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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 27, 2023 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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special huh. in germany, yeah, lou recognized where exactly was fun. yeah. i learned a lot our culture history. all their d. w. travel extremely worth a visit with ah, the sustainable dinners, live frumber land growing pressure on israel's foreign government to hold controversial judicial reforms. chaotic scenes as demonstrators block a television highway after prime minister benjamin netanyahu dismisses his defense
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minister for speaking out against the plan overhaul. also coming up germany spaces . it's most disruptive strike action in 3 decades. public transport rail and an airport staff nationwide are walking off the job to demand more pay to calendar of cost of living crisis. ah, ethical 1st, it's good to have you with us. tensions have flared in israel after a prime minister benjamin netanyahu fired his defense minister, who called for a halt to controversial judicial reforms. tens of thousands of demonstrators blocked a highway and televi following the senior. the could members sacking that yahoo has vowed to press ahead with a reform plans which critics say would undermine be independence of the supreme court. in the latest outburst of anger purchases and television
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blocked a major highway and lit lodge bonfires in jerusalem. police used bought a cannon to disperse protesters outside the residence of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. weekly demonstrations against plans to over hold that additional system have been taking place across the country for nearly 3 months. oh, the latest protests of fuel by natalia house dismissal of defense minister you off garland, the 1st member of government to suggest the reform should be halted with you more than more with i'm not sure. not sure with no other choice with
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these really government one suit change the current system to allow parliament to override the decisions of the supreme court. the plan has divided the country far right parties. welcome the dismissal of gallant but opposition politicians. san antonio has crossed our rent line. busy on your mil, but swab, you'll feel a shift. so list of any meanwhile, protest organizes up planning to hold daily demonstrations against the controversial reform and floral. let's go straight to rebecca. read her as she's in jerusalem. rebecca. good to see. we thought chaotic scenes there last night, massive protest, what's expected for today will think suddenly coming to a head here in israel, nicole, after more than 12 weeks of protest, we've been covering them extensively,
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people being out in the straits in these organized weekly and more than weekly protest, though last night's protest was spontaneous in response to the sacking of the country's defense minister. many of the protest is saying a move like that is really akin to autocracy forcing thousands to protest here outside the prime minister's residence in jerusalem and, and a large protest in central television. as you've been reporting some of the most intense protests we've seen so far this morning, those protests of course have quite and down. but we're expecting more plan protests later this afternoon. and you mentioned that some of the news there in your lead in, but we've seen the, the counselor general stepping down and the prime minister's own the, sorry, the consulate general in new york, the israeli consul general in new york, stepping down and the prime minister's own lawyers saying that he will no longer represent him in his legal cases if he continues with these judicial changes. universities across the country have gone on strike most of the major universities
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. and we are expecting the biggest workers union in the country to make an announcement shortly. many, suspecting a nationwide strike there. nothing confirmed yet. just moments before coming on air . we heard rumors that benjamin netanyahu could potentially be looking into or trying to find ways to go ahead and suspend or at least pause some of the what they're expected to push through in the connecticut today that a, he's actually now looking and met and having conversations and he is expected to speak, but we don't know exactly of course which direction he'll take, but it is rumored that he is going to try to suspend the legislation. in response to this major outcry here at the minister jo sack yesterday belong to the li, could party are we at watching netanyahu's own hardy turn on him right now? well, there have been other members of the party suggesting that they may not want to
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vote for this legislation or that they may recuse themselves from from voting on the legislation. we are saying members, definitely trying to, to, to negotiate we that, that, that they don't want to push forward and follow benjamin netanyahu. but we are also seeing a lot of support, particularly from members of the other factions in the coalition, particularly from the far right in response to these room is that the benjamin netanyahu may be a prepared to or about to pause this legislation. we've had members of some of the more fall right faction saying that they are absolutely not willing and not prepared to suspend any of the legislation that they want to continue. so benjamin netanyahu really walking a fine line, trying to keep the coalition together. that is looking more fragile by the moment. there's a lot of international pressure as well. the u. s. has been concerned for weeks. they have been saying for weeks that the opposition and that the government,
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the coalition and the opposition should need to find some sort of middle ground. we've also seen the president isaac hudson calling for suspension of the legislation. so suddenly, benjamin netanyahu finding himself increasingly isolated rebecca ritter, thank you so much for that update from jerusalem. airports and railway and bus stations have shut down and germany's most disruptive strike action in 30 years . members of 2 of the biggest rain unions have walked off the job for 24 hours. they're demanding higher wages in the transport sector to combat the rising cost of living. and for more i'm joined by our reporters julia, so deli at berlin central station and emily gordon at frankfurt airport. emily that let's start with you. frankfurt airport is one of europe. the main aviation hubs. what the situation there this morning? yes, so we're standing in the departure hall and it is pretty deserted. i've never seen
