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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  October 15, 2019 7:00am-7:15am CEST

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this is developing news live from vogue and president trump scrambles to holds turkey's offensive in northern syria as troops on all sides move to scenes strategic positions in the region trump calls for turkey to halt its advance threatening his nato ally with sanctions also coming out with just weeks to go before break says the queen sets out prime minister boris johnson's agenda he's under huge pressure to secure a deal or be forced to ask for another extension. and angry
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protests doc just banging supreme court finds the politicians who pushed for independence guilty of sedition and disobedience one is jailed for 13 years it's. a great thanks for joining me u.s. president donald trump is backtracking on his policy in northern syria following widespread criticism just a week after deciding to pull out u.s. troops there clearing the way for turkey to attack could use forces trump is now cold on turkey to halt its offensive he's called it dangerous and threaten sanctions against to. the planned withdrawal of u.s. troops has led could ease fighters to ally themselves with syria's government which they were previously fighting but about one. well syrian troops heading towards the
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turkish border 8 years after that lost control over northern syria his army is moving back in the kurds who control the region for no alternative other than thrilling question their hard won autonomy and a list the syrian government's help. strikes and artillery continue to rain down on the border town of ras al-ain for a 6 day work on the. turkish backed rebel groups have already expelled the kurds from talib yet another town on the border but a nearby telemark troops arrived to hold the turkish advance. we came here to tell the american base the turkish attack against syria and to ensure the safety of families from the random turkish shelling. the development risks a direct confrontation between syrian and turkish forces. meanwhile u.s.
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troops are continuing their withdrawal from northern syria trump has said that he'll keep a quote small footprint station in southern syria and threaten turkey with thanks since for its offensive against the kurds. the european union has also condemned the operation the block agreed to limit the sales of weapons to turkey but it fell short of announcing sanctions. formal remorsefully. formally it was not possible to have an embargo but all come here are committed to no longer delivering omes to turkey and really they. don't. don't ask me right now what is happening with the young going contract. with economically is up to rich country to me what they do it's nevertheless a very strong decision. but turkish president richard earlier when to press on. regard the threats were determined to continue the
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operation until the end i'm stating clearly we will absolutely finish the job we started. kicking continues it could go on to billions who are left to pay the price . correspondent all of a sound is covering developments on turkey syria an offensive from washington officially president trump is trying to retaliate against turkey for their assault against kurds in north and syria but the sanctions against turkey are also an attempt to limit the damage in his own party fellow republicans have accused the president of the trail of one of america's closest allies in the fight against isis so the sanctions against turkey can also be considered an attempt to calm down the critics of his own party but top republicans have already voiced concern if these sanctions are powerful enough and so president trump is once again being criticized
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for not having a clear strategy for syria and the middle east as we heard in the report a little bit earlier the european union has condemned to accuse the fence even syria a huge foreign ministers' meeting in luxembourg have agreed to restrict the delivery of alms to turkey though they didn't agree on sanctions against ankara. max hoffman covered those talks in luxembourg and he sent us this summary but you foreign minister is could have started down the path of economic sanctions against turkey they could have also started down the path of and e.u. wide arms embargo against turkey but they didn't they chose weaker measures one of them condemning the military operation by turkey in north syria the other one recalling the national efforts the national arms embargo you member states it is a signal of unity but it's a weak signal that many think it's so weak because some of the e.u.
