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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 13, 2023 11:00pm-11:15pm CEST

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in treasure, nowhere is the crypto currency bounded more highly than here. but for many, the frenzy ends in ruins. bitcoin in latin america starts august 18th on d. w. the . this is dw news live from bell in the search for victims of the deadly wildfires in hawaii. emergency cruises with sniffer dogs are going through a band of buildings for human remains, but it's a slow process. and police say only a tiny fraction of the such area as the coverage so far the
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a concert in support of the 2 initiative visiting scholars say, the home to which i was to be elected president may be open to resolving a spend off with neighbouring west african nations and how australia is sparkling form at the football women's world cup is inspiring goals from indigenous communities. to take up the game, the antonio logical, welcome to the program. the beginning of the us where more victims of the wild fires in hawaii are being found as emergency crews such burned out buildings. police, a teams that sniffer dogs have covered just 3 percent of the area around the destroyed town. of the height of 90. 3 people are known to have been killed and that figure is likely to rise. why is that any general is investigating the manner in which
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authorities responded to the fire? many residency they received no warning of the worst wildfire disaster and america in more than a century. the clean up of the scorched earth on hawaii, island of maui. the shock of what happened has yet to subside, but criticism of the emergency response is starting to emerge. yeah, and i've pretty much everybody's saying the same thing that we had no warning, no evacuation, notice. so a lot of people were not prepared. you know that by the time they find out that it was time to go day, it was almost too late. you know, there a lot of people got trapped and it's just really sad. but the fire that led to so much damage so much loss of life, moved incredibly fast according to the head of the us fire administration. so fast that molly county's fire chief said those on the front line, struggle to get the word back to the people who would normally send evacuation
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orders over time will be able to figure out if we could have better protected people. that's why we're reviewing everything. we want to do that in a very open and transparent way. but it, it was complicated by the fact that there were multiple fires across this beautiful island. at the same time. hundreds of people are still missing. as efforts to count losses have only begun the most of the destroyed buildings were homes. and only a fraction of them have been searched so far. substances, some other stories making headlines around the world. gunmen has killed at least one person and when did several of those at a permanent muslims, ryan, in the 7th you run shot your rocks in the city of she rises popular among pilgrims . the suspected attack of was detained. 13 people were killed at the same shrine last year. spain says it's broken up and organized crime group involved in human
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trafficking, spanish and german police, working with europe, whole, arrested 19 people. officials say the group helped smuggle syrian migrants to spain, germany and norway. migrants paid 20000 euros for their passage or more than 2000 people have been evacuated from flooded areas of pre moria region of russia's far east. heavy down paused somebody's vintages, in the aftermath of typhoid noon officials, at least 3 people have been killed. the russian worship has defied warning shots at a cargo ship in the black sea to forcibly stop and inspect the vessel. russia says the ship was destined for the premium. ford of is my you and ignore the demands to stop shipping data shows, it was headed towards bulgaria, russia last month, end of the deal. that guaranteed ukrainian green shipments safe passage through the black sea. it warned illegal wanted could attack any ship heading to create
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frank language. a form a u. k. military intelligence officer told me why he thinks russia 5 on the call go ship in the black sea. be this a couple of weeks ago the ukrainians attacked the tanka, which itself was a sanctions busta. now at least with respect to syria, the claim that aside they attacked a tactical, disabled, sick time. and this would pay to me to be a response to that. in so far as that's the case, this recent action by the russians would represent an escalation. now, why do i say that the shipping trade is governed to? that'd be great degree, particularly conflict signs by something called war risk insurance and more risk insurance balloon just after the attack on the sake for several reasons. and it's going to go up again. i'm just going to come a point quite soon. where shipping agents send
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a shipping companies will be unable to insure call goes if this kind of thing goes on. the next step of course, is damage to a ship. this is a very serious matter. i think they said it does represent a horizontal escalation. and it's something we should take very seriously, and no doubt, western governments. all right, now russia is also reporting an increasing number of drawing attacks into a tree under its control. oh, what does this tell us about ukraine's strategy? yes, i think this is somewhat controversial at the tactical level, which is the level of of, of bulbs and guns if you, if you like the strong attacks have for most of this yet at the very level there wasn't a talk i think, late last year on the ad goes as a switch is extremely significant. it goes big, the most secure russian databases and it's, it's the base of its nuclear bombs. these more recent attacks. so i'm going to pay
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to be mainly civilian targets and places like most gone very recent k belgrade, uh, in effectual in and of themselves. but of course they're getting to strategic messages . the 1st is right russian population. you need to understand this war is going on and it's going to affect you. on the 2nd days we can get to you just close the connected. you're right. defenses will not work. and we can strike you. i mean, like however, the risk of courses, when so they start to be killed and injured, as i surely will, that this kind of thing goes on. the russians will present, there's a, some form of moral equivalence which it isn't by the way, there's no equivalents at all, but they may be able to present it to ukraine insults as attacks on civilians. and that's the strategic risk, a presentational risk. right? and ukraine has recently received 2 additional patriots at defense systems from germany. what impact do you think this could have?
