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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  February 27, 2022 2:00am-2:16am CET

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on d w ah ah, this is dw news live from berlin. germany doesn't about face and agrees to send weapons to help you crane battle the russian invasion. in a significant policy shift, chancellor, olaf shoulds approves a delivery of anti tank weapons and missiles shoulds cause russia's action attorney point in history, which threatens the world order. germany also bows to pressure over swift, berlin, now on board. as the you and other western powers announced a coordinated move to limit russian access to the global payment system. also
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coming up, russian artillery launches into a 2nd night of shelling, increasing the pressure on kia residents of ukraine's capital are seeking shelter underground. many of kias, 3000000 residents remain in the city to defend it from the russian invasion. and long lines have formed that train stations and borders as ukrainians leave the war . we report from poland where a tens of thousands have already cross border from ukraine. ah, i'm ami in use of welcome to the program. in a major shift in foreign policy, germany has agreed to support ukraine with weapons as it resist rushes invading forces berlin, back tracked on a long running ban on weapons, exports to war zones and says, it will now send anti tank weapons and missiles. the palsy shift brings germany
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into line with other western allies supplying arms to ukraine. earlier, chancellor, olaf showed met leaders from poland and lithuania to discuss. i'm posing tougher sanctions against russia. that's on top of measures already announced by the european union and the united states. ahead of the meeting, poland prime minister was highly critical of germany saying berlin's previous decision to only $35000.00 hellmouth ukraine was a quote joke. i'm joined now by thomas and he's a member of the german parliament for the conservative csu party, which sits in the opposition and the vice chair of the foreign affairs committee. mister and the, the german government has long argued that it won't send weapons to conflict zones because of a historic responsibility as the word has been used. is that responsibility over now? know that responsibility is, is not over now, but i think what we derive from our history is basically there is possibility to
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protect the democrats against over in state against aggression. and in the beginning, it was always said that we need to keep up the diplomatic channels and therefore we do not deliver weapon. but i think that this definitely over now. and so we need to do everything to support the screening people and they are in the military. and therefore it's a good decision and get that the government took that decision today to deliver weapons. well, many could argue that aggression against a sovereign state is one of the reasons why most conflicts happen. so what is different this case? well, i think is in front of, of our door, basically it's in the middle of europe, it's aggression. you could never think of even last week and, and therefore if there is sponsibility also from germany to lead
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in europe and china on the other countries delivering weapons. and that is an absolute, necessary action. a turning point in history as a chancellor show, it's called it. now a few of any analysts actually believe ukraine can hold off rushes military indefinitely. so what does germany hope to achieve by sending these weapons now? well, i mean, the aggression need to stop and i think the ukraine army and the people doing and harrowing chop in resisting the rest and aggression. and of course, germany stands with the korean and need to stand with the korean. and that's why we need to support in any way we can do and that includes sending with military equipment, money on one side, but also supporting and leading all the decisions on sanctions on the other side.
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some have called it symbolic rather than strategic. would you disagree with that? well, i mean it's, it's the hot war and many countries have decided to deliver now the equipment and, and whether that helps at the end make the difference. this is up to the situation in ukraine. it's not up on us to decide whether this is a symbolic or, or real need. that is, of course, some symbolic as well. and it's important, i think, for the more out of the ukraine, in fact, also to really the support of all the countries in europe, a thomas and the thanks for joining us. german member of the german parliament from the opposition. csu party. thanks again for your time. berlin has also dropped its opposition to restricting russian access to the global payment system. swift,
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germany with the last european union nation blocking the measure. but it has now joined a coordinated move by a group of western powers, the cut key russian beings out of the system. and in another decision, as likely to inflict pain on the kremlin big reed to prevent russia, the central bank deploying its foreign reserves. here's what you, president was of the fund lion, had to say about the latest sanctions. first, we commit to ensuring that a certain number of russian banks are removed from swift. this will ensure that these banks are disconnected from the international financial system and hom, their ability to operate globally. we will paralyze the assets of rush of central bank. this will freeze its transactions. it made it impossible for the central bank to liquidate. acids. let's cross over now to
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d. w corresponded best in hot in new york. fast in the u. s. was key to booting russian beings from the swift system. so this is really a united, international effort on the part of western allies, isn't it? well, it is now, i mean this is actually to be frank for something that the u. s. would have done days ago. there was a press conference on thursday that u. s. president biden gave and he was asked in a press conference. why are you taking this step? why are you kicking russia out a swift? and his answer was because the european partners are on board in chief among those european partners, of course, was germany because they depend a lot. germany depends a lot on energy deliveries from russia. and so kicking russia out of swift making those transactions, those financial transactions more difficult and more costly. germany was afraid that that was going to hamper their ability to get energy from energy delivery is gas, coal from russia. so that's why they were against it. but now, as it seems,
