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tv   Eco Africa  Deutsche Welle  October 30, 2019 4:30am-5:01am CET

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the church used to bring solutions and reforestation. they created interactive content teaching next generation about environmental protection and were determined to build something here for the next generation the years the multimedia environment series on g.w. . did you know that one can serve the entire harvests one damage with the help of drones we didn't know it but now we do and we'll show you how it is done welcome to another edition of equal africa i am sound latino they're coming to from kampala here in uganda. hello sandra and hello everybody thank you for joining us live today show i am now outside we have the fossil park in lagos nigeria and today's
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program will pay a visit to quote the wall but not the story on their own technology revolutionizing farming and i want to talk go to visit a company that is trying to tackle the country's mountains of trash and finally it was over to germany to look at the business of beans and how important they are. i hope that awaits you i protect for what's coming up on the program now let's head 1st to cote d'ivoire just one of many countries across africa where saul degradation and extreme weather conditions mean harvest are declining so it's all the more importance to make the best use of resources and optimize farming practices and to abacha karim and his wrongs they help the young are gonna miss to watch over unimproved crops out in the field and i've always believed that the technology can help to lead his country into a more bountiful future. oh.
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these tomato plantation is money tied no thanks from $1.00 cause by theodore over and you have the size of a small peach east to be born in point c.t. visually the figure idea was launched by a locals tartuffe set up way of about. he wants to use the new surveillance technology to make traditional farming move productive and move sustainable and. sent by example let's say a plot of land has an irrigation problem on one of its 5 fact is that something you can't make out with your own eyes but a drunken identify the area in question and that makes it easier to resolve the problem and at the same time increase you know yeah it will be when you know that you're and i mean you really look after us. thing off the drone uses it's come in red to create digital aerial mops these are in turn relayed to a computer damo the ground to take to larry to use or other issues on plantations
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it's part of a new i.t. assisted form of farming called position agree culture. everything. this. means that we can use the technology to determine exactly where plants have been affected by a disease and instead of treating an entire person off land we can focus on the specific area actually affected and they say. here's your answer for yourself if you're doing it that's also good for the environment fewer pesticides mean healthier soil on list pollution on plantations. from a fungus and what tia began walking together with the startup about a year ago in addition to the environmental aspect he also sees another crucial advantage for his country's agricultural industry. then.
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we have a lot of land under a lot of options for expanding off island but it's physically demanding market and very tricky to implement which has put a lot of people off farming but this technology is extremely efficient and it can also turn t.f. people back to farming us pollution the way they provide. much of the day for us rationing is done to provide space for luge new plantations ivory cost is the biggest cocoa producer in africa according to figures from the wild bank over the last half a century ivory cost has lost around 80 percent of its forests. or it buys i'll quote that we are fighting the 1st session a lot of farmers think they need to 20 and i thought in order to ensure a big car vest but we show them how they can get similar with $100.00 or just $5000.00 square metres
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a little later the 2nd drawing is ready to take to the skies it has almost 10 liters of liquid best to say than board which will be applied exactly where it is needed. deploying drones also prevents damage to the plant's roots from the heavy farming machines normally used. i reckon the one ties up with one drone you can spray to hector has been under 12 minutes with conventional means you'd need an entire day to cover one or 2 hectares. he now has a dozen strong team of prominent stuff out on 40 customers already using their farms digital solution although attracting a clue until it wasn't easy at fast. enough they are going to hear their farming sector has been around for a long time i want when new technologies are introduced it takes a while for people to be convinced of the benefits with a cost of being
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a major fatah money timing from seed to harvest cost between food and $8000.00 euros which for many farmers initially seems a big but to the startups clinton now extending 2000000 senate gun that drones will be touching down father a food too. let's stick with agriculture for the moment another major danger for food production where have all the bees got any answers so i'll go well near to experts say a number of things pose a threat to the busy insects in many parts of the world among them monocultures pesticides and the climate crisis without these pollinators farmers will suffer along with entirely ecosystems some enterprising us so many have come up with some clever ideas on how to keep bees buzzing.
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a company that aims to get bees to where they're needed and fungus i thought was it wasn't easy to women people over we were total strangers walking up to be keepers saying we want to be many were skeptical. but it soon caught on one beekeeper has let neil's gabber take a 100 of his hives to this auction in northern germany to pollinate apple trees gather lands out beehives to farmers throughout germany it's his contribution to the fight to stop economies collapsing whenever farmers need be used to pollinate their crops they can go to his website an algorithm that matches each vomits need with the available hives this option owner ordered $100.00 hives the bees only show up if the conditions are right the feeling. has just sides are an issue which has to be addressed openly. so that means we've agreed to only use products that don't harm. things which don't harm beneficial creatures and we've shifted some tasks to
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the evening hours so we don't hamper the bees activities $100.00 mr geiger been focused the population suffer from urban encroachments epidemics on agricultural monocultures so in a separate english. if companies like b hero are developing technological solutions to help the market of dependency of bees is huge we're talking about $100.00 of of billions of dollars so that was genetically. change in order to not be dependent on people the nation actually can grow better if we put the bees in the field so saw is also a very interesting market for us peace get agitated when they keep it as make their presence felt so it's a good idea to leave them in peace for days on end but back to can be risky if the
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queen dies the whole colony can die. this is our product it has sensors inside. multiple sensors and we just put it inside the hive in the main kong and it just we put it inside and it morning towards the hive 247 then we take this there are we are loaded to the to the cloud and then to our algorithms and we are able to understand what's going on in the hive. but be hero will still need to develop the rescue system further before it's fully ready to go. unlike neil scabbard the german businessman has already found his niche. the sharing services cost fruit farmer chris eldest dolman $6000.00 euros a quarter of which goes to the company.
