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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 25, 2022 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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download it now i ah ah, this is dw news lived from berlin, more cash to help ukraine fight the russian invasion. top us officials make a secretive visit to keith. they say ukraine is committed to winning the war and pledge american health. also coming up, the head of the un starts a whistle stop for aimed at securing peace, but ukraine's leader is unhappy that antonio tara is heading to moscow before he goes to keep frances emmanuel mac,
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or when the 2nd 5 year term. but he admits he was swept to victory in the presidential, ronald by vs blocking his fall. right. rival mother, the pen, and a man accused of being in a death squad in the west african state of gambia goes on trial. here in germany, he's accused of crimes against humanity. ah, i'm on your crib mckinnon. thanks so much for joining us. the united states has announced an extra $700000000.00 to help ukraine buy more weapons. american money will also allow several other european countries to restock their armaments. us secretary of state antony, blinkin, and defense secretary lloyd austin, made a secretive journey by train to the ukrainian capital keith. it's the highest us
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visit since the invasion started on separate the 24th. a warm welcome back to keep after a secret of train journey across the polish ukraine border to the capitol. yes, the high level delegation sent by u. s. president joe biden, to offer face to face messages of support and admiration. the reason we're back is because of you because of the extraordinary courage, leadership and success that you've had in pushing back his horrific russian aggression both blinking and defense secretary lloyd austin, offered zalinski condolences for the loss of life in ukraine and further economic and military support. as ever, zalinski was grateful then to the point about his needs for unit at their sam was royal priorities are weapons and support is both from the united states and
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our partners needed from european leaders or little in terms of our army strongly should be through and support in certain areas. zalinski was quick to point out, the u. s. has already given billions and assistance since rushes invasion and repeated his military must have top level armaments. if it is to beat back the invader. in places like the don best region where russia has tried to reinvigorate its efforts to achieve changing goals and ukraine. it's focus no longer keep the capital. but the east and southern coast of ukraine safely back across the polish border. after the meeting. austin said ukraine can be victorious over russia in terms of their ability to win. and the 1st step in winning is believing that you can win. and so they believe that we can win . we believe that we can work, they can win if they have the right equipment,
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the right to afford wordly everything. we can continue to do everything we can to ensure that it gets lost and blink and together announced or further $700000000.00, military support for the ukraine cause before austin moved on to ramstein, germany for a meeting with nato defense ministers. and for more i'm joined by the w correspondent, young philip shaw. it's his in levine in weston ukraine. and now we thought about as strikes near to the city of levine, railway stations of across the country of come under fire. what more can you tell us about how things are looking on the ground right now? indeed, there have been unusual long aright alerts a year in western ukraine throughout the day. here in the v for the air defense systems, so were successful. but there have been a tax on at least 5 for train stations in western and central ukraine in the past. hours are ukrainian officials say several people were killed. one attack was
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just to raunch 100 kilometers from the polish border. they have been attacks on a train stations on a train infrastructure before, but today's attacks show a new dimension of attacks on, on right away infrastructure. it can also improve, be interpreted as a warning to the west. since the high ranking u. s. delegation that was c, a. use the train system in the region just a few hours ago. now we know that russians defense ministry announced to cease fire around maria pull steel plant to enable the evacuation of civilians. is there in fact to cease fire and our people being rescued now? so far we only know that the russian defense ministry has announced service sir ceasefire, and bet it was supposed to come into effect. some hours ago,
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the russian defense ministry said that they which withdraw or withdraw all troops to a safe distance and allow the evacuation of up to $1000.00 so civilians trapped in the steel plants. as far as we know, the heavens been any successful evacuation sir, in the past hours from the steel plants, but the situation can change or any minute. what was the ukrainians? ukraine government reaction when there ceasefire was announced by russia. in the 1st reaction, the ukrainian vice prime minister said that there have been too many announcements for by the russian sy in the past days. and the fighting has says to continue. it is, she also said that there hasn't been any bilateral agreement with the russian side regarding a humanitarian corridors that could follow
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a possible ceasefire. there is some hope that a ceasefire is successful and humanitarian corridors are possible, especially to rescue. but many children that are still trapped in the steel cleanser, but according to a local media, the ukrainian officials also demands more help from international organizations serve from the red cross to make sure that's possible. humanitarian corridors are really safe to use. it had me correspondent in levine, young philip, i thank you very much. and ukraine continues to ask for heavy weaponry to defend its eastern don, best region, but germany has remained hesitant. bel install has been criticized particularly in baltic states, such as stonier, w chief political edison. mckayla could not discuss germany's position with the a sonya prime minister, kayak color,
