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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  April 8, 2023 11:15pm-11:31pm CEST

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and finally, an artist in italy has come up with his own special tribute to pablo picasso. on the 50th anniversary of his death. dario can body in it used a plow to carve the work into a giant field in northern italy's po. valley. gabardine says he was inspired by the cast was 19 o 7 self portrait to create what he says is the largest image of the spanish artist in the world. and up next on d, w, or digital living show shift looks at security concerns surrounding the chinese own video sharing app tick tock onyx by sir, thanks for watching in lose time for a brain update. because these orchestra called the brain continuously adapts itself. we ask a few questions. are we smarter? swarms?
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are you a psychopath? wouldn't causes monster waves, how powerful or your thought? we can control our thoughts, which makes us very powerful. questions about life, the universe and the rest. that were series 40 to the answer to almost everything this week on d. w with over 1000000000 you was us take talk is a worldwide success, but governments are concerned as tick. tock belongs to a chinese company called the chinese government have access to our data and use the platform to manipulate us is tick tock, the ultimate propaganda tool. ah,
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anyone can make impressive videos on their smartphone using take talk. i like to play around with it too. i danced the com, the behind tick tock came up with a pretty clever concept, but not everyone is enjoying tick tock, because the company is based in beijing. chinese bite and employees have access data from european and american uses. the e u has started taking measures to prevent this in the u. s. a ban on take talk is currently being heavily debated. company c e o shows he chew was already grilled by you as lawmakers over data security. so what's really going on a tick tock. ah, my don's connex looked solve personal data from tick tock uses. nobody knows what is saved on the service and for how long or whether the chinese government has ranking access to it. in only 2023 tick tock, state security regulations were updated. if you can send the following day to will be saved, direct messages, location data, use a content. purchasing information,
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contacts, surveys, research and advertisement. 3rd party platforms and partners, device and network data, personal information, duration and frequency usage. this basically means potentially when you agree to it, it says it a contractor keystrokes, so it essentially knows what you're doing and what you're saying to people on your mobile phone, which is effectively knows what you're saying and doing with anybody. so as soon as we join the platform, we can send to take, talk, connecting and passing on our data. there's no way for users to avoid agreeing to this other platforms like facebook, instagram, and youtube will so collect lots of data though. so what's the difference? at all, it's collecting more data would i would say is that the danger in there,
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i tick tock might be more of an existential threat to the west than the traditional type players is at the top players violated our privacy as a means of making money and they're not bad actors in a sense, but they're not a threat to national security. their threat, your privacy, there might be a threat. your mental health. they might be a threat or elections or might be a threat in terms of misinformation. but they are intentions are around the monetization of that violation of privacy. mike dellinger has insisted that the chinese government does not have access to the data and that he gets processed only in the us, singapore. and the new. however, investigative reports and whistleblowers have proven that employees in china also have access to all the information. so in a nutshell, take talk cannot guarantee that its data will not be accessed by the chinese
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government as uses. we should be aware with what data we agree to share when we sign up on the app. the majority of young people under the age of 30 spent the majority of their media consumption on one tv tell. would we be comfortable if that tv channel was controlled by the chinese communist? pardon? would we be okay with that? i would say no. we are. these are bold claims. there's no concrete evidence of chinese governmental control of take talk as of yet. and content don't take talk is not only created in china, but from users around the world at the same time. take those algorithms influence what we see on our, for you page. this allows was certain opinions to be pushed while others are suppressed, but the same is true for algorithm con youtube, facebook and instagram. in the u. s. these are trusted. after all, they only want to make money. many members of congress would like to get rid of ticked up,
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though 24 days have already banned the eb from official devices and in all official why fi networks. and a recent u. s. senate bill could even give president biden the power to band tick tock across the country. will the largest tick tock, nation in the world, need a new playground soon? data espionage on tick tock. as you, as president donald trump had already tried to ban the app, the current u. s. government views tick tock as a national security threat to government officials can't use tick tock on their work for. the danger with her dog is that there is no separation between the ccp and any chinese company. and the ccp has a vested interest in the denigration of the decline of western power in. so what you have is not only the same level privacy violation, but it might be used to raise a generation of people in europe and the u. s. civic non profit, military government leaders. who feel worse about the west. take talk as
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a propaganda and spy to more countries than just the u. s. are concerned in january of this year that you won't take talk to respect you law and ensure europeans uses data was safe. tick tock has also been banned from official government devices in canada. and the you banning the chinese up entirely is being debated as fear of its influence, especially around elections of high these intelligence organizations see themselves our competitors about our enemies and have a vested interest in diminishing our success. or electing candidates. they feel are more russia or china friendly. so why on earth would they stall our chinese intelligence services manipulating asked via take talk. well, for this to be true, the chinese government would have to directly instruct by dance to push certain content. that seems a little unlikely to me. but there's also more to by dance than algorithms. some content like clips tag with l. d be d q drugs or porn ah censored, is that
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a reason to ban tick, tock and 2020 the indian government decided to do exactly that. the reason was ongoing conflicts along the border between india and china. 60 chinese apps and games are currently restricted in india. is this the way to deal with chinese technology? people in india have been living without to take talk since 2020. the uncertainty of a data security was one of the reasons for the ban. the market reacted immediately . don't bands actually created a vacuum in the market go because a lot of theaters will oh, creating content on dig door and window when it give opportunities for many in entrepreneurs to come in and fill that particular gap. new platforms that are similar to tick tock where quickly developed like joshua and wash the content creators. this marked a new era. so why did the doc band was at one given point of time?
