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tv   FrauTV  Deutsche Welle  April 14, 2021 4:45am-5:15am CEST

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the country will end up underwater the question is closing farms like here in bury so could be developed across the country i wanted a bomb of this and you don't want the. right now bangladesh produces enough food to be self-sufficient but we don't have enough of a safe food food free of toxins and contaminants floating gardens make a valuable contribution because the farmers use a lot less pesticides because there are fewer pests on the water. at the local wholesale market sells his produce and also seedlings to other farmers . he says they used to grow just rice and that involves much less work but switching to farming on water has proved to be much more profitable. might be the son of god seedlings grown on land are weaker ours are more robust and
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look fresher. we sell more than lamb farmers. mother water seedlings are greater demand command higher prices you know and. more and more farmers and berries sell planning to switch to flushing cultivation and certainly no shortage of water. ok to cheat. on their travels on reporters often meet interesting young people like this week's global scene from thailand. hi my name is playing i'm 16 years old and i go to the international school of bangkok i'm currently a junior and. if you're in bangkok thailand. i
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like to go diving because there's no other experience like being in the water it's just you and the water and you feel a sense of connection that nothing you can ever experience on land when you're connected to meet here on that level everything just sort of disappears and you just realize how amazing and connected nature is to you. i like to learn but i don't necessarily like. how schools are organized so i feel like it puts too much customer on. getting good grades cigs instead of just the aspect of wanting to learn. my mom own a parenting seminar company called me in just 60 degrees and my dad he just makes business still. hasn't now
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i currently hope so work in the u. and i think you'd be really cool to just. be in the middle of it all and try to make the world little bit more fair. afraid of world leaders because i have no control over the decisions that they make is what it feels like and when those in power have their own political agendas. that's when things get really scary. that they do rather. than the future people become more sympathetic towards others and realize. how similar we are instead of focusing on our own self interests because of that and nothing can work without each other. and i hope that in the
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future we can all just come to terms of how everyone is different. yet we all strive for the same. even if we hold different beliefs we all want the same thing. this week in global ideas we look at the told farming takes on. millions of hectares of woodland have already been destroyed world winds to make way for agriculture. in a nature reserve in southern mexico more sustainable methods are protecting by as far as livelihoods the forests. it's daybreak and had to cut is on his way to milk his cows he follows a path up the number you grew up a mountain in the. biosphere reserve in southern mexico. legend has it that anyone
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who tries to take something away from the mountain will never return home. the slopes are shrouded in an almost primal mist there's been widespread deforestation on many of the other mountain slopes in the region farmers keep their cattle in the forests that remain. cows grazing on land that's fenced off to protect the woodland. if they're going to walk up with a gun i would want a couple wreak havoc in the forest i mean they destroy everything contaminate the streams and cause ground erosion so if they run around the forest and it rains there be landslides. with god fair. hector keeps 20 cows he used to have many more but he got rid of half of them because he knows that traditional livestock farming is bad for the environment decades ago his grandfather switched from growing corn and beans to live stock farming because it
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was more profitable. 3 years ago hector joined the project to be opossums which promotes cattle farming that's sustainable and doesn't destroy diversity his income is starting to increase and the environment is gradually recovering. but it's been a difficult few years. only little ball leave the article i argued with my father it was the 1st obstacle i had to overcome well i wasn't being easy but i asked him to give me a chance. moment of weed if you think that when i took the risk by small farm i went through some hard times very hard times i milked my cows constantly but the yields were low. which i let. indigenous farmers traditionally let their livestock graze in forest pastures and also grew vegetables their methods were sustainable their expertise had largely
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been lost now their descendants are looking to revive it and save the cloud forest . jose antonio jimenez coordinates the bee opossums project in a state of chiapas right. you know meticulous planning facilitates the farmers switch to the climate smart livestock concept. knows the region well and can provide practical support when necessary. the biggest challenge he faces is convincing the farmers to change the way they've always done things. up worry about . the most we need to work with the farmers to identify problems together. we also need to work with them to find solutions when this process taking into account the expertise and experience of the farmers and their families it helps them to learn new things and then we must always factor in what the farmers know.
