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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 9, 2023 2:00am-2:16am CET

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these technologies were how they can go super glue, but how they can also go terribly watch it new to ah ah, this is the w news. live from berlin classes break out again in the georgian capitol. police battle protesters out on the streets 1st, 2nd not against the draft. flor seen us heralding. and authoritarian shift. also coming up that i was chief safety crane's front by the town of buckboard could fall within days. that's after months of relentless attacks. far brushing force and mass
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rallies around the world celebrate international women's day. we'll look at how women are sounding the alarm and fighting back with their rights under threats in countries across the globe. ah, i'm anthony. how'd woken to the program? police have clashed with protesters in the 2nd night of unrest in the georgian capital tbilisi. the demonstrators were voicing their anger over a controversial new draft law. the legislation dub to the foreign agent bill received initial backing from parliament earlier this week. upon opponent say, if passed, it would limit free speech and mark a shift towards authoritarianism. doesn't were arrested in protests on tuesday, georgia at boiling point for these demonstrators. it's become
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a battle for the future direction of the country. and they're willing to fight for it. the violent protests here in the capital tbilisi were sparked by george's parliament, giving the initial green light to a draft bill. which critic say, tramples on press freedoms and basic civil rights. they claim it's a russian style law that would require n g o z and independent media who received more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad to declare themselves. foreign agents scuffles broke out when it progressed with a clear majority in parliament this week. the ruling georgia dream party say it improves transparency in the country. this is george's president, seller, missouri, bish, philly, who's an independent but was backed by the georgia dream party. and her run for
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office went against the government and expressed her support for the protesters. speaking during a state visited the us, she said that demonstrators represent a free georgia which sees it future in europe are, and will not allow anyone to take away their future rooms out one as well. melanie e. u foreign policy chief to set burrell warren, that the bill was incompatible with you, values and standards with me concerning words for georgians at a crucial time for their countries. future. the european union is currently considering george's application to join the block. the european union has said the bill is incompatible with a u values. earlier we asked joshua kancheta a freelance journalist into blizzard to tell us why the georgian government is trying to enact to this bill. even though poll show a majority of citizens want the country to join the a you. i mean,
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this is the big question that everyone's trying to answer, and i don't think anybody has an answer yet. i would say that the government definitely does see the countries civil society sector, the independent media and, and organizations. in particular, a handful of big western funded organizations that are very anti government. they see that is a big threat to them and they do want to weaken them. but this law is such a blunt instrument and it carries such a big risk of running ruining the country chances for getting the candidacy that i it's hard to imagine that it's worth the risk. they might also think the government and also think that they can get away with that they are now because of the war and ukraine. geopolitically important enough to europe that they can and the you will still want them even if they don't meet all of the use, profess values. but if it's, it's a big risk,
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if that's what they're thinking. in stoughton book, the head of the military alliance, nato is warning that the crony in town of buck morton might fall to russian forces in coming days. it's the latest indication that keeps grip on the town is loosening as a russian missionary forces claim control of the towns east. but came for its part, says it will do all it can to prevent russia from taking it of he will only reveal his alias to us. commander curt speeds to abandon villages. these are the fringes of the battle for back moat. a perilous desert of mud shots are fired her daily luxuries more. our mission is to wear the russians down as much as possible and it's working. we're seeing that they're losing strength and, and not in the position to start major attacks elsewhere. cut his head in his ukrainian commanders in the ruins. well, they plan, they tell us to ambush russian units his father. nicola is among the group.
