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tv   Does the Lynx Have a Future  Deutsche Welle  April 24, 2022 4:30pm-5:01pm CEST

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d, w, we've got some hot tips for your bucket list. ah magic corner hotspot for food and some great cultural memorials to boot w travel off we go ah, this links feels right at home, li us is his name. he's one of the few links in southern germany. a mate and young cubs would make his life complete. and if he can't find them here, it could threaten the whole leg's population in europe. humans could help and introduce females into this area. inconceivable for some in the southern german state of button, the bag hunters, for example,
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the longest of the art and i'd be worried about species diversity. leave pneumonia for learners. this don't just live on love and life. they survive on other animals . others see the links as a symbol of species diversity and a healthy natural environment. they want the links to return. this is don. i am using a links and the wild is like winning the lotto muslims. if you see one of these animals, it's a singular opportunity that you're not likely to get again in your life like guns. why does my dog ah, ah, i mean hafner is a hunter and lynx expert. he's driving through his hunting ground in the upper danube valley half now is look for traces of his pride and j. leah's. he's been
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doing this for 3 years since the young lynx has been roaming to the region. researchers half did italy as with the gps tracking color. i mean help them do it. so i might see where he's hiding. hafner received the text of the coordinates of li as, as location every few days, the army hummers which look here. the 1st track left on often be likes taking this way off to any op and uses paths for many hundreds of meters. it's wicked. if you go back, he ran along here. if the link stays in one place a bit longer, he may find something that leaks it on. there it is. that was it. if we could be more what's lab. so here we found the kill. and it's a piece of ro, dear. there is not much last week. there
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are, he was here for 2 nights. he went but that's why there is a lot of traffic, misty and lot of and i suspect that other predators were here to the seems is boy to glacial young fox, the fox. yeah. it would be a lot for a links to eat in 2 days talking relative, feel free, and then half now is pleased by a little discovery. he found links that we thought narcotic and it smells of cat so pointless. excellent. several links have already been an army in half nurse territory, but li, as has stayed the longest, leah's came from switzerland, a photograph documented his route. it was taken in the euro mountains near geneva.
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the links expert explains that the cat can be clearly identified because of their distinctive coats. they are like fingerprints. in leah's case, the proof came from this striking curve on his left shoulder. that's how the researchers knew that lee has traveled 350 kilometers to the danube valley as as a da, my god. so you could say it was at that time a european record will probably caught more slated never been proven. that links could travel so far can so weekly we us made her years had squish off it took 3 days then lee. yes. showed up. he smell the bait on the other side of the trap and walked past. but in the darkness the trap worked. scientists from the
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forest testing and research institute carefully and quietly approached leah's was sedated with a dart from a blow gun. with him, when the drugs took effect, fermin hafner could take the animal out of the crate. a moving moment. thing was when mister lane, his is the most important thing is seeing that li us is healthy and doing well. good at man. now you can see that from his weight, i don't, we didn't find any injuries at all. it's really something special to hold him in my arms again. arms who holden? they needed to work fast. the sedation wouldn't last long lease was examined and
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got a new gps tracking color on. that was another exciting story wasn't long to load. it's great that everything worked properly and we could put a tracker on him again. and the new batteries meanly as can be tracked for the next 2 years. the scientists are hoping to get a great deal of information from the data las provides. the aim is to allay fears and introduce the links to hunters. as soon to exclaim, doubtful, does the tracking color on this animal is extremely valuable on those? it's important to cooperate with the hunting community like now and that this information is shared and finding out, ah, dollars want to ship new buddies that are most host. leah's is released and just under, in our all the data, the color transmits end up in the hands of mr. hat felder, one of the leading links, experts in burden vote and back had failed her and his team assessed the data here
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at the forest testing and research institute in fryeburg. leah's isn't the only length with the color there have been for us so far. they all came from switzerland and all were male and almost all left the region again, lee as nearly made his way back to the alpine country you're coming in and us ever push. i hear you can see that he took a long john top to the swiss border control of that shaft, 1000 count on on, done. then he came back again on it's very clear that during mating season, they move around in eagle. when that he's there to find females. one smartest thing, awkward holes, hugo. he got as far as the auto board among shaft. we'll see what comes next. as mr . passive, during the meeting season, lee asked me leave after all. unfortunately, there are no female links in his area. the ladies don't dare to cross the rhine,
