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tv   37 Grad  Deutsche Welle  April 16, 2021 11:30pm-12:01am CEST

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discovered. subscribe to delete documentary on you tube. this is the news africa coming up in the program what's behind mozambique's insurgency on a list see jihadist fighters who read it and often was on the town hall how my last meeting planning their next moves it's raising fears upon knoblauch. plans they just chopped off one person's head for no reason right before our eyes that everyone had to watch. so they fled to an island our correspondent managed to access the volatile region where we just were stuck in the water that the shelling
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. pushed the if we don't move forward towards the risk area that is i mean the surrounding islands here at one point where attacked by insurgents. and yet another blue for the covert 19 response in south africa where the use of the astra zeneca vaccine have already been stopped now faces even more challenges after the suspension of the johnson and johnson vaccine. it's a plea for cool project martial art the former without physical contact will find out how it is being used to get palin's kids off the streets. i am eddie michael jr welcome to the program mozambique is reeling on the brutal insurgency by militants with links to the so-called islamic state for more than 3.
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this violence campaign has displeased hundreds of thousands destroyed dozens of towns and villages in northern was a week despite the government's claims that it is countering the insurgents another major attack may be coming soon according to consultancy pham risk all of this is happening in kabul delgado province formerly the tourist hot spot now the volatile lucy gun says for the terror experts on how this has come to be but before that let's have this report from our correspondent who managed to reach areas in was kabul delgado province. from the air the islands of more than beaks northern coast look like paradise but life on the ground is increasingly difficult as one of the last islands that have been spared from islam missed attacks a flood of refugees has more than doubled its population in just a few months a united nations 8 mission isn't able to feed everyone that her
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family yeah. we've been here since 7 in the morning and haven't gotten anything and now they tell us they're all out but they write down our names like what should i do you know i'm like you. you are. not so i was lucky enough to receive some rise flour corn and cooking oil terror groups have attacked her home village on the mainland twice and want everyone to leave but the villagers had nowhere to go then the attackers came a search time. and they just chopped off one of her son's head for no reason right before our eyes is that everyone had to watch you know even the children here so we fled here to this island. now marie lives in the hut with her 3 children she has adopted another child who had lost his parents on the way here.
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i thought. for the next day we started for the neighboring island of given by the u.n. food program has also planned to mission here. but our trip ended when we were halfway there so we just exactly what is to show how dysfunctional and forward to this care that is that i mean all the surrounding islands said one point where attacks by the insurgents. no luck no times we're definitely stuck on the close by mainland militants still stage deadly attacks on villages plundering them to finance their operations after recent attacks international corporations stop their operation on the planned nature will gas facility. or should we don't know really how far will the few hours of so. let's have
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a rest because. we have to wade through shallow waters and mangroves for 3 hours before we encounter the 1st inhabitants. and then finally we get to the island of kitty about an 8 boat docked in the evening before . the island's government administrator helps with distributing food that's critical for survival here. without this food we'll be in utter crisis almost everyone here lives from the sea but the refugees from the mainland they are farmers and can't fish without this food aid it will be chaos here. about 4000 people lived on this island before the insurgency now is more than 10000 people with thousands of displaced people leaving the mainland in the coming year
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in the past months looking for a safe place to stay just that this isn't exactly a safe place last year terrorists at tech the island pillaging it and killing 2 villages the local administrator was able to hide in time but they burnt down his house. of course i feel bad everything of value then i had was in there. it's like i lost part of my family. now the administrator lives like they're refugees in a tent in front of a neighbor's house like many here have lost actual family members the terrorists kidnapped 30 islanders mainly girls usually fear of a 16 year old daughter was one of them. they are terrible people they come from far away take our children and don't say why or what it is
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they want i'm sad i'm enraged i just don't understand it. there's no trace of the girls and no international outcry over the kidnapping with their gado province people are worried about more attacks most feel helpless against the terrorists and so far not a single soldier has been stationed here on the island. now 6 presidents of the south african development community sub back recently held emergency talks in the mozambique in capital michael to they agreed that the western situation in the northern province of kabul delgado in was a beak is indeed a serious threats to peace and security for the whole region but no solid agreements were made public instead so doc vowed to quote proportionate response to jihadists what are you. saying do.
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you feel you needed to. hold in this room in this moment of media. oh. he is. ready for. the you. know to. be heard. from on as i'm now joined by olivia ghita he's a terror expert and by doing direct struct an international security on geopolitical risk consultancy firm hello say that for your time now for us tell us more about who these insurgents are and what the aim is. this group originally called but it has no relationship with money and group started in 2017 about. 50 members of the beginning.
