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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  February 22, 2023 3:45pm-4:01pm CET

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it shows german businesses are feeling more optimistic about the future, even as they say the present is less than ideal. this is d w business. i'm janelle tomor on welcome. china's top diplomat wang, he says, his country's relations are solid as rock in moscow where he is needing rushes. foreign minister, sir gay, live raw of the chinese official has been discussing security in the asia pacific region and the war and ukraine with russian counterparts. his visit to moscow comes after washington said that china is finding to step up support of russia's war on ukraine. it warned such a move and would prompt washington to target chinese firms and financial institutions if they materially support russia so. so hon is our bureau chief ins. hi pay a welcome. how likely is it that china will face sanctions for supporting russia?
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well, it's a likely that china will become an elias with russia in this war because it's not in china's interest. earlier this year, china's dress that the relationship between china and russia is based on no alliance, no confrontation, and no targeting of 3rd parties indicating that the relationship with russia is kept at a distance. however, we see beijing still supports russia and a gives it diplomatic and ignored mix support, beliefs room for it, not to openly sell arms to russia. the 2 sides are acting and taking the venture of each other. china wants to resume investment and trait with you up, so it would be very unwise on to materially support russia and face for the sanctions. you mentioned that it is providing economic support. what is china doing to help russia financially? exactly or follow in rush us invasion of ukraine a year ago, most western countries imposed severe sanctions on russia, including a ban on oil imports and exports of high tech products. many western companies have
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completely cut off their ties with russia and russia. trade with the u. s u k, and e u countries has declined significantly. however, overall trade between russia into china reached a reco level in 2022 up by 30 percent year on year. both rush us imports from and exports, especially oil and gas to china, grew. china now becomes moscow's most important, trained partner by a large margin. now china, of course, seems to be trying to balance its political support for russia, with its egan. amik need to get things going again after the cove had locked down. how is it managing that or jail as a war, drags on bateman's losses increase as a u. as in europe increasingly view china as the strategic competitor aging has suffered the effects of multilateral export controls, investment restrictions, and other measures that could hinder its long term growth prospects. the emphasis
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on no alliance as i mentioned, indicate that aiden is, are slightly adjusting his policy towards russia. now, many china experts down play previous official statement that china friendship with russia has no limit saying it was a, a rhetoric statement that should not be taken literally eventually while matters. debating is still it's on economy. so some hand reporting for us an type hey, thank you very much. businesses in germany are feeling more upbeat about the future. that's according to the closely watched e, f o business climate index, the survey manufacturers, builders, wholesalers, and retailers. the index registered a $91.00 point in february, up from 90 point to the month prior, making the 5th mit marking the 5th consecutive monthly increase, lower wholesale gas prices as well as china lifting coven restrictions helped fuel that optimism. but that bright outlook is balanced out by a dom review of the present the induct showing how german business currently views
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business conditions has dropped for the 2nd month in a row. robert lehman from the eco center for macro economics and surveys is here with us. thank you very much. now, how do you explain this split between the optimism for the future and a decidedly less rosy view of the present? thank you for having us. as you stated correctly. the future is much broader concerning to our firms and we expect that the german weakness will not last lasted longer with indicators of 2023. however, as you mentioned it, the business situation is not that good as in january, which leaves us with the conclusion that germany was facing a mild, but not severe recession in the 4th quarter of 2022 and 1st quarter of 2023. so are you saying that this optimism might not actually be translated to hard data?
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no, we guess i guess the, the optimism for the future will translate into future of good performing hard data . there are 2 things that we would, that we might expect. the 1st one is that, especially private consumption expenditure will increase in the course of the year because the inflation pressure gets down and a 2nd think is best german manufacturing firms still have a high stock of current orders together with a loss or a decrease in supply chain bottlenecks we will see in de curse of the year that also manufacturing production will increase. but there is a difference between the economy not flowing and the economy rebounding strongly. whereas germany, than along that spectrum. i guess it's not, it's not the rebound that we might could have expected based on the corona crisis. however, if inflation pressure gets down and we also expected the e, c,
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b will arise, its interest rates. this will be good for, especially for consumers. and then we could slowly adopt to the, to the, to the latest growth path. and then the full potential of germany economy will recover into in 2024. i guess. thank you. robert lehman from the eco center for macro economics and surveys there with us. thank you very much. south africans had suffered years of ruling power cuts, but just recently things have gotten much worse. earlier this month, the country's government declared a state of disaster with energy utility as calm in deep crisis, left quite literally in the dark. many south africans are wondering when the electricity struggle blend, forced to so by candlelight fraser. caswell, a seamstress and cape towns, mitchell's plane township has had to give up a lot of her clients due to rolling power outages that have become a part of life across south africa. we couldn't take a look, so it was just hope,
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but i never disappointing. so i always try to finish up. we are stuck clean, it flows with south africans left up to 10 hours a day without electricity because of rolling blackouts by struggling state utility . ask on the city of cape town, aims to have power cuts for its residents by 2026. are you congruent economy with a poem? so we would not be having this discussion as a city, if it is, comes working if the state monopoly was working. but like many stake monopolies around the world, it is not working. it is very ineffective. it has not invested adequately. it is very bloated. it is very, very corrupted, as at the center of south africa stood capture scandal of the last few years. so it does require moving away from cape town, issued a $200.00 megawatts or energy tender last year and expects to follow with another.
