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tv   10 Dollar Death Trip  Deutsche Welle  November 6, 2020 10:15am-11:01am CET

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good sucker i call diego maradona is to remain in hospital in buenos aires for a few more days after undergoing undergoing brain surgery berdahl it attained legendary status in argentina after captaining them to the world cup in 1986 but she was he has struggled with drug and alcohol addiction as well as ill health since retiring as a player his doctor said her daughter is recovering after surgery. you're watching g.w. news i'm terry martin thanks for being with us. imagine khomeini pushes us right now in the world climate change the very awful story this is my place to blame for just one week. how much worse can it really get. we still have time to act i'm going.
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to say. it is fire i think it is so named yours it's like the most. apparent terror you can imagine and his legs i'm slowly i just pulling away for so many you and then you get tunnel vision starts in smaller and smaller and around this tunnel and just darkness right small hours are blows and. you're dead and to think that you know you're dead you're a flatline are be dead. thank
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you for a city we're known for is not true b.c. . a quote from a to earth sport. but beneath the mountain vista is the city the tragic underbelly . despite being known as one of the world's top 3 cities in which to live the tiny neighborhood known as downtown eastside is experiencing a huge drop. thousands of lives have been lost and in nearly 9 months of an autopsy is a deadly new illicit drug has been present the painkiller offense at home is now the number one killer drug in the u.s. you can die just by touching it bent now at an all that all fatal dose of fenton's now that we know the potent opioid that's supposed to tranquilize elephants' a scent that a painkiller $100.00 times more powerful than morphine just 2 milligrams of the pure drug which is about 4 grains of salt is enough to kill the average adult
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friends die from the lethal amount of the painkiller fact general boy in florida has become one of the more wrong more than 63000 people died of monster drug feels far more people than gun violence if you don't know what that no is it is basically the new heroin but much much stronger. point i don't know. but it was a brawl. you know a whole lot i want to documentaries right now brother. not a documentary we're talking about opioid use and yeah i'll come talk to you in a minute hey we don't hear our guys off the road just a minute you know from the you know the fellow bro in the hood you know. friend that you as
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a good friend of mine you know that doesn't matter. no ask no questions i'll tell no lies. here in downtown eastside addiction is nothing new heroin has flowed through think evas pull this to private parts of town since the 1970s. but market forces have seen that heroin supply replaced friend snow is stronger cheaper and much less baucis with books. where are we going to have it where would you like to go i mean if you want to see what it's really like show us go. go. this is east hastings street now this is where and you know start changing. what you're looking at is the mecca. of drug addiction. we have been an
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act there narcotics for. ever since i can remember maybe that's why i came here on air yeah i think that is probably why i came here. and this offense who hasn't flooded the street drug supply outside north america yet do you think this could become a global problem and if it does what should people expect death lots of. people are going to die and it's not going to be pretty. it is wildfire people will try and love it and they'll never quit. these streets were crowded we're talking about 1500000 people died just in this walk. on put my job on the street the ground. is a huge problem united states lost 72000 people those deaths last year canada lost 8000 all right these are these are large numbers of people dying and. will not be
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any different australia united kingdom anywhere in the western world. just you never did. the stuff will kill you. for once but like how easy. it would be pretty much be simple for me to get down on the impossible for you harold defend us for this so that even if there is there a way he's got all that house budget oh. yeah one just to do. a lot. a lot. what's your name but that's the thing you know in the streets or the exhibits. some phone phone all you know trying to get by i live on the street so i've got to make a living somehow i don't want to rob stores and often i get about 10 years in the pen this way here i stereo. and house business selling looking woman man like you
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can never have enough. so how many people buy a pencil from school. 100150. every day every day. is the to make a quick open ice is there like a bit of a kind of change a few months yeah different gangs run different alleys i want to 12 hour shift. how do you get that job is that in their offices in the newspaper i don't know you know through connections mostly coming out of jail. spend small times that. destroyed it i lost like 40 people but i know well close to me in the last 3 years . people never did drugs in their life it up once did from friends from friends now is it possible any of them and some. possible. somebody. to an extent but they're going to get it from somebody right. i mean i guess apart
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from anything else it's not great business practice to be killing. customs or no i don't think anybody wanted anybody die but the thing is. heroin used to comment it's here on this front now we're making it ourselves you go online on the on the dark web you want to announce a friend off from china cost you $350.00 pay an extra $50.00 next days to liberate your door you take that $400.00 with a friend. and you make a 1000 grams of down and you're getting anywhere between 10120 programs so do the math. jesus. money time and just. like the old you take your $400.00 and you make it a 100 grand. but well it's lucrative illicit street since it always being coops but it's a gangsta's in their basements making the recipe up as they go along and the final product is synthetic and why would the system. customers it's old as the world they