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are very worried that turkey could terminate the e.u. turkey migration agreement and that would spell real trouble so a signal of unity but it most likely will not make a difference on the ground e.u. negotiate as they've indicated they may want more concessions if the brics that deal is to be a green by october the 31st that's when britain essential to leave the e.u. and pressure is building on all sides ahead of a summit him brussels this week meanwhile in london queen elizabeth spelled out the government's legislative program at a new session at an opening of the new session of parliament. elizabeth on her way to deliver her 64 queen speech steeped in pomp and tradition the formal opening of the parliamentary and the british monarch reading out the prime minister's legislative agenda my government priority has always been to secure
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our united kingdom departure from european union. my government in kenya what is your new partnership with the european union they found free trade and friendly cooperation. but opponents of prime minister boris johnson accuse him of instrumental izing the queen in a stunt to support a political manifesto in the parliamentary debate following the queen's speech made her party leader jeremy corbin took aim at johnson. was the speaker there has never been such a far as a government with a majority of minus 45 and 110 record or do you think in the house of commons. there's going out well next year and they know cannot be delivered in this parliament and indeed with direct
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negotiations going down to the line and persistent rumors of snap elections the queen could sue me back open in parliament for the 65th time. now to some of the other stories making news around the world today a large fire has forced an overcrowded camps for asylum seekers to be evacuated on the island of saml singh greece it's not yet clear what started the blaze though it followed earlier clashes in the county the side reportedly houses thousands of people just bought it having a capacity of just a few 100. in fort worth in texas a white police officer has been charged in the middle of a black woman in her own home police body cam footage shows are in danger using it as a tiana jefferson without warning after a neighbor called the police to check on her will fit. the red cross in the west african state of guinea says 4 people have been killed during protests in the capital conakry opposition parties and activists want to blog potential changes to
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the country's constitution which could allow the president to run for a 3rd term in office. a spanish judge has issued a new international warrant for the arrest of 4 my consul and president pushed him or he fled to build them after the failed independent speeding 2017 the warrant comes after the supreme court convicted 12 of the catalan separatist leaders 9 of whom were given lengthy prison terms. in barcelona read for you the political prisoner. the judgement was the current current ones took to the streets that outraged by the long term to 300 down to govern your supporters the media is. horribly unfair it goes against all fundamental rights freedom of government intrusion and freedom of expression. punishment is
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a disgrace it proves our democratic system is incompetent and here's what i knew i could cry this is unbelievable. but for the supreme court in madrid it is clear that the catalan leadership is guilty of addition to the former vice president oreos on carrots was sentenced to 13 years in prison and 8 other defendants also received lengthy prison sentences. according to the judge and those sentenced organize the independence referendum in october 2017 despite a barren when the former president of catalonia palace pushed him on declared independence from spain violent clashes with the police broke out this resulted in madrid imposing direct rule over catalonia and one of spain's most serious political crises prime minister petro hopes that this verdict will now and the matter once and for all following the supreme court decision we need to turn the
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page and open a new chapter based on peace who quit systems inc i don't know who dialogue within the boundaries of the law and its constitution. but many catalans don't seem ready to give up the fight and the ruling was handed down demonstrators began blocking railway tracks and airport independent activists to whom they are preparing for what they're calling democratic normal. the nobel prize for economics has been awarded to 3 u.s. based researches who has broken new ground in efforts to lift the world's poor out of poverty have taken on the problem in a new way breaking it down into smaller pieces the result is a new iraqi of practical solutions that set aside traditional siri. this year's nobel prize for economics goes to 3 economists specialized in poverty and how best to combat it. french born s. to do follow her indian born husband ben a-g.
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and american michael kramer have helped millions of children by favoring practical steps to tackle their problems over theory all 3 lecture but us universities. taking a broad question such as why a kid stopped learning in school and then they break into many more detail questions and then they combined is. to say something about underlying causes of poverty. is to combat. the royal swedish academy of sciences lauded the trio for what it called groundbreaking research into what works and what doesn't in the fight to reduce global poverty their work showed how poverty can be addressed by breaking it down into smaller and more precise issues in areas such as education and health care the new solutions with untested on location. s.
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to do flow is only the 2nd woman to be awarded the nobel prize for economics and also the youngest at $46.00. it was incredibly humbling to tell you that. i thought i didn't think it was possible to. do flow and her husband banner g have been studying the problems surrounding poverty for decades they're also the 1st married couple to be given the accolade. india's prime minister narendra modi congratulated the trio on twitter and a stream of well wishers and journalists were also quick to visit planet g.'s mother in the indian city of. the 3 economists did most of their research and field testing in poor regions around the world. margaret atwood and byrne again every star has been declared the joint winners of the book
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a prize one of the most prestigious awards for novels in english i will share the 57000 euro prize atwood won for her novel the testaments a sequel to her 9095 book the handmaid's title everest as novel is called girl woman. and her mind are about top stories as all sides seem strategic positions in northern syria u.s. president donald trump has called on turkey to halt its offensive against could use forces there he slammed turkey's actions as dangerous and he's threatening sanctions against the circus of fish. and protests of a rapid in the catalan region of spain after the country's supreme court convicted 12 separatist leaders for sedition none of them perceived lengthy prison terms and john g. is seeking the arrest of another leader who's in exile. next doc film on the village above the clouds in laos that's off to the bright brian
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thomas will be back at the top of the hour with more news and there's more on twitter at p w news or d w dot com i'm jarred green but by. that . and i'm getting on with the brand new delusion going to post cuts personal device roto place that affects us all water pollution climate change and the return of. only recent check out.


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