo voltaic plants at the top. they're small theater to produce their own
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electricity. the mayor francisco garcia proudly explains the creation of an energy community backed by an e u regional development fund. custom photograph of lucca and stuff like that. it's healthy, not bargaining. everything we produce here. it stays in the community in the, in the uh, we don't want to sell our energy to the big company itself. the see nothing on official. i want affordable climate, friendly electricity for all our citizen us and all the for my guess. yeah. so give that all the, what's the, what's ok, no sale, you'll get the plan currently powers $21.00. households with businesses and restaurants expected to come on board. the but luis, polonius, spain is focusing too much on large scale projects. the state is given solar cell companies, free rain, instead of ensuring that they build under elect industrial sites. it's about any spell out of $10000.00 the same capacity can be achieved without
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destroying the environment. but there's no planted, but if you've got the solar arrays where trees one stood hoarse lover and showed a tear of it still cannot understand it. nobody said a kid by the side. why they can't destroy the environment and the name of environmental protection made. it makes no sense. no i, i like you know, you know that, i mean i, phones, you know, so on the ramp and growth of the solar fields defeats its purpose. he hopes that future projects will be more environmentally friendly, such as a nearby, i'm mostly tough. so that green electricity is really green fence. the cost of living prices on inflation have hit great britain. the gap between the rich and the poor has become even more pronounced by the afternoon and upper class, enjoy their lives. millions can hardly afford the most basic necessities. guy sing
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. watson is a millionaire and is willing to wall entirely pay more taxes to a those a need. however, accomplishing this is not as easy as it may seem. 2 nowhere else in western europe does the inequality between rich and per cape as widely as it does in the united kingdom. as may be seen, even an idyllic devon, on the border to cornwall, dicing watson numbers among the upper 10000. a fact, it is not to proceed to talk after a brief career as a corporate consultants in london, a new york city, the no experiments which growing organic vegetables on his parents farm sing. watson went back to the land when he realized that money can't buy happiness. now he's earning more as any effort drunk of with over a 100 employees river foot and galaxy is one of the united kingdom's biggest
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organic farms. over the past few years, he signed 100 percent ownership over to his workers. that's a relatively low price. now he only stays on the road of mentor and that's probably going to waste. wanted to use the business to shake the wells and i wanted to shake the world and then way in that was more like well, but i wanted to live in, which is one that's not dominated by inequality and greed to growing poverty all around under the current government is doing nothing to help. as ever more people are overtaken by inflation and raising interest rates. he himself will be happy to pay for more in taxes to change that in his office, he shows as an open letter. he's written in collaboration with 40 order millionaires to british prime minister rush you soon. i or is a right. if the taxes on multi millionaires were raised by only one percent,
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it would lead to an annually increased revenue equivalent to about $60000000000.00 euros. 6000000 as u. k. invited to join us in calling for a fair attack system on the 19th to pay him strangely. he did find in fact, the prime minister and his party are staunchly opposed to more taxes in general. and especially any kind of wealth tax. this will soon extends back when he was finance minister. thank you mister speaker. mississippi could no, i don't believe now is the time whether be the time for a wealth tax now is the time to recognize the challenge we face. the disposition does not mean that the tories are only a party of the wealthy. as one of their lawmakers explains what money is mobile today? so if we send the wrong signals, then money will slow down to this country. when actually we want to the money to be slipping into this country, investing in the real economy, not just into property, but into businesses to create jobs, back in this farm, guys seeing what's in this,
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these conclusions. so this is absolute rubbish. they may that, i mean tighten lee, that just isn't quite true. i mean, just look at what time the over the last 10 years. how can people keep saying that the poor are getting for the rich are getting richer? that is no trickle down. there's a trickle out, you know, actually all sorts of things. i just kind of believe that we hear the argument, you know, again and again, what is this just to actually lead no factual basis to guarantee well over 2000000 persons depends on food banks. to survive. this bank receives fruits and vegetables donations regularly from watkins farm, its distribution to over a 1000000 meals in the past 18 months and more more. its ordinary families who need help to be able to feed the children. the packages are distributed to people. the city has identified as a need such as leo and his partner mos. she lost her job after undergoing an
