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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 24, 2023 1:00pm-1:31pm CET

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ah, thousands of children still waiting for their delivery sponsor box to day. so together we can deliver futures. ah ah ah . the dw was alive from berlin. you leaders are discussing fears of a new bank in crisis, concerns about the help of the world's 3rd largest economy, top the agenda on the final day of a you summit in brussels. also coming up on the show, britain's king charles post holmes, his plan state visit to france. that's as nationwide. protests against president
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microns reform plans turn increasingly violent closely. you can see oil at the soft face of the water and also some fish have been washed off shore as a result of the pollution people in nigeria as niger niger delta regions to one of the world's biggest oil companies, claiming it for their dwindling access to clean water and one of the biggest names in german buddhist legal hope all is said to have been sacked after last weekend's last by byron munich. coach within not guzman is expected to be forced out. as the top club chases is 11th consecutive title. ah hello, i'm claire richardson, thank you so much for joining us. european leaders have gathered for a 2nd day of meetings at their summit in brussels on the agenda on friday. the
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european economy leaders will assess the recent turmoil in the global banking sector, which has seen a number of banks collapse and mid fears of wider contagion. they'll be joined by european central banks ship christine the guide, as they discuss european bases exposure to the crisis. and i had stephen beardsley from did other business with me here in the studio to break this all down. stephen, we have this global banking system wrought by the collapse of to us banks and the last minute rescue of credit suisse. how safe our euro zone banks right now? yeah, that's something that i am, we're seeing the policymakers, banks, regulators. they're all having this message right now. they're coming out this message that the banks are safe, they're much better position than they were at the beginning of the last major crisis in 2008. i think that seems to be the main message that we're hearing is that this is not 2008. that means that banks are better capitalized. they haven't leverage so much leverage. meaning that they haven't made essentially a bunch of very expensive bats on very little amount of cash they have in their
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banks. remember in 2008, those beds were made on essentially worthless assets that once those were kicked out, than the whole facade sort of came down. this time what we're seeing as a couple things going on. one is that interest rates have been risen at such a fast pace that many of the assets that banks are sitting on have lost their value very quickly. in the case of s, v b, silicon valley bank, they had to draw out some of those assets. saw that their loss value and suddenly there was a loss of faith in the bank itself. and that created a bank run. and so now after that we're seeing as kind of contagion where investors are looking for the next s v b. and they're looking at banks that have traditionally had weak spots and trying to see if there's something there. and in some ways it's convert. there's a psychological aspect to it that can be sort of self fulfilling. find a weak bank sheer yourselves and that increases that creates a sell off that then sort of gather steam. ok, it doesn't sound somewhat reassuring what you were saying earlier, but banking stocks under pressure again today. i deutscher bank now more than 10 percent down. so it seems like there's a lot of nervous system. there's definitely not a lot of nervous system,
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the system, and that's what we've seen recently, especially is that banks are having a hard time getting a hold of cash. they need liquidity, they need cash to be able to, to, to, to take care of their operations on a daily basis. no. normally they would trade with one another, the so called inter bank training. right now, a lot of banks are holding onto their cash instead of trading with one another for whatever reason. and so they're having to go to emergency lending through a program that the federal reserve has created. basically what that means is that we're seeing that banks are having a hard time getting a hold of cash. that's also lending to the jury in us that we're seeing on markets . and as i said, investors are looking for weaknesses and banks where they can when it comes the deutscher bank. this was a problem bank years ago several years ago that tried to go through a transformation to improve itself. it's had better quarters better years recently that things have been looking up. but apparently investors see something that they're not happy with. or they're looking for a bank that has traditionally had problems. we don't know yet. we don't know how much of the sell feeding, but obviously it's, it's a cause for concern for those. we're watching it. we saw that christine,
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the guard is at that summit in brussels today. what you think her message is going to be? her messages, like i said to you, is that the banks are safe, there will capitalize, everything's ok and that they the c, b, the european central bank will be able to respond when something happens. they'll be able to provide the liquidity that these banks need, along with the help of the federal reserve and other institutions that they have it in hand. and other things are going to be emphasizing is that perhaps it's time for the euro zone. the 20 nations that use the euro to strengthen their common deposit insurance. that means that together they will reassure depositors and banks across the u that or across the years when i should say that they can, they will be billed out in the case of a run on bank. this is something that is very controversial across the euro zone. it's been kicked to the side. this debate has for years and years. but now if this is enough of a crisis, it could come back into the center as something worth debating. so it's going to be interesting to watch in the coming weeks, how this all develops. thank you so much for bringing us up to speed steven beardley with let's go to the war in ukraine now,