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prime minister color. you say you are expecting strong leadership from germany right now. what exactly do you mean? but we definitely expect is that germany is, is also, i mean, supporting going to decisions that we make together. and also showing the leadership in democracy. of course, you know, gas or oil. it could be expensive but, but freedom is really priceless. so if you, if you take the leadership role and also explain what is at stake here, you know, our neighbors problems today are hard problems tomorrow. if we help to end this war, you know, there will be less war refugees for germany. there will be less problems regarding the economy as well. and therefore, you know,
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the strong sanctions hitting heating heart, which would be something that would maybe and this and this for not immediately but still. so this is one side and the other side where we expect germany's leadership is in nato. you know, very carefully followed the discussions that you have in germany, and i understand what is the starting point here. but if, if you say that we don't want to go to any other war that is going on somewhere else. i totally understand that. but if nato is a defensive alliance and we are in this together, also germany has said, article 5 is iron clad and germany will come to help if necessary. but then it's also for everybody important including germany to make those
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decision so that we make native stronger and there will be no need to come to any help at all. so what do you feel isn't understood in berlin yet? that is understood in the baltic countries, for instance, that our neighbors problems to day her, our problems tomorrow, if we don't help on neighbors when their house is on fire, that pyre will also catch, you know, your house, 5 minutes to us. thank you very much. get you up to speed now on some of the other stories making news around the world. russia has expelled 48 german diplomats around a 3rd of berlin, stuff in the country. moscow says the move is in response to germany's expulsion of russian diplomats earlier this month. russian authorities say a fire has engulfed an oil storage facility in the west of the country. no doubt have been reported as a result of the incident in the city of brown, north east of the ukrainian border. there's no immediate indication that the fire
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was related to the war in ukraine. at least 100 people have been confirmed dead after an explosion as an illegal refinery in nigeria on friday, emergency personnel still searching the sites and police are on the lookout for 2 people. suspected of being responsible for the blast. a jury's president who vowed to clamp down on a make shift oil facilities and the political newcomer is set, becomes lavine as next. prime minister following sundays, parliamentary elections, nearly complete return show robert gloves left leaning freedom movement. gaining a 3rd of the votes ahead of incumbent prime minister young as young shows conservative with neither party securing and outright majority. the coalition government is likely and the un secretary general, antonio terrorist is in the turkish capital, on cra, automation to advance peace negotiations before visits to russia and ukraine. later this week, i good terrorist has been meeting the turkish president chip type add on before
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going on to moscow and then keith, ukrainian leader is unhappy about good terrorist visiting russia 1st and we can cross straight to g w. eula. hon who's is in it's done bull for more on this yet. what was the secretary general hoping to achieve in his talks with president ad one or we haven't heard anything official from the meeting yet. it was closed to the press, spurred nato member turkey is a key mediator seeking to end this war and turkish president. edwin has close ties with both russia and ukraine and he has been trying to leverage these ties, trying to bring the 2 sides together for talks. and that's why i think it was important for un secretary general garish to speak with mr. ad one before traveling to moscow tomorrow, as you mentioned and to keep later this week. and then of course, there is the very urgent and dramatic situation in mother you pull,
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the ukrainian president had a phone call with an edge of ty about on yesterday on sunday, where he again stressed the need to evacuate civilians including from the as of style steel plant in murder you poll, hoping that the turkish president would use whatever influence he has on flooding the reporting to convince him to finally allow these evacuations to happen. and i think this is also what antonio quoterush is trying to achieve when he travels to moscow tomorrow. now turkey has been positioning itself as a mediator between russia and ukraine, as you say, has close ties to both countries. but how well is it managing this really very tricky balancing act? well, it looks to me that this balancing act is getting more and more difficult. the longer this war drags on the turkish government is supporting ukraine while opposing sanctions on russia. now if you look at the diplomatic level,
