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tv   DW News Asia  Deutsche Welle  March 30, 2023 3:30pm-3:45pm CEST

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she survived outfits. thanks to music. ah, he was the nazi's favorite conductor. he is morally degenerate. ah, 2 musicians under the swastika, a documentary about the sounds of power, inspiring story about survival of the home. i don't get the tennis. i was the only one. what might look, music in nazi germany? watch now on youtube, d. w documentary. ah, this is did other news asia coming up to date indonesia is dropped as host of the under 20 football world cup. political turmoil over israel's participation could have contributed to fee foss. decision, but it's f fans and players alike heartbroken. we look at the large impact on indonesia, football, and after a series of setbacks, hong kong is finally said to co host,
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the gay games later this year. ah, irish man, you welcome to did up your news asia. glad you could join us. indonesian football players and fans have been left is made and disappointed by a decision by fee for the governing body of bald football to drop indonesia as host of the under $20.00 woke up next month. the move followed weeks of political turmoil and protests in the majority muslim country about israel's participation in the tournament, even though it qualified last june. the host countries team heard the news late wednesday in an emotional gathering that left team members deflated, worried about their future prospects. here some of what was heard during and after the team meeting in jakarta, the opportunity that you should have had is suddenly gone up regardless of the
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issues we're talking about sports people might say this is just a world cup that's for those who don't understand football but i'm sure this is the dream of all of us. then we've done our best preparation. we trained 3 times a day. people just don't know how hard we've worked. so please, if you want to say something or give an opinion, be, consider it because we, the players are now affected, not just us, but all footballers i just hope and pray that indonesia won't be sanctioned. so we can still participate in other people tournaments and our footballers said so that we can still have a career in football. there's disappointment across the board in a country that was looking forward to hosting the games. did up those asia pacific bureau chief garrick matters and rebecca,
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another to polo report. this is where the opening for the you 20 world cup should have taken place. the glory bombgardener stadium. it was, are there the infrastructure, the slogan? even the mascot might just do months. me for the kick off a dream for initial football fans. it's over. i'll only of course, i'm disappointed it was a dream, a once in a lifetime opportunity for indonesia to join the world cup. but the decision has been made. let's pray for the best on it. so that when i and let's fix our football 1st, there are a lot of problems we face in our football association. let's do what needs to be done for our football lab, where we're dealing with seaver port, the wall cuts on the horse mission, indonesia, following protests against israel. als participation. israel qualified last june, quite sports ever under 20 world. come. but the protest here in jakarta erupted
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only 2 weeks ago, demanding that israel not be allowed to, but it's a mean it was all triggered by the governor of bali asking the government not to invite israel al, to their bali stadium, indonesia and israel al, do not have formal diplomatic allegiance and support for the palestinian cause and the world's most populous muslim enjoy. the nation runs high. experts now fear that the clash of politics and sport has jeopardized the entire countries reputation as host to big events. gallagher is that isn't believe that i think there's also a risk for international organizations or if there are international events at it. and then we bid to become the host there be the because the international community will be taking notes on this issue. but my fell out of the i don't know how indonesia can rescue its image, metallic,
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i think the matter these young players now have to pay the price. the automatic qualifying spot as horse mission is gone. officials have already warned that losing the tournament will cost a country. hundreds of millions of euros. and fever is traveling further sanctions, potentially even excluding indonesia from the 2026 world cup qualifiers that begin in october. and gentlemen are for more context on this is d. w correspondent, rebecca now bit of hulu format jakarta bureau. rebecca, what is the mood right now in indian indonesia? yes, it's been a pretty gloomy day for indonesia. this has been a dream not only for the football team, but also for all indonesian to be able to participate in the world cup, but sat lee. that dream has to be gone and not only for the football
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fans, but also for the players. they've been expressing their disappointment and anger through social media, saying that of course this is not the result they do hope for. they've been practicing. and they've been preparing for this very big moment and we have to understand how important and how dear football, if to indonesian for fire be i believe every kid, every boy in indonesia grow up playing football once in their lifetime it has become a part where the football fans and the players have a deep interaction towards each other's. and the last time indonesia joined world cup was back in 1938, where we joined to as the dutch east in b. so this is actually an opportunity that we've been waiting for such a long time. but sadly, it has to go another way. and what is therefore,
