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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 31, 2023 3:00am-3:15am CEST

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experience outstanding shopping and dining offers. enjoy our services all. be our guest at frankfurt airport city, managed by fraud. ah ah ah . this is dw news live from berlin. donald trump hit with criminal charges, a grand jury and manhattan votes to indict trump the 1st time says ever happened to a former us president. it threatens to up and the rise for the white house next year. we'll get more from washington shortly. also coming up,
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the u. s. journalist is arrested in russia on spying charges. evan gush coverage of the wall street journal is the 1st american reporter to behold for espionage since the cold war. the white house has condemned his arrest. ah, i'm jared raid! welcome to the shop, but going to start with some breaking news. former us president donald trump is being hit with criminal charges. a grand jury in new york has voted to indict trump, following a probe into hush money paid to a porn star ahead of the 2016 presidential election. the manhattan district attorney's office says it has contacted trump's lawyers to arrange his surrender. trump is running to regain the white house in 2024. he's the 1st former us president ever to face criminal charges. our donald trump's lawyers vowed to fight
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any changes in court. and the former president himself has issued a statement in which he described himself as innocent. he also said, quote, this is political persecution and election interfere interference at the highest level in history. his statement continues, i believe this witch hunt will backfire massively on joe biden. let's get with a that latest now from t w correspondent, mikaela cook. net in washington, mikaela high new york, prosecutors say they're working to coordinate trumps surrender. what exactly is expected to happen day? well, we'll remember that in a last week it on tampa. expected that he would be arrested on a tuesday and actually called for protest. well, we actually expect this to now happen this coming week, potentially a tuesday or for him to see this arraignment, which means he has to come in,
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he would be fingerprinted. and a mug saw that photograph would be taken of him, the kind of stuff we know from criminal reporting here in the united states. and then it would be taken from there. we still don't know what exactly those charges entail, but we do understand that they are focusing in on how the money was dealt with. how there was a cover up of what that house money was actually used for. so this could be seen as more of an accounting error because she, the payment of the huffman is not really something that would be attached to criminal charges here. and that means that donald trump, we heard this from his law, is ready. he's expected to travel from florida to new york to actually than face this arraignment. mikaela what type of wider implications does this have including on donald trump's own a bid to to retake the white house next year?
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well, 1st of all, this really is an earthquake. it is an illegal earthquake and it will touch at the very least on how firmly people believe in how independent judiciary works. and it's most extreme effect. it could either propel donald trump or further to the be the lead in the polls, which is ready to potentially secure the republican nomination. or it could in the end a workout hampering that effort of his to once again become the candidate. because more and more republicans is also a camp that sees these scant, these mountain scandals is potentially one scandal to many. but what we're seeing right now is we're seeing everybody, his party running around headed him, particularly those who are elected into office, the speaker of the house of republican mccarthy. coming out or criticizing this very indictment and actually saying that he would instruct committees of
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congress to look into and potential actions going on in relation to that. so this what he says amounts to him openly criticizing the judiciary. and this is a country where there's a separation of powers. this raises question marks. how far donald trump, undermining people's faith in how the law of the land is being put into action will go and how this will pan out for his chances to potentially secure the nomination. again, 2024. as he say, mckayla, this indictment could really help or hinder donald trump's chance is going forward . we've seen some of his statement. he's calling this sir. a political persecution and a witch hunt. how do you read his comments? what do you think his strategy is going to be going forward? why the way he's sticking with the strategy?