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buy on the street can be any color of the rainbow that's it like right now everybody wants the dark green. they come out nasty get the dark green you don't get it they shop around like that one that's the highest but not that she said it's going to. be playing russian roulette and people are coming to the state on dates soon as they know that that stuff dropping people run into you who got that green stuff. because they think they can they're the ones that take half the data recorder out of it or the people dying from it must you know that's the logic. last night. this girl just came out in detox and i know she just got back she thought healthy and everything she sees me all semester come right up give me a point. as you get older you know i just go 2 hours to go and see what i want to point for all i'm just going to use a little bit of it have some what's more i still use it all i can you know when you
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know your tolerance is no no i won't. 10 minutes later yeah move in the alley they will work on or i will she live in i. don't know and when companies come i leave. so how much do you sell it for more to get $10.00 for a flat. i say. it's $10.05 to fatten off and not stop doctoring that's dropping people you know it's 15 percent fat. 3 percent heroin the rest is the reactive sugar. is a post but i diet that. all depends how high your immune from know it all and i mean i've never taken pencil before if you took that you die 100 percent. and if i put
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the same concept. but i'm not definite no definite on. she said it's me you want to buy it if i want to buy it but give me 10 bucks but some of. your life bro. get to make your own choices right. and i get it. so. it's like that. the candid way in which sylvester discuss this is day job is conflicting it's easy to judge him but the reality is that fence snow has become normalized in downtown eastside and for the homeless community who live here in desperate hardship it's one of the very few tradeable commodity.
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vancouver is a very rich city surrounded by very rich real estate and unlike most canadian cities think arista side of the ghetto wise poverty. as the city gentrified is people get squished and scratched there used to be 15 square blocks now it's down to 6 or 7 square blocks of people and most of them are in search of some sort of trouble and they. say just the blockade that way i just purchased this it got the fence will think it could be you know i mean it comes in all different shapes and sizes whether you think that i'm good at cisco the baby. brother and over. this i mean it's a surprising is the 1st all we've heard is there's a multiple overdose calls in this little community per day and some sometimes it's
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just been horrific like it's just been because wall to wall ambulances and fire trucks and people riding on the street can look like a war zone. or greased water down here at very very dear friends with somebody it's one that isn't even sure it was a little under. this system was very very no you're really not a you think afghanistan was just on regulated ships 3 times the ones dying because of the look of the crisis the strain here was my last $10.00 and my only $10.00 that i sold a crowbar and an angle grinder for i got a coffee and some dope. yeah usually you don't eat and if you live breathe and work for this how can you know really what's inside so i guess it's but no he's also got the powder version there. oh i think you never know what you're going to get a surprise all the time so these are both offensive but the boomers looks like doing
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drugs and it does you never know. like it's always looks different. it's just. goofing around really is sorry for the language but it's you know. food clothes shower drugs it's constant it's. a walk on the wild side that way. there's a reason idea here that it might be dangerous down here at my dream yeah mainstream society is a little bit of all intimidated by it 'd or great of it. and yet as i said it in
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jest because. it's not the wild side at all it's just that it's a neighborhood of people that are going to experiencing a lot of pain and dealing with a lot of trauma and. people. high poverty areas there's there's there's all kinds of people thrive all kinds of trauma from early childhood abuse. you know relationships and you know just yes. people have gone through a lot. to think it actually is a disease it is an illness you know what starts out as an original choice to use substances to self medicate from the pain turns into a lifetime of suffering and i became dependent on using. heroin because reality is painful. opioids like heroin unfenced know belongs to the same pharmacy
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school family is moved and like morphine they were intended for pain relief everyone in this self medicating community has a back story and pain both physical and mental it's all around. just personal. check right now i'm sure they're probably breathing that i how are you or where you were filming the moment we want we want that. for. the story to enter its origin. very come into your space ma'am. i had and i mean i i dabbled. i was running away from things from an awful lot of pain when i was a kid and i used our product i cleaned up and 997 i cleaned up to raise money and money. and i raised my and i was doing all that i raised my son and. i owed him a life and i have an amazing son and he turned out exceptionally well i did and i'm
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really proud of that but i didn't. and then i had an accident and it kind of brought me back. i'm i got hit from behind on my bike i broke my leg by published by hit by a bridge rip my rotator cuff crushed both hands but my back in 4 plays with my skull and more placement my face my nose my teeth with a hearing brain haemorrhage. yeah it wasn't a good day in my world. but it may sound 10 years ago with a different something. you're probably you were interviewing him at me and you want to apologize to me so completely different than just be apologizing for a problem for something i've done. or taken from here but yeah inject drugs 30 to 40 times a day i mean so yeah i mean. just the shell of the you know person that was just how much that cost him probably a good 600 bucks
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a day. since who is now sweeping through north america a horrifying writes since he hit the streets drug overdoses become the leading cause of death for those under 50 you can't find anyone in these early ways who hasn't lost a loved one it's scary how commonplace it's become. he lost any friends there is there this. is not me. i'm so sorry to hear that how did you put it on the show . that's a fact not trying here no. offense and most cruel astray is the stockholm syndrome that pushes to its victims. the more it devastates this little community the more people seek solace in these homes.
