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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 4, 2020 4:00pm-4:15pm CEST

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bases d.w. news live from berlin president donald trump kicks off independence day weekend with a controversial event trump attends a crowded fireworks started celebration at mount rushmore but on a day that saw another record breaking prize in u.s. coronavirus cases he makes little mention of the pandemic also coming out. social distancing measures in football loving argentina have led some average of players to develop a new pandemic friendly version of their favorite game. i'm
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rebecca ridges welcome to the program u.s. president donald trump has kicked off independence day celebrations at an event with an event in south dakota fireworks lit up the sky over the mount rushmore monument which in a controversial move trump chose as the venue for this year's festivities in a divisive speech he criticized race and protests against racial injustice as a merciless campaign to wipe out our history truck made little reference to the corona virus pandemic though his face came on a day the u.s. saw another record rise in cases with more than 57000 new infections. and all around the united states 4th of july fireworks displays and parades have been canceled due to fears of a further spread of the virus with experts calling on americans to practice social
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distancing at public and private gatherings not many feel like celebrating the national holiday w.c. on amazon that has more. last chance to enjoy mt washington mall before the celebrations begin this is where a large crowds will cheer to fly overs and fireworks on america's national holiday the loudspeakers are ready for tens of thousands of visitors but not everyone here feels well about being among masses of people at the height of a global pandemic and makes me actually to be like around the crowd to be honest so that's what i want to be. but i think i think it. sucks that you know we won't be able to celebrate the way we used to. but we're going to try to make the most of it with you know family and close friends that we've been. touring the last few months. this year the 4th of july will be
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a completely different holiday number one because a security fence was keeping people away from the white house for security reasons us were expecting many protests potentially riots on the 4th of july and later on saturday this is where the president will deliver his speech addressing the nation . at the black live smatter applause a t. shirt vendors are hoping for a good business and a large turnout. in mansoul our. liberties that we have achieved for over $200.00 errors. should apply to everyone and all of us a. demonstration problematic for everyone. more and more people will go. because that is so critical at this point. holiday under strain by the pun demick and racial divisions this year not everyone
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feels like celebrating. the date of the reporter. has been looking into this story and he joins me now william thanks for coming in public health experts in the u.s. a warning of a heightened risk of the virus spreading over the weekend celebrations the white house appears to be largely ignoring those recommendations or at least not not setting a very good example why is that i mean donald trump only mentioned the virus once of the very beginning of his speech and he was not accurate about it he thanked medical workers for working to kill the virus it's difficult to kill somebody is not really alive but it fits with donald trump's language rhetoric of violence of aggression of law and order you know the cover ministration would say we are following the rules the rules are recommended masks not every state has the same rules south dakota has no distancing or masks masks massed rules those rules are really only in place in about 20 states plus washington d.c.
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and the trump administration donald trump has himself has said this is a states issue this is not on us it's a good way to sidestep that prickly question of what exactly is the best way to confront this virus and to ignore the very real situation on the ground that cases are skyrocketing throughout the united states and. that's what we saw yesterday even though the corona virus has hit home in the donald trump family the girlfriend of donald trump jr who is also a campaign advisor tested positive for that virus but instead of focusing on the virus as he mentioned he said he made only one reference to it in the spain's president trump and his protest is at racial equality demonstrations of the campaigning to wipe out our history that's a quote let's take a listen to what he had to say there is a growing danger that threatens every blessing. already for so hard for struggled they bled to secure our nation is witnessing
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a merciless campaign to wipe out our history defame our heroes the race of us and indoctrinate our children. quite divisive woods will have what do you make of what he had to say i mean this is donald trump doubling down on being donald trump heading into the heart of the campaign season before the november election appealing to the very core base of his of his supporters he has long known for using divisive rhetoric racially coded rhetoric like he did here i mean saying that america will not stand for this kind of destruction this kind of protests of some other event but then he's referring to are also american so very divisive rhetoric and you know for him to say that this is not american history that history is actually being destroyed this is absolutely american history american history is fighting and bleeding and dying to uphold the rights that have been on paper for now almost 250 years when he talks about the declaration of independence and all
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the rights that the founding fathers gave to all americans that of course didn't happen right that it's been happening over the last $200.00 almost 50 years through a lot of struggle and a lot of pain which we're seeing up to this day with all the protests taking place on streets all around the country we have to wait and see what happens over the weekend when group thanks very much for coming in. well let's bring you up to date now at some of the other developments in the coronavirus pandemic india has registered a record a single day spike of more than 22000 cases of the country remain on lockdown while restrictions in other regions have spanish authorities are placing a catalonian county under confinement made a series of new outbreaks the lock down effect some 200000 residents iran has made face months facemasks excuse me compulsory after a surge in cases mosques must now be worn in all public places with fines for
