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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  February 27, 2022 10:00pm-10:30pm CET

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ah, ah ah, this is daintily news, live from berlin, as war rages in ukraine. there are 1st glimmers of hope, ukraine and russia bree to peace talks, even as moscow's troops draw closer to cave. the nurse, as the capital is surround, we'll get the lightest from app, corresponded in you cry. the european union sharpens it's response to the war, funding weapons v crank closing at they're supposed to russia and bam. and banning some per kremlin media. which is quite a may put and put nuclear forces on alert. the russian leader is blaming western sanctions, but the newest says he's manufacturing threats. also coming up,
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germany says the war marks a turning point in history channel. the olaf shulte announced as a massive upgrade of berlin's military capability and plans to cut germany's dependence on russian energy supply and rallies for peace in cities around the world. here in berlin, more than $100000.00 turn out to demand an end to the fighting. ah, i'm anthony howard. welcome. we'll begin with 1st hopes for dialogue over the boy ukraine. moscow and keith have agreed to send officials to open negotiations on the border with better. bruce, russia says talk, have not yet begun, but the 2 sides are arriving at the location. diplomatic efforts to resolve the crisis are also being stepped up. the united nation says cold and emergency session for monday, as they know,
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lit up in the fighting on the ground. russian forces are trying to push deeper into ukraine. the may of key if says the capital is surrounded, but russian troops remained some 30 kilometers from the santa battles is still going on around other population centers. weapons of war. at a children's playground in cock, he has all of these images uploaded to social media, purportedly show russian soldiers of the person filming says they are shooting at houses to nothing but they run into fierce resistance. a trail of russian reconnaissance vehicles is left smouldering as ukrainian soldiers drive the russian army back out of ukraine. second largest city, the regional governor says khaki is back under ukrainian control the capital key if is also putting up a fight. while explosion after explosion goes off near the heart of the city. a war
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just outside the window. many fleet to subway stations when they hear air raid sirens, it was my family. i moved to our relatives place to chris. they are closer to the metro station. and there is a better opportunity to run down the metro station itself is heavy bomb being take place in the east apartment buildings in ruins, a gas pipeline, and an oil depot in flames. in an effort to stop the destruction, ukraine's president agrees to peace talks. the man is still greens, got the ukrainian and russian delegations as we'll meet without any preconditions, goldman. frankly speaking, i do not really believe in the outcome of the meeting yonder. those of you to visit betsy's will station. meanwhile, new satellite images show a convoy of hundreds of russian military vehicles approaching the capital. a sign that the fighting there may become even more intense
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often more. let's bring in date of the correspond nick connelly who's in vanessia in western g cry. nick, the ukrainian side has announced that the negotiations have already begun that the russian foreign ministry has denied that. do we know for sure what is happening? and bushy as always, right. you know, over the last few days, we don't have any conclusive information either way. that's been the same way in terms of the actual fighting, whether jealous on the ground and see during war that's and ship. so no side really giving a full picture. it is important that this is even happening at all. and it's happening without pre conditions. that's being seen as a victory for ukraine because the russians basically were pushing for the brain to turn up and find what essentially amounts to capitulation by sea, demilitarized in allowing rochelle wavelengths over there, in general politics and busy allowing rushed to kind of deal to my brains to micro, strictly government. but as for these talks,
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i'm not very confident there's actually going to be much to them. we've heard much from bullying. lensky says he's not impressed. or you're convinced because this could just be attacked by rush to wind. some time we've seen russian troops or some tanks getting stuck on roads in ukraine, stuck while invading ukraine because they basically haven't caught up with a few slides. so this could be just a little bit of tech ticking, glad to preach, and he did the same just before this invasion where you entered to mental micro. from that he was open some big summit, there will be meeting between foreign ministers. and then before those meetings, it even happened. he sent his tanks rolling over the border. so not much trust in ukraine. the russians are playing fairly and i think it's also just important to stop from it and just think how created the situation is they're going to be meeting at the board next, which noble nuclear power station on the board region. ukraine beller is just like something out of our kind of fantasy noble russian troops control the channel nuclear power station, which is the fact the world biggest nuclear incident. 60 kilometers from key after
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if there any fighting the huge risks to some millions of fact. but now these 2 countries are meeting at the border next to nuclear, just off the zone is just an indication of what extraordinary kind of search you're on right now. give us a sneak of how the people feeling in ukraine. do they have hope for these piece talks or given the brutality of the last 4 days? they just focus more on fighting to defend their country at this point? i think definitely more of the last year. i think you could have been very cheated by seeing how well, how well you can, you know me, is holding up against the russian army, especially on the west and weapons down to tank. missed all that have been brought to grain from the u. s. u. k. seems to be pretty effective and they definitely slowed down the rest of the month. you read when you read russian miniature, they seem pretty shocked at how slow this is going based on what they could just have. so i'm going to blitz and get to kill within a day or 2 and send the ukrainian government in tech. so, cleaning out of that hasn't happened. and lots of russian troops being taken