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to see it move behind when the machine is packed to look a police station i point. in trucks and again following during the years and now we're talking about books in the 2000 members but also very importantly they pledge allegiance to the some extent in 2013 and state. religions in 2019 and made the group now a force to be reckoned with in terms of the attacks. the equipment they have and that's why they come to the forefront of the international news with. the taking of a town of one point. what is the. what's interesting is. ensured she studied about as usual the distribution of anti-corruption we know that capital cattle the northern province
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where they're located has a lot of natural resources so we're going to talk about. the gas but it has also ruby gold mines and also very importantly. for arrowing trafficking coming propaganda about 25 to 30 percent of the arrowing distribution from afghanistan goes through mozambique and. so. a lot of corruption from officials from people from the army and so that's how it's starting to look or an insurgency but it has now turned into a jihadist movement ok now you briefly touched on it because if you're right they say dense now seem to be targeting areas that are rich and not from use also it's like arming god why is that. the reason why they are going after the oil and gas is basically this is going to be the biggest investment
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project a not for a couple the next few years i mean the windfall for the gas project is going to be about $60000000000.00 which is 4 times the g.p.o. was on b. this is a jewel this is really where the wealth of mozambique going forward is going to be so it makes sense for them to extract a nice area but also in the case of bottom up for the 1st time ever they attacked foreign ex-pats to get more traction and they just try to stay to get more publicity ok now how possible is on big responded to this insurgency and why has this approach failed to stop inside them so far. the beginning was on the regular army to try to tame. insurgency it didn't work very well so there was an agreement between the us already and russia.
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to bring in mercenaries from the vacuum group back into a group and the russian mercenaries one backbone because they were defeated so then the government hired another mercenary group called a dick advisory group from south africa and using a mix of the army in a nursery it's not really working out. to be changed in the medium to long run so the original body back i agree that such high enough attacks cannot be allowed to continue without the proportion of its regional response but we don't know the details about me doing. extremely difficult because the regional intervention orning international community intervention will have repercussions and what we don't want to.
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do that we've seen time and again with foreign interventions of possibly. joining the fray and we've seen how sophisticated and good for instance to some extent days i think that will have a. solution. then use to be some kind of. major push from the government and u.s. authorities but also the regional body making sure that they're. not big in the back but it's very thorny situation and unfortunately i expect this to be. growing growing and we heard we're going to give up mozambique a lot in the next few months and years. sounds very complicated. than money and global strap thank you for your insight. thank you.
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you're watching d.w. news africa still to come using where a new type of macho lobster gets violent kids off the streets. but 1st to south africa where the suspension of the johnson and johnson vaccine has dealt yet another blow to the country's vaccination drive the rollout has been put on hold also reports of red blood clotting in a very small number of people south africa in february already stopped the use of the astra zeneca vaccine after as she would lower if a classy against the aggressive local virus variants biotech pfizer jobs only due to arrive next month on the stress of one of the looming head waves in a moment i was thinking to a south african viola just a 1st let's take a closer look at what's happening in south african hospitals the situation that is
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already spiraling out of control for patients and for health work this means a doctor who says she's had enough of unsafe working conditions. doctors so little was to come by is wary of vaccines 9 years ago when she was 21 she became ill with tuberculosis despite having been inoculated against it. before coronavirus vaccines reached south africa she resigned from her post in a public hospital because she didn't feel safe anymore. oh kids senses are still as the parents as they were when i checked the intake you talk you know which i feel is a huge problem it's a huge problem and shows that after all these years you know the odds of how hard a former colleague made this video of support here she is wearing full personal protective equipment but she says that in the hospital where she worked it was either not available or inadequate to fund a work in intensive care and as
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a midwife she's been at home since. left at the end of the year even though she feels guilty about leaving she believes she did the right thing. medical staff are badly needed but her life has to come 1st. hundreds of doctors and nurses in south africa have already died from cope at 19. i really felt as though i was working in a system that didn't really care about my own life and with i was going to make it to tomorrow not you know especially seeing all the how it's dying the tributes online you can't help but think that that's going to be a unix. those fears are justified only a few $100000.00 people in south africa have been vaccinated there aren't enough doses to go around at the current rate it would take 16 years to vaccinate the whole population south africa would like to manufacture its own vaccines but the
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patents are all registered overseas the only way i'd go back is if i'd be able to control. you know my exposure to illnesses you know and if i am exposed to illnesses make sure that i have the correct effective p.p. . sichuan but also needs to be vaccinated but while she's no longer working as a doctor she doesn't mind waiting. joining me now from john is bayside africa is professor of box analogy at the university of vets vasanth sub you might eat welcome to the program the mighty now how much of a setback is it that south africa is in a collision drive it's now off wrecked it. and its few options so. it's both too much of a plane small. boards. that if you do the least if that's
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all. or necessary documentation is through fire that you take your thought of these days you know something i think it hasn't done that with the national guard or any of that same program at this point. ok so and the out the astra zeneca hughes was scrapped johnson and johnson on the whole what happens now. so all with you to be extremely unfortunate is that johnson and johnson going to see him does become available to south africa as expected don't you for that and i think paul would be extremely unfortunate if the forces that are in place because the us benefit ratio in most other countries such as south africa we have has limited options and done so for that there are great scenes is overwhelming the in favor all on them indeed these are the right wing in a very able to benefit of the use of events seeing. 'd right now what i'd like to
