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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 14, 2023 11:00pm-11:16pm CEST

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the, the dw news lines and from berlin tonight, the hard questions that are being posed now in hawaii, on the island of malware and survivors are sharing horrific stories. many residents blaming authorities for doing too little, too late, as the desk told approaches. 100 is also coming up to my study nation describes a plan buying these hairs qu, leaders to prosecute the countries to pose president as very worrying human as
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calling for his release. and germany's finance minister making surprises at the key, promising berlin mole stand shoulder to shoulder with the grain. and it's fine to defend itself against the russian. the i'm bring coffee, it's good to have you with this. as we begin to this week, the governor of the state of hawaii has borne to the death toll from the valley. wild fires will likely rise significantly. search crews are moving street by street through some of the areas hardest hit by the blazes. many describing the wildfire devastation as a war zone. at least 96 people have been confirmed dead so far. it stuck in traffic as the tried to escape bobby's deadly vide advise is going to get
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to choose on a guy. and if he bought it, go to the scene and one of her phone as she fled, fits our family from the home in law. hi, not a rather dead. and we're just standing that we have our back to this building and we're looking at each other. were like, you know, my son was like, oh mom is it? and i mean, what do you tell your kids, you know, and i told my kids, you know, if it is my husband, tell them if it is, you know, thank you lord, what 2000 buildings, what damaged or destroyed as the 5 go through the story down rescue and relief all patients have intensified on molly island supplies that are why would that food water until to 1000 left homeless was dean,
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searched through bundled buildings and called for those who didn't make it. how i go those days that the is likely to rise. families will come together. but there's a lot of loss here and i think we're going to see significantly higher numbers in the coming days as our professionals from the valley fire police do their job. we're proud of them for doing their job very hard for them to because they knew and loved these neighbors. the us as deadly as wide fired in more than a century, half the ones criticism that the inaction of talk these contributed to the scale of the disaster. but man, he said, well i've, i've seen there to see no warnings and is eva and her family analyses tend to stay in a shelter on the whole deadline now is able to rebuild and return to the town and
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community. it was before the flames. it and almost one week now since those fires begin, what or who is being held responsible for this tragedy? i asked our correspondents with e mail and all the on in washington. well, investigations are ongoing, but the fact that you had very strong hurricane wins and dry conditions and lots of hawaii out for a long time. by the time this happened that of course contributed to the wildfires . but what we're, what we're also seeing is multiple points of failure in the print, paired this and also the response. so as we heard there in the report, hawaii has the world's largest warning system, but those sirens did not sound when they needed to, and warning alerts sent to mobile phones of the residents. there, perhaps power outages impeded their access or the receipt of these messages. and we're also hearing that to the utility provider, hawaii electric is now facing
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a lawsuit for allegedly keeping its power lines up during, during the presence of very strong winds. and that could be something that contributed to the wild fires at the same time. there are also reports that the water supply collapse during rescue operations and fire fighter is trying to fight the blaze would basically find the fire hydrants empty. so authorities are facing a lot of scrutiny at the moment and as investigations continues, that may yet throw even more revelations as to what went wrong here. and what have authorities been saying about the response to what have as well. the attorney general is currently leading a probe into what she calls the critical decision making before and after the event . but what we keep clearing over and over is that it is, it is the speed with which these wildfire spread. and so we're talking a mile
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a minute that made the response, especially difficult emergency management services said there was no way they could get out evacuation warnings in time. and that basically you had the chief, so 1st responders saying that they simply did not see this coming and they were on prepared for the speed and the lease ality with which all of this unfolded. and this is why frank, we're talking about the deadliest wild fires and us history and over a century and is now why is governor today saying that this death toll is likely to rise significantly? i mean, why is it, why is it taking so long to find and identify the victims simply because there is so much ground to cover. so the rest of your teams are having to look into thousands of buildings, a thousands of abandoned vehicles, thousands of burned out vehicles. and there is just so much ground to cover over the weekend. only 3 percent of the disaster area had been covered so far in terms
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of identification. well, brent, you can imagine these bodies were in a fire that makes it hard for them to identify and compound the loss. felt by the residents of malware. yeah. have to go for the day to figure 10 to 20 bodies over the next 10 days is what they are predicted to know, as always, thank you or the united nations. it says it's extremely concerned by rewards that new shares. qu, leaders are planning to charge the president, the president they asked and 3 weeks ago with treason the west african group eco was, has criticize the qu, leaders saying that this contradicts their declared willingness to solve this crisis with peace for days now, new jersey bounced the president of mohammed bud zoom has been held in captivity by the country's new military rulers. now, the 2 liters of threatening to prosecute the former president of
