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tv   Business  Deutsche Welle  October 7, 2019 4:45pm-5:02pm CEST

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the ahead to 2 u.s. china trade talks later this week made more reticence from beijing. and cambodia could lose its lucrative everything but live around the world. urgent assistance to. the family starts october on d w. a small tweet scorching a big stir after the houston rockets general manager a supporter of protestors in hong kong the plop the executive underneath backpedaling trying to save millions of dollars in revenues and sponsorship deals. also coming up markets move nervously ahead to 2 u.s. china trade talks later this week amid more reticence from beijing. and cambodia could lose its lucrative everything by the arms trade deal with the
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european union which tell you why. i want to get your hands welcome to your business asia now these days trouble is just one tweet away or in china is mounting over a comment by the general manager of basketball's houston rockets he openly supported the pro-democracy protests in hong kong problem is china is a highly important market to the league and its corporate sponsors so after just one tweet damage control is now in full swing. the houston rockets in training that star players enlisted to help smooth over a fallout that could risk their money straining relationship with china. the polls ours. you know. the we love china we love no plane or. the no before the world's really we go there and almost twice a year. the grovelling apology comes after the team's general manager daryl morey
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tweeted support for the protests in hong kong he has since deleted the tweet and said that he did not intend to cause offense humble words that show the importance of chinese money to the n.b.a. but they came too late to prevent sponsors like the sportswear company laning and shanghai based s.p.d. bank from cutting ties with the rockets china's state broadcaster has announced it will no longer show rockets games and the chinese basketball association says it's ending its relationship with the club so i'm sure the houston rockets are largely responsible for china's interest in the sport which took a large stride forward when they signed local boy missing in 2002 now the market that is worth billions to the n.b.a. last season more than half a 1000000000 chinese fans watched n.b.a. matches through the online platform 10 percent each of us is a potential buyer of merchandise and tickets this week the brooklyn nets are
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playing the l.a. lakers in china. the nets own by chinese billionaire joseph side the co-founder of web titan alibaba for his part he said the damage from the pro protests tweets would take quote a long time to repair. and all we're talking about is one tweet that didn't go down too well jonathan crane. jonathan what damage the houston rockets looking at well as we heard in the piece monica a couple of sponsors have already pulled the plug now sometimes when you have a sporting scandal browns stick by the teams are playing having to ride it out this hasn't happened they can have distance themselves. china's s.p.v. back we had in the piece the biggest sponsor in china of the houston rockets they've suspended their partnership we don't know how long will that will last whether it is and i think more critically as well as chinese state t.v. saying they weren't sure anymore houston rockets games 10 cent the internet
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streaming giant which concluded a 1500000000 dollars 5 year deal with the n.b.a. says they also they weren't so used to iraq is now when you have such an internet giant is that saying we're not going to show the games it just shows how serious it is in it shows i mean it's the houston rockets the whole league is now up in arms is a very special connection with china to tell us a lot about that indeed it's usually embarrassing for the houston rockets because in many ways that the reason why boscobel has become so popular in china is already down to one man yow ming he was the houston rockets for almost a decade before he retired in 2011 a hugely successful player he's in the n.b.a. hall of fames obviously there was a lot of chinese interest in him and that's in jewett even after his retirement houston rockets have china nights often coinciding with the chinese new year sometimes they want to show chinese lettering chinese logos on it such is that link with china now to say how damaging this is the n.b.a.