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but if there aren't any females on the german side, the population will remain unstable, even though germany has promised the e. u to help the animal to return as us is guns gladys. and here the very clear that we need female animals or to talk about reproduction and the local population looks popular to want your space and come. and if it is not given, then that will only happen if females are settled here is just understood so unsettled. it's not likely that female links as well. my great through these settled areas soon. it loves up to 5 digits. you're doing humans have to reset the animals for some that's a problem. sheep farmer folk are most men of lauterbach says that his grazing herds and those of others have created a unique cultural landscape. one with great biodiversity. but the sheep are on the links is menu to. most men has already discovered several dead animals
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to be for the look that was typical links, a course as well hidden him, i'm your coordinator so well that even we wouldn't have found him if he had decayed mile yet, but he only found it by chance to look, there wasn't much left of the cylindrical over the shoulder bones and the ear tags and a few other bones. the rest had been eaten, the butcher keep several sheep, not because of their meat, but because they keep the brush down on steep slopes it would be more difficult if winks were around. putting up, tell their electric fences won't help one's of its own sister in medieval millions of a famous system that we have set up here. weighs about $10.00 kilos or we're going heavy enough when it's really steep and you need to log it's around the black forest. what's, why don't we use a for strand fence to go around once? when with no more, 3 more strands and we'd be up to one meter 80, then we'd need to do a 2nd round of worldwide solution. and we'd need longer posts. one meter, 80 or 2 meters tall. that gets expensive. that's gotten how we think owens goat is
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guns over folk and moist man says the psychological impact also shouldn't be underestimated. the animals are part of the family and they worry about them. and is, is this why sienna sealants, what probably does you in psychologically it's been giving when you go to bed at night, you're always thinking what's happening to my she and i belong to the family. so awesome. and i'm all big problem as you don't know what you're going to find in your past to the next day. it's a bloodbath. losing 12 links is okay. we can deal with that is my level after most man says he has nothing against length. on the contrary, the length is part of the natural world, but he doesn't believe the 2 sheep farming and large predators should mix blue. and there is more resistance coming from elsewhere. hunter is like an
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alias rober from castes. arden in the southern black forest are also opposed to resettlement. recently a length moved through his hunting ground and made a kill. as a family, all the deer came from up here. the 1st blood was here on this path and then it ran away down there. the traces left by the attack could still be clearly seen. gra, here does as it's as wise as white hair from what they call the mirror of the deer . that's its tail from where they stayed. hunting association thinks it's okay that a few links have come back, but helping even more to resettle is taking things too far. colbert fears that if the lynx is always on their hunting patch, hunting, deer and stags will become more difficult. the animals will withdraw more and more yasamin long limbs, which was for in that have changed the rhythm of their lives. as i rode era,
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clearly more active at night, now they don't show up much evenings or mornings. and how long finished nozzle us that worries him unless yags its rigor hunting will get more difficult. and if you look at this area here for yes, thriving natural regeneration. so we don't have any field of fire. we see fewer road here and to pursue inquiry on the more difficult conditions. jack border that results in fewer shots and fewer deer being taken. many more animals are around to eat. the young trees, hoover argues that the hunters are the ones responsible for that damage in the forest. not the lynx, his hunting area extends further up to the peak of the mountain. he's looking and patches of snow for more lynx tracks. hoover says the animals, such as the wood grouse and also road year are already heavily stressed. between mountain bikers, joggers, snow showers,
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and g o crashes. the animals barely get any quiet time. if large pearly ter, such as the links and wolf join them, then the animals won't be able to settle down in the forest at all. but doesn't the links belong in the woods to? well, only where there's ross out on floor. this isn't the old black forest. we'd love either. we now have a different black forest on august of the art and feel fault. i would worry about species diversity. lever predators don't just live on love and life feel they survive on other animals. on stylist, adverse law, how dish i'll always saddling ourselves with something we won't be able to control where we have no chance over. got kind of struggling to harm the some guns under a clift of oden. the influence that the links has on the behavior of the road deer and ultimately on hunting is a major issue for the hunters. i mean half now says there have been no
