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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 17, 2023 7:00am-7:16am CET

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very few strong arguments to keep eating at a documentary series about the future of food with the great debate this week on d. w ah ah, this is dw news live from berlin and devastating earthquake sleep, an ancient city in ruins. we report from an takia where the disaster has wiped out historical sites, dating back thousands of years. also on the program, a barrage of russian missiles, rains down across ukraine,
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damaging more critical infrastructure. ukrainian president load him is the length he says moscow's major new offensive is underway. and berlin film festival. the valley narly gets underway with a surprise guest to parents and politics fully in the fray that supports for the people all view crane and solidarity for anti regime protests in iraq. ah and i'm and you can and welcome to the program. the u. n. has appealed to the international community for at least $1000000000.00 us dollars in aid. that money is to help those affected by the earthquakes and turkey and syria, a disaster that is now killed more than 42000 people. city of untouched. yeah. in
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turkeys her tie province was one of the hardest hit areas known as antioch. and h times the city was a key staging point on the silk road. but the quakes have caused colossal damage to this once vibrant place. our correspondent johan has more this is what's left of untouched air. once known for its rich heritage, the city now lies and ruins. unrecognizable. unreal. in the old city, several st, so still inaccessible, blocked by buildings flattened by the quakes and cars trapped under the debris. this was the old town of antique. yes, once popular with tourists, but look at it now at least half of it is gone. centuries of history
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ravaged in a few minutes. cherished landmarks have been destroyed here, churches and turkeys synagogue, and the hobby b niger mosque. the dome smashed into wood, used to be the prayer, hol, built in the 7th century. it is considered to be the oldest in turkey. a report of char, have fun, so used to live next door. he was trapped under the rubble of his house for more than a day after the quake struck, he tells me so for her to come jumper grim on the year after we got out. we saw what had happened to talk you wish to mastered here for more than a 1000 years. and when we saw that acculab some of the we understood how powerful the earthquake was and how deadly shall help his last many of his relatives, neighbors and friends. play come on this chick home alone, there's nothing left and on takia lud following date is coming in. yeah. but i wish
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before the 8 alerts and the heavy machinery. yeah. so we could have saved all those licenses. we received food aid or serve them bread mc your domains or people were still under the rubble. and still, the scale of the destruction makes it hard to say how many a dead and buried rescue teams have been searching day and night. the signs of life from the beginning of the at quick the narrow stays was coca totally blocked and it was not easy to find people actually. second days taught these on forties still there was a lot of a lot of people, david shelton get us for help. we try to rescue all of them, but it was impossible. tens of thousands have since fled the city. for those who stayed, the search for survivors has turned into a search for remind us doesn't be high. a lot of them are. it hasn't
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been darden or everybody here had dreams on everybody here had a future early be shares and now what's left of it, a dead city of all model. nothing else. on the high up i assures level florida is on a high up and we could never imagine this is she? hi, a little the good. we're alive. but we are now wandering around in a ghost town. i let shared ancient legacy. throughout the wreckage that was untouched. yeah, pain is plentiful, and no one he knows how long it will take for this city to recover the ukranian president, the lot him is lensky says russia has started a new offensive in the east. his comments follow the latest round missile strikes across ukraine. russian forces have been pounding and encircling the city of
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buttonwood for months, bolstered by tens of thousands of reservists. they've intensified ground attacks across southern and east and ukraine in recent weeks. are coming under fire and bar mode. ah, despite the dangers, these volunteers are here looking to evacuate. anyone who wants to leave they tried to get everyone out of the firing line, but some residents still refused to leave. i don't know anything we're staying here . is it necessary to leave camera? most of back, what's pre war? population of about 70000 people have gone. russia has intensified its attacks on the city in recent weeks as the 1st anniversary of its february invasion. mir's observers say moscow is planning a major new offensive. ukraine's president vladimir zalinski says that offensive has already begun. he praised his countrymen for holding the line there. marcus had
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large enough one holding on at the front and preparing for any escort steps by the enemy is a priority for the near future was moving forward. the liberation of our land is a priority. we're carefully preparing for. zalinski said, there were a number of missiles strikes, targeting ukraine's critical infrastructure overnight. for your boss o. key says moscow has been experimenting with a mixture of drones, dummy, marseilles, and even balloons to mislead ukraine's increasingly sophisticated air defense systems of the soul for as the fighting escalates. however, the 2 sides did manage to carry out a prisoner exchange on thursday. 1101 russians were traded for 101 ukrainian fighters mostly captured in murder. you boy. it was a sign of hope for many in ukraine amid tense times and more tough battles a heard. oh ok, let's take
