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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 2, 2023 5:00pm-5:16pm CEST

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aspiring story about survival, homa to get the jealous i was the only one. what lies luke music in nazi germany, watch now on youtube. b. w documentary. ah, ah ah, this is dw news life from berlin. finland goes to the poles to select a new parliament, popular prime minister, santa marinez, seeking a 2nd term in office. she's facing a strong challenge from the far right, but she tell supporters, i'm in to win. it also coming up storms tear through several us dates,
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leaving at least 26 people are dead, arkansas declares an emergency and called them the national guard after multiple tornadoes strikes, leave a trail of devastation. ah, monica jones, good to have you with us. we start in finland, swear parliamentary elections are underway. polls are predicting a close race between the 3 main parties. ballas from early voters are already being countered with a record 40 percent of voters choosing to cast their vote in advance. social democrat, prime minister, santa marina's hoping to secure a 2nd term in office that she's facing a strong challenge from far ride leader enrica porter. and we asked dw brussels correspondent, terry schultz. how the election was going. we expect turn out to be very high monica in part because in early voting and absentee voting,
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40 percent of fins already cast their ballots so it's clear that interest is very high with a race. this close, as i mentioned there in the report, the 3 leading parties are within the margin of error, even in, in the pre both polling. they were as little as one percentage point between the 1st place and the 3rd place party, which is at this point, a prime minister son in lawrence. so interest is very high and i would expect a high turn out even in person voting today. right. so a very tight race above the nationalist fins party has gained attraction in the previous years. why are they so popular? certainly in the last election as well. they were very popular and you know, for the other parties were a risk to take the top spot. and you never know with parties like this, whether it's a protest vote against the other mainstream, traditional parties, or whether people actually support some of the tenants in the, in the fins party program. which at this point is focusing on anti immigration. but
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they also say they would like to pull finland out of the european union. that is not a very popular opinion in finland. so as i say, it's not clear what, how much they support the fins and how much people just want to vote against the conservative coalition party and against on m r s t p. so you just mentioned something very interesting, of course that one of the parties is interested in pulling finland out of the you, however, popular unpopular that is, what could this election outcome then mean for the you i think they result for the european union is unlikely to be very dramatic, even if the fins party comes in 1st. what might have more in it of an impact is how long it takes finland to form a government. because son amarion says social democrats say they refused to go into a coalition with the fins that their coalition party says it would join up. but to others of the current government coalition, the greens in the left say that they also will not join
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a party with the fins to eye surgery jointed government coalition with the fins. so that could be very, very messy. and so in addition to finding out what the vote counts are what the parliamentary seats are, when results come in later today, people are going to be talking about how on earth do we form another government? it's going to be tough, whoever's going to be in charge. well, luckily you keep an eye on it for us still be usa. terry shows they're reporting from brussels. thank you so much. terry. russia has taken over the rotating presidency of the united nations security council, sparking a furious reaction in ukraine in his daily address, ukraine's president of law to mister lensky, deemed it absurd article, the council, a bankrupt institution. he says it ought to be reformed. so as not to allow a terrorist state to disrupt peace, to landscape, also called for russia to be held accountable for its actions in ukraine. meanwhile, on the front line,
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ukraine is managing to hold off russian troops. but civilians are still being urged to evacuate. a look now at what people are going through and the city of, of div cow, which has been left in ruins, driving through the budget streets in the eastern city of deep co. the police are looking for those who want to leave. would you put it behind for modeling number? for the last 4 months. this basement has been home to 73 year old. helena. but she's decided it's time to go. no, i know i love watching is my love of wish i couldn't take it any more. a house is destroyed and i spent most of the time in the basement of living. if toyota, every one is afraid, every 11 local officials say the town has been almost completely
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destroyed in recent weeks. what's his name was destiny? me situation has changed in the past month. but since the beginning of march of disco has been under aircraft bombing, and artillery file bavaria, no, since then, almost all buildings have been destroyed through low on a similar is it would include in nearby chas. if ya, that was the people working for the charity international lions clubs of awfully a trying to convince residents to move to safety. oh, levison would give us a volunteer say many are reluctant to go. maybe the biggest part of the job is convincing them the evacuation is the easy part, bucking of div her. it's an emotional departure for helena. a trained to safety, but far away from the place she calls home. let's take
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a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world. she monetary and group or so as mediterranean says it has rescued. 92 migrants from an overcrowded dingey off the libyan coast. the charity says the group included over 40 unaccompanied miners. the rescued migrants have been transferred to the ocean biking rescue ship on route to the italian. puerto salerno former arkansas governor asa hutchinson says he's running against donald trump to be the republican party's next presidential candidate. trump became the 1st for my you as president ever to face criminal charges earlier this week. but polls show he still, by far the favorite among republican voters. and staying in the region, arkansas has been one of the states hardest hit by the storms. battering the u. s, midwest and south authorities there have declared a state of emergency after being hit by multiple tornadoes. at least 26 people have
