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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 13, 2023 8:00am-8:15am CEST

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they may have no nationality and totally made up as long as everyone has the right . everyone has the right the . this is dw news live from berlin. the death toll from the hawaii wildfires, climes to 89. it's the deadly as well fire disaster and these west in more than a century. and the states governor expects the number of debt to increase off on the sho brush claims to have repels or you craning attack on the bridge leading to
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occupied premiere. but social media videos show smoke rising over the structure, the a marion evans dean. it's good to have you with us. the death toll over wildfires that swept through the hawaiian island of malware over the past week has risen to 89. that makes it the deadly as wildfire disaster in the west and more than a century. hawaii is governor says a number of deaths a certain to rise as authorities search burnout homes. a once bustling city, devastated and tie and neighborhoods turned to the ground. the officials in mary and now allowing some of the residents to return home about where the homes one stood that now find any destruction. this is my house.
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um this is the ash the remains of my house, but um yeah, the fire knocked out the whole neighborhood. i don't know bucks in the face of the ashes wreckage and driven out pulling of humanity. this jim is one of several emergency shelters, and his donation drop off points for those who lost their homes and their nations have been streaming and from across hawaii and beyond. the fi is now mostly contained. the focus is shifting to the recovery effort. residents remain defiant in the face of all that they have lost. a lot of us are post traumatic stress sales shocks. and we kind of can bond with us. you know, it's kind of healing for us in a way, you know, because we've all been through this trauma. so high now. we're strong,
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we're strong. we all come back together. is devastating service. it's all pretty awful. but the people on the other side right now are really banding together and trying to pull things together. and we're going to be all right. we're all going to be all right. the wild fires and now hawaii is deadly as natural disaster since the 19 forties and with hundreds missing officials and warning the desktop. maybe i still say as a journalist, knock on nathaniel is in hawaii and has been following the story for us. welcome to the w some very heartbreaking scenes we just saw in that report and the aftermath of this fire. how are people coping or people are still in shock here? it really is then a soul crushing experience. so many people have not only had family there but have
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lived there and i was talking to a friend this afternoon through the restaurant he worked in was gone. then he also was a little bit further in the rental unit that he had stayed in for years was also gone to it's and just we're trying to make sense of what is exactly happened and trying to understand the what is the possible future here is the worst over our, the wildfire is now fully under control. yes, for the most part, and the, what's happened is that the storm that led to so many of these high winds that really, you know, it's just exacerbated the problem here. causes of the inferno, you know, has passed and so this was the thing that was the unexpected part. it was that that storm was so far away that we didn't think that we were going to experience any damage. we'd had a storm just recently. that was even closer, but there was no damage, but we're finding out that so many reports have been made already that hawaii
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really was in a huge danger for wild fires. but sadly, those reports weren't heated. yeah, there's also been some talk about the governments in adequate response to this disaster. what have you been hearing from people about that? so unfortunately, hawaii was caught flat footed the lieutenant governor who was in charge at the time because the governor was out of the states and said why he would so very unprepared for this the to lead officials that would have led the blood. the evacuation were also off island at the time, so there was a real absence of leadership and to point that they were no sirens. why he has a very well developed early warning system when it comes to he has tourette's from sue. not these are other storms, the sirens that most people would have listened to and let the evacuation weren't sounded in behind. and that was journal is not gonna nathaniel reporting for us from hawaii. thank you so much. thank you. all
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right, let's turn our attention now to some of the other stories making news. this, our authorities in ecuador have transferred a powerful gang leader to a maximum security prison after the assassination of a presidential candidate. ecuador has been under a state of emergency since wednesdays, fatal shooting. a fernando give a sense to you. the candidates had accused the imprisoned gang leader adults of macias, of threatening his line. leaders of the west african block, known as equal was, have indefinitely postponed, a crisis meeting on the crew in his chair. the meeting was scheduled to take place in gonna days after the group activated a stand by military force. the block aims to send a parent parliamentary committee to new share to meet cou, leaders on the people of thousands of israelis have returned to the streets to protest the foreign governments controversial judicial reforms. the new legislation
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limits the supreme court's oversight of government decisions. critics say the changes threatened democracy. protests are now in their 32nd street. all 6 people have died and dozens were rescued when a boat carrying migrants across the english channel capsized. the u. k is conservative. government has introduced controversial policies aimed at cutting the number of people attempting to cross the dangerous waterway. rescue crews from england and from swift to give uh to bring survivors a show. more than 20 we're taking here to the u. k. port of dover. we've medical teams help a school those who could walk on to land, but cyril were in a critical condition. for angel stars, he's also series dozens of people back to the city of calais. some would take him straight to hospital, still owns,