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always hard. he takes any kind of criticism as a witness against him. he calls this historic. and if you've ever been to a trump rally and you have no doubt any more, that there are people. and there are many people who will follow him no matter what . even if he is indicted even if he was put into prison. so he is portraying himself as something of a political matter here already. and you know, this all could amount to nothing this, you know, it could be that these charges are dropped in the end and this, and this is the least of the potential charges. he could face, there are 2 more case of the federal investigation over his role in january, 6th, an attack on the capital. and there's also endorser where he called for that for the secretary state to find him those votes. there's also an investigation that could amount to a court case. so this is just the beginning of an ever widening crisis that could see him come on top again as the nominee. all could sink his chances for 2024. but
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he's as again, as he has been for decades, willing to risk at all. that was dw corresponded mikaela christine washington. did mckayla. thank you for your analysis. ok. the white house has condemned the arrest of an american journalist in russia on spine charges rushes security service the f. b accusers. evan good coverage of trying to obtain classified information. his pleaded not guilty, and his employer, the wall street journal is demanding his immediate release. it's the 1st time that an american reporter has been detained in russia as an alleged spies since the cold war. washington is advising us citizens to leave russia gods at a moscow court, bundled even gush given out of the building. following his brief appearance, the 31 year old pleaded not guilty to spying charges,
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but exactly what he's alleged to have done remains unclear. his lawyer says he wasn't even allowed in the courtroom. remodeled for the wrong. i can't say anything because i haven't seen the charges filed against them. the old i'm convinced that my client could only of actor, legal and only do to get coverage was arrested hundreds of kilometers away from moscow in the city of your catherine burg. he's believe to have been working on a story about local attitudes to the war in ukraine. but russian authorities claim gush given was acting on behalf of the us to access state secrets. but he greets him malesky under the guise of journalistic activities. a journalistic visa and accreditation of judging by the investigative measures taken against him, he was engaged in completely different activities. nasir ah said, of shirley in lloyd's eagerness to gush coverage has been working in russia as a journalist since 2017. he's been with the wall street journal for just over
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a year, and the paper has been quick to condemn his wrist. in a statement they demanded his immediate release. other journalists also expressing the grave concerns. it has a chilling effect on frying journalist, especially western journalist. we try to inform international community international public opinion about the war and about what's going on in russia. cash given which is the highest profile american arrested in russia since basketball. a brittany greiner, who spent 10 months in jail on drunk charges. for now, he will spend the next 2 months here in a pre trial detention center. a silence, a 3rd, a blow to dwindling media freedoms and russia isn't just given. used to work with
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d. w in moscow bureau chief, your rochette, her earlier, told us a bit more about the case. even gush coverage was in your katherine work in the rush us euro mountains on our research trip. apparently his subject was of the private army wagner group fighting in ukraine. even the garbage gasket, which is said to have been arrested by the russians secret service f as be after visiting a restaurant in the evening. i'd like to stress that the he worked completely legally as an importer in russia. he had an official breast accreditation, but he knew supposedly that the secret service f as b was obviously monitoring him, especially in the last few days indicative greenberg. that's what he told to the his friends and colleagues and remarkable in this context is scrambling reaction. last name is put in spokesperson demetrius gov command, and surprisingly clearly on the incidence saying that gash coach was caught red
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handed according to the motto he deserved it. it should be no other than the kremlin usual rags very differently mostly says nothing at all, but the fact that biscuit commanded so categorical, it could mean that the president put impersonal, gave his a cave for the rest of gal, evan gash coverage. that's at least the, the, the suggestion geary recess or let's take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines to day. turkey has approved finland's application to join nato, ending month of july, during which turkey had blocked finland and sweden from joining the military alliance. parliament voted unanimous unanimously in favor 2 weeks after president red chip. typo tuan, made his support clear turkey's vote was the last hurdle preventing england from accession and form a brazilian president, jaya, boston. narrow has returned home after spending 3 months in the united states. the far right former leader is under investigation over the storming of brazil's
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congress in january after he lost reelection. he could face jail and be made ineligible to run again for office. well, britons king charles has highlighted the ties between his country and germany and become the 1st reigning monarch to address the german parliament. the 2nd day of the king's 3 day visit also included trips to a military unit and an organic dairy farm and cheese maker standing ovations for the king alternating between german and english britons. charles, the 3rd praised the british german friendship in a historic speech that frequently drew laughter from lawmakers would just look julie or duties of relatives. of course, there is also rivalry others on. i'm thinking in particular of the encounters between our football teams who spoke
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with that in mind. it was very special that the english women's soccer team, the lionesses, became european champions by beating germany items. the gig and deutschland are rude for most of route. but he also came with a serious political message. speaking of reconciliation and the need to learn from the past with europe. security once again threatened by russia's war of aggression against ukraine is barrios developed technicians took the world, has not passively stood by isn't there shouldn't, even as we abhor the hauling scenes of destruction, we can take heart from our unity in defense of ukraine, of peace and freedom, the title don't craner to sweden's to fright.
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charles then went on to visit some of the ukrainians who have taken refuge in germany since russia's invasion, and highlighted how both germany and the u. k. are providing support side by side also, militarily. now was the message of his visit to join german, british military unit, outside of berlin. and last but not least at this eco village, charles got his hands down and dirty, helping to make cheese and discuss organic farming. since long before he became britain, sovereign environmental issues have been at the heart of his agenda. his 1st trip abroad, as britons monarch, as seen as an effort to reset britain's relations with the european union post breaks it self power through photo ops. so far it looks like it has been a piece of cake for charles and you're up to date
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here on the w coming up, we have a documentary film on china's if it's to expand its influence in the arctic, don't forget there's more news in quitting on this indictment of donald trump one d, w dot com and on social media to a t w. and jerry, great thankfully ah, imagine how many pushing of lunch are thrown out in the world climate or it could be very hot stores. this is my pleasure, the way from just one week how much work can render.


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