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right now we're going to go to washington knowing how it's paralyzed and we have there. harm reduction supplies to the community with a lead means that the people of the south that what they're used to is some cells will help but it's absolutely yeah it's really important people in the community are the ones laid out i guess. inside this building clean injecting equipment is handed to a cool through a hole in the wall the idea is to stop the spread of blood borne viruses like hepatitis an h i c it's open 24 hours a day i'm really in syringes a year. sekali how many needles would you give out and then the whole shift all over. one through one of these boxes have 500. rigs in it and one day i went through 4 boxes of brain scan one
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stance that was obviously. why is it so important that people around take time difference just basically needles what they will they'll use still use it when you need to use the use a gurney ring that you find you know that's how people get have seen their name credo sherry they will use toilet water puddle water whenever they need to to use get water and i guess that water is going straight into that blood stream and that is not so great one can imagine give revisiting the israelis or people urinate in feces and urine this is. from the back of the building the stuff from a mobile response unit working in shifts to reverse street overdoses so from a ship i have my. best on i have a $8.00 american way to go i have my bike my helmet and they always have extra knockin on me so in case i come across multiple overdoses at that rate here in town
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. workers like jen patrol these alleyways administering life saving medical interventions the secret weapon is no locks on the fence no on today it's commonly known by its brand name narco. sentinel it's an opiate and what it does is it shuts down your respiratory system so for 10 that this this here this is such all coming in your system right so we should show up in our can it's like a wall goes up and so the french helps the wallet taking one gulp more narcan what's the sense of that figured out walgett so what you're saying is this is actually quite easy to reverse and i guess that it so then if it's not easy service leap days why do we have so many people telling of my place in history where he isn't by myself and people are really ashamed about their drug use they're labeled as a criminal or a junkie or
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a crackhead so they use by themself in dark places you know they are people can't see or can't find a health relate to find someone over those how long would you go if you got treatment and that the fans i mean usually it starts off they don't observe clue and then you feel you only got so much time to react if you find their faces purple it means you're saying that's done or interest on the face class would have like a slim chance and so would you do find someone the so j h you were able to stomach around to save the life how does an extremely stressful and you manage to. be able to remind yourself as to why you took the strong so for myself personally in the last 2 years i responded 31 programmer news. one trying to be 103 overdosed and then a week later we had 12 people die in the city of vancouver. one. when they.
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come in how does it feel to work in a place like this where you're saving lives every day. and. then you can. earn in move and move their lives around lost their lives and i. have. to i like it feels good to save a life instead of just part of the problem for being part of the solution. the city of vancouver has invested millions trying to combat the crisis and while health responses like this have made some inroads sensible has at times been an impossible challenge from the old me because it's become so bad the average life expectancy is officially reducing the public health emergency has been declared i. it's caused a deep mistrust from those in the community towards pleasure and power. trying
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to keep the hearing began around this side of the street not on the right hand side and then down to find out as well that. british columbia has full times the amounts of the u.k. and yet 7 percent of its mine one cruise came from these 2 clubs. is another one of that spike is the 3 place doesn't that they are horrendous to you know really out here there are the lowest they can wonderingly and ways want to move further into the ground like it makes sense not to rain if i'm bleeding to death i don't want to help but that's down i don't want their help they're not my friend. you know what i'm here i've played a part in every single interaction i'm not yeah i'm a colorful vocab you. i've been known to have been added here however they're professionals right i'm not in the fashion. i'm at i'm not in i'm not imagine out there. there's always gonna be some are there certain cars are here.