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in the next few weeks, officials planned to procure up to 500 megawatts from private power companies by 2026 to provide roughly a 3rd of this city's annual electricity needs. other cities, including johan iceberg, are looking at issuing similar contracts with private power companies and sore energy tenders. but there are major challenges. for example, so far it's mainly just large businesses and wealthy residents who can afford to install solar panels. alternative energy companies now want to help low income households against the sunni. they will do this at the end of this. what do we do with dressmaker phase that caswell hope? so one day, she will also be able to afford solar panels to easy impact of the persistent outages. now to some of the other global business stories making news,
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china's tourism sector is expected to rebound sharply this year, the end of aging 0 coven strategy allows chinese people to travel freely. after nearly 3 years of restrictions, domestic tourism could reach $580800000000.00 and recover to about 71 percent of 2019 levels. according to data from the china tourism academy. more than 20 percent of the energy produced in the e. u between march last year and january came from wind and solar energy according to a report by amber climate. it says the surge and renewable energy production a lower the need for gas imports, allowing the block to save $12000000000.00 euros. here is a little known fact alongside france and ill. the lebanon is one of the oldest wine regions in the world with $300.00 days of sunshine a year. the country offers the best conditions for wine production, even alongside conflict and hardship in some regions. i make my way from the
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mediterranean to the hinterland through lebanon, spoke high plateau. it's controlled by terrorist militias, drug traffickers, and armed smugglers. at the same time, it's the country's most fertile region and home to a millennia old tradition. video culture. when we arrive at chateau co freya, the harvest is just beginning. it's hot. they have to finish before noon. winemaker fabrizio becto always lends a hand so it can get done in time. but only one for this winery has belong to a lebanese family for generations. but when frenchman fab please, gilberto came to visit here 15 years ago. he fell in love with the area and it's wine. the family took him in, allowing him to stay and eventually making him the head winemaker. this is a critical for sly, lovely bodies culture. very much when we come together,
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work together and there are problems, we always find solutions to give them what i and that's what council, what makes the culture here for. thank you. for breeze now speaks perfect arabic, lebanon has become his 2nd home, as it has for his harvest workers, only for different reasons, like fleeing the war in syria, or having a good connection with boss, for breeze. the joint tea ceremony with his friend matched her is a cherished ritual. ah, okay, this is what real life means to me. this is what's important to me. what is the problem? after all, is that the world has become clean and antiseptic in a funny way. people are afraid of the smallest ant, but living in harmony with nature, that's actually right am beautiful. of greece is proud to be able to continue lebanon 6000 year old wine making tradition as a european. and at the same time,
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training young lebanese, like eli, that can tell got the situation with us in the one on it's so bad as far as our reputation fee, right? so it's good to have at this one, b to 14 galvan on stands for wine as a good ambassador. that's your mission here, and otherwise crisis ridden lebanon, that's our shell. from our check out d, w dot com slash business. thank you for watching with with
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one years of war in ukraine. how has it affected the economy, our sanctions against russia working? our overview covers booming ukrainian. i. t firms supporting their homeland skyrocketing natural gas prices and in evolving cyber war. that's more dangerous than ever made in germany. in 30 minutes on d. w. o. in nico is in germany to learn german lodge, benita, why not learn with him online? on your mobile and free chef t w's, e learning course,
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eco's vague. not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand. this is the day and in depth look at current news, events analyzed by experts and critical thinker. this is with dates on d. w. in war being fought him real time on social media. and if it's changes in splint toward the people shaping public opinion, the key word share is the word fate. where are the right digital battle lines being drawn? the propaganda war for ukraine? russia's war in crane one year since the convention began. take a look back and into the future in slow rain. in
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february on d, w a . ah ah, this is it'll be a news wire from berlin. vladimir putin issues a rally and call to russians due back to the war in ukraine. speaking in moscow, shortly before the 1st anniversary of the invasion, cook describes frontline russian troops as defenders of the fatherland. joe biden wraps up a diplomatic mission to ukraine and poland. you.


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