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reliable studies. so but you have to view the statistics with a sense of proportion, a length, eat around, 50 ro dear each year. researcher say in bad and vote and back there is enough space for around 70 links. if there were 70 links in the state, these would kill around $3500.00 road deer each year. the hunters shoot, 130000 ro annually based on those numbers half your concludes that the length couldn't really have a serious influence on hunting. much of the objection is based on hearsay to mostly egg because of obviously, most hunters wouldn't even notice the links them looks because as a rule, they'll only be confronted with ones hardened over links kills an animal on the hunters ground as oceans. otherwise the sightings are very sporadic, misty and not even every hunter has seen a lynx slippery war. many the links as
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a purely theoretical being. they mainly never noticed them nichols garnishment. this discussion wouldn't be taking place at all if the females would roam as far as the males. then natural reproduction could simply take its course. that's why i mean half now is on his way to switzerland. several populations of links have been living there for years. he wants to learn more about the animal's behavior and to find out why no females are coming to burden that back from switzerland. he's meeting flu in cons, unlike brians in central switzerland. hello, hello sir. i was nice that we could meet so soon. let's see with these links we're doing in iraq where we going, it's going up to a camera triumphal to see what it's caught. gotten from connecticut to fill in quince is a wild life ecologist. he works for this with research institute,
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kearney, bar ecology and wildlife management or cora, where he's responsible for links monitoring cameras. up in the mountains above lee and there are several devices called camera draft. they're going to try to rec, not far now, from where the 1st links were released. that was 50 years ago. and how many links are they're in switzerland. as i said, i hadn't the, they've reproduced developed and spread out well, kill them. i'll keep it out with them. hopefully. today there are more than 250 in switzerland books and that way lightly as the links in switzerland life to youth forest tracks when they're roaming hardy, others ah, this one made a few blank photographs because of the sunlight and took him off to yep. that happens to us of the gibbs,
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there's the links and that shot drops off to come over the oven here and is a gun on this side of the mountain. we've often observed a male and we've seen a female in the camera travel to follow the invasion or are more. but this one is pregnant list. we've seen in quite a bit. it's way. hm. it's on. or if it can, that could be the male swipes. are not dying, glendora savvy, a female has a small arrange than the mile mention of miles can cover up to 100 square kilometers. ocular made the time by females to about half that option up to 60 square kilometers. i'm given the 60 cred, our kilometer are so often on you find a male, i mean, you'll have to female as in his territory. what's, why, by action come on. so give us organ from billions. the trip continues on to
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movie. here. burn here half now meets his colleague the links researcher mitchell had feder. cora has invited them. this is all about the future of the links in central europe. christina brighton, missouri is a leading researcher of links genealogy. oh jaime shar nice to see you. it's been a while. oh, nice to meet. you talk about the very 1st. thanks for having us. oh yeah. yeah. i'm and hofner is very active in the daniel riley and we're pleased. we can share info with him. i've already heard about you and i'm very excited. there's quite a bit going on. and we're excited to about your findings on genetics, hurricanes us out. okay, please come in there earlier this leah's is already headed towards the border twice. once he was
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actually in the canton of shuffles, now, a few weeks ago he was heading there again, but came across the water bomb, missus o smith. what's the population like in switzerland, where there are links and his rights and their stupid her everywhere, with the exception of here in the south. we don't know about that yet, you know, but here and here and here, less good populations here and here to sleep booklet artist is it by despite the stable populations, christina, by missouri is concerned. you've actually presented to me because the links from switzerland all come from the same group. this with links are in breeding, and that makes them susceptible to disease. precise austin, them negative, that means fertility and reproduction are accused. they're always the skeletal defamation. fit for lots of possibilities, so let's get gone. feel a little bit katie. that's why it's important for links from other countries to roam into switzerland. but the distances are too great. bartonville bag is located