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the pools, nevermind. the government has gathered the necessary evidence to prosecute the austin president and his accomplices for high treason and comforting thought and undermining on the internal and external security of new j, as in the hot play zone. following his exchanges with for an heads of state and international organizations, the subject that as long as you did that as well. so i would go to the show and douglas are not on the street. stephanie, i'm a people of feeling the consequences of the crew. first hand economic sanctions from neighboring countries have hit hard, including power cuts imposed by nigeria. some businesses only get around to 90 minutes of electricity per day. new shoes economy is in danger of collapsing with these functions and threats from it was i also think that it was in use to prevent it from being able to install itself and to peacefully
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in spite of a difficult economic outlook. and it is pointed prime minister means they told dw, in an exclusive interview, that he is not worried about the situation that'd be delivered to me. it listed life is made up of challenges. and even if these impose challenges are on just keeping the site that we think we should be able to band together to overcome them, we will prevail in the the, in the military has hilde's propaganda shows in order to build support in this stadium. thousands turned out to watch members of the military perform as the countries new leadership strengthens, it's gripped on pallet. all right, let's take a look at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. a list of criminal charges against donald trump has appeared on the fulton county
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website, the us state of georgia, but was late to remove the include racketeering. conspiracy and false statements. prosecutor said, the former, you as president has not been indicted, but they are investigating where the trump and his allies meddled into 2020 election results. the former pakistani senator and well, the hard copy has been sworn in as pakistan's prime minister. he will lead a care take your government overseas, parliamentary elections in the midst of an economic crisis. the country's constitution calls for a boat to be held within the next 90 days. flights to and from the sicilian city of tanya were suspended monday morning after an overnight interruption. you see it right there of mount edna the italian volcanoes, vive lava and ash, over the mediterranean island, the last major russian. 1992. well, he holds the purse strings here in germany, and that makes him
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a person of high interest, especially in ukraine. germany's finance minister christy on lender today made a surprise visit to the country you arrived in. keep with a pledge of further aid for the country, as well as berlin's continued support for the fight against the russian invasion. but when he was asked by reporters about germany supplying ukraine with cruise missiles, well, the minister then did not make any process to kristy on live net. arrived in the ukrainian capital bank training on monday morning is the 1st visit to the gym and is the finance minister. he came in part to underlying the message of support for the ukrainian people in odd to me at any time convinced that ukraine was attacked by russia also because he to adopt it to the community of liberal democracies and against the author or a terry. and ism of putin, it was attacked because it wants to overcome oligarchy, capitalism, and establish
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a stronger market economy called via g, didn't all the gosh and capitana state was intact, because they don't take current, open society, about most of these on the bottom about which the ultimate gazette shaft and she's not. germany has provided 22000000000 euros in direct support for ukraine since the source of the whole out rule. just the huff of that. so military assistance in a joint press conference with ukraine's finance minister said he might have jenco. he punched more money for the coming years. your car will cease and ukraine must win this or not. it is also college of our responsibility to make sure that you cranes ability to keep going is always greater than the viciousness of booting small size out of the boost optis card, the fun, poor teens creek. allstate, the key of is keen to persuade berlin to provide the tourist long range cruise missile to help it strike back of the russian forces in the east of ukraine. the
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german government is currently waking up that decision. this young lady that indicated he would fax ending taurus. doctor spies stuff's feeling. since i know that many, like myself have sympathy to such support, i hope that these questions will be clarified very soon. they won't, is a hot. those words will be very welcoming, give, which is sure to need more help from gemini and other countries in the years ahead serve the german finance ministers, words sounding like music to the years of people in a key. but do they mean that germany delivering cruise missiles to ukraine is a done deal? i put the question to our correspondence. i mean, s. so that's right across down lynn or did voices support for delivering a weapons. these cruise missiles tourist missiles, the germany has, which are have a very long range, but he didn't go as far as promising them. that's because that's not as decisions
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make that decision lives with chancellor law shoulds ultimately and shoulds has said he does not want to be pressured into making that decision before he's ready. this has been his story since the beginning of the war. he does not want appear to be given to pressure from ukraine or any other government and making his decisions . he wants to appear deliberate and all these decisions. don't forget the us as also refused to send long range cruise missiles. the reason why germany and the us are afraid of doing it is the same reason why you cream wants these so much because they're a big threat to russian. not only can they hit behind animal enemy lines, but they have a range long enough to hit moscow, which would significantly up the anti here in moscow's invasion of ukraine, which is so far, has been fairly immune to ukrainian attack. so that's why germany has not given the green light on these, but what they have given the green line on is lots and lots of money. germany as promised, and cookie islander announces to day 5000000000 euros of military 8 annually for the foreseeable future. the way he put it, as long as it takes that was,
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i mean this of reporting there from key you're watching dw news, my colleagues stephen beardsley is up next to the w business. there's. i'll see you tomorrow the door don't take mommy under your mommy's not coming back. it's over the february 2020 russian troops and they did they give.


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