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anytime me honest i think a lot of me just say p.r. to show that they're on their own as if they don't give us the cops are literally watching them shoot out and they do not arrest of they've got a bunch of drugs on them they do not because their name again you mean anything to keep it away from the city keep it away from from where people are screaming bloody . and if the cops approach on when you do something to them and you believe the rest looks now they tell you to they grab me put me against the wall search me take my and tell me. it's a gold claim that your boss. in spite of the ill feelings towards the police say their approach is based on pragmatism and it's sunny trade that there's been public drug use in full view of. you guys live on the streets yeah we've been downtown
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eastside for over a year. sleeping rough out when it gets to winter here it's last night was out there and it was very cool very rough yeah you know we got there was rain the blankets requests we had. our we had weird. weird people like washing out. and we just looked at him yeah yeah you know here's weird people like that came up and just like we're standing at the end of like the photos like are that and this is scaring us. it's kind of creepy it is crazy and is very creepy this stuff happens here every single day 000000000 no not to turn this rock around i'm for cold 3. free speech for you and i believe that most of you know me or you know. i don't know at that moment. how did you guys meet. you might have
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a library. and i ran after a cheese. but did you run off to love it. yeah we were we were we were we were in we were in the library and we were in catchin eyes. and then i laughed and then and then she laughed and i started walking down the street and you bastard i cannot let her leave so i ran after her and i freaked her out the place a. big play you have to admit to all 5 minutes later we were making out for it one other that. i know that's what i mean every we were we did we did make your own way and find out later. this person well no this is this is this is normal . this is this is totally normal this is what we call it's what we call the you know the not or or the the hastings shuffle so. we we've been there we
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leave we've smoked heroin i overdosed like and i had i had somebody narc on me twice ok saved your life yeah i almost died slipped through my lips were blue i was dead shouldn't you stop doing drugs all together that's why liquor and weed is all that pretty and that gave it to us it is here and it wasn't what do you think it was and all the friends from definitely didn't even have that much you know we should like a drink and like yours and i was just i can as in one you just inhaled one thing off of smoking it all from foil he stood like one. yeah and i basically almost died from one inhalation one. i was freaked out because they said cleek he was a routine would you have done if i die.
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how does it make you feel looking back on that day steven thinking you needed. to never do it again. never again. only. one in cheek you know where everyone got ring put in you know poke fought for
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a little bit of water and. take a syringe. and i was thinking. also that some people use a fielder's and don't. really. nothing's going to fit into the surnames that isn't already going to get in there and so. we've done for very. how does it feel. great. to do it.
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drugs are really what you make of it and then there's a functioning addict so there and there's nonfunctioning onix you know there's people that. do drugs and all runs them into the ground and then they die and that's it you know there's no statistic. where you heading say now running. and down in the mall. and you go. shoplifter i get some money and so work rabbit
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is she got to use design. already because there's a $4.25 cent shot ages did it and. is it already worn off is on the account of minutes ago now. you know if i don't go to jail time to do it then maybe all get paid and get some more dough but it's not fun i ate it i can stand it here are spent like what for 10 years my life behind bars i think for what drug addiction is on the kills me hey i know what i'm doing and i know that it's bad for me but i think you know we've all got our problems and. was trying to cope mine was friends through life. my life has been absolutely dragged through the mud i have lost friends i have lost family members and i have nothing to live on the street. i freeze almost every night and i steal the evening
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and support myself i hate my life. if. i wake up in the morning wishing i didn't. die so if you and drug use and abuse drug use for your. children are able. i wouldn't wish this on a person i wouldn't wish living like this for the person i most in the world. it's not living on. it's dying when you're running yourself into the ground every day and willingly doing it. and why because you're too scared to be dopesick get off the drugs you know it's because it's when you've done something for so long it's all you know me i'm all i know is jail and crime. drugs it's all i
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know. i'm lost. so there's a 5 year old something that. doesn't know who it is. some people say that people that use drugs have a choice of choosing this so you will not choosing this man i made what i had one choice i made the wrong one and this is what i deal with now. do you have hope for the future. sometimes. i don't know how far my future is going to go and i know i could be dead 20 minutes from now you know.