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a look at so the other stories making headlines around the world. the electric car make a tesla's for cooling, more than 362000 vehicles over safety problems with their self driving software. u . s. regulators pushed for the recall saying the cycle fuel full self driving system could cause crashes logic investigation into the safety of testers. automated driving systems is ongoing. us health authorities insist that air and water supplies in ohio remain uncontaminated, as well as 2 weeks after a trained carrying hazardous chemicals derailed. residents remain wary after a controlled burn of the chemicals released plumes of toxic smoke into the air label, say they're suffering from headaches and respiratory problems. spain has become the 1st european country to introduce paid menstrual leave for painful periods. the new rule is part of the package of reforms that also expands abortion rights for
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teenagers. and you know, that will allow anyone over 16 to change their legally registered agenda was approved when or when are the thousands of people have taken to the streets and france to denounce controversial tension. demonstrators held up signs and talented slogans criticizing the government's proposal to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64. and the u. s. president joe biden has spoken about the chinese balloon saga and the 3 other unknown ariel objects shut down by us fighter jets in recent days. it all started when a gigantic white balloon suspected to be a chinese valence device. was shot down in early february, putting north american security forces on high alert. now since then, 3 other much smaller objects was spotted over canada, and the u. s. states of alaska and michigan now they were felt down as well. here's
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what president biden had to say. we don't yet know exactly what these 3 objects were, but nothing, nothing right now suggest they were related to china, spar balloon program, or there were surveillance vehicles from other any other country intelligence cameras. kern assessment is that these 3 objects for most likely balloons tied to private companies. recreation or research institutions studied whether or conducting other scientific research. he w. washington correspondent mikaela. christina followed joe biden speech for us. so finally a word from the president on those balloons. the 1st one, the united states says that big balloon that could be seen from the ground here in the united states. u. s. s. was a chinese spy balloon. china still protest that the other 3 now heard from the mouth of the president himself, unlikely to be part of any kind of spying program,
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more likely something malign, something that belongs to a private company or an institution. the real new announcement from the president today is that there's an intention here to speak to the tiniest president she directly about this very issue. but the united states and china would never only speak about one balloon. they have a lot to talk about to responsibly manage that competition, that why would be that is official u. s. policy. and that's crumbled visit by the us secretary state was canceled when that balloon was detected in the sky. so relations have been in the downward spiral, and this can safely be seen as an offer for talks from the united states. now back here in berlin, the annual international film festival known as the belin allah has now opened. the 73rd edition includes movies and events,
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showing solidarity with ukraine and the protests in iran. 19 films are competing for the coveted golden bear that will be awarded a week on saturday. cameras, flashing fan screaming, the berlin ali is back in full swing. but while celebrating film with glitz and glamour, the festival has always been political. maybe this year, more than ever, john pans documentary about ukraine, title superpower, is one of the festivals most anticipated films. just returned from keith. the actor and director took to the stage to introduce the night special guest lensky in care of can you hear us in his video message? ukrainian president shared his thoughts about the role of film in times of crisis. call her make choices in times like these color shoes
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are, are sticks out in different ways fighting as any evil or overhauled and remains science. and in fact, helping it the belly knowledge has chosen not to remain silent. the festival is taking a clear stance against the russian invasion of ukraine and is showing it solidarity with the anti regime protestors in iran solidarity that is also represented by terran, born french, iranian actor, angio. remember goal shifty for our knee, the people in the wrong the we need germany need for us will need europe to be on the side of the people of iran and not the regime. so i'm very happy to be here, just echoing the sound of people of europe. besides to political messages, the opening nights red carpet showed that the belly narly also offers renowned
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stars and glamour game of thrones star peter dinklage, and hollywood actor and had the way star in the opening film. she came to me. a romantic comedy directed by rebecca miller or newberg room in the morning before the opening gala was also the international jury's 1st big appearance. hollywood actor kristin stewart, known for her performance, is in films such as twilight and spencer leads to jury this year to 32 year old is the youngest ever jury leader. she admitted being quite nervous. it wasn't my decision to be here, which i was shocked that they called me. um, so i, it's, it's an enormous opportunity to have a hand in, in highlighting beautiful things in
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a time where that's hard to hold. so in the next few days to international jury will be looking for the beauty in 19 films competing for the belly, knowledge bears. and that's all from me for now. businesses up next, that self for a short break. i minute gives mckennon. i'll be back. the others of the hour with more international headlines. thanks so much for watching date of youth . many of them what i am. hi, lana. see i knew sky media, i am running for president of the republic of beller, or mickey b o. o.


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