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we're very fortunate that our land is quite some way away from other orchards. so we decided to try out this pollination service. and i must say it's going very well with the travelling be spend 2 weeks here after that their work is complete and they can return home totals are the conversation i had been under my. annoyance with. the sharing harnesses the resources of small scale beekeepers across germany to maintain and promote key services to farming and it's important work without there being no pollination and no biodiversity. in many african countries that are experiencing economy growth forming populations and other nations west monies are stunned into a major ongoing problem the amount of stuff produced but all of this is ability to recycle republics or even properly disposed of but luckily for all of us there's
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still plenty of people ready to take the challenge head on the top of his company africa's love for recycling is causing the again it is making up profits recycling salty and reselling west to asia and europe. this printing press runs almost nonstop still a death freak son of africa is one of the busiest printing houses in moment the capital of togo. but what about the paper waste the printing has used to just dump it somewhere where waste collectors would come by ok surely and charge to take it away. now it's the other way around the african global rethought. company regularly picks up the old paper and even pays for us. it was embarrassing to see the waste pile up in our print shop collects it now and gives us money for it and that money goes towards paying for other things it helps
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a lot. more so than everybody added facility in low made african global recycling receives about $350.00 tons of waste a month from businesses schools and government offices. the paper is weight on those who produce the waste get one or one of the hoth euro cents per kilo it may not sound like much but it all adds up. founded a.g.r. in 2013 after working in recycling in europe. his vision goes far beyond just recycling. waste is a great opportunity for development on the african continent corporate informal market there's also a social aspect because we offer employment to people who didn't complete their
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schooling or learn a trade we train them for. life shaping is a private school in may 1 of 40 schools where a.t.r. has installed recycling bins for metal paper and plastic the pupils have been taught to separate the trash. let's see the plastic and the paper will be transformed into new things that's why we put it here in the bins so it can all be recycled for. says he says. the school's collaboration with the recycling company brings in money which it can spend on say teaching materials. it's also a way of teaching the kids to take care of the environment with sorting trash is like a game for the kids that's the main motivation for them especially for the little ones so. when the bins are full the school calls the company and a team comes to collect the trash. the children evidently find the whole process
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interesting. has a ripple effect because all the kids talk about it at home and help make the parents more aware of the issues. once a parent told me they had started to recycle at home to another parent called me and asked if we could come and collect their old magazines and newspapers. a.g.r. thorfinn cleans the ways to collect and sells a lot of it to money factories in europe they transform paper into cardboard and fluff into new bottles for. 80 or 90 percent of my recycled african waste in europe because it's well sorted and fulfills international standards. so for european recyclers my materials are as good as or maybe even better than those collected on their continent.
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sorted cleaned and packed the waste is ready to be transported overseas it's raw material for new and useful objects. these wicks doing a bit also deals with plastic in this gas plastic collection the children and your kids which means often child is convinced that all of us can do all of these to clear all streets forests and waterways of rubbish a recent project initiative by the german environmental activists is in cooperation with 2 schools on the tiles on an island off. zanzibar an island off the coast of ten's and has beautiful beaches and a major problem with plastic trash.
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but kids from 2 schools are no perfect in cold plastic bottles the project was started by the n.-g. o. kand an organization that was founded by marina and misha from germany. the very least you john suggested but it scared me in the left by the kids this shocking why didn't we kids find the end of their lives security shows that when you take action 2nd page. the kids also tell their friends and families that plastic spoils the environment. the recycling company pays the school's $0.08 a kilo for the plastic. like that
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but i'm lying hussein by yeah and i think collecting plastic is a. good project. but it brings in money to pay for new school books that inevitably run down that i. can support to clean up projects in over 30 countries. i believe and how about you. if you're also doing your bit tell us about it. visit our website or send us a tweet hash tag doing your bit. we share your stories. on monkeys are up close on the relatives but up under through it in many places in africa so protected areas are needed to help these primates of life one of the
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biggest song series use in uganda can you tell us more about that. yes sandra kibali national park has an especially high density of primates 13 different species that's the part one of uganda as the most important oyster tractions we joined a tour there i will bring it to you. you have to head deep into the forests here if you want to catch a glimpse of key bally national parks for the most inhabitants such as the red color boss monkey. no where would you find a higher density of primates then here in western uganda it boasts 13 species in all not including humans. but where are the chimpanzees chimp trackin is one of the park's most popular attractions up rio we have a queue for this but nest the chimpanzees build each night is the 1st sign of their presence so far and making the mists is relatively done on differing prices because
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this is one way of voiding their enemies. or predators and also can in this whole human beings work will we continue getting bird feeds on our beds overnight but you keep changing this after more than an hour tracking the group discovers the chimpanzees or rather the chimps discover them. and they call out to notify the other. was. it was. for this group of having to eat animals it's not their 1st contact with tourists. and. still they could be dangerous so visitors have to follow the rules like maintaining a distance of at least 8 meters. for. the.