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the impact of this decision on indonesia as participation, specifically in the under 20 football world cup and in a larger sense on football. in general. yes, the reason the indonesian football team are able to join those under 20 world cop is because we have that opportunity to be the host of the world cup and by us not becoming the host of this year's world cup. it means that the indonesian team will not be able to participate in this world cup as well. and for the national football, we are still waiting for the fevers decision whether or not we will be given any sanction on this. but if so, probably harm to the national football team back from any far tournaments. and we
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also have to mention that the admission government, they have poured out 10700000 euro in preparing 6 lidiam across indonesia for this big events. and not only in sports events as well, but this big moment has been a great opportunity for the economy and also for the tourism local tourism across indonesia. but that has to be just another dream for the people to host another international events that would bring a big impact to the local communities as well. rebecca, how much of the control receiving seeing is connected to presidential election slated for next year? yes, so next year 2024 in asia is going to help one of the biggest general election. and one of them is the presidential election to governors who decided
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not to welcome the israel lead team to play in their area. are bali governor e y n costs and all sol? central job, our governor, gang jetta, know war. and they expressed their obstruction for the israeli team to play in their area because they feel like it is a respond to indonesia support for the palestinian and from annalise seen this to be adjuster for them to be able to say that they are standing with the people, they are sending with the value that the, that most indonesian believed in class in an asian is one of the biggest muslim majority countries in the world and also gauge up. i don't know what the central job our governor, he is actually one of the most potential candidate for the president
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for the presidential election next share. so this has been given him a lot of spotlights on this controversies of, from his statement to result of this. you 20 world cup in indonesia will innovation football be able to recover from this control the c that is the hope that i do believe indonesia all indonesia shared, even though we're still very sad about the result we are feel disappointed about the results. but i got to talk to some of the football fans on the streets earlier . and they said that they hope in the next 510 or 20 years, indonesia will be able to show that the football team will grow. and the organization will become a better organization in managing all this football team. and also events, especially about world cup cause this is one of the big dream for indonesia. so
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hopefully the next generation will keep up that fire within them and will be able to recover together from what has been unfortunate events for the country will leave it there for the time being. thanks so much for joining us today at rebecca and happy to follow. ah, hong kong is set to make history when it becomes the 1st ation city to host the gay games in november. the chinese territory will be sharing hosting duties with guadalajara mexico. the covert pandemic forced to de leon this latest edition of the games, which had been held every 4 years since 1982 o hong kong invites the world to come out. why ha, ha ha. this city will be the 1st ever asian host of the gay games
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later. oh, it's been a long struggle. hong kong, 1st one, the bit in 2017. since then, there's been the 2019 pro democracy protests and subsequent track down. and the coven pandemic. when hong kong imposed one of the world's strictest prevention machines, ah, after stalling for months, the gay games will take place in november, 2023 organizers say in hong kong. it's now okay. we're to come out. you know, that's what i'm hoping to do here today is to help you know, my gay fellows and our allies to do the same, to have a little more courage, particularly in hong kong. i think these phenomenon will help updates hong kong south. so narratives around the algae b t plus community because
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a society which fights for freedom as we had seen the past few years, should also believe in the freedom to the freedom. that is why they respected by hong kong public and so far tolerated by the cities beijing backed governments. does it for today as a post mortem the region on our website? since you're back here at the same time to morrow, goodbye. ah ah, every journey is full of surprises. we've gone all out to give you some tips one day and in the footsteps of the great people. i'm in your
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northernmost count, please. ah, for a time longer, but still very much alive, d w, travel, you'll go to the special hot spots in germany. i recognized where exactly was fun. and i have learned a lot our culture history. all their d. w. travel extremely worth a visit. ah . vladimir putin admits western sanctions, are hurting the russian economy. this is the country's military spending, sores will bring you, expert analysis, india courts, african army chiefs as part of a major push to boost defense exports. and standing the test of
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time high luxury watchmakers are embracing sustainability as part of their design. this is the w business. i'm kate ferguson. thanks for joining me. russian president vladimir putin has admitted western sanctions will have a negative medium term impact on his country. the commons come after months of insisting that punitive measures were not having an effect. russia is currently the most function that country in the world reliable economic data. it's hard to come by, but it's clear, heavy war spending is only auditing to pressure on a ruddy fragile economy. the russian defense minister inspecting his supply lies munitions like the once manufactured at this plant or in short supply. but buying the weapons as an expensive business and one russia is hoping to keep out of the public.


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