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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 27, 2023 12:00pm-12:15pm CEST

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a controversial committed to the point on details. ah ah, this is the w news live from berlin. israeli politics in turmoil as opposition, grows to contentious judicial reform, planned demonstrations and a general strike threat to plunge israel into chaos as media report suggest prime
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medicine at the hour might be prepared to barter pressure and suspend the bill. also coming up germany faces it's most disruptive strike action in 30 years, public transport rail and airport staff nationwide are walking off the job to demand more pay to counter the acute cost of living cross blue i'm ga gov as well come to the program is really media are reporting that prime minister benjamin netanyahu may suspend his controversial plans to overall the judiciary. that's according to sources in his li, could party demonstrate is in jerusalem, half gathered in front of the parliament, the claire set, calling for the reforms to be scrapped. the nation's largest trade union has
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analysis general strikes to protest the plans and slides from till of it's been going on. airport are now grounded. israel issy's, sustain moss riley's, since the overall was announced months ago, it would allow parliament over, right, so called the supreme court decisions. for this, let's go to jerusalem, where correspondent rebecca ritters is standing by rebecca. tell us that a national strike has been called a what's the latest? yeah, that's right. get hard. the biggest workers union in the country called for that national strike. and we're seeing that come into effect, as you mentioned in the late in the airport, have grounded all air flights incoming and outgoing i. we've seen hospital saying that they're also going to take part in the strike with only emergency services being available at that. as of tomorrow, schools, universities on strike are one thing that isn't on strike though,
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is the trains and many people using the train system to come in to jerusalem, where i am now standing outside the can. i said to protest, you mentioned that there are already thousands of people gathered and there are, i can hear them. i don't know if you can, but they are there protesting. today the, the may to protest is set to begin. i in about an hour's time, but people are gathering and we're expecting it to go on for much of the day and into the evening with even colds for right wing protest is to come out this evening . so potentially, you know, we're not sure exactly what's going to happen. could see clashes there. ah, but it's a big day in israeli, in his early history. or rebecca will come back to you in a 2nd. but let's have a look 1st there what happened over the weekend. a tango in the streets of tel aviv . the protest is blocked a major highway and lit last bonfires. in jerusalem, police used bought
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a cannon to disperse protesters outside the residence of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. weekly demonstrations against plans to over hold that additional system have been taking place across the country for nearly 3 months. the latest protests of fuel by netanyahu's dismissal of defense minister you off garland, the 1st member of government to suggest the reform should be halted. i mean, you more than more with i'm not sure. not sure with no other choice with these really government once it changed the current system to allow parliament to override the decisions of the supreme court. the plan has divided the country
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far right. parties. welcome, the dismissal of gallant but opposition politicians. san antonio has crossed our red line on your mil, but swaby israel has never faced such popular pressure on the debate about its democratic institutions. and we can come back to our correspondent rebecca writs, as standing by the injury was alone in from the parliament building. the can i sit and where we can hear the the background protests going on. rebecca, after so much pressure. wilmington, yahoo speak soon. what is he going to do? well, that is the question that everyone here is asking, waiting with bated breath to see exactly how benjamin netanyahu is going to handle the situation. what he's going to say, we've been expecting him to make a statement to the nation. all morning that continues to be postponed. he is behind me in the parliament having furious meetings that he has been doing overnight. and
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so, you know, trying to negotiate away forward just exactly how he's going to settle these protest and keep the members of his coalition happy really remains to be seen. it is also a question as to whether or not halting these judicial changes will even be enough . now, to quell these protests, many people are going one step further. they're saying that that it isn't enough that they're so angry that what he's done in dismissing, or the defense minister is really a step too far. the protest is very angry saying it, it's a step towards anarchy, and i don't think it's, you know, many of them saying that it, even if they do hope these are judicial reforms, pushing them through that that will even stop. they protest. so a, what is going to happen? a question, everyone looking for the answer. rebecca route as they reported from jerusalem. frankie, rebecca, let's have a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. mia mas
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military hunter has been marking the armed forces day troops paraded with a capital to commemorate the founding of the country's army. during world war 2, the military seas par and imprisoned, elected officials following a coup in 2021. clear efforts on the way and the state of mississippi. after tanaka tornadoes destroyed several towns. president joe biden as declared an emergency freeing up federal funds. at least 25 people were killed when the twist is flat. neighborhoods down trees and power lines in yemen. thousands have filled the streets of the rebel house, capital santa, to mark 8 years of their war against the saudi led coalition. yemen has been entrenched in the civil war since 2014 resulting in one of the world's worst humanitarian crises. you can lie to me. hundreds of firefighters in east and spain
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are battling the 1st major wildfire of the season. some 1700 people have been forced to flee their homes. the fires began on thursday, and it is still out of control and unusually dry winter in southern europe. as waste concerns about a repeat of last year's devastating fires. now in germany, airports, rower stations and bus lines half shut down. and it's the country's most disruptive strike. in 30 years, members of 2 of the biggest trade unions have walked off the job on monday. they are demanding higher wages in the transport sector to combat the rising cost of living. people in germany are struggling with high inflation since the born ukraine sent food of energy prices soaring. of morning strike on the joint bar report. as judas saw, deli at berlin central station and emily gordon in frankfort, apple. emily, let's start with you. frankfurt airport went to europe some main aviation hobbs.