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it like this to be honest, and he does look behind me on to the departure board. you'll see every flight has been cancelled in the erotically above the departure board. you'll see more more, more over all of these cancellations or over a 1000 holes over over a 1000 flights have been cancelled. hundreds of thousands of passengers are affected by this war. and even if you just wanted to change here, this will no longer be possible. and we spoken to a couple of travelers who have arrived here. they've been flown into smaller regional airports from which they have been, are transported back to frankfurt by a buses sometimes traveling an additional 5 to 6 hours. and now of course, this is not happening for nothing. workers here are striking as you just said. m for higher wages, a mid a rising cost of living crisis. and this is their way of putting pressure on the negotiations. and let's move on to julia. so deli, who is the ads of berlin,
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deserted as well as central station, huge disruptions there as well. julia, can you tell us more about what's behind this strike? what exactly are the unions asking for? yes, i must say hey, i've never seen berlin central station and it's quiet. there is barely a person walking around here. that is because 2 big unions have joined forces to call for this big strike to day. and that is because their demands are during negotiations for salary increases for public transport workers aren't being met. they're asking for salary increases are between $10.12 for so is depending on which of the to unions. members are parts because they want to help these workers have more support in dealing with writing inflation. since russia's war of aggression against ukraine, germany has experienced the highest levels of inflation in the postwar iraq. and it shows we've seen in february 8 point 7 percent inflation and especially hitting
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energy prices and the prices of food, both at around 20 percent inflation. people are feeling this when they have to pay bills where they have to go shopping at the supermarket. and the amount of people who are taking part in the striking, the kind of disruption that this strike has brought in germany today also shows how strong unions are in germany. also compared to other european countries. they were able to basically bring the country to a standstill and are therefore pushing for their demands in the negotiations. thank you. julia sar, deleon, berlin, and emily gordon in frankfort this morning. several of now and some other stories making headlines around the world right now. so on former president, maryan yo is heading to china on a trip that a spark controversy in taiwan beijing views the territory as its own. ma says he
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will not meet with high ranking chinese officials and then his visit is focused on easing tensions with the mainland. man, mars military junta has been marking the armed forces day troops paraded through the capital nike dawned to commemorate the founding of the country's army during world war 2, the military seas power and imprisoned, elected officials following a coo and 2021 us vice president comma harris has arrived and got us capitol across the 1st stop on a 3 nation tour of africa. washington is pushing to deepen ties on the continent. harris's visit will focus on economic development, climate change, and food security. cleanup efforts are underway in the us state of mississippi offered tornadoes destroyed several towns. president joe biden has declared an emergency freeing up federal funding. at least 2005 people were killed when the twisters flattened neighborhoods down trees and power lines.
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thousands of yemen need have filled the streets of the rebel held capital santa to march 8 years of their war against the saudi led coalition. yemen has been entrenched in a civil war since 2014, resulting in one of the world's worst humanitarian crises. some walk to missouri modernization and staying in yemen where millions are marking ramadan, it's the holiest month of the islamic calendar of marked by fasting, charity, prayer and reading of the koran. but years of study can leave copies of the holy script desperately in need of repair. our next report here is from a traditional book binder in the yemen, e, capital santa, working to restore, as many as you can. ah, with the street to santa bustling, it's a busy time for bookbag dislike. hashem al serra she has she muses,
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traditional methods to meticulous c restored, damaged copies of the crown. ramadan brings with it more customers and has sheen worked long hours to meet the increase in demand was worshippers fasting from dawn to dusk. more time is left for reading and reciting. the holy book lived abroad. 47 copies of the koran here to be repaired because some of them need fixing. we take damaged copies from moses to be restored our own expense during ramadan, particularly. everyone wants to reside the koran em available office. in the cities mosques, local people come together to recite passages. if you want to move. oh, let me just little we are studying the holly koran, hit the teacher and am to learn what his teach and me the rules of enter nation
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will come up. that weird. may allah bring blessings! well, go to hell. at this time of year, worshippers show the corridors, good mosques in santa thanks to all the people of yemen, are taken good care of the koran there, preserve in it, honor in it, and pondering its meaning as well as had during the parameters of what's permissible and what's forbidden that they are following what a lot of mighty has said with a big red migail. hello, hannah with love. and before we go here, as a reminder of our top story, pressure is growing on the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to delay contentious plans to reform the judiciary. tens of thousands of protesters talk to the streets after netanyahu dismissed his defense minister for calling for an immediate halt to the reforms. israel's president, as added his voice to calls for
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a delay with watching d. w. news coming up next world stories went the report on the reconstruction of not the dumb cathedral checking in with the french experts, racing to complete this national mission on time. that's after the break. there's always more news on our website that is of course d, w dot com and you can follow us on social media. our handle, there is dw news article for lee. thank you so much for watching. mm. get someone else to the hardwood tv highlights of selected for you and for a week in your inbox, subscribe now a.


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