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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  October 15, 2019 4:30pm-4:46pm CEST

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all that. is it all about the business of.
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faith. well. it's good to have you with us the. 2. of busted ball bows down to. this. damage control in the massive chinese market damage initially called off the general manager of the houston rockets created his support for an independent hong kong. le bron james has responded to that controversy. at le bron's take. i do not believe there was any consideration for the consequences. of the tweet my team just went through a difficult week i think people need to understand what
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a treat all states can do to others. now there's a lot of context behind this we hold footstep buster but 1st here's a look at why china scald a follower of a basketball mixing with politics. the houston rockets in damage control this player is enlisted to help smooth over a fall out they could risk a money spinning relationship with china last year were opposed. to. the with of china with a no plane or. a no go for both of us in the row there are no was twice a year the grovelling apology came after the team's general manager daryl morey tweeted support for the protests in hong kong he quickly deleted the tweet and said he didn't intend to cause offense kumble words to underline the importance of chinese money to the n.b.a. china's state broadcaster announced it would no longer show rockets games and the
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chinese basketball association says its ending its relationship with the club should be houston rockets a largely responsible for china's interest in the sport which took a large stride forward when they signed local boy ya meaning in 2002 now the market there is worth billions to the association. last year more than half a 1000000000 chinese fans watched n.b.a. matches h.q.'s is a potential buyer of merchandise and tickets just last weekend the brooklyn nets play the l.a. lakers in china the nets are owned by chinese 1000000000 it joseph sinai the co-founder of web titan ali baba for his part he said the damage from the pro protest tweet would take quote a long time to repair. and lebron james doris added another layer to this cambridge from date of the sports has been following the story welcome we'll chat in
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a bit but before we do i just like to bring in what live bron james said what his comments were once more for our viewers he said i do not believe there was any consideration for the consequences and ramifications off the tweet my team and this league just went through a difficult week i think people need to understand what tweet all states can do to others. ed why are these comments so significant well 1st it's worth pointing out this is le bron james we're talking about this is as you said at the top of the show the undisputed king of the n.b.a. now these tweets really need to be viewed through the lens of his image as a campaigner for social justice he's often in the past used his platform as this n.b.a. superstar this juggernaut to promote his political views now we actually have a few examples of this so if we go back to this 2012 tweets this is james and his miami heat teammates paying tribute to trayvon martin
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a 17 year old black boy who was shot dead by a white neighborhood watch leader in florida or why the hoodies because martin was actually found at the time of his death with a hoodie with nothing more sinister or dangerous in his pocket than a packet of skittles now if we have a look on the wall behind we have another example he wearing an i can't breathe t. shirt this is in support of eric garner a new york native 2014 found himself victim of police brutality was placed in a choke hold and a video went viral of him begging them to stop but he later died of his injuries now one more example which we have is him supporting fellow n.b.a. superstar steph curry now off the golden state warriors won the n.b.a. championships last year they were invited to the white house steph curry said he didn't want to go and bron james came out in support of him as well now what this this tweet here shows is he's not afraid to take on the big boys they get no bigger than donald trump and the bron james is more than happy to lay his political views
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down on the line in front of that sort of person but when it comes to trying to potentially the games change is this a gaze of selectively applying source will just there's based on where the money is well this is certainly what his detractors are saying you know it's all well and good campaigning for social justice on home soil if you're just going to go the complete opposite way when china cumnock you know china of course is a country which. clamp down recently on dissent and their actions during the hong kong protests have also been called into question by human rights activists and protesters and so the n.b.a. is huge in china basketball is the biggest sport in china and of course the bron james is the n.b.a.'s most bankable most recognizable star so he would of course have more to lose than many if relationships between china and the n.b.a. were tainted. mccambridge from did so much for coming in and breaking that down for
