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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 10, 2023 9:00pm-9:31pm CET

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to them, to get the answer, learn more about this phenomenon, a heavy, invisible river that flows through the sky starts march 23rd on d, w. ah, [000:00:00;00] ah, this is d, w. news log from berlin, hamburg, and morning, after a deadly shooting and a house of fortune. a people are dead and several others wounded in a mass shooting at a jehovah. witness that are laid on thursday. were you the latest developments also on the program?
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iran and saudi arabia agreed to restore ties and reopened diplomatic missions. surprise agreement was brokers by china and the deal could have wide ranging implications across the middle east. plus georgia's parliament has voted to drop. it's controversial for an age and build a proposed new legislation, sparked math street protests and an international outright. ah, i'm nicole fairly shower viewers on p b s in the united states and all around the world. welcome to the program. police investigating the shooting ada jehovah. witnesses center in the northern german city of hamburg have revealed that the perpetrator was a former member of the religious community. the gunman killed himself, 6 people and an unborn child. his motive remains unclear,
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but police officers say there recently received an anonymous tip off about his mental state. as the investigation continues, the community where the shooting unfolded mourns its victims. undertakers removed the bodies of the victims as people in hamburg pay their respects and begin to process and reflect on me. attack them on your hon. one when you leave here and you are 200 meters away. it affects seal. it's very bad about that. no matter wait happens, but of course it affects us even more here than my dad. and we are afraid i say these because we often pass by here and we don't know if it could happen again. so yes, we are afraid of monotonous insight investigations into the motives of the 35 year old shooter who took his own life at the scene.
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around going he was a known gun owner and a former member of the religious group by philip if 100 as a he'll michelin murph. as a former member of the jehovah witnesses, he voluntarily left the congregation, but evidently not on good terms. wooten for lawson at the german chancellor. a former mayor of humbug, offered his condolences, isn't fastened loss. and as if we are stunned at this act of violence, my thoughts are with the victims and their relatives in these difficult hours. and with those whose lives have been so brutally taken over by assumed even goodness of germany's interior minister nancy feather visited the scene. she told reporters, the government would seek to introduce a psychological suitability test for potential. good owners
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must shootings a rare in germany. it's hoped a tightening of already strict firearms ownership can prevent tragedies like this happening again. our correspondent benjamin alvarez is reporting from hamburg and i asked him a short while ago for the latest attack. so this been a lot of movement all day long. also since yesterday, at 9 p. m, when the shooting unfolded, bath in many neighbors walking around, some of them also arrived to this place. you can see the building rides behind me, some of them left flowers. some of them also left handles as they are trying to get to terms with what happened day yesterday waiting for update of news for those who were wounded, who are still in hospital. and of course also grieving a with a family members of those who lost those people yesterday evening here. so we had many, also reactions from a local politician to came here. and also trying to show the condolences on one
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side for the family members and also thanking em, police officers and also those who were at the scene pretty quickly. and according to several to experts who have been looking at the situation, avoided a more and more terrible situation or more dead. and of course, a shocking event for the city, for the country. what have been the reactions from the local community but also from officials a visit at the same so from the community, there have been grieving. we saw some of them also standing here today was a pretty, pretty long day where the investigations were going. we saw money, many police offices here, and also hearing words, the neighbors, those who are living close by told german media when they heard the 1st gunshot, gunshot wound a gun shots and early around 9 p. m. yesterday, when they call a police or police off several calls was here on the scene a pretty quickly,
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and of course, the community were, they alleged a silent all to was part of was trying to get to turn. so what happened here? a yesterday was a press conference today with the official saying that there was the worst tragedy in the near history and handling. so what happens in the past a years? and of course, we expect also to have a new debate about a gun control here in the country. yet, there is a proposal of being put forward by the interior minister, nancy phaser, isn't it? can you give us some details from the village perpetrator? german, a 35 year old german bought this weapon there was used yesterday legally. and even though there was a information is sent also to officials, m that he was not capable of having this weapon to a berlin is now proposing. this is tied to gun reform and will they're actually saying is that they want to have more tests for people to see if they're mentally
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suitable to have this weapons to buy this weapon. so we expect this debate to go even further after the grief after now that they are still investigating, searching for the motives behind the tub tree to came here and started a shooting. and to have another debate to see how any of this is terrible acts terrible attacks that we saw unfolding here on thursday evening can be prevented in the future w benjamin offers and hambert. thank you for that update. let's take a look now at some of the other news making headlines around the world today. the catholic church and germany will officially be able to hold blessing ceremonies for homosexual couples from march of 2026. that's the decision of the church reform assembly, which voted in favor of the measure. the german churches reform path has increasingly brought it into conflict with conservatives in the vatican. russia's wagner mercenary group has entered a, quote, tactical pause in back mote. that's according to the u. s based institute for the
