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tv   DW News Asia  Deutsche Welle  March 9, 2023 2:30pm-2:45pm CET

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hello, a you cuz i'm a cool breeze. you i live but it was just me in the moon, the low. ah . you're watching d w. news, asia coming up today, the stark divide over women's rights in pakistan. what to women in the muslim majority country want dw looks at the culture war, playing out at rival women's rights rallies in the capitol, islamabad. and in indonesian court sentences, to football officials,
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to prison for stadium crush that kill 235 people. has justice been achieved. plus, couples who say no to marriage, an unconventional choice in south korea, and the premise of a wildly popular reality show. ah, i melissa chan, thanks for joining us in pakistan. women coming together to rally against patriarchy and sexual harassment, became a flash point across cities in what has become an annual event, and a test of wills between some authorities who would rather not see them take place and persistent women, demanding their rights. what those rights should remains a point of contention between women themselves and the majority. conservative muslim country views. java reports from islam abad.
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this mom about, i protesting, i'm saying that they believe they have been facing inbox. funny society now these women head out apart. often they sent to women's rights movement, not as audits, march or the mid march and english. this march started in 2018 and over here it has grown insight. now, critics and the cons. okay, to say that audit, march is against islam mac value of focused on if they look at focus on recent history, this is the most controversial and most heavily criticized women's rights move. now, women marchers face dead fight against the patriarchy that exists in pakistan. and that's all they are. sports, is that women be treated as equal citizens in the country. we speak to some of the women participants present here. do you think women are march or audit?
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march movement has been able to change anything in docusign and society. first of all, i think it has changed a lot of discussions around women's rights and the abuse that women face in focus on. we're not happening before it's march before it became controversial. and because of march now, every year we have these discussions, we had these debates, we are these arguments massively across the country, which we do not see before. thank you very much. now we can see a lot of people are holding different laptops, parents, a that's often used and mostly criticized. is this one what they've made out to somebody, my son, and this means that my board, the my right now pretty that women mark just use this slogan, asked for sexual emancipation or sexual freedom. what does it mean made out to somebody my is my body to my right. my body is my integrity,
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my aunts and should been a special. i should not be my. like one thing. i should be allowed to get education . i should be. i should be allowed to work that what? thank you very much. oh, now just a few meters away. this is happening. this is called high r march or in english, more this march. and this movement started to counter the audit march. you want, it was not allowed to speak to these women and gilbert this event without covering my head. now the woman asked for a more traditional bucket don, but a woman should stay at home and pick up her family. we also speak to some of the women present care up, but that you get up ordered march. if you can't get one out of mud with nick under, they have it all they have put on it and call it the mother that call it the nika. how much will control gonna make you the audio? but i need you need the nami care not. it's not me. why should i time?
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can i have my emotional? don't have any update on the one in the mobile number one will speak to more women here. ok. just come back in contact me. i'm. i went up by cassandra, him job. they didn't order, but they made a he ordered, but they could do that was, could you not to get an idea? it's another a cheap, but i will then i will be marching to get an understanding number, but i need to order for dim and heat. so we can clearly see a clash of ideologies here, while the woman march or march, which is a more open centric movement, off for more empowerment of women or freedom for women. here we see that there are women who really want a very traditional pockets and best also reflects some segments of pock their funding society that already guns. ok. they've thought clearly we see that pockets on the country of to 20000000 people. it's a highly polarized country where different point of view is accept exists,
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especially when it comes to rule of women. women's marches were not the only protests in pakistan. the last 24 hours, former prime minister in marin con supporters, some of whom radish fix clashed with police in lahore. officers responded by firing tear gas. one demonstrated reportedly died. others were injured and more were detained. the escalation prompted khan to call off a planned rally, and he accused the government of intentionally making the situation worse. the city had band public gatherings earlier in the day and move widely viewed as specifically targeting con. he has already been on air or rather taken off air. pakistan's media regulator has band broadcasts of con, speeches on charges. he is spreading hate against the nation's institutions,
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a reference to the all powerful military. turning now to indonesia, where a court has sentenced to football, match officials to prison for one of the world's deadliest. and he'd rather stadium crushes a $135.00 people died last year after police are tear gas into the crowd. the official sentenced to 18 months was found guilty of negligence for selling to many tickets. and another a security officer was sentenced to one year. here's a look back at what happened at the game between a my to buyer in october last year. these were the chaotic scenes that led to a football match, becoming deadly in total indonesian police $545.00 rounds of tear gas at the match last october, while footballs governing body thief bands, the practice inside stadiums. and for good reason,
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a 135 people died in the resulting stampedes. this graffiti on the stadium was making the fans feelings clear. it was the biggest loss of life at any game of football for almost 60 years. protestors took to the streets to call for a thorough investigation into the disaster. officials and indonesia had already pinpointed the firing of kick ass is the main cause of the stamp. the police ought to blame other factors, including the stadium being over filled and exit. the gates being locked shops, 3 police officers, and 2 match officials went on trial, charged with negligence. the match officials have now been convicted and given jail time. the police officers await judgment. joining us his t w's rebecca and happy to pull in jakarta. rebecca, this just happened a few hours ago, but what is the reaction you're seeing so far from the public over this sentencing?