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protection through production that's the motto of be opossums farming practices don't have to entail force degradation some 1200 farmers in the region have joined the initiative most of them are cattle farmers. 1 pm in town still has a herd of cows. but he's also cultivating bananas and soursop trees on a section of his land. even though it'll be 5 years before the fruit provides him with a solid income he signed up with b o pass us. that but a lot of people think we're crazy they don't know why we're planting small trees when we won't even live to see them grow. but my wife and i hope that even if we never get to harvest the fruit one day our children and our grandchildren will benefit
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and they'll also benefit from improved air quality even a little naive. and now about. a year ago 1 pm and towns wife was one of several local women in the village and has to found their own cheese dairy which they run as a co-operative. they all used to make cheese at home by themselves now they've joined forces. the equipment is all brand new and was provided by bill passes. the women produce 5 varieties of cheese. and then we'll head if we went out hawke a lot we say what we think it's good that we're making different kinds of cheese everyone knows different varieties so works permanent ng very well moppet a life that if we women support one another or yam. the
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farming families used to sell their milk via a middleman at a very low price now they're earning better. the focus of going to money. that was one of the main incentives for joining the project and switching to sustainable production. said it would all. go they pulled it allows them to diversify it means they can sell their produce at higher prices. is our aim was not only to teach them new technical skills but to support them in the whole production chain from the farm to the consumer. in the. hectare and rosa county you have also invested in a cheese press it's helped speed up the production process and they hope that in the long run it will secure them a steady income. that's all from us at global
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3000 this week what did you think of the program write and let us know we're at global 3000 at d w dot com and check us out on facebook to d w global ideas to. see you next week by phone now.
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this beachgoer doesn't leave any crimes behind. because there's enough plastic i'm lying around in chinatown 100 is cool enough. for cycling this is an eco brick and educating. kids see the bigger picture they will think if they kill where they live. or go. 30 minutes w.
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. the pollution just think how are we going to any american make products made into some plastic and together we can make the world a little bit better come home on a. bike lane as an advertising strategy but is that. kindness or is it just greenwashing. the closer much. fun to. w. . the fight against the corona virus pandemic. has the rate of infection been developing. measures are being taken. what does the latest research say. information and context. the coronavirus of data the code of special monday to friday on g.w. . more than
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a 1000 years ago europe witnesses a huge construction boom. christianity from established itself. both religious and secular leaders or eager to display their power. tree speaking. who can create the tallest biggest. restructures. builders in the market to compete with each other. this is how massive churches are created a. contest of the complete rules for. the 12th g.w. .
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this is g.w. newsline from berlin growing fear in ukraine of another russian invasion the tensions between the 2 countries run high i'm going to build up of russian troops along the shared border the u.s. and nato pledge to support ukraine's sovereignty but shia would like to see more than just words also coming up the u.s. this reportedly planning to withdraw all american troops from afghanistan by the 20th anniversary of the 911 terror attacks on the united states later this year
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plus. minneapolis on 3rd day of protests over the fatal shooting of a black man by police come to the same city the trial of the police officer charged with murder. during george floyd continues with the defense arguing the use of force against him was justified. on the call for a good to have you with us. unjustified unexplained and deeply concerning that is how nato secretary general against stoltenberg described the sudden build up of russia's military presence on the ukrainian border kiev is accusing moscow of amassing thousands of troops along the border and on the crimean peninsula russia meanwhile claims the troop movements are just military exercises ukrainian soldiers
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have been fighting pro russian separatists ends 2014 and there is renewed fear that bloodshed is again on the horizon. russian warships on the way to the black sea parts of the military build up around ukraine that's been stoking tensions in recent weeks. military camps like this one have sprung up and witnesses have reported seeing rows of tanks in the area now the west is condemning russia's build up and reiterating support for ukraine. united states stands firmly of the heart of the sovereignty of. ukraine that we. are seeing unfortunately. very very provocative acts want to come. towards concentration. forces or resistance $24.00 to be. that was when fighting between pro russian separatists and ukrainian troops 1st