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statement in chinese is a lot than the one in english she said to tweet undoubtedly the feelings of chinese boscobel fans i think it will have a knock on effect when mentions of sign the piece the brooklyn nets he has written a very angry open letter he basically called the protest a separatist movement and he says that the houston rockets and i was shot. silence of the chinese markets and that is unfortunate given the fact that china interesting enough is really aiming to be a really big player in the world of sports you have the olympic games you've got players they're moving their big transfer they have a big big money the link between money and sports in china seems to be something worth watching about india china is a huge market for sports organizations whether you're a sports team you want to go on tour in china you're opening up offices local offices in the country or you're a sports federations wanting to host an event that now it's a market that is growing in terms of the t.v. rights from corporate sales and also the fan base if you bear in mind the
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population 1300000000 even if you've got 10 percent of vats who are interested in your sport that's an awful lot of people golf a lot of eyeballs on your sports writer jonathan crane there from sports filling us in on that tweet and the houston rockets thank you so much you're welcome well speaking of tensions around china markets looking ahead to the u.s. china trade talks scheduled on thursday and it's suffice to say they might have to manage their expectations over the weekend news agency bloomberg reported that a chinese officials signaling that they're reluctant to agree to a broad trade deal with the united states one such official has reportedly said that the chinese off what will not include reforms to chinese industrial policy or to government subsidies a significant narrowing of the range of negotiation topics. and for more let's cross over now to our correspondent in singapore andrei i hang out tell me
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what's china playing as. they want to go now china is very protective of its financial systems as it is with everything else that goes behind closed doors and that includes the subsidies which is a very trump trump target for the financial system in china is something that will not be reformed unless they themselves come up with the solution but there's also the impeachment inquiry which it feels can play into their caught somehow now how is that going to help end a protracted terrified. well china is seeing the impeachment inquiry as an opportunity for them to muscle in on trump and get what they believe should be a 100 percent for us deal and also if they also see this as a weakening of trump's position as president if not if not that then
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a distraction now according to a china expert their calculation is that trump needs a win and is willing to do whatever he can any compromises possible on substance in order to achieve that win and china also has that crisis in hong kong that was featured as well earlier that won't just doesn't seem to go away but that at the same time chinese chinese officials believe that they can hand it's not the whole comprise is not as unmanageable as the impeachment inquiry and that is they're trying for themselves if you can pardon the pun. and indeed to address. thank is a much. went on to some of the other stories making news around the world. authorities in the southern indian state of. sacked. regional transport workers isn't a strike they were staging continued to beyond the 2 day deadline set by the
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regional government state ministers say to be forced on cardinal to take industrial action during festival season. and german arms exports are heading for a new record this year by the end of september export licenses had risen by 75 percent year on year to more than $6000000000.00 euros by far the most exports were approved for hungary egypt follows in 2nd place. for almost 2 decades cambodia has enjoyed a duty free access to the european union single market thanks to the so-called everything but arms or agreement under its developing nations gets trading privileges in exchange for up holding democratic values but cambodia's deteriorating human rights situation jeopardizes the deal. supporters of the murdered regime critic ken lee arrested on the anniversary of his death.
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bed 26. now these activist base imprisonment as they go in government crackdown on public opposition rallies their human rights group must remember late privately. they are demanding justice. that. really. independent investigation commission to ensure that justice will be brought to the public to find out who is a really. great guy. under the so-called everything but arms treaty cambodia can export all products excluding weapons into the e.u. duty free and return the regime needs to respect human rights and promote democracy at the moment the e.u. is questioning whether cambodia is keeping its side of the bargain if not they want to tell the agreement
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a move that would hit the textile industry hard equal parts manufactures seat covers for german car manufacturers the manager has crunched the numbers. if it is being cast as we have been known to be checking into the. products we will be affected with taxes between 2 and 6 percent. of the club in phnom penh the everything but arms trade agreement is also on the agenda. as a group. you know we are against suspension you will receive people because we don't see you with what you know but. your sisters as well. chinese companies are investing heavily in cambodia and china is a growing market for cambodian goods it's one reason why economists reckon a tammany of the agreement wouldn't be too damaging. some negative
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effect slower growth of course. would be laid off but not be a disaster because the size of the economy and the vibrancy. in our. it is getting harder and harder for the. deal in return for respecting human rights and political freedoms and all the while waiting in the wings ready to benefit a powerful china. that's your business update here and u.w. for me in the team in berlin thanks for watching.
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scientists recently discovered these reptiles have the recent markings. now they think they found the key to how comedians communicate. the most is chemically. secret. to. 30 minute. he's quite as simple as it seems. to understand the world better we need to take a closer look at. experience
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knowledge. today. on t.w. . venture some of the famous naturalist and explorer. to similar bring to click some dough from him bones from 250 a morning on a voyage of discovery. expedition in blood on. my milk and i'm getting close to a brand new w environment it's personal it's divisive and it's about topics that affect a whole lot of pollution from climate change and the turn. blue green felt shut out of.
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business heat up in your life or above that of the u.s. pulled its troops out of northern syria 5 the way for attackers it's. to sweep the fighters away from the syrian border thugs accuse washington of the thing the. environmental activists research the streets joy to the climate crisis to extinction rebellion taking action in cities around the world traffic occupying buildings. projects. to a trailer scientists for that drug.


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