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they managed to bring together ukranian and russian negotiators here in istanbul, in late march for talks. but since then, this diplomatic process has sold nothing much has happened. and then on the ground, we have a situation where on cra, has supplied the ukrainian armed forces with an undisclosed number of combat. drones that has angered the russians or turkey has also restricted access for flooring warships from the mediterranean sea to the black sea. but then again, as i mentioned, it is opposing weston sanctions and has not joined western sanctions against russia, mainly because of the ailing turkish economy. the economy is dependent on russian energy, agricultural products, but also russian tourists. so there are questions about for how long turkey can really maintain this balancing act until it will be forced to pick aside,
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did values eula hahn in a stumble. thanks so much. now manual, my call has won a 2nd term as president of france, mac law secured a convincing victory with 58.5 percent of the vote is far right. opponent. mother le pen managed 41.5 percent. now that's the biggest chair so far for the extreme right. the run off for the lowest turn out in 5 decades. however, millions of voters stayed away or spoil their ballots. i manual mccomb victory and sundays vote was a big personal achievement. he's the 1st incumbent to be reelected and 20 years. yet, as paris woke up to 5 more years of m, a. com presidency on monday, the focus at the new stands was very much on the challenge. he now faces to united nation at odds with itself. many voted from a chron solely to keep the fire rights marine la, penn. out and then now expect the president to make significant changes to how he
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governs nika. what is the started something new? he's not going to do another 5 years at the same mandate. that's clear, we won't let him do it. if he does, i think people here ready to take to the streets. if that isn't the right kind of covenant. he a bug lunmark lady. so go like a go a lot from all those follow le pen fared much better than in 2017 there. amend a big gap between her and micron. a source of disappointment to her supporters imaging just through this. i'm really surprised by that edison. i'm disappointed because i think she's the person who could embody a certain french revival in the long term, particularly when it comes to more re localisation and white social less. globalization is as joy or chrome were. the ones in his micron himself acknowledged that antipathy to le pen as much a support for him drove him to victory. just to see, i know that many of our compatriots have voted for me to day,
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not to support the ideas that i stand for this. this is a but to block those of the extreme right. i said that if someone's mac horn says he will respond to the anger and disappointment of those who voted for the pan . with that particular vote has never been. hire le pen is now emphasizing the importance of forthcoming legislative elections and says, she's not going anywhere this evening, i will say again, i will never abandon the french people. long left a republic long left france. as mc, collins victory was confirmed. far left demonstrators plucked with police and several cities across france. accuse him a crown of been a president for the rich. he insists he will be a president for all the french, but the republic he rules is more divided into satisfied than when he began 5 years ago. a man accused of being part of
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a death squads in the west african state of gambia has done on trial here in germany. it's the 1st case in the world involving crimes committed in gambia under the dictates idea. johnny b 46 year old suspect was arrested in the gym, says he of hanover last year is accused of crimes against humanity and murder, including the killing of a correspondent for the french news agency if he in 2004 and from or we can bring an o malia journalist in gambia capital banjo, and we're also joined by d. w. political correspondent, leoni fun. hamish dine, thanks, ethan, joining us, both of you. loony. why is this man facing trial in a german court? well, 1st of all, he lives in germany. he came to germany as a refugee and was arrested in march of last year and has been in pre trial detention ever since. and german authorities can prosecute him on the basis of
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universal jurisdiction. that means that a foreign country, in this case, germany and can prosecute war crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocides. and regardless of where these crimes were committed and also regardless of the nationality of the suspects or the victims and germany has been pursuing these cases. and off, you know, these cases under universal jurisdiction quite actively in the past, and most notably in connection with the syrian regime. and but yeah, this is, as you said, a very significant day because it mocks. the 1st trial, anywhere in this world, in the world to prosecute and these human rights violations that happened in gambia during the john me era. or if i can turn to you, could you tell us how gambino are reacting to this case being tried in germany? well, the guess is in germany,
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but governance are killed following the proceedings. as you know, it came at a time when there was gum dense loss hope in the system. they accused the government of not to put in enough political will to prosecute john dos who a bad credit us greatest responsibility. but the german government that can this responsibility means that gun been suff kinda following it is 10. you know, the social media, major newspapers coded the story. so it's a big story in the gumby and the victims are saying that there is a little bit hope that one day they will get justice. i'm, i've, i can ask you get, how significant is the era of opposition on the yeah, i guy made to gumby ins today. what is significant because most of the, like, by laws case must have been jugglers fled the country. so much higher than the jungle in this in synagogue. those who are in the west and come to us are the ones who have been arrested and put before the court. and those were arrested and they can be justified before the commission,