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study of war, which says fighters may have paused there, offensive on black mold, while waiting for a russian reinforcements. wagner fighters have so far spearheaded the attack on the ukrainian city around and saudi arabia have agreed to re establish diplomatic relations and reopen embassies within 2 months after a 7 year diplomatic breach, which has fuel tensions in the gulf, and deepened conflicts from yemen to syria. the agreement was reached after talks in beijing which held it as a victory for dialogue and peace on your ravia has land around for missile and drone attacks on the kingdoms oil facilities in recent years. yemen, iran align who the movement is also carried out. cross border missile and drone attacks into saudi arabia earlier and spoke to sebastian sons who is a senior researcher on golf, monarchies for the german based center for applied research and partnership with
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the orient. and i asked him what both sides are hoping to gain from the steel. for 1st and foremost, i think it's an unexpected agreement. and i think of course, it shows positive implications to the region from a saudi perspective. first and foremost, it is a way to, to agree maybe with the who is this in yemen to end the conflict, or at least seek the escalations. so iranian forces have been supporting with these for years. and therefore, this deal with iran could prepare for more comprehensive agreement in yemen on a general level. it shows also from the saudi perspective, a new trend towards pragmatism and commitment to achieve regional stability. and this is because saudi arabia wants to preserve its own business model and therefore regional stability is a prerequisite to promote economic transformation from a iranian point of view. of course, it is also an attempt to find
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a way out of international isolation. we see iran is in domestic term oil and the protests are going on. there is, there is a sanction regimes in place. and therefore iran could use the reconciliation with saudi arabia also to promote more engaged activities and cooperation with china. and you said it's happening, as many other countries are distancing themselves, found the ron after it's brutal crack, down on the protest movement. so why are we seeing this from saudi arabia? now timing always matters specifically in the case of saudi arabia. so at the moment, there is a momentum of opportunity for this is at least the perception in re up. so the situation that we see in iran is considered by the saudi to shoot as a situation of weakness. and therefore, the saudi leadership has the expectations that iran could agree on more concessions,
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specifically with regards to yemen, but also maybe with regards to lebanon or iraq that are in the interests of saudi arabia. so therefore, it is from my understanding notice strategic breakthrough. it's more technical, of course more that serves the saudi interest at the moment. but on the other hand, it is also a way maybe to improve relations with china and to show the west, specifically the u. s. a that saudi arabia does not serve as a junior partner anymore, and also wants to act independently by reaching out to iran, for instance. now this deal is seen as 8 diplomatic victory for beijing and just said that there is china's role in the middle east changing i don't know if it's really changing. i think also from china, it's an opportunistic opportunity to facilitate those talks. we don't know yet how engaged china was to really bring those partners together. and when we take into
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consideration that iran and saudi arabia were and direct talks through the last 2 years facilitated by iraq. it is not a complete the start from the scratch. but you are right, china has intensified and has enhanced it's impact on the middle east. and of course, it will continue to do that. not only on an economic level, let's keep in mind that china is already the most important trade partner for saudi arabia and other gulf countries, but also on a political and on a military level. and this is of course also signal that a sent out or that a sent to the u. s. and to the best and general attend sons of car po here in germany. thank you so much. thank you. georgia parliament has voted to drop a controversial foreign agents bill opponents of the legislation warrant. it could stifle dissent, curtail media freedoms and hindered georgia's aspirations of one day. joining the
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european union, the reversal follows days of demonstrations and mass rallies in the capital to lacy or did you follow them over songs, clickable? this is the moment that thousands in georgia had been waiting for the shed over after days a protest. it took just minutes for the country's parliament to drop. it's controversial. foreign agents, bill timo. lawmakers voting it down by 35 to one. this is his artillery armor. julius come on. a victory celebrated moments later by both opposition, m. p. 's inside parliament and those protesting outside many hoops spend days here. fighting to what they see is the countries future away from perceived russian influence. an inside you appear in union. me and my generation were protesting here. oh we were standing like i think 2 or 3 days in