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erupted in ukraine's east more than 14000 people have since died in that conflict which has yet to be resolved. in response to russia's latest moves nato secretary general yet still said the military alliance would stand by ukraine. we are also increased presence in the black sea region in the black sea with more naval presence and more ships more puerto visits and we are constantly looking into how we can continue to step up and provide more practical support to to ukraine to help them defend themselves ukraine's foreign minister said the offer of help was urgently needed we need measures which will deter you can russia and which will contain its aggressive intentions. this could be as the secretary general mentioned. a new round of sanctions which would raise
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the price of russian aggression. later on she's day must go hit back saying it's appointments with you tonight his actions. in response to the alliances military activities that threaten russia we took appropriate measures. with must go sending more troops and equipment to its western boat is ukraine and its allies are also pushing for a diplomatic solution but accusations of blame on both sides to continue. well meanwhile the u.s. is reportedly planning to withdraw all american troops from afghanistan by september 11th of this year president biden is due to announce the plans later on wednesday the decision will keep thousands of u.s. troops in the country beyond the may 1st withdrawal deadline set by the trumpet ministration there are about 3000 american soldiers in afghanistan serving alongside some 70000 additional nato forces the taliban has threatened to renew
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attacks if foreign forces aren't out by may 1st. lots of movement there for some analysis let's talk to michael o'hanlon he's a senior fellow and director of research at the brookings institution in washington mr o'hanlon welcome to d.w. good to have you with us by move on afghanistan is certainly full of symbolism the september 11th date marks 20 years since the $911.00 attacks on the u.s. does afghanistan mark a 20 year failure for america. well you know i like the way you ask that because this is a time for 11 symbolism doesn't really work for me i don't really know what message that biden ministration is trying to send by this policy that i think is a big mistake handing over the leverage and be ott's in favor of the taliban at a time when the peace process was really just beginning by september 11th are we
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trying to say that we're tired after 20 years and that's all we can muster are we somehow claiming to honor the anniversary or the legacy or the sacrifice or the loss of those who died that day i don't really get it and i'm really quite confused and surprised by this decision i thought they would have at least spent 2 or 3 years at this very modest level of u.s. and nato military presence to support a b. these process that really hasn't yet had a chance and now we're going to see the taliban have the upper hand i worry that these process could really break down and that large scale fighting could erupt on a much more scale than we're seeing even today the taliban are still very much there and sent again as you just pointed out from the u.s. withdrawal will anyone else benefit that's a hard question you know i think the answer is really no maybe iran iran probably like to see the united states get a black eye on this overall mission you might say maybe russia would benefit in
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a broader geo strategic sense after your ukraine story but even russia doesn't really want an afghanistan in chaos with extremists on the rise i don't even think pakistan really wants that they may have supported the taliban all these years but do they really want a group that's had a parallel organization in pakistan sometimes destabilizing their own country so i just think it's actually an area where the world can generally cooperate if we stay the course and it's so much easier to stay the course because we reduce forces by 95 percent compared to their so all the more reason why i'm confused about this decision. michael o'hanlon there he's a senior fellow and director of research at the brookings institution in washington let's now take a look at some other stories making headlines around the world at this hour iran says it will start and rich in uranium up to 60 percent purity it's a big step towards weapons grade uranium tear on made the announcement 2 days after
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an explosion it blames on israel hit a key nuclear facility islamic republic deny its seeking to build a nuclear bomb or to. work enough os those acts of former president blaise come powerade has been charged with complicity in the murder of his crew to assess or cold power it will have to stand trial in connection with the killing of thomas' son carra when he ousted in a 987 coup the circumstances behind some cars deaths have been shrouded in secrecy . but means president patrice tome has won reelection early results from sunday's poll in the west african nation indicate he took more than 85 percent of the vote alone had previously vowed to serve just one term in office critics accuse him of rigging the race by sidelining opposition figures. medical regulators have called for an immediate pause in the use of johnson and johnson's corona virus vaccine this comes after 6 recipients developed