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been killed in the extreme, whether a shredded roof and battered cloth rooms or all the remain of this arkansas high school students here just beginning to come to terms with the damage done by the tornado. i'm a sophomore. i've been here since 1st grade and at the school i just, i love it. we have very many traditions that are very proud of the school and i'm just really sad. oh, fact bed it's gone, but i know we will come back stronger if we can build a better school in keep those traditions going. residence in areas of at least 8 western and southern states were affected by the heavy storms that brought dozens of tornadoes. these devastated towns and cities often
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leaving bubble in their wake. this is the moment that the deadly storm approached the city of little rock in arkansas and this driver managed to capture the terrifying moment when the tornado hit ground. by the government has promised assistance to the areas affected as rescue efforts continue measuring the full extent of the damage could take month . paris is one of the most densely populated cities in europe. in recent years, the administration has opened new bike lane, san reduced parking spots to dick on chest. the city part of its green mobility drive are also some $15000.00 shared electric scooters,
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but their days could be numbered. a referendum is being held to decide whether those scooters should be banned. our paras correspondence on your pharmaca has more downtown paris free floating rental electric scooters, or 20 minutes, as they called in french or all the reach. leona works in real estate agency and has been using them for 3 years. hang off on the handle. i work in central paris and the quickest way to get there right now is on an electric scooter. it takes about 10 minutes from my place to work. if i took a car, i think it would take 45 minutes other spot, but the scooters are hugely controversial. could exceed the biggest problem safety accidents involving east winters on the rice law steel. the city recorded 408. 0, he's a bell on bubble, is
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a pianist at the paris opera. she was hit by an escort and park in 2019 breaking her wrist into place, which she was forced to stop playing for a year for provence is 4 years after accident. little has changed. she shall dinged, kilobit and so on. so it's a question of educating people who use these things, janelle, initially, but there's never any police presence on the street will do that. i partly seen people getting fined for traffic violations. i think e scooter writers don't see us pedestrians. it's like we're shadows. they have to go through any cause i said as fast as possible, repeated with him. it's a new shed, my mini on the speech or fishes. musically. i ride a bike and every day it's just horrible with the electric scooters, a comp on by they, they don't understand the traffic rules don't. it's healthy as a supply. i'm a taxi driver at times. there are 2 or 3 people on an electric scooter fooling
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around. it's dangerous for them as well. electric scooters of toys, not a mode of transportation. why the husband, the public backlash has prompted paris to set up a referendum residence being asked a simple question, are the in favor rent an electric scooters on the streets or not to a different company? the stakes are high for shed o school to companies. parents is an important market. nicholas gauze says banning rental feats would be a blow to the cities and by michel credentialer was the 1st consequence. if there is an o, is that we're going to substract a per transfer mean of transport for $400000.00 people. it's always going to be replaced by only 2 things, more saturation, public transport. and if you go barby transport, you were seen saturated and more individual vehicle. and so indeed, i'm concerned in a one year before you lympics that is a sunday about signal established does, did audit 120 e scooters uses,
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will have until september, to zip around the city of light to football now. and the bonus niga who am i? am unix coach thomas to ha, so his new side beat, his former club irosia totland for 2. it was one of the biggest matches in german football for years with the top one going into the game and 1st place at an awful goal. keeping mistake helps, and by and back to the top. not since the champions league final of 2013 has a meeting between these 2 old rivals. been such a high stakes affair. torment were flying high before the fixture, but in 23 disastrous minutes were brought crushing down to earth. winds opener on 13 minutes was the result of a surreal gold keeping blunder from dorman stopper kagle colbert, a long bull by dianne corner, from inside the bye, and hoff catastrophically misjudged by the keeper. it was
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a nightmare star for the swiss, and worse was on its way. a simple corner saw dorman suffer their next set back when metal denise had out was turned home by thomas mueller and 5 minutes after that mula made it 3 when a luckless kobus buildable at his feet off the diving to stop. leroy sammy's long range effort. 23 minutes into his career as by a coach, thomas, to who could hardly believe his luck, while dalton's dreadful 1st half had their seasons work in jeopardy. the 2nd 45 brought yet more dose, starting with a full for the host, courtesy of kings. we c'mon then following this foul on g. bellingham in the by and bought and re shan fly, it hung a spot take to make it for one. but it was a goal more of consolation than of consequence. much like dorman, 2nd schooled by tanya marlyn in the 19th minute. the damage of course,
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had long since been done. disaster for dormant as by and retake top spot in the buddhist niga with 8 games left to play. and that's all for me for now. coming up next, a documentary about king mohammed of morocco. don't forget, there's always more news on our website and that's d w dot com, and our social media handle is at dw use. i'm monica jones from me and the team of berlin. thanks for watching. any interest in the global economy? our portfolio d w business beyond here's a closer look at the project. our mission.


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