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where russian and ukrainian troops are continuing to fight fears and deadly battles in the countries east. bach motors, the city that's come to some belie slow moving battles and high human costs are there is another frontline town and eastern ukraine that is also home to crucial ukrainian resistance. that city is of d of car. it's almost completely encircled by russian forces. much like bach note to the north, the city of, of diva may not look like much of a prize than battle. there simply isn't much left of it. but resident say the russians seem set on battering their city into submission. this eerie silence a rail and fighting to him. there are plains rockets here all the time. every day you see there to them that for want video. you're good. at birds, eye view shows there's barely a town left to occupy. but this isn't stopping rush and fire lucia muzzle. the
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situation is getting worse and worse, the reserves are getting bigger or buildings literally collapses. lawgroup western intelligence ant ukrainian commander say the fighting full of de fca is some of the fiercest of the war. comparisons are being drawn to the embattled city of buck malt located on the front line. and daniel province of defect is another stubborn thorn in the side of russian troops. trying to advance west data gathered by the institute for the study of war chose the kremlin forces have almost surrounded the city. an apparent attempt to cut of def go off from its western supply lines. so far like back mode of d, fca has held out ukrainian trips, say they're managing to stop russian forces from breaking through their defense line. but commanders are having to way up the use of every shell and bullet. you look, we are trying to serving the motion with as much as we can possibly in case this
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breakthrough. the broil. the city's fierce defence has ended to reputation as a 2nd front line fortress and local say, abd eva has an advantage over bach moot. it's been on the frontline since the don best conflict started in 2014. lawrenceville still is a very serious fortification line. all armed concrete with bunker's, israel fortress is protected better than bottled than you bottled the fortress or not. the ukrainian government has advised of div got people not to take their chances of voluntary evacuation effort has emptied the city of most of its 25000 residence. but some field they just can't leave. are so weird. what about leaving my sons? i in the cemetery. no one needs me any more. you're good when you lose, but it's
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a sentiment shed by others. local officials say some 2000 people have chosen to stay in the city. they belong called hein? with russian traipse pushing to encircle f d fca, they face a growing risk of being left to their own devices. he spoke earlier with a shield to pay spokesperson for the international committee of the red cross. and he told us what the situation is like for civilians in ukrainian towns that are affected by the fighting. i think the images that you just shown and the stories of people that you have just shared, speak for themselves. and this is the same stories that i have heard only a few days ago when i was near these localities on the front line. i was in, solidify that 40 kilometers from us. and it was all other localities that are close to the image that we're seeing is an image of destruction. and it's hard to imagine
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that civilians remain in the areas yet. several thousands of them are surviving in these turbo conditions. one man, man nichol. i met in a nearby village close to but we told me we are not living here. we are merely surviving. and that's really what i could feel when speaking to people there to see william there. and just the amount of destruction to the fact that the villages are being destroyed. bill days are destroyed, schools homes are destroyed. it's just shocking. and during this interview we are looking at some of the footage the organization has provided to d w. what so many people having fled frontline areas? we just saw in that last footage a glimpse of some of the people who have chosen to stay behind. who are they and why are they staying? it's a lot of people are elderly. we also see people who are low mobility people with disabilities, but also some younger people who simply refused to leave older family members
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behind and people who simply refused to leave what they have called their home for their entire life. so i spoke, for example, to a young man named daniel, a 19 year old man, and he told me he doesn't want to leave because his grandfather lives in this town and he doesn't want to leave him. so all the people who are remaining there are lacking essential. they're lacking water, they're lacking food, they're lacking hygiene items. whatever aids we can bring in makes their lives possible under such difficult conditions. so it really is society's most vulnerable, facing these conditions. how difficult is it for you to reach these areas with a they need it's quite difficult and long the roads are not really good. also, there are many military checkpoints, it's emily militarized areas. and of course, when you see some such amount of destructions in the cities,
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you can imagine that it's a dangerous place when we are offloading the. i was myself on a convoy that delivered 17 tons of food to a call to the guy when we are offloading the trucks. we hear in the background constant explosions, exchange of artillery. so it's not easy to reach these places. nevertheless, we know that millions are there and it's our military duty to provide them with the assistance that they need to survive. thank you so much for that update. i also want to ask you about the situation of pro russian civilians in areas affected by the fighting. how are these people treated by ukrainian authorities and the military? it's really difficult for me to, to, to talk about this because i talk to the spoke themselves and when they speak to me, they don't talk about politics or which side they support. they talk about their lease, they need the essentials,