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a rare blood clots 2 weeks after getting the shot than then johnson says it's delaying its vaccine rollout in europe while regulators conduct a safety review. a 3rd night of protests is underway in the u.s. state of minnesota after the death of a black man at the hands of police hundreds took to the streets of a minneapolis suburb to demand accountability in the killing of dante right the officer who shot him in a weekend traffic stop has since resigned decision on whether or not she will be prosecuted as expected on wednesday. minneapolis remains a city on edge for a 3rd day people gathered to protest the death of yet another black man at the hands of a police officer. don't feel right was short
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have to use arrested during a traffic stop. police say body count footage of the officer who shot him shows that she mistook her gun for her taser shooting right by accident. oval office and the local police chief have now stepped down but that's not enough for many here not far from where don't you write was killed another black man george floyd died in the choke hold of a police officer derrick shaven is currently standing trial for his murder. outside the courthouse the families of both florida and right stood united in grief . they're very much a. good time i. know my son he don't have a dad. his dad will get to see him for his 2nd birthday or for any of his birthdays
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and i'm just so messed up about it because i feel like they stole my son's death from. minneapolis you are ok sweet devoted to were getting more that was we're here and we will fight for justice but it's family just like we'll fight 5 brothers. meanwhile inside the courtroom one day 12 of the george floyd trial the prosecution rested its case and derek shaven stiffens started presenting their arguments. they will try and prove that children's use of force was not excessive and that it was drugs and poor health that killed. the outcome of this case could either mark a step in healing racial wounds or it could further inflame the tensions that are being felt here in minneapolis and.
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in the champions league byron munich have been knocked out in quarterfinals by paris on the defending champions 11 nil on the night in paris but lost on away goals jonathan crane from delhi is forces here to tell us more jonathan walk us through the match well it was always going to be a very difficult job for by munich they had to go to paris and score twice at least if they want to go through most of that robert gibbs course there are star striker and we know what about the quality that paris and your man have so difficult match ahead of them neymar one of those paris quality players could have a hot streak i think in the 1st off it would work several times a bind to take the lead those 3 were erik sure promoting a very scrappy go really they scored in the 1st leg he repeated the truth against his own club but that was it remarkably for the goals by and threw everything at paris and around in the 2nd half they couldn't get that elusive 2nd goal it finished 3 all on aggregate but because paris as a man scored 3 goals in munich combined and he got one in paris paris and your man
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go through last season biron won everything there was still when they won the champions league the cup they're out of both of these competition this time around what does that mean for coach on the offensive flick been a lot of speculation about the flicks future speculation he's going to create i think what i need tents if i now offer this to feed he's been linked with the germany at job which will be vacant very soon of course i think we can say it's been a very difficult 2nd season really by a lot of conflict with the sporting director. the hammers it so i think flick has been. i'm happy about some players that have left or are going to leave us about the quality of the players that have come in he even said to receive in a press conference last year the team was better javi a glowing endorsement of what he has and i think the fact that he was injured and the fact the bond didn't really have anyone backing him up to replace him is a sign of that so huge disappointment they've gone out of the champions league i
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think 3 far from brussels on the pitch the biggest problem has been fast rules behind the scenes john green always a pleasure and he. and tennis russia's daniell medvedev is out of the monte carlo masters tournament after testing positive for the coronavirus the world's number 2 ranked male player called the news a vague disappointment he was seeded 2nd behind top ranked novak djokovic at the pro tennis events medvedev is now focused on recovery and looking forward to the upcoming major the french open scheduled to start with me. and lead limbs across the world are marking the start of ramadan islam's holiest month . bill grahams and saudi arabia prayed at the sacred site of mecca social distancing rituals during ramadan include fasting from dawn to dusk and communal prayers worshippers who have
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received at least one covert 19 vaccine shot are allowed to enter must in the homes . watching to tell you news from berlin we'll have more headlines for you at the top of the hour on the gulf really for me and the entire team thanks for your company. the fight against the coronavirus tend to have a. has the rate of infection been developing what does the latest research say. information and context the coronavirus update 19 specials. on t w.


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