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right between 2 different populations. without a lynx population there. the bridge is missing for connecting the 2 groups, and the swift female links don't dare to cross the border. how can active resettlement be carried out successfully? what would make it work? burden vote and bad came up with a concept, but it failed. thanks to the hunter is resistance. how can they be one over the i mean half now comes back to germany to find out. there is a model project here too, in the state of rhineland, polite and that links have been resettled in forests in the pin latin it since 2016. at the sight of their relief,
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he meets 2 important people. one is conduct batman from the state hunting association, such as his daughter's cache. here it is where the 1st lucky came out of the crate . the 1st links on the other is you'd it arm of the nature and environment conservation foundation. the hunter says he still can't forget the moment of the release. monroe to no, no. but well, they were slowly unpacking the crime lab and you could hear the soft purring of the link there. look so or a total of 20 links from slovakia were gradually resettled successfully. the number of links has remained stable. the cats have reproduced, but hopes that females could make their way to bad. and certain berg are quickly dashed by conservationist you'd it on to these cars on the list or not an awesome guy leaned across the plane of the rhine that does this is really, really unlikely that there's an update. but that won't happen soon. and when and
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wipes in a shaft and even more unlikely, it is a female actually managing it, not but for you. and then having the exceptional that i'd recommend meet the single male that's roaming there. definitely under so know population will develop from that m k. now populates, yawn, and reckon that's bad news for li us. yeah, bad news, really us of, of excite, it's not over yet. are lataya the only option is active resettlement. how can it succeed? a sufficient number of lengths must be released and the operation must be transparent. with that let the state hunting association and rhineland palatinate to support active re settlement from the start i. it's not too short for, but as a conservation and state hunting association member unfold, i'm responsible for all types of nature and wildlife visited on biodiversity and
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large carnival as a part of that team. i would either have to make clear that the links belongs here . if you have one thing is decisive, the lynx is in the hunting law. so, and it's in there because we also have an obligation to foster and protected of one's r t. it's our animal to the or not to not just a protege of the conservation associations among those but the state hunting association and garden that and bag didn't support active re settlement at all during the last part of his trip. i mean half now meets bordeaux and his owner, michelle back back is also fascinated by the big cat that he tracks regularly. he's trained his dog to pick up the center of the links or doff occupied with register. police is getting tight. what's the hell? yes, he's got something of equal duffy if
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that if i if, if, if you can see the links drags apart, brands not talk me. her back is a hunter. he's also responsible for monitoring the links in the forest of the planet. he also emphasizes how important it is to include the hunters and ensure transparency back says the impact the links have on the role. dear, isn't that great? but there the problems on hunting grounds that is there to she will give us that side of a mirabelle when i used to for a certain period of time. there is a disruption for several weeks or vincy because it isn't as mobile as a lynx without a mate or family yet and get here. my dear when she's here in the valley, raising a few carbs for the next 4 or 6 weeks. and so, and as long as the young aren't really mobile, i've done doesn't rush all that. it's either owned by the deer and other game won't move through here. beta wood or but that's
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a short period because then she'll begin to hunt with the comes and relocate them. that's why it's controversial. hello. and steve need a moment and i have to take every one seriously. from south are. you can't be smoke . it could be like that is for like we need to research that was never the lines of communication needs to stay open. i mean, hafner is promoting that as well. but he, certain of one thing, people who are serious about supporting the links won't be able to get around active resettlement, but there needs to be enough habitat and space if i did not to the palatinate is ideal of course, aching. also here, there's lots of the space, a large contiguous wooded area it's wanted and if the jump was made to bought and brought him back, then there's a similar area that would be comparable. so for and that's the black forest has been so schultz, what he looks to bowden bowden back with hope as he's far away from home.
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meanwhile, the links d. s. is happily roaming the up or down you valley on the swaby in europe. but if he can't find a mate, he'll soon become the last of the links and gotten that back. and if he disappears, the fate of the links in central europe will be at risk. oh, ah, ah, ah. ah
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