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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 18, 2023 8:00am-8:16am CET

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a documentary series about the future of food with the great debate this week on t w. ah, [000:00:00;00] ah, this is dw news live from berlin wanted for war crimes, an international arrest warrant for russia's president vladimir putin. the international criminal court in the hag accuses proven of illegally to coordinate ukrainian children to russia. also on the program,
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turkeys president finally approved finland's bid to join nato, retro tire air to want announced the move after talks with finished president, an anchor rot. but what about sweden and former pakistani prime minister in ron con, agrees to appear in court to face corruption charges using a political standoff. ah, i'm labriola. welcome to the show. the international criminal court in the hague has issued an arrest warrant for russia's president vladimir putin. a court said the warrant was issued over a legit war crimes in ukraine. guten is suspected of involvement in the unlawful deportation of children from occupied areas of ukraine to russia. the kremlin has dismissed the allegations and said the i c. c is warned,
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was meaningless. the charges are the says that the i c. c has even laid against the heat of a permanent member of the you insecurity council, russian president vladimir putin and his commissioner for children's rights. and now wanted for war crimes. there alleged to have been responsible for ukrainian children being forced from the occupied cities and seemed to live in russia. judges f reviewed the information and evidence submitted by the prosecutor and determined that debt are credible allegation against dees persons for the alleged crimes. dicey c is doing it's part of work as a court of law. the judges ation arrest warrants the execution depends on international cooperation. the charge is being welcomed in ukraine,
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where officials have been sounding the alarm for months. while he is older, they are suspect in the illegal forced transfer of ukrainian children. this means that from now until is arrest president of russia as the head of a terrace, as tid will be afraid to travel outside russia because of the possibility that he will be extradited to the international criminal court. russia is not a member of the i. c, c, and has no legal obligation to cooperate with it. moscow's rejection of the charges came quick and fast portions, pre secret tracy, the decision was null, and void. former president dmitri mid the div compete the respond to toilet paper. while the charges i get another condemnation of puritans invasion, they're unlikely to bring any swift justice for ukrainian children in russia. daily news asked law professor yvonne mcdermott rees,
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what consequences the i c c warrant could have for president putin? yeah, i think the biggest consequence of a start leaves, in order for his colleague get maria volva biloba, who's been an also subject to an arrest foreign today. the biggest consequence for them is that it becomes more difficult to travel internationally. so the international criminal court has a 123 state parties. and now every single one of them is under an obligation to transfer person or am the children's commissioner to the court in the hague to stand trial. and should he travel to any of those countries above includes, you know, strategic allies of russia includes most countries in all countries, in europe and south america, a lot of countries in africa. so of course, you know, the, the responses to be expected, like we're not to parse each this core,
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we recognize it. but i think they internally as conversations with augusta, this is say, this has consequences law. professor yvonne mcdermott reese there and vladimir putin is due to welcome china's president using ping for talks in moscow next week . the visit will be, she's 1st to russia in nearly 4 years. a kremlin official says the 2 leaders will discuss the conflict in ukraine as well as military cooperation. the visit signals, a strong show of china support for russia as brewton face is increasing international isolation over his invasion of ukraine. turkish president, wretch, a tie up erewhon has finally given his backing to finland, joining nato that clears the way for turkey's parliament to ratify finish membership. and so far erewhon has given no indication, he will also accept sweden's been to join the alliance. turkey and hungary are the
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only nato members yet to approve the 2 countries applications. but rainy day in and kara has a piece of good news for hansen key o at the presidential palace low job day a bad to on greeted the finish. president. turkey has been in the spotlight for dragging its feet in the ratification process. it's live that other kid thought that in. we've seen that finland has taken sincere and concrete steps to fulfill their commitments under the trilateral memorandum. you don't make young the yourself and considering the sensitivity demonstrated and you eliminate our country's security concerns of her and the progress soon that has been achieved. vicki falling there, she has invasion of ukraine. fin, leonard, sweden applied for natural membership. all 30 nato members must certify the applications. unlike finland,
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sued and must continue to wait for the approval from turkey. my luminous old loser fin length president welcomed the decision and repeated his dance that suit and must join nato nato membership. i have a feeling got her phineas nato. membership is not complete without to sweden. we are so much common interest having being to really neighbor santa having in the baltic sea area on our sure. so i would like to see in real news that we really need to the alley us. over 32 members, edwin's criticism of sweden became more pressing as turkey's snake selections are approaching. critics offered to on see he wants to win support from his nationalist waters. did i use terry schultz has been covering this story from brussels,