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so they were in trouble. there's always sea sickness and the boats are simply overloaded. they over though them so they can't move. the last boat we came to was just to for the about the we did for some of the smaller boat the migrants were traveling on was one of hundreds crossing the dangerous stretch of water in recent days to the pool was all g is civic gym. if we more than 6 victims today, it is the fault of traffickers and criminals who sent children and adults to the depths on these dangerous maritime routes. so those lose it. thank you so much. in france, have stepped up patrol since the british government agreed to buy hundreds of millions of yours in an attempt to reduce the number of asylum sieges. people arriving from across the channel was sick to be housed on this barge. those plans
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stole when legion is bacteria with detected on board forcing or far tease to evacuate the v. so some down the strength of j would've worked. in any case ultimate be. people are not going to be this incentivized for making you smoke or crossing because they're likely to be placed in a barge personnel smoke. boat is terrifying. i expect to be dangerous if you're prepared to do that in a but it's not going to display the number of migrant channel crossings of this year. stands at more than $16000.00. but the 1100 people arriving in the past week a lot or moscow says ukraine has targeted the crimean bridge, which links the occupied peninsula with russian social media video show smoke rising near the structure. russian authorities claimed to have repelled the missile strike. and say they will retaliate. russia illegally annexed the crime in the
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peninsula. in 2014. the courage bridge has already been damaged by 2 attacks since rushes invasion of ukraine over more we can speak to raphael. los, he is a defense specialist at the european council on foreign relations here in berlin. welcome. so this attack on the crime in bridge is it the latest example of key is taking the war to russian control territory. we've seen in recent weeks that the ukranian defenders are trying to sell our logistics links that are connecting to various parts of the reference occupation force in occupied crimea, but also in caps on a separation, the soft ukraine. and for that purpose, the protect the coach bridge, but they also try to attack bridges connecting, occupied crime. you know, what do you create the mainland on a business, an attempt to some of the logistics ladies between the various parts of oppression
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on horses, unoccupied, be crated. and to make the hold on these territories more difficult to stream rushes occupational. all right, so you mentioned that this bridge is important for logistics, but does it have even more significance, a certainty such a tax also bring a certain the psychological effect on both to russian military leadership but also russian civilians to the still a going to crime you know to spend there some of the cases they're participating in this a good next ation. well, in another development, we've been hearing reports about germany discussing the option of sending taurus missiles to ukraine. how important would this be? this would indeed be a significant move bye for the ukraine government 1st requested a transfer in may and ask them some do the written burden and a repeat all we saw earlier to see of when, when dirty was concentrating,
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whether or not to provide you creating what's left pertains and by drawing all the decisions level of transparency in the decision making of the german chancery. but it seems now we're moving closer to a positive decision. and that will complement well. you can french provide a cruise missiles that are already being put to use by your credit f was in order to target the composts fuel. why? the munitions depos at the just explains an occupied to trade. another condition that those weapons are not to be used on russian territory. and if we look at the latest developments on the battlefield include can specifically, there is the evacuation of ukrainian residents. what more can you tell us in the city of cope young's claws? one of the early victim, soft rushes, initial full scale invasion last fall. you creams defend this. what able to liberate the city in the process? discovery taught of chambers and evidence of the war crimes such as mass, rain,
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murder, and torture. we see that the russian forces are now again entering closer to the city and in a slow grind. but this is intimately tied to develop ends and southeastern new created, ukraine's armed forces are making progress. and as i've read me off last and i think the russian is bonds and keep you on this case, an attempt to force do crating to relocate its forces in order to bolster the defense of cope young's good, weaker it's offensive momentum in the south east. but as long as he crates off, sources can manage to pace off both of these operations. i think there's some pro promising assignments that, that strategic ends up being made in the cell that would put you crazy in a position by the end of the year to control large parts of se, that was roughly a loss from the european council on foreign relations thank you so much for your analysis. thank you. by
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in the women's world comp, england have booked their place in the semi finals with a hard font to one victory over tournaments. surprise, columbia, and the reigning european champions will now face tournament host, australia in the semi finals. the scoring started late in the 1st half columbia is lacey santos picked her spot and shot her touch was just right. as the balls sailed over mary herbs into the next cannot be as magic and the run looked as if it would continue. but the lie on this is level less than 10 minutes later, after persistence in front of gold. lauren hip hopes on the ball to erase the advantage. the go ahead. goal came from 24 year old valencia russo in the 63rd minutes. really so fire in
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a rocky that colombia is last line of defense, had no answers for dealing with get the job done with the to one when over columbia, all 4 teams remaining have never won the women's world. and this, the latest on dw news is our off next is reporter a marion evans dean. i'll be back at the top of the hour with more headlines for you for me and the entire news team in berlin. thanks for watching the .


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