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they're telling us what they need to survive. and what i can say is that they have hope for peace and for a better life for them and for their families. well, thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us on d w. that was a sheal to pay from the i c r c. take care. thanks for having me. i can bring you up to speed now with some other stories making headlines around the world. then mark has asked the russian controlled operators of the nord stream to pipeline, to help salvage an unidentified object found on the sea bed beside it. it is the last intact nord stream pipeline, after 3 explosions, destroyed the others last september. authorities have yet to determine who is responsible for those blasts. young north korea as it has tested a new underwater nuclear attack drone, as well as cruise missiles. young has carried out a spate of weapons tests in recent days, in response to joint south korea, u. s. military training exercises german rail operator deutsche,
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a bon has canceled all of its long distance trains ahead of monday's one day national transport strikes. regional rail roots are also expected to be heavily affected. germany busiest airport, frankfurt and munich have scrapped all passenger flights as well. large wildfire continues to rage in eastern spain, at least a 1000 hector's of land have been scorched while 900 residents of nearby towns have been evacuated. the place began on thursday and has been fueled by high winds and soaring temperatures. president manuel mcqueen's office has announced that this weekend's plans state visit by britain's king charles has been postponed due to the ongoing protests. protesters in bordeaux set fire to the doors of city hall and a show of anger against president microns pension reform plans stand off over raising the retirement age is seen as a test of his government's authority. for more than
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a 1000000 people joint thursdays nationwide, day of action as unions called for more mass walk outs. at the heart of the french capital, thousands have taken to the streets for yet another day, trying to pressure their president in man one my call to dropped the reform, which would raise the minimum age of retirement from 62 to 64 and the crowd. many are still decades away from retirement. this he meant represents, right? like it's a philosophy of light. do we want to work? and so where 64 are not so you know, and i chose to not. but not all the protests had such a relaxed atmosphere. police continued to detain protesters with hundreds,
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now arrested since the demonstrations broke out. some $5000.00 ride police deployed in paris, firing tear gas into the crowds. hello, she's got lots of it will be here until the reform is removed. we're not tired, we're not running out of steam and i think it's going to get a little bit tougher. but at age mobilization will be there, including every day and even in the evening at night in the morning, we have to block every thing. whatever happens, protesters see they are not backing down. thousands of people in nigeria, niger delta region are soothing oil, giant shell over alleged damage to their communities. they helped to convince a british court that shows oil exploration activities have polluted their rivers and underground water supplies. towns in the niger delta region say they've not had access to clean water for decades. he dug,
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correspondent flourish truck were sent us best report from or galler. life in nor gully is tough. blessing james has lived here with her husband for 5 years. everything is hard to calm by including clean water. i'm not happy moon. why dizzy, so far. as on that the heavy so now boston michael, mom fish what the year was will to have my all what they my house. oh golly. the community in oakland, land part of nigeria as earl reached angel delta, big oil multinationals like she'll have explored the area for decades. pollution from oil spills has left the ground water and reversed contaminated. this is the or go near river in lane j delta, and if you look closely, you can see oil at the surface of the water and also some fish have been washed off the shore as a result of the pollution,
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this water is completely useless even though people can see what i hear the actually have no access to clean water. this unity used to rely on fishing or with this level of pollution, their source of food, incom and water has vanished. this will face no good, i will be fed is what a lady will useful above me. so we know for you to use it for wash it. see we know full, maybe we use it for cookie. we hear the smelling christmas law, the united nations environmental program ran tests on the water. in or gully, i found levels of cassock was embezzling to been line 100 times higher than the levels climate led by the lord health organization. scientists also found 8 centimeters of refined oil on the ground water, which feeds the whales that people drink from local authorities have want people to not drink the contaminated water,
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but many like blessing have no choice. and they are forced to live with the damage to their health. that's why you see most out was he in the levels, ovarian cancer. prevalence is increasing while seen the age of and people coming by with cancer decreasing before you see cancer kisses from 506070 years or nice eip eip children, common diary cancer. it $10.00 to $1520.00. the government provided water stations across the need to supply clean water from the community, but none of the station has worked for years. local authorities means that they have not done enough. let's say the responsibility for solving the crisis. like what we do for local government and for the state government is done to support support subs. but the main issue is with the federal government. everybody believe while policy shows in named jerry,