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international pressure just got to big in light of what we're seeing happening in ukraine and the russian aggression and the war that russia is waging there. that in the end, germany and other european countries. finally, kate and they saw that they had to agree to this as to the sanction that is now being stopped on russia. and that expert say is one of the most beers economic sanctions at the west can impose on russia. i mean, the un security council, which we've seen meet in new york, they're set to convene a rare emergency general assembly meeting in new york as well. how significant is that? that is significant. this would be only the 10th time that the emergency session of the general assembly is going to be in since $950.00. so that shows you that that is not something that, that usually happens. there's going to be a vote tomorrow if that session should be convened. and then if the vote is yes, which is very likely,
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then that will happen on monday. then you can be assured right now, i mean, there's diplomats riding up the resolution that is going to be introduced at that session. chief among them, the united states who's leading that effort and they will, they will present that resolution $293.00 states in the general assembly. and that's why this is so important, because this is the only body in the world that has for all the world's countries in it. and if they vote in favor of that resolution condemning russia of its actions in ukraine and demanding of russia to withdraw. immediately, troops from ukraine, and that will, that will isolate russia on the international stage, and it will show that it's acting against the will of the majority of the world's countries. now that's why the drafters of this resolution, they're going to be working frantically to get as many countries on board with this as possible. they're going to be probably looking to get north of maybe $100.00
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votes in favor of this as lucian. that's what they got back in 2014, after russia and next crimea. now in light of the fact that this aggression seems much, much more severe than the annexation of crimea, they will probably hope to get more than that. so that's what we're going to be waiting to see that will probably take place around wednesday of next week. so really interesting to see how that plays out. now, u. s. president, bye and also called for more weapons to be sent to ukraine. tell us more about that . yes, so that is what secretary of state lincoln announced earlier yesterday or today that $350000000.00 worth of weapons is going to be delivered to ukraine by the united states. now he didn't specifically say what kind of weapons exactly they were going to be sending, but ukraine asked for missiles or air defense capabilities, missiles surface to air missiles, for example, anti tank weaponry that they needed to fight back this russian onslaught. and so
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after the united states announced those, those $250000000.00 in military aid that they're going to deliver that we saw other countries follow suit. we saw, as we saw earlier on this show, that germany also agreed now to send weapons other european countries to the question now is going to be, are those weapons going to be? is it possible to deliver them quickly enough to ukraine? get them in the hands of ukrainian soldiers for them to make a difference, because we don't know how much longer they are going to be able to defend their country. i'm in the to the corresponding bastion hot in the york. thank you. best and heavy air strikes and missile attacks are expected throughout key of tonight. shilling has already begun in the ukranian capital, as it's almost 3000000 residents hunker down underground. like these people in a bomb shelter in the capitol. they're basing for what is expected to be rushes fear, says attack yet as invading troops tried to take russia has reportedly increased
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its invading forces. grinning. government has asked that citizens to help defend the capital and president vote. lensky is still refusing to leave. despite being the presume, target number one of the russian invasion an early morning, mrs. strike on a residential block and key of here's the moment of impact from inside. one of the apartment sal my russia says it's only targeting military facilities. ukrainian officials call this a cynical attack on civilian infrastructure. no debts have yet been reported. but for some, it was very close. on xhylia, now we go, was a direct hit into the living room. we were lucky to escape because we were in the kitchen, my wife and our older child had their legs broken watch. the younger one was taken somewhere by the rescuers. i'm looking for him now and that's why many civilians
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are sheltering in basements or fleeing altogether. streaming towards ukraine's western borders, 100000 have crossed into poland this week. as they seek a safe haven in the e. u. the president wants the regional block to go one further and fast track ukraine's membership. laurie norman, your academy, doctor, later residential buildings destroyed by misses and artillery of the final argument for the world to join us in stopping this occupational invasion. i say, as frankly as possible. look, the ukrainian people deserve and have the right to get membership of the european union, ultimately, soleski, europe. this'll be the main evidence of support for our country and beat them, get nicely grain. still, his forces claim their repelling the russian advance. moscow says it's launching missiles from both the air and see the 2 countries fighting a propaganda battle as the war rages on. earlier we spoke to dbi correspondent
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mathias brinninger, who is currently in vin, a vince here in ukraine. we asked him about the latest on the 5 for kiff. fighting has been intense and clear for the last few days. of course, a lot of things are hard to say, but it seems that fighting has even taken place in the city, in some of the outer districts of the city, possibly also inside the city where a we have had information, but it's on verified that this sabotage or, or, or groups of fighters have somehow emerged them. however they have been there has been fighting around apples around key. if true, a russian, a paratroopers trying to land on air paused who have landed, were fought back. we all is always very difficult to say what is the state because of at this moment because these battles go on, back and forth. we have also seen not right now, the pictures of heavy artillery rocket shelling of
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t if and it seems quite grim there. the whole city is under curfew now the curfew has been extended from today. 5 o'clock until monday morning, 8 o'clock. so the, the, the fear is that at night some things will happen. some people, some, some, some supporters were in the city might come out and do something. so that's why the whole city has been put under curfew. well, just like our correspondent that he has been, many people across ukraine have thought safety underground. thousands who are still in the capital have been forced to do the same. the shelter from russian attacks. fortunately, there's a ready build system of tunnels. the below the city, the metro with another night of air raids ahead, the people of give head to the metro gives underground. public transport system is now.


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