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yes, the public expressed their disappointment over the sentencing 18 months in prison for abdul harris as organizing comma t chairman of r, m f c and one year in prison for a circle slippery snow. as i must security officer, this is much lighter than what the prosecutors had called for 6 years and 8 months sentences for both defendants and the her public feels that this doesn't deserved doesn't serve the justice for the death of a 135 people that died in the tragedy, and the family members of the victim even said that they would prefer for the defendants to be released free because this is not the result that they hold for. and the family members also feel that this show how worthless the lives of all the
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people who died on the death the us football stadium, tragedy in the country's history. so there are allied aw of disappointment and also anger field over this sentencing. and the family member also claimed that the trial is full of many pollution and political schemes. so what happens next? i mean, do, will we see further prosecutions? and do you think, given the sentencing officials or will they take a serious, long term look at the safety of these large venues? so one other suspect i've had the n, as the former president, director of fed, they li, got indonesia battle. he is responsible as the national football competition, organism organizer has not begin his trial yet as the east java regional police have not been able to complete the case file since december 2022. so this is
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another case that we have to follow through as well. but the indonesian football association said that this tragedy was a very important wake up call for the indonesian football to become a better organization as well. and in terms of security across stadiums, this is what they have to look for as well. rebecca not be to pollute. thank you so much for joining us. in south korea, a reality tv series, looking into the lives of unmarried couples living together, has captured a lot of attention in a generally conservative and judgmental society presents in south korea. the expected question for women is, is he a keeper? but in this show, women beside if they want to be kept. jo ann lee have been together for 10 years, but in a rather unconventional way. they're not married. little
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a little over here that you could. why do i have to get married? you would it was i most comfortable as it is now. really? i don't understand why i have to get married and do things like paying a visit to the parents of both sides every holiday season. oh birthdays. 3 out of one in patton. good. it will reality tv trends seemed to reflect government data that only 50 percent of south koreans now consider marriage a must. and it's mostly women like lee who don't want to put a ring on it. tona hug them if i get married, the marriage will make it some kind of a right for my husband and his parents to demand that i have a baby. so i also want to avoid that south korean women are expected to do the bulk of child care and housework. but the main star of this show says men who one partners need to adjust. i think husbands need to change their mindset or values on
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how to raise the child together. however, it seemed there is no such thing. that's exactly 5050 when it comes to raising a child, like only mother can breastfeed her baby, noticeable high. okay, all you. okay, yep. was had a thought, the family is for reality tv dating shows is growing. experts say that even those avoiding marriage enjoy watching an idealized romantic relationship. at least 20 such shows aired across south korea last year alone. where women say no to marriage with no regrets. thanks for watching. good bye. ah ah ah, the amount of class is increasing every year in many im gonna working on lunch with fairly holiday destinations and drowning in plastic weiss, we, we line at the concert
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every year europe, exclusively $1000000.00 tons of plastic with you steering the other way after all the employment isn't recyclable. make up your own mind. d, w. made for mines. a 100 german lost reeds on d, w. mm hm. ah, ah. a race between 2 regional powers. apples top supplier fox con, has its eye on india, as the fix to diversify away from china. also on the show clean energy from africa to europe, a new plant in murray,
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tanya will provide germany with green hydrogen, much needed after losing russian gas and a residence in argentina. find themselves having to compete with tourists for housing as more landlords in charge rent in dollars. this is the w business. i'm janelle dumas on, welcome. fox con, wants to boost its production in india as the company seeks alternative production sites outside of china. fox con, which assembles i phones for apple, is aiming to rely less heavenly, heavily on the world's 2nd largest economy. b james 0. coven policy force that fox con to cut production from month. geopolitical issues including concerns over a possible chinese invasion of taiwan are also a growing concern as firms could be vulnerable to any future western sanction.


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