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say it was like africa's got as many of the countries are getting countries going to space and governments and has been used on going forth and done 'd some good use of that seen as bought don't own up to the government maintain gets into the message and photograph. not considering those benefits for a show adequately ok reports stop by and take pfizer vaccine might be less potent for the south african violence is the obvious choice then to google for chinese and russian vaccines. no not at all painful to find out that scene is one of the few a vaccine research council with just a month or 2 for curing and we expect some dozens of pfizer that seem to become available and you can of course are made and although we don't care for a prostate or pfizer that seems based on his immune responses we would expect it to work pretty well against disease when you do if you want anyone that is dominating in south africa in fact this much yes they. use all the chinese banks was it
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5 or even if you're going to see in which you've been taught that integration was fixin to work against you want the 5 or so i got out of the use of the johnson and johnson and pfizer that seen exactly what's on every critic why is it in the absence of any other options in a media future so africa has to vaccinate 750000000 people over the next 2 years what so far. just about 14000000 vaccine doses not been administered can we reached out maak. unfortunately with the huge issue is an ongoing vaccine supply you can do from this you know he did indeed we as you know the union government and for the next all to do that seem to cover its vicinity which is a dominance was often seen supply from many african countries it's unlikely if you're going to get more arguments republican senate the a c. that means you don't think it was expected to resupply is 400000000 dollars as of it's in budget and not this yet and right before you supply the $8000000.00 is all
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that's going to give it seem to recall that facility so i think right now we face a very difficult position and it might be if your spine is reached at target and they will stop using that since you. can't use for the administration. ok. professor fox analogy how the vits university in johannesburg south africa thank you for your time. here as a war in the central african republic have left thousands of children us off and they are often vulnerable with some other risk of being caught up in trouble but one often has monies to turn his life around and is now teaching his fierce tolerance on nonviolence through i'm not a formal fighting. 15 year old the foremost repeated now logical boss he was 7 when his parents will brutally killed in the war in this interim of
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a can republic mot that he was left to fend for himself on the streets of benghazi think he was aggressive fool 3 most and pain. when i was on the streets i wanted to join any rebellion for revenge of the death of my father and mother. bend down and you after 3 years of fighting for survival they direct all fun or funny phone young. he was given gloats enrolled in school and later introduced to kapoor. when i started learning how to wear or because i dropped the ways of the street in the beginning i was easily angered and always wanted to be alone this orphanage and help me to completely forget my former fury. to live about a couple who are a teacher he has been training this formally veld into street kids for the past 5 years every 9 months this company voice will be heart foundation takes in
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60 on the 17 year olds. ones here they used upward to give them the space to improve their lives and get back into society. kapoor an old playful musical. an addictive afro brazilian martial art that is performed in a circle without physical contact. these children have suffered war trauma. when we arrived at this foundation although the children did some acrobatics they knew nothing about how. we were patient because it's not easy to do the movements but little by little and we kept going and some started to get the hang of it we teach them what tolerance and forgiveness tolerance is when someone hits you each person must ask for forgiveness from the other that's why at the end of every game both players embrace each other. there's
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a song. this often each of us hope for some of the many kids the war has left off and this say that almost 4000 children are living on the streets and they fear but number will keep rising as the war continues. but the voice of the heart foundation is making a difference. the direct will see these she can see the change the cup we're on has brought a bolt in the over and in the fact that i lock up what we project in the couple and i because we realize that most of what we were doing with the children didn't have enough positive impact with couple era we notice the difference it gives them a taste for living together we will continue to support these children until they are good future citizens. upward has given them the book and new outlook on life he's hoping to become a teacher. this is where we draw the kids and on today's
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program for more stories you can visit our website state of u. dot com slash africa all go check out facebook and twitter pages of course you can also get in touch with me via twitter at the mica we leave you with pictures from senegal where hundreds of muslim worshippers this week where allowed to gather for the 1st night of ramadan are one of west africa's largest mosques blast the activities of the mosque where suspended because of the cold and that they have a great weekend bye for now.
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going. to.
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cut. the 6. it's very story their very own personal trauma that the people who survived the catastrophe remember. and they share private footage with us that has never been seen before. back to chernobyl sorts of people
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20 on t.w. . as the times are good or the be. warming. douglas well yes. the industry is controlling your thoughts on the great books of the 20th century. the present day hoaxes. the trade of no more. manufacturing ignorance starts may 3rd d.w.i. . 9 of the hour. yeah i'm beautiful and i've heard it before and it never grows old. i'm worshiped from my lovers my scent my looks but here's the thing.
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life starts with me. you see i feed. every fruit comes for me. every betrayed me every kernel of corn me every grain of rice me me me me i know but it's true. and sometimes i feed their souls. i am their words when they have none i sing i love you without a sound. i'm sorry without a voice. i inspired the greatest of them painters poets pattern makers i've been amused to them all. but in my experience people underestimate the power of a pretty little flower. because their life does start with me.
12:00 am
and it without me. this is d.w. news live from berlin. the christian democrats decide whether it will be better variance premier or marco suitor from medical sister party of the c.s.u. or will the party leadership to choose i mean lush at the state premier of germany's most populous state north rhine-westphalia. a teenage gunman kills a victim's in a matter of minutes flags are lowered us government buildings after the latest mass shooting this time in a fed ex facility.


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