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look, amanda is a commander, but a father, as a father at home, i am the father. here is my commander. the rumble of an approaching tank interrupted the father. some discussion cut me on the ground. he would rather stay on the move when the russians are so close by. on the way, he shows us his infant tree, his supply of military equipment, summers long. the hardest thing is that every day we're losing the best people in this war that ukraine didn't start. everything else can be overcome the summer when we lose comrades that spurs us on live, we have a goal, ambrose. why did some one have to dive? we don't when that you won't be so we have to win like a mother's napoleon. and now they're preparing for their next battle on the front of back moved. there are concerns in moldova,
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that russia could be trying to weaken or even toppled the country's pro european government, although that borders ukraine and speculation as right that moscow is on the countries international airport in kisa. now the mull, dove, and government has said it would blow up the runway rather than let the kremlin catch it. although the has a breakaway region in the east, trans mystery, where authorities are backed by russia, they w max and a went to a moldova, and controlled enclave in this russian back region. and sent us this report. an hour's drive from old dover capitol. russian soldiers their hue to keep frozen a conflict over who controls the other side of the river. most of it. we're heading to mall of odds on enclave in the breakaway territory, trans mistrial. a strip of land on the border with ukraine. that claimed independence from the capital casey now in moldova, more than 30 years ago. and ever since has been backed up by moscow. physical
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victor t mush meets us at the village museum, victor and his friend or veterans of the trans mystery in war. they fought for them all dove and government against separatists back by moscow. it ended more than 3 decades ago. but victor says it changed everything. one little wilful soak of so up until then i was one person. and afterwards i was a completely different one. lesson is learned that life is short, the meal nigger, so famous victor is worried that moscow's aggression against ukraine might affect things here on a chest together. i hope this year that the whole world will defeat putin, the russians, and the army owns bill. and i hope that all these tanks and soldiers stationed here, including this ghost republic will disappear because of a boma with this. but it, the enclave feels vulnerable. it's small donovan,
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but it is surrounded by russian control transistors. a complicated unsteady situation. on the outskirts of the capital pinching, our foods are hot. people wanting to protest against the mold of government are blocked by police. anger, economic hardship is overlaid with fears president maya santa could provoke russia, where were transist you. the protests are organized by the pro russian shore party and authority seemed nervous need for you could get the that we are afraid that she will drag us into the war. yeah. when i ball and my myer sand, you keeps talking about trans nice drea. monotonous. well, we cannot talk about this while there is a war so close to us. at the heart of the protest, hostility towards president sullen to his clear people here are not
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worried about russian aggression. yo, yo, i've never been to europe myself, but i travel to russia. and i would say that in russia it's better because they don't try to harm us. like the people in power deal here. one could also ear it up in illinois to protest or funded an orchestrated by russia with the help of local oligarchs, according to the government and casey, now the kremlin, is using this widget of oligarchs ah, to try to disturb blind stretch animal dover. and they, in turn, are now going are generally funnel resources to try to pay for this protests. i'm confident that we'll be able to not only withstand this challenge, but also prevail and move towards the goal that will dylan citizens have set for us in the election towards european integration back in the east. today's a special day for victor and his fellow veterans they gather in the place as they
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once fought. and remember those who died of it is the 31st anniversary of the beginning of war. middle schools of the blood, you see, war takes every one civilians, and even children. may god have mercy on their souls for life. they are not looking for war. they say. but should it come to them by the light? they'll be ready. international women's day passed off around the world with women and their allies, right, rallying to defend rights that are coming under increasing attack with the taliban . banning women from universities in afghanistan, tyrants, repression of women's rights protests. and new us restrictions on abortion rights. many protest a site international solidarity is now more important than ever women life freedom chant these curtis women in serious commission me. the slogan,
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was made famous by the women's rights protest in iran, sparked by the death of the kurdish iranian women. it's become an international rallying cry for women's rights, and it's been answered by allies from a world away. and i'm here with the delegation of women from scotland. we've come here to better understand the women's revolution. the struggle of the build up our own experiences were always together in our hearts. but today we will physically much together in the streets. we've come a long way internationally to join in the struggle some 3000 kilometers away in pakistan. thousands of women defied a protest fan to demand equal rights and opportunities and to condemn violence against women. we are marching for ourselves. we are marching for my mother and grandmother who have gone before us. we are marching for our door does go out to come after us and we are marching because we are not allowed to march and we must
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march. so that's why we are magic in neighboring afghanistan. it's even more dangerous for women to protest, yet a small group brave the streets of the capital kabul to make their voices heard. even in turkey, women are not free to protest. in istanbul, city authorities closed metro stations to prevent women from gathering in toxeme square. but thousands ignored the ban and joined the annual feminist night march, which calls for an end to violence against women. to hear this show that women here and turkey don't just face physical violence, we faced psychological violence every day on the street. and now here we faced police violence in cities across france, including paris, women turned out in large numbers. everywhere lout calls for french pension reforms, not to penalize women for taking unavoidable career breaks. and the only thing that
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i had with women who work part time or have precarious contracts, who will end up with smaller pensions. it's not their fault. it's not their personal choice. them, but it's because the system pushes them to look after their children at home. so they have to work part time, they'll suffer in retirement. and in london, a somber protest in tribute to the bravery of iranian women, dressed in clothes, inspired by the novel and t v. series the handmaids tale women march from parliament to the iranian embassy holding photos of women killed or jailed during the ongoing protests. awesome sport before going a big result for by munich in the champions league. they've knocked lino messy and paris sasha, mom, out of the tournament. in the 2nd leg of their round of 16 match up by and thomas miller launched a counter attack that led to eric maxim cheaper mo tanks. second half go search kanab, re added another, go the spine advanced to the quarter finals,
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3 mill on aggregate and that's all for now, doc film walking in the footsteps of those who profit from poverty, people smugglers in mauritania. that story is coming up and don't film after a short break. don't forget, there is of course more on the website at any time you needed us to be found at d. w dot com. you can also check out our social media channels. the handle. you need for twitter and instagram is at d. w. news. i'm anthony howard in berlin from meet the team here. thanks for watching and stay with us. if you can a starts in germany, a d, w t. tree lane where in german with
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