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french lake laws, but it also gave a lot of opportunity to wandering out of the post them. there was a lot of money that was flushed through the content career decimal, then they can be on certain black form. and i cracked 2nd guy enough. one does take told can't more than 200000000 uses in india. what do people think? because the new apps replacing it? i use strange article because it was majorly ungodly for a short video is only a big deal. i use the instagram to use. so i think india is behind on band because we don't get to know really what, what's happening in the way before, please. so yeah, i misty on the platform, have profited from the tick tock band in india and dependency on chinese technologies is decreasing. other countries see this as an alternative model for the future. data protection is one thing,
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but many experts also one that the app is highly addictive. short self produced user videos have become a real trend because of tick tock. instagram on youtube. i'm trying to copy the idea, but so far they haven't been able to match the original so what is ticked up doing right? here are the top 3 factors for the algorithm success. take talks, feed has variety, and is entertaining. the algorithm chooses which videos pop up on before you page. they include the videos that have gone viral, as well as unknown creators. people around the world create content. so the choice is huge. targets hundreds of signals every hour. so it can be going to calibrate in on the type of content that keeps you focused on tick tock, maintain your attention, maintain your engagement, and the magic tick tock. but anyone who used a tick tock for longer than a couple hours can confirm is that your tick tock is different than mine. the full
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content made by users the quality does not have to be perfect. anyone creating content on trending topics, accompanied by the right music, could be successful. creative and authentic ideas are what counts most any one can go viral on tick tock overnight. the signal liquidity in the power the algorithm is able to create the ultimate streaming network for you. in the us household spend 11 to 15 minutes a day, deciding what to watch. we talk, you don't have to make any decisions. it's one channel and it knows exactly what kind of content you want, cuz the algorithm 0 going on it. and it creates the ultimate, most pleasurable, most rewarding and low energy, low energy commitment, around decision streaming media service and history. keeping uses on the platform for as long as possible take talk has perfected it, uses spend around 1.5 hours on it, more than anywhere else. facebook uses only stay for about 45 minute tick tock.
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algorithm follows a statistical principle. we're trying to our sample as upset help people to see their way that they like hold we deal or not. so if the answer is yes, they're trying to continue to increase the size. and then in the worst case, if last, then try to limit the number of reach. so that's why you can see that in this i would have from some of the we the old ghost, we leave library, tick tock is more addictive than other platforms. a video that grabs your attention leads to dopamine, being released in our this makes us happy and we want to reproduce the feeling in regular intervals. tick tock shows us videos that keep us hooked. is it really just a i that makes tick tock. so successful is still without that for that isa is somebody place and or not because of her own the i just see them from a breath. also i grew from and they time take talk,
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has many young uses this drawers in move people gen z, create and consumes content on tick tock. when people out of here to 30 were surveyed on whether they'd rather have tick tock or all other streaming media. netflix, hbo, everything, majority of them chose tech talk. so you now have people under the age of 30 are spending more time on tick tock. there's all other media and there's tech talk and i'm on young people. take clark wins in another network. so trying to coffee take talks recipe for success, so fall to no avail. and unbeatable algorithm data protection that's at least partly dubious, and over a 1000000000 users worldwide. that's take talk in a nutshell, genius or dangerous to wheat, neat tide or regulation, or do you love the pat from the way it is? be excited to hear from you bye for now. ah.
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they have worshipped him for centuries. they're jesus of dark skin. and yet they reject black asylum seekers on black and jesus is a film about life in a sicilian village about fear prejudice and identity next on d. w. o. goal in journalism, hillson overcoming divisions register now for the d. w. global media form
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2023 in bonn, germany and online and increasingly fragmented world with a growing number of voices, digitally amplified. we see where this clutter can lead what we really need, overcoming divisions into vision for tomorrow's journalism. register now and join us for this discussion at the 16th edition of d w's global media forum. ah .


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