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a row. so. 1 the fact that it is dropped and we're moving towards the european union is of course sir, a good and happy fact for i support my country always and i am sending here all the time because, ah, you know, i'm georgia and it's my responsibility to stand here with my people and about the law, i think that it's a very bad for our country because we suffered you cry and whispered, you are up and we want to be a part of you are up. oh, this bill has exposed a growing divide in the country of wits linked with russia and moscow's influence over the ruling georgia. dream party. protest is an opposition parties had claimed the proposed legislation could stifle dissent and curtail media freedoms mirroring a form of russian star of oppression ahead of a parliamentary election next year. the solution is looming long. they
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already tried to pressure her position and opposition in georgia is very fragmented, and i would say managed to marginalize them. but at the same time, the see that there is some other societal forces lexia for certain free media who could challenge them for the next election to one of the aim of this law was somehow to subdue and marginalize civil society and her free media. moscow has a keys, the west of orchestrating the protests in georgia over the now defunct bill, likening it to a 2 attempts and where to police's loyalties lie in the weeks and months ahead. could now be critical in its spirit to join nato and the european union and to get a better picture of the events in georgia, we can now speak to laura thornton, the german marshall funds senior vice president who joins us from washington. d. c . welcome, miss thornton. good, see,
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at both protests on the street and diplomatic pressure are behind the george and government's decision to withdraw the bill. which of the to do you think had a bigger impact? that's a good question. first of all, pleasure to be here. i actually believe it's the citizens of georgia that will shape their government the most. we have seen the georgia dream government dis be very dismissive of condemnation from the west over the last several years. in fact, leaders in the georgia dream government have hurled insults at each member of parliament on american diplomats. nato, if accused west, dragging them into war. i don't think that that's what did it, although it didn't hurt for sure. that international condemnation was very strong. but i believe it's truly the people power here. i was amazed and i felt warm towards all the georgians that went out to defend their democracy. and i think
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ultimately that had played a big role. the kremlin reacted by stating it is quote, watching the situation with concern. how shall we interpret this? i think the kremlin was extremely disappointed and you know, georgia dream. a government unfortunately has been moving away from the western and towards the kremlin. has been a conduit for sanctions during the war has gone out of its way to insult ukraine, georgia government. i mean, i'm, so i think the kremlin was quite excited by this turn of events and the n g, a law that georgia was proposing to pass very much resembles russians and hugo. i mean, i think it's extremely important to, to note here that countries that have angio laws are not beacons of freedom and democracy. their countries like china and saudi arabia and also by john and bangladesh. i've lived in countries that have passed and gio laws and it usually
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happens at the sort of the last gasp of democracy. so this was a terrible sign for georgia, and i think the permanent was really encouraged because there's nothing the kremlin likes more than countries falling from democracy in falling from the west. how will this affects georgia hopes to join the european union? well, i, georgia has a long way to go on again. i think this government doesn't put you membership is a top priority. i mean, they say it in documents and in their campaign, but their actions speak louder. and as i mentioned, they've been very insulting towards us. but i think the, the main reason you membership is far away, unfortunately for georgia is because the georgia government understands that the reforms needed to join the. ringback you are democratic reforms and democracy could threaten their power. and so when you have to choose between democracy and power, unfortunately many leaders and many governments choose power. and so i think that's
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why they've been at this crossroads for some time. and i think that it's very scary to them that an opposition party would win in georgia. but i also think that your can people here have spoken. my question is, how much does this resonate outside sibley? see how much do georgians in the countryside care about the jew, lar, no, but the n g a law. so i hope it's a real wake up call them democracy is really at its last step here. yeah, well, a lot remains to be seen in georgia. laura thornton from the german marshall fun. thank you so much for your analysis. thanks for having me. stop you. official was left on the line as holding talks in washington with use president joe biden topping the agenda is the coordination of support for ukraine, as well as us clean energy subsidies that have prompted anger among some european nations. european allies have expressed frustration over a new u. s. law that offers tax credits to american consumers to buy electric vehicles
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made in north america. the talks are being seen as a test of the trans atlantic alliance and its ability to hold a unified front on the global stage even as they deal with internal disagreements and dw mikaela cove known washington has been following this meeting very closely. mikaela, the 2 leaders are meeting now. can you explain to our viewers what this fairly complicated dispute is about it? yes, i'll try to explain it briefly. will basically, joe biden launched something called the in for the inflation reduction act, which is supposed to ease pressure on american consumers and create a lot of manufacturing jobs of the future. and what is he over looks at the to say the very least is that you, companies would not be able to profit from that. and that could also set something off that amounts to is subsidies,