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certainly germany's biggest. what's going on there today? yes, so we're standing here at the departure hall at frank for airports and as you can see behind me on the devoted departure board or flights have been cancelled. ironically it says yeah, yeah, yeah, the top of above these cancellations. i don't think travelers are quite of and through the attic about this development over a 1000 flights have been cancelled. this will affect a hundreds of thousands of passengers. and even if you just wanted to change this airport, this will not be possible to day. there has been a steady ste trickle of travelers arriving at the fair port are many of them have been flown into other regional small airports and then been to have been put on buses that will, that, that take them here to frank airport. but that adds another 5 to 6 hours on the, on our, on your travel time. so really quite extensive. um, but yeah, of course,
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this is not for nothing. we spoken to some other strikers here and am, and they say look, and we're going through a record inflation. and we're going through a costa living crisis. we need more money to make ends meet. and this is their way of increasing the pressure at the negotiation table. over pay increases. now, over to you, julia europe, berlin's rather deserted central stations. tell us more about what's behind this strike. what exactly are the union's asking for as we are virtually the only people standing at this level of the train station, which is quite unusual, i must say in that comes to show how, how much power the 2 unions have that have declared this strike to really bring people not to go to work and to participate in this strike. that is because they are asking for a salary increase for public transport workers here in germany. given the high levels of inflation as we heard the rising cost of living. this is record reaking
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inflation that we've seen in germany. and if you look, especially at energy prices and food prices, the level in february was around 20 percent inflation rates. that is really high and people are noticing when they go and pay their energy bills when they go to the supermarket to go shopping. and that's why the unions are, are really pushing for raises. for example, between 10 and 12 percent raised, depending on which of the 2 unions are negotiating. and that's why they're really trying to send us a strong signal to negotiators that it's time to, to meet their demands. nope, emily or in frankfurt, germany is not the only country seeing this kind of stripes lately. is it no, not at all. we've seen strike sweeping all over europe really. i mean if you look at the u. k, we've got the ongoing national rail waist rail. weiss stripes, right? wildly riley strike. sorry. hm. and even the security guard that he for airport ah,
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thinking of joining them over these to break so that that continues to, to disrupt transportation across the u. k. when you look at france, we saw that president my call has just pushed through a controversial bill that will raise the age of a time and in the country that's led to mass demonstrations. national labor unions in the country have also then lead strikes and response. even can charles has had to postpone his trip to france. and then when you look at spain, i mean there air traffic controllers are in a deadlock. i pay a pay negotiations. so really all across europe, people are striking. and, and that really is a reflection of the struggle that they are going through to me to make ends meet. and mrs. their way of saying, you need to listen to us. we need a pay increase. otherwise, we won't turn up to walk. julia berlin, how likely is it that the demands of a union will be accepted or is it likely that these strikes will go on
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for the unions? i wanted to really show a strong sign today with one day of a very big strike because they want the negotiations to come to an agreement and they want their demands met. but they say that so far, the offers that they have received from the federal and the local authorities haven't been high enough. but if we think about it, the, the federal and especially the local authorities in germany are also pretty strapped for cash. looking again at the rising price is at inflation rates and it's going to be difficult for them to look at. pay increases in the range between 2010 and 12 percent. so they are going to be tough negotiations. and it's likely that the unions are going to have to be ready to, to compromise on this. thank you very much to auto correspondence, julia. so deli, in berlin and emily, who are dean in frankfort. thank you both be watching t
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w news before we go here. as a reminder of our top story in israel demonstrates as have gathered outside the parliament, the commit to continue calls for prime minister benjamin netanyahu to hold controversial judicial reforms. israel, a largest union is staging a general strike against this build grounding, flaunts at the countries a main apple. the latest escalation in the month long brow comes as israeli media report, that netanyahu may bow to pressure and suspend the plan. that's it from me and the new steam for now don't go away. the w business is off next with kate ferguson. she'll take a closer look at germany's historic transportation strike today. and remember,
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