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operation. then she had trouble of feeding her 4 children. before to discover the food bank, they often ate only once today. it's not just me, i have friends with children holding the same position. my brother's in the same position. he lost his job and he had a mortgage as well. and you know, now he has to sell his house. he's losing tens of thousands. so he's gonna end up in a lot of debt and it's still hard. you know, it's still hard because we still get the food. so there is not moment, but i feel this month. i feel good because of the health to us getting more food. but that have to any way and it hurts, you know, it's like it's pride or what have a lot that are good dignity. you just feel like the great indignity and so now he's scraped spine hopes, nobody notices. maybe things will start looking up. he tells us,
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but people like guy sing, watson, we're better informed. don't talk much hope that the will anytime soon. and the government continues to insist that everything's coming up roses. in a long term, the very foundations of british democracy may be endangered. they all can seriously wrong to the extent that i really worry about the, the breaking of the social contract, then the, and the loss of people's investment in. so someone to, you know, which in the end results in violence and revolution, you know, which is really not something the other thing anyone wants to see. but i, i feel like coming closer he sees no shortage of ideas for how to tackle these problems. but what good are they is the political will just isn't there? ben, if i'm dealt with the stands out as the most free load italian city along to this. however, the area has become so crowded that people often have to squeeze through the narrow
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streets, undeniably making life challenging for the local population. in fact, the old city center has very few residents left, and those will still live that on please to see the cities john being diminished. giovanni, we only once fewer to us in a city and is actively advocating for it. but it is proving to be a very difficult task when the got to load up. okay, let's split up this way today for you do the model even if you do, you do the geo do. net t reality is wu, they all you and you do that section by pon to delay padia able to join your point, then you can with the, with the, the called us could you kindly get up here. you're not allowed to sit here. thank you for today. to get out to the municipal public order officers asked exhausted guest not to sit on the steps in the thank you. sorry so
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generally tourist. take it in stride, but sometimes on hot days they get annoyed. i wanted to talk to these. got them. i didn't, i don't have to be god, but tour sitting around are the least the venice has problems. over 7000000 visitors squeeze their way through the 500 hector old town every year. and that's too many. so giovanni la own a has a plan to save the special charm of venice. he's a native venetian and part of a network of activists. and he takes a stop in front of a special display. it counts the number of hotel beds in venice. is that nearly 50000 in the same number of people still living in the old city? for now, one people may see that a home were demanding and limits under number of tourist beds. sometimes the limit has to be appropriate relative to the number of bits for local. so that'd be time. you guys open a see, get the get the vin. it has always been a popular tourist destination and venetians were okay with that. as long as the
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assess theory or districts were alive and the economy diverse, but things changed a few years back. nowadays, apartments are intended almost exclusively for tourist, as a woman living across the street chimes and that she's the last venetian in our building. her neighbors moved to the mainland long ago, where the price per square meters just half as much the seat should have been any nation so struggling to maintain their community assured way of life that with that being said, what can be done? the city plans introduced admission fees to keep visitors down, but the project was stopped. instead, they've intensified video surveillance so that the public order officers can redirect in crowds of tourists. finally, to keep people from moving away, the city is aiding local families with their rent. the tourism officer also told us
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about another project. so you know, tell me what i've done on the floor that you thought were considering having a reserve of the city. the shouldn't be to that cheap, altruistic services would have to be reserved in advance and what's happening are we're in the process of building the necessary digital infrastructure commodity comple yakking for us to to dollars. will venice end up a huge open air museum requiring an admission ticket? giovanni believes tourist will keep pouring in even if individual squares have to be reserved in the future. and instead of swarming st. mark's square though and vague, the few remaining quiet are neighborhoods. telling me that they are my and now we're living in a reservation to some of the cities getting even fuller. and i think that these measures aren't helping regular tourism and that is the 1st and foremost we need to put down and hotel bits. the policy like because it's long island back to the public order officers. the tour seem to be happy to comply with requests to