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but they are released. so that being so much confused, but at the moment they need to be told that they will get justice leona, turning back to you to tell us what's gonna happen next. and do we know when the verdict is likely? well, i mean, it is important to, you know, absurd, to reiterate that this is, this marks the very beginning of a trial that is going to last well into next year. trial dates of already been schedules scheduled all throughout this year until the beginning of next year. but we are expecting a verdict anytime soon, also because if convicted and the suspect could face up to a life in prison and but human rationalizations are hoping that this will signal to other countries to as a mar mentioned. and he's not the only suspect that has been arrested, entertained abroad, and complete off jammy. and so yeah, human resolutions are hoping this will signal send a signal to other countries to,
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to, to open these trials. all right, d, w political correspondent looney fund. how much dine and d. w. 's, omar wally, reporting for us from banjo. thanks so much. now for some other stories that we keep keeping track of for you today, global defense spending reached a record high for the 7 consecutive year in 2021. stock home international peace institute says military spending top 2 trillion dollars. despite the pandemic, arms imports to europe increased sharply over the last decade. beijing residents are rushing to buy groceries as coven 19 case numbers increase sharply. china has been struggling to deal with its worst outbreak in 2 years. aging has imposed harsh locked downs and math testing under its 0 coven policy. a japanese
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women believe to be the world's oldest person has died aged 119 connie tanaka died in hospital. she was in relatively good health and is said to have enjoyed chocolate. and as he drinks now ukrainian celebrities have been using their fame to raise awareness of their country's plight. rappa leona, leona, after weeks of helping in her home town in keith, is now touring europe performing at charity concerts and missing some of the millions of ukrainians who have fled the country. but but, but, but then this is ukraine's most famous female rapper. oh yeah. now yona, the former kindergarten teacher, who isn't afraid to speak her mind, but since russia attacked ukraine, i'll, you know, your has been using her fan to counter fake news and to take a stand for her country. but because he a boy you they, asian, oak, you buy
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a national history shall spot you in with mama city in the last month. she's found it hard to wrap when her latest track is a procedure. like, ah, i want the old people who feeling that they done do not think understand that they can play. and this is big jump. this is big energy color because i believe about, you know, and, and for me is really important to connect people to give hope to people, even, even if people think that they can do a shift. her ukraine outside q l u in his hometown, where she shot her 1st big music video about leaving home. now her family's ready to flee at a moment's notice that we have books the need to reflect and we have 15 minutes
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ready? like if it, when you're, it will be more dangerous. we have 15 minutes. we all go to get on that me. sam yamaha, the village offices, russian soldiers invaded nearby villages and struck her town with a missile. tell you in a state for weeks to help people. now she's decided she can help her country more from abroad. last week she left ukraine, embarking on a tour of charity concerts to raise funds and spirits for ukraine. she says she'll play wherever there are ukrainian refugees. first stop poland. if we talk about ukrainian people here, you know, i bring them hope. it's a tell them that we will win this war and everything will be okay. and don't be scaring everything. it's okay. and we them have to stay here for super long time after poland shall to germany. leona doesn't know how long she'll be gone from
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ukraine, but she wants to return as soon as possible for her. there's no question of where her home is. with a quick reminder of the top stories that we're following for you today, the united states has announced an extra $700000000.00 to help ukraine buy weapons . us secretary of state antony, blanket, and defense secretary lloyd austin, have made a secretive journey by train to the ukrainian capital teeth. and the manual not call has won a 2nd term is french president. mcfall secured a convincing victory with 58.5 percent of the vote. is opponent mounting the pen, manage 41.5 percent and that's the highest shaft outcome ever for a fall right candidate with cdw news coming up next. and d, w. news asia, philippines presidential candidates ramp up that campaigns with 2 weeks to go until election day and why priests are getting involved. this campaign is in the run up
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to the vote stories and more coming out with my colleague. their advantage is also plenty more few on the website, so it's d, w dot com and you kind of put us on social media. i'm a new campus mckinnon about the whole team here. i see a company with ah, with
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meet the people making it go africa. joined them as they set out to save the environment, learn from one another and work together for a better future. ah, many thoughts you alls let shooting for on d. w. 50 dublin years, a shack coming out to dave. it has been called the most important election in the history of the philippines. the countries next president is set to be either a dictator, son, or the current vice president. we look at how both candidates back up and how some members of the clergy have been drawn into the election fight. we meet a priest for whom the coming election is a battle between good and evil. ah
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