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individuals and businesses flouting the new rule the total number of cases in iran is approaching $240000.00. and now some of the other stories making news around the world this hour officials in the u.s. state of alabama say an 8 year old boy has been shot dead and 3 others injured at a shopping mall police say they're investigating the motive for the shooting and possible suspects. more than a dozen people are missing and feared dead in japan after torrential rains triggered flooding and landslides in the county southwest tens of thousands have been evacuated and troops are being deployed for search and rescue operations. german chancellor angela merkel has paid tribute to the elderly saying they have faced particular hardship and loneliness during the coronavirus pandemic during her weekly radio address merkel urged germans to protect the elderly by respecting social distancing. from the sling. a rescue ship in the mediterranean has declared
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an emergency after several migrants on board attempted to commit suicide the ocean viking made the appeal for help after it was denied entry to multi and italy the crew says it can no longer guarantee the safety of the $118.00 migrants on board who are becoming increasingly desperate to reach land crewmembers say they have said there have been 6 suicide attempts within the space of 24 hours. and for more on the story let's cross to reign of pop kurt she's the managing director from s.o.s. mediterranean germany for a why is the situation on this particular vessel so die off. we have 180 survivors on board and many of them are already spending 8 days on board a rescue vessel which is not a place of safety and where those people shouldn't stay really any longer they are following very strict protocols due to the 19. biros
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and they they are not even able to call their families to. say that they are still . actually of work being libya they're being really really have to to asians many of them being the tension and they spent many days that the young and bearable conditions under rubble. spending 4 or 5 days without any watch and any any problems they many of them really don't have 8 years and now they are more than 8 days from now rescue vessel and are not allowed to enter europe what support do you need right now what support is your organization calling for we urgently ask for a port of safety would just can be is really at the moment we are in front of sicilian international waters and asking that of 10 of our teeth. to allow or to enter the port 1st time in their tanks that we have larry out of the woods
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hasn't happened the past 40 or 40 years we are doing rescue operations because we can't actually guarantee the safety of the crew and their safety of the survivors it really does sound like a dire situation but i want to ask you also about the situation. the y. the situation in the mediterranean this year compared to last year and has the pandemic had an effect on the number of people trying to reach europe. actually there are rescue vessels as well as the flying s. that's were not able to to get sued to to do rescue operations because the ports were close to what's actually happening on the mediterranean as. we can just imagine because we know that people are still fleeing that's for sure and we know there are people out still dying but if we can't be out there we can't you going to actually watch what's happening out there and that's why it's also important there
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to rescue organizations are still able to rescue people which also leads that certainly need to sort of safety to disembark the survivors the rescue teams. from s.o.s. mediterranea thanks very much. thank you. some sport now and former marathon world record holder wilson kipsang has been handed a 4 year ban for anti doping violations weld athletics said the 2012 olympic bronze medalist missed 4 doping tests it also ruled that he tampered with the investigation by providing false evidence and witness testimony a ban is automatically imposed after 3 test failures in a 12 month period kipsang is the 6th fastest marathon man in the world. 2 time olympic badminton champion lin dan has announced his retirement from the sport at the age of 36 it means the chinese world champion will not compete in the
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postponed tokyo and picks he says his physical fitness no longer allows him to play it is best after slipping to $98.00 in the world rankings apart from winning 2 gold medals lind is also a 5 time world champion and seen as one of the greatest badminton players of the time. i mean argentina football fans have been yearning for the return of the game after the season was abandoned due to the pandemic social distancing names it can't be played in its normal form but some amateur players have got creative to ensure they get back out on the field. locals in argentina call this human table quick bar it's a byproduct of the coronavirus pandemic the picture is divided into 12 rectangles each player must remain within their zone if you leave your rectangle you get a penalty and it's 5 a side worse is the traditional 11. argentines football is as important as
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getting together with friends once or twice a week for my. human table football not only gives us the possibility of work but also it fills a gap which is as important as the vaccine the facemasks and the hand-washing. but the football isn't quite the same tackles are not allowed and players don't run as much the social distancing format has made it more of a passing and shooting game. when it's a great joy to be back on the pitch it makes us feel good to have all our friends together it has its limitations it's strange but we are adapting while we wait to get back to normal as soon as possible. until then the country has human table football it's a new form of the beautiful game but any kind of football is better than no football at all. this is news here's a reminder of the top story at this hour u.s. president donald trump has held an independence day event of rushmore in south
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dakota across the country final works displays and grades have been canceled due to fears of a further spread of the coronavirus. you're watching the debate in these all have one headlines at the top of the hour in the meantime don't forget to check out our web site www dot com i'm rebecca riches thanks very much for watching.


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