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clear up tasks and standards. they seem to understand the problem been is just too beautiful for its own good. a. dancing is a beautiful thing to do. you can dance to expose happiness. i love you can dance fall so slow. you can dance alone or with friends. but can you down slide is fitting its possible version down. so i, this smoking, shimano has pioneered this unique done phone protocol, younger fee rubles around breaking boundaries. quite literally the sweeping posted on the floor, which speed and style distance is anything but true. it's cold. so i clicked on one partner on one on wheels like long timing, structure, easy, smooth fishing on a simple 2nd book. what i think the best. this is why i love psych lu
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dance unites people that there's no longer a barrier between the person who's in a wheelchair and the person who is then i can so good that for a few moments cyclic dance allows me to forget my disability because it says here a move on a belgium, the you. this is printing her students for a special performance, very carefully crafted the choreography and perfect the pace of the class. thoughts for these dancers, the class is about to much more than learning moves. what i mean, there's the music, the friendship and the exchange. i come down so without my partner and she come dance without me. so we can move. it's like i'm a bird flying to the assess the chair makes me flies to was these days ease ease of busy working mother about as a child in her wanda,
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she contractures polio and was left unable to walk. then war broke coat and descended into genocide. many of her family members died east survived, thanks to a narrow escape when her children's hospital was evacuated by belgium peacekeepers . the owners id, the the hospital staff told us to hide under the covers and not move on. so they, they, they called us to. it was just that we were so scared, one of his, the homes that we heard people saying they were escaping their, escaping english. f, english as they were planning to come and tell us he says this cause this cause that is any new to it. she then grew up with a belgian host family. this happened to this. i was completely lost when i 1st arrived in belgium. i didn't even know how to say hello, nancy. not one single word of french who. oh yeah. well, campbell,
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though it won't forget the dark chapters of her past, she's determined to keep moving forward. that's why she funded her own done school 12 years ago here in belgium to bring change in other people's lives. and she says, because the show must go on at the local community center, audience members are writing for the performance. it's an age of a local charity and isa is partner is helping organizers set up. not for the 1st time. he's feeling private of these. so and those are both hits within her, there's something about it to that brings people towards that that brings people to get from the back stage. performers are gearing up in the green room and do you, this is putting the finishing touches on her cost you. but her mission here is only just beginning 0 destiny, but i want to break barriers and show that whether or not you have a disability, you can flourish and enjoy that love at either. oh no, very nice folks. by taking center stage to
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help others spread their wings to that search for this additional focus on your read it be back next week until then by and take care the the the
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entered the conflict. so how role did you have any promotion really go in his wagner uprising? my guess is to be done, complet soon is russian investigative journalist and security services expert. andrea, so that's all hello is, i've been to our website tracts, the russian intelligence center. how long can hold on to power the 3
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d, w, facing internal and external threats. moldova, the nation in the shuttle, the buildings are taxed on ukraine has deeply divided the population. some wants and alliance with others are return to rushing the in 75 minutes on dw the door and 6 because my child was screaming, don't take mommy reset to my son. your mom is not coming back. over the february 2020 russian troops invaded the
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ukrainian city of the computer and it was re capture. 6 months later the occupation was hard to get to the work was under russian occupation who resisted. get out of here, little shoot. who collaborated? some people just remained to the posts during the occupation. how can life go on after all the terror? everyone can endure the fear we felt every day. when russia costs start to august 25th on dw the
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or you're watching the, the it was coming to live from berlin. smallways emergency chief defends his response to devastating fires. he says that sounding synonymy cyrus could have some people running toward fire danger zones. more than a $110.00 people are confirmed stead and over a $1000.00 still missing. also coming up on the show, your brain claims a success and as counter offensive re taking a village from russian forces. off the clock is ticking to make games for 4 months
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. the season starts and sanctions against new jersey.


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