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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  October 12, 2019 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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this is deja vu news line from delhi and turkey continues its assault against the kurds of north east and syria to find calls from washington to stop. we have protests and are greatly disappointed by turkey's decision to launch a unilateral military incursion into northern syria we are not abandoning our courage partner forces meanwhile footage is emerged apparently showing islamic state fighters in many families trying to escape that attention can conduct by the kurds also coming out. hopes for an end to one rest in ecuador demon after
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indigenous leaders reject a proposal from the country's president to hold talks protesters are demanding that the government reinstate a fuel subsidy. plus the world record holder for the marathon it wants to go even faster he had captured he is attempting to smash his own record by completing the vienna marathon in less than 2 hours. i'm rebecca read his welcome to the program the u.s. military is warning turkey that its incursion into syria could jeopardize progress into facing the so-called islamic state kurdish led forces in the region say they concave i asked prison is contained and hold back the turkish military the pentagon the u.s. defense department is calling on its nato ally to hold operations it's already been one explosion near an outpost of u.s. special forces and the u.n. says 100000 civilians have fled their homes since the offensive began 3 days ago.
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attacked on all sides because of pounded by turkish military with death and destruction on the ground. and from the turkish military footage shows the shift force with which they're targeting could ish militias. turkey is battling for territory held by the kurdish led syrian democratic forces ankara says the offensive will secure turkey's border and create a safe zone for syrian refugees. but right now this part of syria is anything but safe. this is the 6th time we've had an explosion in the city people are afraid of this house you see here they were children playing a mortar fell and killed a boy the girl she lost her leg. in the u.s. pentagon wants turkey to stop to be clear we are not abandoning our current partner
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forces and u.s. troops remain with them in other parts of syria the impulse of action a president or want to invade northern syria has put the united states in a tough situation given our relationship with our nato ally turkey who has fought alongside the united states in the past and president trump is threatening sanctions. if turkey does something that they shouldn't be doing we will put on sanctions the likes of which very few countries have ever seen before now the u.s. is backpedaling that troops are still on patrol a few kilometers from the conflict zone as and they have vacuity just days ago they've also come under fire from turkish artillery although with no reported injuries. this is c.c.t.v. footage of a large camp holding tens of thousands of family members of islamic state militants and it shows an apparent escape attempt the camp is controlled by kurdish forces and they say the situation is critical and in the kurdish town of kemi she a car bomb claimed by us. took its president richard typo to one has
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lashed out at the us his criticism him know that we won't stop no matter what anyone says. he says all 1 the threats are coming from the left and the right for us to stop this. i've told mr trump and others if you're going to stop this stop it but you haven't so we'll take matters into our own hands . civilians who wants fled i-s. and now again desperately seeking refuge as another humanitarian crisis unfolds in syria. his dying jones is standing by for us and daryn what's istanbul's reaction to the u.s. threats. well the president heard one in a very tough speech said we're not going to step back we're going to continue with this operation even though we are facing what he describes as threats from the left
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i'm from the right from everywhere and he outlined that that the scope of the operation is to create this safe zone of 32 kilometers into syria and which it will be all the syrian kurdish militia or terrorists as uncle calls them will be removed from that area so there is no stepping back from in fact if anything they are ramping up the pressure on the syrian kurdish militia and there is expected to be a further. acceleration of the of this operation given the fact that i'm chris aware it is under increasing international pressure. and compared to fleeing this fighting understandably where are they seeking shelter and who's helping them. well that is the big fear among all aid agencies we've already understand that around a 100000 people have been displaced by the fighting of a group saying that that figure could rise 230-0000 it's around half a 1000000 people located about 5 kilometers into syria where this operation is good
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is continuing now where these people go no one really knows because they really don't know where its safety is our unclear how far this turkish operation is going to go we have reports of bombing is already 3040 kilometers deep into syria and beyond the cisneros triple inhabited towns and villages there's mainly arid desert and that is that be concern among aid agencies if these people head into this area it will be very hard to provide assistance and support to these people and we've been hearing a lot about this assault increasing the risk that i ask jihadists could escape from prisons that the kurds are guarding so how much of a danger to they pose to people in northeastern syria. well we already had reports that there was a bombing in commercial a town right on the border where strikes by turkish forces hit a prison where that many islamic state people were being held in that town those people some people are believed to escape and it believes that some of those may
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have been responsible for this latest bombing and this just gives an insight into the wider danger that the international community are really worried about because there is over 10000 islamic state militants in the heart has been held by the syrian kurdish forces on top of that there are tens of thousands of sympathizers family members also being detained what will happen to those people given the fact that this operation does seem to be extending accelerating where will these people go will these people escape trump said it's you the turks are for it will be turkey's responsibility but it's unclear how turkey will take of the sponsibility given the fact that this is increasingly becoming a war so the major concern among the internet community is among those jihad it's believed as many as 2000 foreign nationals some of them are believed to be europeans while others are russians on from russian area of the region so there is also growing concern about what will happen to those charges daryn standing by for us in istanbul thanks very much. the u.s.