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us thank you. we go to your final resting place may not be so final chinese authorities are we going to graveyards in the name of development and standardizing of all the graves it's seen by many. as we go to identity. this satellite image from april 2800 shows a cemetery with gravestones still standing the same spot only a couple months ago. it's a pattern being repeated her question province home to china's muslim leaders. this is what a weaker graveyard in the region typically looks like. and this is what beijing thinks they should look like a new graveyard under construction the official justification saving space environmental protection and being more civilized that is just really indicative of
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an attitude towards cultural traditions which disregards their importance and value to communities so they sense that traditional burial sites is messy it's really regarding the whole of traditional culture something which is of no value. when we grew graveyard where a prominent poet was buried has been cleared to make way for the needs of the living. it's called the happiness part complete with a manmade lake and plenty of panda statues. representatives of the weaker community say relocating graveyards is part of a forced assimilation dr grifo thumb in this is something about piver through our history that have a type of tore out of china currently trying to indoctrinate our people to become chinese so they want to leave and destroy any of they don't want to leave any
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evidence and they want to we are different we wore a turkey and now we're not chinese in the rush to clear cites in one case relatives were given just 2 days to claim their dead. and another summer terry was raised in such a hurry that human bones were left behind. are exempt from creation in china since it goes against islamic tradition but they say the standardized new cemeteries don't give families enough space to mourn and leave gifts for the dead. it's not a religious call to actually. so if they're destroyed or importer size. where do we go. the destruction of traditional graveyards is one of many grievances the manure. he harbors toward the central government in beijing but with an estimated 1000000 ethnic muslims detained in reeducation camps it's an issue most weekers in china don't dare speak out on. dokken esau is president of the work week or
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congress and he has been speaking out on the detention the we've got and other muslim minorities in joining me now from prague mr he set up what are trying austral morticians behind we go to green jobs in. well it is the up part of book broader campaign also cultural genocide. people it is in teaching old can't be us malaysian chinese government targeting we were idea. and then we have. this is a many years strategy of the chinese goleman shish 2 cultures all told us money shan region their own people everything make us unique people and the land of each religious tradition cultural culture has been targeted by the
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chinese authorities so it is clearly in t.c.l. and come to eradicate it. completely is there absolutely no opposition to what you have called a cultural genocide. well no and no because and if you can see really clearly because china's goal meant and it's just police is indeed a long term policy and you know it's not new but kind of time changes government changes strategic changes trying to use all of it to and at the gate it was ample to send this 18 to the 19 china's government start to talk all new new or new horse reform and it destroyed all the cult. culture are pretty much that that is more than tools holes and years city and cultural heritage and center of the secret all but it was an 18 chinese government star in the new
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holes reform and destroyed saving the 5 percent each all cultural heritage even more than it was and yes so and is this time china's government how different was a symmetry. in the east. it is a very important it is symmetry is it grew out the others it is a very important for the life and legal traditions we are familiar with therefore the time being but thank you so much as. president of the world congress i think you. it has been fair to have 2 of our sergeant up for what's last for more updates on the 1st sin jack that's our show for today we leave you now with thought. of this guy a king cobra and the way one was captured in thailand. next time by.
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take a trip. go christmas market hopping was totally. cool . just tell us which german street is your favorite. what's the most beautiful place in germany. what would you like to explore most. tricky d.w. dot com slash trouble good luck and enjoy some. beijing wants tariffs comps to enable imports from the united states china says it would buy u.s. goods to the tune of $50000000000.00 if it could afford to do so also coming up president on a drum threatens to destroy the turkish economy over on caress offensive in northern syria. and georgia is back in the headlines the german lender apparently
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bent to the rules as it hired its way to the top in china. but have to deal with business beijing want to get jones and well in thanks for joining us and the international monetary fund has just cut its outlook for the world economy citing trade disputes for the slowdown the i.m.f. is now forecasting 3 percent growth this year the weakest since the 2008 financial crisis now this as trade talks between china and the us are faltering and the latest development the chinese government has said concrete conditions according to her bloomberg china wants the u.s. to roll back the tariffs imposed on chinese products at the start of the train war then and only then will china need its side of the deal and by 50 $1000000000.00 worth of american agricultural products donald trump said the 2 sides were getting .


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