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race between the you and the us with companies basically shopping around where they get the most subsidies to then decide where they create these vital jobs of the future. and that is something the european union is very unhappy about at a moment in time where europe is very much dependent on the united states for security on stability. and the west has rediscovered itself as a security alliance. how much room for negotiation is there? what is the wand, and how far is the u. s. willing to go? well, joe biden is stressed that he's of willing to go as far as possible, but then there is congress. and then there are the courts here, the united states who have a final say on this infrastructure reduction act that is already at the letter of the law in the united states. so there is no negotiation that will change any of
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that at the small print. that's what's both size a trying to massage, and we're expected to hear to day or of how both sides of plan to launch a process to find exemptions. for instance, for european made batteries, but also to coordinate on a different vital question for those who to industries, which is a rare minerals needed to make a mobility of the future. and also em how to find in a deadline on how to deal with a level playing field when it comes to allah minium. and that is produced in a green way. so that's what we expect to be launched today. we don't expect much of a concrete outcome on that front. mikaela cove now falling, it was enough on the lines visit to washington for us. thank you so much. sheeting thing has begun a historic 3rd term. as china as president camping arise, that has seen him become its most powerful leader in generations. the national
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people's congress staged a vote in favor of the appointment in a televised and carefully choreographed event and beijing. as comes after she locked in another 5 years as head of the chinese communist party back in october. taking his oath on the constitution for the 3rd time in a row, she dreamed ping is sworn in as china's president for chinese rulers who traditionally hand over power. after a decade of holding a title, a 3rd 5 year term is unprecedented. i pledge to be a legion to the constitution of the people's republic of china, me to safeguard the constitution's authority law, fulfill my legal obligations, walk, be loyal to the country, and the people may be committed to it in and honest in my duty. if i'm wrong,
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accept the people supervision. she shall and work for great modern socialist country. well, that is prosperous, strong food shall democratic into culturally advanced me harmonious this year and beautiful way that i actually she campaign jungle. take no this. oh fun. oh, sure sure. she did and with that, she is now communist china as long as serving president process, he started in 2018 by abolishing the to term limit on the presidency. that means he can rule indefinitely. the appointment is mostly ceremonial, but party members have left no doubt that she's grip on power is unchallenged.
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ah, is one of the biggest clashes in german football and a glance at the bonus like a table. what indicate that dog won and shaneka are currently miles apart, but none of that matters not in saturdays, via derby. the numbers are all in favor of a victory for don't mind when, if he's chalka in the viet darby don't want our unbeaten in the last 8 league matches. and if scored a whopping $22.00 goals, if that isn't enough, the 2nd place team is taking on the 17th in the boonies. he got table. but just any of that matter, not according to the document coach, the to sign and b, as always, this will be a match, shaped by emotion and intensity on where your rank on the table has no meaning. it's really just about those 90 minutes. even wooten chalka also on the same chalka,
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they've only conceded one goal in the last 6 games. and there's a new sounds hence of team spirit. and then, and if dorman gives a 100 percent and so to weep and it'll be very difficult. it's our job to prevent them from reaching that 100 percent. and that means what sets us apart on much day is our mentality. it chalka will be happy that got one to be played without several key players, including you some poor court who's caught the game winner against them the last time around. whatever the outcome, this rivalry is about more than just points, pride in bragging rights or so on the line. i'm take a quick look at some of the other stories from where the world of sports. now christiano ronaldo is al nasir have lost top spot and the saudi pro league, or beaten one nil by new league leaders out e t hot or not. a missed a late chance to rescue a boy for his side. after the game. he took out his frustrations on
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a water bottle and alpine ski mckayla schiffron has drawn level with legend ing mars denmark at the top of the world co wins list. she won the giant slalom event in sweden, schiffer and has the chance to read the record on saturday and the slalom event, her strongest discipline. and before we go, he has a reminder of the top story we're following for you. a people have been killed and others wounded after a gunman fired shots that a jehovah witness center and hamburg police day. the suspect took his own life. the watching dw news from berlin. stay with us now. after a short break, i'll be back to take you through the day hope to see there, with
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a, with blue, with what making the headline to stand, what's behind them? dw news africa. the show that was the issues in the continent. life is slowly
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getting back to normally on the streets to give you enough reports on the inside. our correspondence is on the ground reporting from across the continent and all the trend stuff, the mazda to you in 60 minutes. d, w. o. oh, you just, he said, winning offer is available worldwide and for every language leveled, learning german has never been simpler. german to go with.
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ah ah, mm. ah, being hailed as a major breakthrough for the middle east after almost 7, very 10th years, arch rivals, iran and saudi arabia have agreed to restore diplomatic ties. the surprise normalization deal was brokered and top secret talks by china. the rapprochement


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