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and china have a grade on a partial trade deal according to u.s. president donald trump that means the u.s. is suspending plans to increase tariffs on about $250000000000.00 of chinese imports trump and chinese president xi jinping could sign the partial agreement as early as next month investors welcome the news and u.s. markets closed higher on friday. but if the possible made possible partial deal looks like progress to some politicians to many business leaders in the u.s. it's a different story a quarter has the reaction from the new york stock exchange u.s. corporations still having a really really tough time to make investment decisions because there's still so many open question when it comes to intellectual property when it comes to subsidies for chinese run companies so if you're a manager if you run a corporation and you are still in this uncertain environment you're probably still
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very hesitant to make big investments so unfortunately even if those talks showed some progress well we still there's still this uncertainty and there will be with us for quite some time even if us president donald trump is saying that the trade war is shortly to get into an end. announces some of the other stories making news around the world and the acting head of u.s. homeland security has resigned after only 6 months in the job kevin mccallum and has a he's leaving to spend more time with his family according to a tweet from the u.s. president callinan is the 4th person to hold the position which oversees border security and immigration since donald trump took office. the ugandan government is reintroducing anti-gay legislation it says it will get enough support from lawmakers when put to a voter's state minister for ethics and integrity has previously called for tough legislation criminalizing homosexuality after an earlier anti homosexuality bill
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was struck down by ugandan courts 5 years ago. thousands of algerians have marched sure the capital algiers and other cities the protesters are demanding further reforms and corrupt and corruption investigations and head of elections scheduled for december weekly demonstrations have continued since the former president resigned in april. typhoon haggis is threatening to batter the japanese capital tokyo when it makes landfall later today residents have been stocking up on flights and train services have been halted and some rugby world cup matches have been cancelled the powerful storm is expected to bring some of the heaviest winds and rainfall in 6 decades. who hopes for an end to days of unrest in ecuador fading after indigenous leaders rejected a proposal from the president to hold direct talks they want president lennon murano to reinstate a fuel subsidy taken away as part of
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a $4200000000.00 deal with the international monetary fund. is chaos on the streets of ecuador's capital quito day by day the violence between protesters and police becomes wilder. protesters invade buildings and fight with improvised weapons police are unable to control the situation. crowds of indigenous people have come from the amazon swelling the numbers in the capital demonstrating against austerity measures. one woman called on her fellow protesters to stop their violence she says the president isn't there the politicians are there people of the earth what are you thinking of. but her words disappear under the noise of homemade mortars exploding and police firing tear gas and rubber bullets into the crowds several protesters have died hundreds have been wounded.
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there's no well there's no noise these are not rubber bullets these are real bullets bullets that killed people they're killing people they're killing the people of ecuador lennon moreno is killing his own people. for the protesters ecuador's president or a no is the cause of this trouble last week he cut a 4 decade old fuel subsidy protesters want him to reinstate it the cut was part of the deal merinos government struck to obtain a 4200000000 dollar loan from the international monetary fund in a television address on friday merino pleaded for the violence to stop i will like call on the leaders to talk directly with me i repeat i call on the leaders to talk directly with me let's sit down. but the chances of negotiating an end to this crisis seem slim anger is fueling violence and violence is fueling even greater
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anger. olympic gold medalist elliott could choke is about to begin an attempt to break his own marathon world record the 34 year old kenyan hopes to run the 42 kilometer rice in less than 2 hours as we speak he's limbering up in vienna ready to start in the next few minutes. each day is the fastest marathon runner of all time he set a new world record in berlin last year clocking 2 hours one minute and 39 seconds a year earlier he came awfully close to breaking the 2 hour mark in an unofficial event missing out by just 26 seconds now he will try it again in vienna. running bullied and climbing here 2 different things. probably having them in the world. series making history before playing the 1st among them. if a does go on to 2 hours it will be
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a giant leap forward for the sport but it won't count as a world record as it doesn't meet the governing body i w a f the criteria are it's not an official race and pacemakers usually cannot rotate in and out in champions but even the i w f president hopes that may change in the future. it's not something that would be ratified as a world record. and look i have encouraged federations i've encouraged organizations that want to promote all sports to be created and sometimes think out of the box peep show gay is already a distance running champion but he knows success on saturday will make him a legend. and as a reminder of the top story we're following for you turkey continues its assault on kurds in northern syria in the finance of the threat of u.s. sanctions the pentagon is calling on turkish president everyone to hold the
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offensive which according to the u.n. has forced a one. a 1000 people to flee their homes. you're watching news live from berlin i'm rebecca richest shift is coming up next tonight forget you can get all the latest headlines on our website that's dot com 6 of. the body. and justice and freedom the 1st words of the german national anthem. 3 central values that formed the foundation of this country.


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