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prisoner. lots of these tanks, images everywhere on social media here of destroyed tanks and also lots of ukrainians. i was just in a youth center today where you had dozens of young people with hundreds making camouflage, knitting, collecting food and equipment for the troops. it also refugees heading west from here. so if, if plug route was trying to demoralize ukrainians, it seems like teaching just the opposite. nick, dr. fallen again, nerves are, i guess, a constant for the people, but just quickly on nights the most nervous times during an invasion. definitely, and we've been spending a lot of our time in bomb raid shelters, in this case where we are in just this blocks cellar. and just to give you a bit of insight, the reason why i'm sitting here in the living room in front of a bookshelf is because i can't stand outside with lights with a camera light or in the window without locals being worried that i'm trying to give some kind of signals that i'm a kind of sleeper agent,
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and it will sound like something from a novel, but this is real. these kind of cases have been found just today. there been reports of russian agents trying to destroy a re dos sites about 10 o'clock tomorrow, and now lots of shooting. i can't verify that, but it does seem to fit the big patent to go very nervous and very distrusting of strangers. but overall, not panicking and fairly cheered right now by where this is going. and you know, the ability, the green army to actually sit this out and to make russia think twice about whether this is actually going to work out a to believe, correspondent connelly and western new crime. thanks so much. the european union is to finance the purchase and delivery of weapons and equipment to ukraine for the 1st time european commission president ursula on the line says the block is also closing its a space to rush and aircraft and will ban some state and media. she announced also new sanctions targeting the regime of belly mercy and leader alexander lucas
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shinkel for supporting rushes action on the line says the latest action is a significant development as the war in ukraine rages on and ukrainian psych bravely for that country. european union steps up once more its support for ukraine and the sanctions against the aggression aggressor that is put in russia. for the 1st time ever. the european union will finance the purchase and delivery of weapons and other equipment country that is under attack. this is a watershed moment for more let's bring and d, w correspondent, bentley, get in brussels bent. the you are sending weapons to ukraine or a decision of historic proportions. yes, indeed. taboos are falling here and the u. s. shifting into food or gear now, for the 1st time, a 3rd country will get 450000000 euros to buy weapons and ammunition. and this
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money comes out of a so called peace facility because the peace project europe actually bonded to support with that money. peacekeepers in africa and elsewhere, but now this money is shifted to words. ukraine, 6000000000 euros in this budget. this is really a historic step and unprecedented, but the you want to show resolve and says the situation is so we cannot act differently. the e was also imposing fresh sanctions. how much bite did we think they're going to have? the you is aiming at the entire financial sector of russia. now. they want to triple the whole sector and come to go after the vol, chest of vladimir putin, the russian president actually. and all assets in foreign countries are held by the russian national bank froze. now, half of the assets of the total assets of the bank are not available any more in
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this should be a real blow to the russian state budget. and they use hoping that so financing the war will be much more difficult. and also other banks in russia, targeted by kicking them out of swift messaging and banking system. not all banks, but a couple of things are kicked out and they use hoping that this will not effect that european economies so much. but this has to be seen, and this can be, or the hope is that this will actually alter the cause of fir putin and put into elite and moscow. and on top of it, there's also the band for our travel room to russia. and also the oligarchs, and to put an elite cannot fly now. their private jets from moscow to nice to enter their luxurious yachts. maybe this will be in the end to the trick
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a significant day in brussels. bad reagan. thank you. rushes president vladimir putin has put his deterrent forces, including nuclear armed forces on high alert in a video distributed by the kremlin food and said night, her powers have made aggressive statements towards russia. you'll say, pointed to economic sanctions that will cut off russian banks from international transactions. so mister putin is blinding the west for his decision to put rash as nuclear forces on a lit was really, really easy to not only our western countries taking unfriendly economic steps against our countries do. with that, i mean the illegal sanctions that everyone knows about very well with what the top officials of leading nato countries are also making aggressive statements about our country receiving. therefore, i order the minister of defense and the chief of the general staff. but to put the
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deterrent forces of the russian military. but it grew to a special mode of combat. duty biddies. they doubly correspondent, emily, sherwin is here in berlin from moscow after russia withdrew her journalistic accreditation. good to have you here under any circumstances, emily, what we have just heard the words, the move is this a sign that putin is rattled? well, we don't know, it does seem judging from what military experts in russia are saying that this military operation is taking quite a bit longer than russia expected. but i think these words from putin are clear sign that he wants the west to keep out. and he ordered, put in, or rather rushes deterrence forces to be placed on stand by. and, and he said that that was because nato leaders were expressions expressing aggression towards russia. so this is kind of him throwing rushes weight around, showing that it's an important power on the world stage. and actually we've heard that nuclear threat veiled nuclear threat or not so veiled before already