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chimpanzees eat on sand termites but also fruits and even meat. yes. they are fairly safe because the local people benefit from their being protected. 20 percent of the pac entry fees and other fees goes to the local community. and residents get controlled access to the forest. grasses. vo come forth. for specific trees species. right through them. and must be. given and given protection going before this. one. this is end of the leader of the chimpanzee troupe.
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their mother when you were young and was in both the. first to. speak. a man with a $150.00 tracking feat tourist an important source of income for the national pack and when after their talk they understand the try to species better they are more likely to take a stand for their protection. it was a great experience this goes up to the look at us they relax in their trees like we do at the beaches at home they help forward their living from it is it was a great experience to know i didn't know that and the other thing is i liked how they put in it making funny noises to communicate to themselves. he bali's 1450 chimpanzees are uganda is now just population of this endangered species the closest living relative of humankind.
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when it comes to coffee experts say it has enormous potential for growth in africa many countries on the continent already exported all over the world and global demand is warming mozambique we simply jumped on the coffee bandwagon i mean all goes well the region around mounds grown goza could soon be enjoying widespread reforestation and employment opportunities for the locals all friends to the humble coffee be. going to go back you can read about in cleaner sorts through the coffee beans laid out on racks to dry in the sun but in cleaner has been growing coffee for 4 years on the upper slopes of mount good little goes a. little game like that over a lot of the reason why i like green coffee is because. the money enables me to buy
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all sorts of things for my family like cooking oil school books for the children and other household goods. in the last decades of the tropical rain forest a man got to go has been cut down by local farmers who wanted to grow crops most of the local wildlife was also poached matthew jordan works for the garden grocer national park encourages local farmers to plant coffee trees together with indigenous trees you know there to stop deforestation and bring life back to the park. what this is made of hardwood trees planted alongside the coffee trees and what that does it provides its shade about 60 percent 6040 percent shade for the coffee and that creates this really high quality coffee big beans delicious delicious coffee beans 20 years ago good on goes a national park was derelict as
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a result of the country's devastating civil war rebel forces use the park as a base for their guerrilla war against the government even recent years have seen sporadic fighting but this summer the 2 sides signed a peace agreement now the government the pocket ministration and an ngo can focus on efforts to revive the part jordan thinks that the project's need for farmers will give rebels motivation to give up their weapons what we've seen is that hope is really transformative and people are really believing it and maybe that's why they keep coming back to us that's why they keep promoting it and we see that every year we're on boarding more and more farm folk read about and cleaner the coffee has been a blessing the newly reforested plantations could also persuade many young people to stay in the region strengthening the coffee industry. in beijing and i
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would love my kids to have the prospect of growing coffee in any minute i know you know because of a source of hope like a. pocket illustration is planted over 300000 coffee and indigenous trees hundreds of thousands more start to follow over the next few years the climate and man going to go is perfect for shade grown coffee with the reforestation program mozambique might even become a major coffee producer like ethiopia all kenya. that's all for a cough we got this week i hope you found the show helpful and informative thanks for watching i'm by from the loofah our military wing lagos nigeria so do be sure to join us once again next week for another edition of africa environment democracy over visit a website on social media platforms until then i am sunder to sunday go from kampala in uganda. come.
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before. selling sexism. the phone industry makes lots of money with gender stereotypes. more and more women . are saying that. some businesses are now making. conformity. made in just. 30 minutes.
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nujood his children cigarettes. nevertheless. can be as bad as. what exactly is it that's contaminating the air is it only cars and businesses surprising research and analyses. clean air in 75 minutes on d w. 13
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years after the fall of the berlin wall nov 9th to w. with him had a big gun did goes up as well i asked if i had known that the boat would be that small i never would have gone on the trip but i would not have put myself and my paris on my danger to move out of the game with the going to give us leave would. love one stunk it up that one little bit of them i had serious problems on a personal level and i was unable to live their lives i'm going to. want to know their story in full migrant stirfry to get reliable information from my parents. g.t.o. that 77 percent of africa are younger than $65.00. that's me and me and you. and. you know what external voice is.
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going to 77 percent we talk about reducing. this is where you. know 77 percent this weekend on g.w. . this is news and these are our top stories voters in the u.k. will be heading to the polls on december 12th after lawmakers voted to hold a snap election prime minister forced johnson had pushed for the election after failing to get his breath that bill through parliament house of commons will be dissolved next week to allow for a 5 week election campaign. thousands of anti-government demonstrators have taken to the streets and she lays capital santiago for a 12th.


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