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so. they say ah so you see around the streets. is only partially due to the drugs people are taking it's more to do with what they have to do to get money to get keep the economy going and whether it's sex work or stealing from cars we can fix that. the current crisis is because people are using poisoned drugs and i'm at the point now where we really need to think seriously about giving people
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a safer supply of oil fields. and rights in the hearts of one of downtown eastside was to fix its streets once more medical center is looking to do exactly bounce so we're going to go to krakow clinic. will have to stop and so on and we provide injectable hydromorphone an injectable knife you know more than i had 2 clients with the dear mr so and what is special if i'm pharmaceutical made heroin well that's guys that i want and. that's rights it's a medical center because heroin to people in addiction. or any close. to the clients or here are the nurses do a pretty fs thing for them sorry ladies. the entrance of the froom they come up to this window here and they'll give their name their birth date and
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the nurse will provide them or hand them their syringe. great can you just pass me a syringe. thank you. so you can see here that we get this is the dose so it will tell us the client name and then the drug that they're on. what are you getting into. heroin thank you marquis. and how to get 3 times a day. and this is my lunchtime fix. it's another drug transaction in downtown eastside. but rather than toxic dope sold in a back alley and injected behind a dumpster it's a regulated pharmaceutical given in a medical setting and supervised by people. introducing heroin into my body
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now. there is no inerrancy chihuahua. if you all over. seriously i go turn red and. get really achieved but my and my desire for heroin with me. while i was good. prescribing people heroin as a treatment for addiction it's a challenging concept but the evidence is persuasive switzerland opened a similar sensor in 1994 and since they've seen huge reductions in overdose deaths hiv and drug related crime. the theory goes that when you take people out of a life of street drugs they have the chance to introduce retain a make incremental life changes. when people start with us they're using illicit drugs every day and by 6 months in care with ask that goes down
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a handful of days i'm up at people reconnect with families and they go back to school they start work and start working part time after all terry to get housing but more importantly why most percent of us patients have been in and out of jail over 200 times before he came to treatment here and sensitive in treatment here he's not been back to jail that's a huge success. how many banks in the world. coming back there are a lot over 60 banks. breaking turner 22 years 2 months and 3 days. it costs $27000.00 a year to supply heroin for one patient and it's funded by the government it's not cheap but independent research suggests service saves the taxpayer. by reducing crime policing health care and ambulance call outs. and in the midst of offense in
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crisis there's a further saving one that's hard to quantify the cost of human life. we haven't lost any of our clients to a functional overdose because coming here prevents all of that. they still working thanks. i am very grateful saying that jack i'm a retired. bank robber. and no longer need to do that. the time in frankly that was up in the little neighborhood of downtown eastside disappeared in the rearview mirror. the opioid crisis here in north america is out of control claiming a life every 7 minutes and seeing it up close and personal has been heartbreaking.
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heading for higher means escaping it. but for how long. have. the last year being. we always look at the action you know we're so focused on substance we are actually forgotten the value of human life not just graduating training at the same time as people are beautiful i got hopes so. i know. that i'm not. eat stuff because. if you could go back to the day when you 1st put that name in your dev again. or something.
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good then i put the 1st needle in my arm wow i did just every day of yesterday. to bring the mannings being here today and and the mannings see i'm i'm i'm a good man and i'm happy with who i am. i still love this woman. if i make 300 bucks that i took a box of it i put away a put away put away and put away i'm doing that now for for your. brother your this
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. head on here with a 150 grand. not the back. you got it sounds wrong if you consent and you gotta keep going because if you don't end up a statistic. a mark in a book i. think you're just another one of those people that died. to the point of strong opinions clear positions international perspectives. america has voted for the outcome of the presidential election is posing more questions than answers poll who could read unites in reconcile these bits of a divided nation on to the point. to the point
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such use of money 9 minutes on d w. w's crime fighters car back africa's most successful radio drama series continues. this season the stories focus on hate speech color of her mention of sustainable production all of the sos are available online and of course you can share and discuss on africa's facebook page and other social media platforms. crime fighters to mindanao. the fight against the corona virus pandemic. has the rate of infection been developing. measures are being taken. what does the latest research say. information and context.
11:00 am
the coronavirus of the code of special monday to friday. this is deja vu news the live from berlin as the vote count turns against him the u.s. president conjures up a conspiracy donald trump leashing a slew of baseless claims once again insisting that he won and is being dropped of for reelection the use picks through his allegations which attack the foul.


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