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a few days earlier. he also talked about consequences that you've never faced in your history if you metal kind of progressing addressing the west. so i think he's kind of trying to say, ukraine is our fear of influence. keep out of this conflict. for the 1st time, rational authorities have admitted that russian soldiers have indeed been killed in this invasion. what does that to us? i think that's quite a change in the narrative or it could signal a change in the narrative. state tv so far has kind of been talking about a very much emphasizing the fact that russian forces were not hitting civilian infrastructure at all. and i heard one show they were talking about scalpel like accuracy. they're just hitting military infrastructure, no civilians, it's almost the perfect operation. now we've heard the ministry of defense come out and say that there are casualties. they haven't said that they're the exact numbers
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of casualties, which i think is interesting. but they did say that they're far lower than on the other side on the ukrainian side. so you kind of a vague statement today was the 1st time also we heard that they also admitted that one general had been killed. but this could become a real problem, i think a p r problem with this operation for russia going forward. because there's quite a bit of opposition against this war. any way, you know, we've seen today again, anti war protests, almost 2000 people were arrested and very cities across the country. other people who believe the state t v narrative have believe this is going to be a short and victorious war. but if the body bags start arriving back in russia, that could be, you know, real issue, i think for the kremlin little were broader question about the information. russia crafts down hard on move your outlets and social media as you've witnessed your so what does the media landscape in russia look life? well it's, it's been strange watching the coverage of this actually because, you know, for example, today i got
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a push notification from state media saying in hot kiff, which we talked about before in the, in the eastern part of ukraine. russian forces have entered that was a critical media outlet, and then the state state, a media outlet that said soldiers have voluntarily laid down their arms in her. so you're getting kind of these parallel narratives about this war. and in, at the same time, in, within russia there's been quite a crackdown on critical media and also on internet freedom on social media as well . the media last week was told that they're only allowed to use russian official sources when reporting about this conflict. 10 a media outlets received a warning and were told to delete a information articles that called this operation and a war and an invasion. and to day the general's prosecutor's office said that any one who am offers financial or other help for foreign government organizations. foreign organizations could be considered no to be committing treason,
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which could mean that they can face up to 20 years in prison. and there's been a precedent of a journalist, a well known journalist being hit with that accusation. so i think that could really affect journalists as well. and meanwhile, facebook has been slowed down and other social media outlets. i think we're going to see quite a crackdown on the the media sphere information sphere, the internet and social media in the coming days and weeks. great to get to your insights and knowledge after 4 and a half years in moscow. emily, sherwin, could you get a chance to talk a turning point in the history of our continent. that's how german chancellor left sholtes described russia's war against ukraine. speaking to a special session of parliament, schulte announced a raft of policy changes that would have been unthinkable just days ago. germany will spend billions beefing up its military and reduce its dependence on russian energy. german chancellor, olaf shelf is moving the country away from his traditional path of his defense and
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security policy to a tougher, more direct, one shackled bytes 1st and 2nd world war history. germany has been hesitant to involve itself in conflict, but short says, this is a new era. the quickest and contest this rule is a catastrophe for ukraine. but this war will also turn out to be a catastrophe for russia. all russia has done the unthinkable. bringing the most aggressive military assault to europe since world war 2 at the special session of the moon, the 3rd shall denounce germany ascending $1000.00 anti tank weapons and $500.00 surface to air missiles directly to ukraine. instead of using a 3rd party. it will also invest $100000000000.00 euros in a special military fine, and after years are pushing against cars from the us to invest more in nato. shouts
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announced. that's happening too high to national defense spending to more than 2 percent of germany's economic output per year resident put in president putin should not under estimate our determination to defend every square meter of our alliance. his territory, together with our allies, is laden, we are cutting off russian banks and state companies from financing. if we are preventing the export of future technology to russia, we are focusing on the oligarchs in their assets in the u. z. germany and its allies hold these tough multilateral sanctions. will force russia to retreat and bring peace that do you mean? hundreds of thousands of people have protested against the invasion in cities around the world. here in berlin demonstrate is converged on the landmark
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brandenburg gate. there were big rallies also in paris, madrid, and a string of other capitals where police mostly left marches, lawn and star contrast were protesting dozens of russian cities and monitoring groups. as at least 2000 people were detained. they were chanting no to war. in russia, from st. petersburg to siberia, protesting their country's invasion of ukraine. and in so many places, the script was the same inspired chance followed by action from security forces, often in riot gear. i mean what it can't be any worse. we're the aggressor state and people are dying because of us. i'm ashamed. i haven't been able to live normally for several days. i'm burning with shame.