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and she told us more about when turkey's parliament could ratify finland's a session and where that leaves hungry now that the biggest obstacle, what was believed to be the biggest obstacle turkeys disapproval of both finish and swedish membership is now unblocked for finland. it will move quickly for helsinki . so president air to one to day said he would like to see this ratified by the turkish parliament before elections in turkey. in may, hungary has said it will also prove within the next month or 2, they keep changing the date. so i hesitate to believe exactly which day hungary will ratify. they had said they would do it before christmas. but in any case, this is due to happen within the next couple of months, and then it will move very quickly, president nina. so he said he would like to wrap it up on their side before the next parliament is elected. but that's the 1st week of april d, w is terry schultz in brussels. or a former pakistani prime minister im ron con has agreed to appear in court on
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saturday, ending a volatile stand off between his supporters and police. earlier can had refused to attend hearings on corruption charges. leading to the court issuing an arrest warrant against him. efforts to arrest him led to a violent confrontation outside his house between the police and cancer quarters. the warrant was later cancelled. dozens of cases have been filed against con, since he was removed from office by parliament last year. but he denies any wrongdoing. dw news asked him ron conn. why he had initially refused to appear in court. i was betting them all the guesses against me. i was a bearing and then i got shot on my leg and i was incapacitated for almost 4 months . the moment i recovered, i went back to god's one in the hall. i go been in islam, but i got the only this whole big thing blew up because one of the better that i
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didn't make and that a parent was in this and of god. when all my security deem told me that there was no protection, the same court has been done by dead wrist, just have been killed. the lawyers have been getting, it's like a disk drive. so the only reason i did the den was because they couldn't get into mr. curity there. and because they did it, ministry has a now, i mean, they've given reason to be that my life was under print. i mean, i had one fascination attempt and now there is a strong john, so, but other one. so therefore there on one hand, the government says your life is under threat. secondly, they want me to abandon this. and in this particular chord, which is a destro. so therefore,
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it was only that one of the benefits i missed and that led to the warrant. let's take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. in australia, authorities are trying to determine what caused hundreds of thousands of fish to die in the darling river in the country's western interior. years ago, many fish died in the same area due to poor water flow for water quality. and sudden temperature changes. protestors have block streets and clash with police in paris for a 2nd night. that's after french president emanuel microns government imposed a bill to reform pensions without a vote in parliament. the law would see the retirement age rise from 62 to 64. similar protests took place in other cities across france. u. s. media reports that the department of justice is investigating the chinese company that owns the popular video sharing app, tick tock for the illegal surveillance of american citizens. and for obtaining
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users details illicitly. dozens of us states have blocked the app from government phones. in recent months, revelers around the world have been marking irelands national holiday st. patrick's day. big crowds cheered on folk dancers and acrobats in dublin and in new york, the cities famous parade, celebrated irish heritage. a river in florida was even dyed green for the occasion . german chancellor, olaf shoulds is in tokyo for a trip aimed at strength and knee economic ties with japan. jolts has been meeting with japanese prime minister for me. ok, shita. the pair discussed ways to strengthen economic security and reduce dependence on chinese raw materials. they also talked about the war in ukraine. he w, nina hossa is at those talks in tokyo and she told us what was on the agenda. economic
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security is the headline. all these 1st german japanese government consultations, japan is germany 2nd largest trading partner after china and in light of russia's war against ukraine. both countries have recognized, have understood the need to reduce dependency on big players like china and russia, and to diversify the raw materials supply. but also when it comes to supply chains and overall economic resilience, the jim covenant say that they're also here to learn a thing or 2 from that japanese power sport now. and here's one for the record books, the world longest ever surfing session. the former professional, sir, for a blade johnston made history by clocking up more than 40 hours riding on the waves . on friday, the australian shattered the previous record of 30 hours and 11 minutes raising money for mental health initiatives. services for well over a day, blake johnston breaking the record for the longest continuous serving session. he
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was catching waves for 30 hours, 11 minutes, and kept going from there. i feel you are all pretty good. the former surfing pro briefly celebrated with supporters lining cities granola beach. during one of the short breaks he was allowed to then peddled back out to stay in the water. for a full 40 hours spotlights were set up to provide nighttime illumination. in total, he was estimated to have caught more than $500.00 waves raising charity money for the bed was personal. as this marked 10 years since losing his father to suicide. my dad. yeah. hey. hey, that story. so yeah, he's off 10 years ago and i just, i'd say that he, it is love himself and had awesome 4th yourself. so hard to comprehend. for johnston a day to celebrate and to raise awareness for
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a cause that affects many families. if where we go, here's a reminder of the top story we're following. for you. the international criminal court has issued an arrest warrant for russian president vladimir putin. a court in the hag says it's for his alleged involvement in abductions of children in ukraine . a kremlin has dismissed the allegations, calling them meaningless. that's all for this show coming up next sports life how swimming can help autistic people. that's after the short break. thanks so much for watching. 5 count. sometimes the big jump right out at u. l. t. the highlights for should read the book every week. nakeema that has to promote did you do the food


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