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it's like, i'm sorry, significant ukraine size re credit has, i think. and there's no reason why i said no data shouldn't know exactly the full patriot battery so far. another couple of loans are a very significant, a very significant addition. ukraine's rebuilding instead of defenses, it's in that process. and this particular donation is very significant in terms of capability and capacity. it's good news with that, let's see. and then there's a frank language. thank you for speaking to us. as a group of nigerian is lab mix colors has healthy talks with the leaders of the coo in the chair and says that the hunter is open to resolving a stand off with west african nations. governments in the region have threatened military intervention, diminishes ousted president is not reinstated. but in the capital in the army, there's been some vocal support for the take over. they can put on
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a show the new shared military and drop people to cheer, dance, and way of this concert in support of the army featured members of the army among its minutes. that's the same army who supported the overthrow of new shares democratically elected governments. i've come to support my country. we think the security situation is basically in the hands of the military who have taken power to leave them in peace. they'll continue to provide security because we've suffered last month. and this year ends our suffering. now. economic sanctions from neighboring countries have hit hard, including power cuts from neighboring nigeria. small and bigger businesses alike may be allowed only 90 minutes of electricity per day. still many say keep the cool leader in power for now. china should be in power off for a while,
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but the new will should seem windshield forcible time to give the power to a cd, didn't governments. meanwhile, over the weekend, the delegation representing qu leaders, landed in guinea to shore up support there for military strong man who also happened to be in power because of a cool is or with the d. c. for the sake of our nation, we had to assume our responsibility of or the people of new share and before history store, in order to safeguard the future of our homeland security. loving we don't know to, but please get a shout back in the i'm a, the concert supporting the the share qu, leaders in the military who must, or the needed support so far to maintain their grip on power. the, the success of australia is team at the women's world cup has seen them break the tv ratings records as hope that the matilda is just communities. it's not all that common in australia to see goes like this, but we, with a football, i've a feet,
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at least not around one soccer still likes the owing to countries other favorite sports above all of the rules, football and rugby, particularly when it comes to engaging play is from aboriginal and torres strait islander backgrounds. when you grow up instead in areas, that's what sport you meant to automatically play a fellow and are well known. julie heard about like soccer from the very top right down to the growth roots. first nations. people under represented in the sport in australia, but in runaway by the on the gold coast. in queensland coach, levine of mangrove jack has founded a football team for indigenous goals. when the kids come into training, you get the sense that they feel that with the people they feel comfortable. say they knock on a lot, the minority in the group and full of their personalities, coming out still in its infancy, the team was fine with it. just earlier this year,
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but coach line has big impressions. i'd like to see maybe mangrove jack becoming becoming the golf course image this time. so a representative team for indigenous kids through spotty, come and fight at the feast at the club. chose as its envelope is a staple catch of the local aboriginal community. on top of that, it's a famously feisty and hard headed, audible the language just very common area. and then yeah, had little vargas with 1st nations. people adopting the dose of the mangrove jack spirits. the game may yet have a bright future among australia's indigenous communities. as checking on some other stories from the world of sports, the media booley shots, s 5 and a pot. 67 during the final round of the i g womens open in, sorry,
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england boot carted 6 buddies, including this one as the 18th hole to claim her 2nd major victory of the season. she was given an impromptu jump into small lakes, a success that's a complete key. one said gold medal at the cycling world championships in glasgow after winning the points and elimination graces during the track, a portion of the event. the belgian start rode away and from the main break and even had time to sit up and celebrate across the finish line. stoffel a key and by bay has returned to power as soon as a man training bullying what's been described as constructive and positive talks about the club have been in the contract standoff, but the it wants to play the season a leave for free when it's the contract runs out, but vs g wants to sell him before the end of the season.
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the last remaining places where the walls of league finals are set to be decided at the tahiti, pro championships, defending champion and well. number one for loop in tomato of brazil and australia is ethan ewing. have both sealed the places event is also qualify for the paris 2024 and then big games with stuff and we'll make it stay b, 3 european. so best as i've been inducted into the ne smith memorial, basketball hall of fame and the us among them is dec novit sky, the 1st gentleman to achieve the honor. spell the last few months. uh, 2 words have been running through my head. thank you. thank you to jerry glandular on all the same for allowing me to live with this feeling of gratitude for months now being and then all the same means everything to me. so i really appreciate it. i'm so excited to be a part of this class and power tony the way. i didn't always like you guys.
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uh we uh we competed at the highest level, but there was always an appreciation of your guys. that's great. and so i think you guys that's it. from me and the team right now of next report. so it has a story of a one that ukrainian soldier who wants to return to the battlefield despite losing a megan, this is one of those moments like you told me to come to me allow people. thanks for the theme that us the we've got some hot tips for your bucket list. magic corner chat, hot spot for food and some great cultural memorials to.


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