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oh ukrainians. well away from russia where, meanwhile, burning with pride, their national anthem played outside the russian embassy in berlin. and over at the brandenburg gate, police left more than $100000.00 people to chide vladimir putin and support ukrainians. it is our backyard. they are neighbors or brothers or cousins, or co workers. put in this bond in my county, which is ukraine. is the killing people killing children? i wish i could do more. but coming in towing our solidarity showing that we really want the people of ukraine to be say, the attack on ukraine is an attack on us on all our ideas, just like the ukrainians have been telling us for the past 8 years. such support for ukraine was also found in cities as varied as paris. oh,
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her beal in courtesy, rock santiago, chile. oh, and the lithuanian capital vilnius were ex pat bella. russians protested their country support for the invasion. also without police interference. or we can speak now is set lana, taking a sky. she's the leader of the opposition in bella verse. she was forced into exile by billy versus autocratic leader, alexander, because shanker, welcome to you. has significant with everything that you know, and with saying, are these protests in belarus? no, for our country. it's so important and fascinating to see. after all, the repressions we have been during for year and a half already to see really to see people on the streets at, you know, at the moment about 800 people had been detained in the news for
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a couple of hours and over about 70000 people when to release against the war. it's like new we offer products in barrows. now we protest in against the war and we want to support our ukranian neighbors. it, you know, because they apply to look on that for themselves. they are fighting for the future of bills and the whole region. the e u is imposing new sanctions on deliveries. i figure chron what role is delivers playing. in this conflict, interviewer says i ashamed that a bill iris now became an a chris up towards ukraine. but we have to divide regime and burleson people. there are some people don't want to fight against her about 3 brothers ukrainians, but regime is use in our land is in that is place for
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it for the russian troops and to invade ukraine. and i see it is a bit to see how a to, to, to was bill ro, sense is been changing at the moment. and i, in the i, when they were in countries, i want to ask our do for the countries to understand that all those who had to flee the cancer. so they were all the repressions. they are north, the part of the regime. they're part of a bill sent people who had been fighting for and predict changes in our country for a year. and a half already part of russia's attack was launched from military basis in your country is vladimir putin effectively the man in control of believers. i think that lucas shameka is not controlling our territory anymore. he's like a prevalence muscle and he has to show his later for the support he good after for
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fraudulent elections and them it yes, there were a text from the territory of bureaus. and lucas uncle has the full responsibility for these actions. and i now didn't ask for the previous question. sorry about sanctions. i'm sure that in this moment it's high time to impose their toughest economical pressure on the regime as long as it's russia, because no question, gosh cheers. their responsibility for the innovation to their korean terence room. briefly belarus is holding a referendum to die. that could see lucas shank, a cement his grip on power. do you fear belarus? his fight for democracy is being forgotten and lost and in what's happening? a new crime b for about 2 years we are fighting for democracy and i don't,
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i don't see that attention to our country. it decreased. now i see that attention was shifted to korean and it's normal because we see the trade that you offered ukrainian or country at the moment, but no democracy in bill arose, but he's our most value and who to fight for it. and i'm sure that in future a democratic countries, b b alone will be a rossier for our fighting for atlanta taking a sky of belarus and human rights activists and politicians. thank you so much for your time. thank if suppose world governing body has condemned ross of faith says rosabelle host, no matches, and we'll have to play as the russian football union, but stopped short of expelling it from the world cup. faithless decision fall as the refusal of poland, sweden and chick republic to play russia, even with russia playing home matches on mutual territory. and with that spectators,
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it's unclear whether other teams will be willing to play. england also says it will not play russia. what she w needs to get this complete coverage of russia's board on you crying on a website that's to be found at d, w dot com and twitter and instagram to delete news is the handle unix davis with
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climate change is making you think about full steam ahead on the northeast passage, a hamburg ship model to be some jury sound world class research. engineers are now testing. i swore the cargo ship is a new trade way to make it to borrow today. on d. w. with
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ah, thoughtful or driven by merciless greed, others are fighting the destruction. forget to limit the invaders came to prison, they shut down the next to be the government is trying to restore the indigenous people with a large scale birchwood project. blank grabbers are exploiting. b, amazon, rain, forest. indigenous peoples are now bravely opposing them because it's not only the
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