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i play the blame game and argue of actual responsibility to provide clean water for the people or galleys. others have taking the matter into their own hands, like traditional li down kink, emory go doing a problem. she has least at 14000 individual cases of the damage caused by shells, oil spilling and the seeking compensation in court in the you, king, we have a company, it was a while. there are people that, that receive dividend and they sit down and enjoy the money and their children, grandchildren is engaged, the money. i want to tell them that money is blood money. that money is blow up blood money as you're using the money to to get co fought for you, your children and your, your descent, your dependent. so our children, oh golly, are dying the case to take yes. in that time,
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nigeria and shell will continue to profit from o'kelly's oil. while people like blessing, james, will continue to suffer the consequences of the quantum leap at warfare we are forced to drink. you're watching dw, still to come on the program with british electro pop legends to passionate are back with their 1st new album release in years, including tracks with overtones of mortality. following the death of a fellow 1st, we have some big news from germany's buddhist lager fire. in munich has reportedly fired coaching the ona guzman with immediate effect, the weekends lost by our labour cruise, and was the latest poor result in a patchy season for the champions. we're going for an 11th title in a row that was been cut, an irritated figure on the touch line as his team failed to gain ground on leaders,
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overseer dornan's that now looks to have been his last game in charge with the buyer hierarchy, having reportedly lined up for my daughter and chelsea coach almost to her to replace him with get more on this from our very own jonathan crane up from d. w. sports a. jonathan. tell us what's going on here. why are we seeing this now with so few league games left to play? a bit of a surprise, really not least, to do the now go from himself. how can i finish for media reports to be believed is found out about this through the media and not through the club itself. yet head scratching decision because okay, buying haven't been at the best, the sees them and they have very high standards. of course have drawn an awful lot of games in the league, but in the champions league, the stern, the champions league had a great win. i've a parasite man in the last round, they won a south debate in that competition. the season. the travel is still a lie, fall in master league, the chem and the champions lee. and they are the one point off the top of the table
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. don't leave by one point and those 2 sides play each other next. so it is still all in brian's hands. so a lot of people wondering why you made this decision now. yeah, and i mean, he led byron to the title in his 1st season, so there must be something behind it. yeah, people think this is more than just about results surely because i said, okay, the results haven't been great and the defeat against a labor cruise didn't the weekend. probably a sign of how things have gone wrong for by and the season on the pitch. unless sporting director has some sort of how they said that they were inferior to labor, cuz in, in all areas the piece you can see one of the penalty decisions that match their better. yes, suggestions, things were not all well behind the scenes and also at the board level there's a lot of big egos, a lot of people to manage and it's not forgetting august nice and he's 35 years old . so a lot for him to handle. another reason maybe buying, lining up thomas trickle, they probably didn't want to miss out on him and missed out on him in 2018 when he went to paris and your math is reportedly being courted by taught my ramage. it's
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a by and try to get in there 1st, so to call as a potential replacement for it. and what we think of that. well, i mean, he's, he's bought could result. so he's one side to was in france on the german cup when he was a torment. he took chelsea all the way in the champions league said he has a lot of credentials, but he has somebody that comes with a bit of baggage. he's known as a coach is quite hard to manage. he's quite an abrasive character. he is often left clubs in acrimonious circumstances. so that would seem counter to what bon, we're talking about just a started last week when they wanted the long term plan. you got to could isn't somebody tends to hang around at clubs for very long. so a slightly strange decision they gave him, but there's no doubt in what he can do from the dug out. thank you so much for that update. that is jonathan crane for us from these points appreciate at and british music music legends to patch mode are back with their 1st album for 6 years. and their 1st since the death of keyboardist and co founder anti fletcher
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albums dominant theme is mortality. and after losing anti fletcher, the bands return was anything but certain depeche mode for the 1st time as a g o b i b b y a new song and a call to grab life by both hands. ah, we decided it was better for us to focus on music and or, you know, not, not just like, whoa in that would be in our misery. that misery being the sudden, death of andy fletcher, fletcher. nearly 10 months ago. he was the keyboard player, the 3rd brain,
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co founder and kid of the band for 40 long years. his band mates a still deeply shocked at his passing bowers say this flesh was the biggest supporter of us and the, the band martin to push mode. everything about a, you know, it's very jarring and you know, you, your own mortality and everything. so if people around you and friends, family, you know, you start to think about a lot more melancholy as part of depeche mode brand. but so his carrying on this time for fletch, the new album's title memento mori, a nod to that full and friend. but while death and grief may be all over the new release, the ban i keeping going, ah, that tradition. it's out the day. it's clear that even after
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4 decades and the last of a beloved friend, they just can't get enough with that is that you are up to date coming up next after a short break are health. so good shape, that's all for me for now, for me in the team with my team. thank you so much running us. ah, with
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who to be your own health advocate. by turning into your own expert, we are your coach without any fiction. and lots of facts.
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