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tv   Business  Deutsche Welle  October 4, 2019 8:15pm-8:31pm CEST

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after the fall of the berlin wall nov 9th to w. . every journey begins with the 1st step and every
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language the 1st word can call me coaxing germany to sunshine. why not come with him. to south in simple mind on your mobile and for e. t w z e learning course nikos freak german made easy. hong kong a city in danger of not in a state of emergency according to officials tourists leave one of the world's leading luxury holiday destinations high and dry as riots turned violent again and the government invokes emergency powers. the switch from motorbike taxis to be bikes a green old turkey for the busy city streets in uganda capital. and beat the traffic
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by flying over it through the launches a helicopter service in new york city it costs a little more than a regular captain. and then fizzle and leicester business. leader carry lamb has evoked emergency powers implementing a full ban on face masks prompting even more unrest protesters took to the streets in opposition of the law which was made under the colonial emergency regulations ordinance the measure allows hong kong's leader to create new laws that are in the public interest months of civil unrest have rocked the city and negatively impacted hong kong's of qana me especially the tourism industry. the violent clashes between protesters and the police are hurting hong kong businesses the number of tourists in the city state plunged 39 percent compared to the same time last year according to official figures you've got it was i'm sorry your high right now business is down by at least half or even more we see our income every
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day it's really obvious that expenses are the same so the impact is big. on. the number of mainland chinese visitors who account for the majority of tourists in hong kong was down 42 percent in august every sector is affected skirting the war saving the day you know before used to be like a good for the us from this but now it's getting worse and worse so it's probably if these things going on again and again for 5 months i'm going to have to because now most of the month bars and it's not just the protests hurting business the ongoing us china trade war is also contributing mainland chinese visitors are spending less china's currency the yuan has depreciated against the u.s. dollar august retail sales where the worst on record the current outlook for hong kong is gloomy. now to some of the other business stories making news
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a state owned brazilian bank is reportedly asking courts to liquidate construction giant water but i just it's at the center of a corruption scandal that swept across latin america the companies acknowledged paying enormous bribes even to the downfall of many political and business leaders . collapses 2000 jobs for the last. south korean military a spraying the heavily armed border with north korea with disinfectant it's part of a week long quarantine operation to prevent the spread of african swine fever officials have confirmed 2 new cases of the deadly virus at hope farms in the sea militarized zone. and american p.c. make each piece it's a cop $9000.00 jobs worldwide the layoffs of out of attempts to streamline the business and that better results for investors the company showed lackluster results in the 4th it. right heading company is taking to the air
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in new york city where users with little cash to spare can book a flight the company says a helicopter service between lower manhattan and john f. kennedy had to national airport is available to all his and poke a hole in the app passengers can bring along a small suitcase and have to watch an in-flight safety video. many commuters and travelers have been turning to ride sharing companies to save money or for convenience now they can escape the gridlock on the ground by taking to the air uber technologies is hoping to fill a market niche in new york city with helicopter rides to and from john f. kennedy airport. you know we look at where there is demand we do a lot of trips to the airport from manhattan right now and so 'd we know there's a there's a lot of demand to get from manhattan to j.f.k. and and back both ways and so we think this is a perfect opportunity to really provide value to our riders in
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a way to get to j.f.k. even faster than they can now. claims the service is intended to reduce travel time but one reporter said a trip from midtown to the airport took 70 minutes including a subway and nuber ride somewhere to the travel time for a car in moderate traffic. hopes its new service will help pave the way for air a taxi service of electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft it will be able to operate on a wider range of routes with seamless connections between cars and helicopters. what we're focused on is what we do really well which is operations and technology and so creating the platform of this multi-modal service that connects you from you know the 1st model car whatever that might be getting to the sky poured in the future the help port now that flight portion and then the last part of it we're getting from that last mile border skyport to your final destination where the ones
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who can kind of pull all that together and we're uniquely positioned as mover to basically solve that really complex problem the helicopter service isn't for bargain hunters the roughly 8 minute flight will cost between 20225 dollars one way but that does include ground transportation. the german entrepreneur and you get into is on a. to change the way people get from a to b. instead of relying on gas make use of green generated electricity is in by the electric bike is on trial in the capital kampala a motorbike taxis a popular as the quickest means of public transport. it appears like the usual motorbike in kampala but snowed until it gets close and you can hear the engine running but not just any physical gas emissions in t.v. it's very different from the other ones course because the other one 1st of all you have to buy fuel. to use it secondly you have to buy or you.
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use it. i've been costly as covered over 20000 kilometers as part of simple bikes were testing in the last 6 months i just need my money to be fully charged to move up i conserve or not to money which i use and waiting for. some using the model so the bike is the brainchild of daniel drake the german scientist wants to make motorised transport cleaner i worked for 5 years ago here in uganda for solar company and i was commuting as most of ugandans know daily on what our border and you get all those fumes all the exhaust gases and you know in your face and it's not healthy and that's where i thought ok there must be. sustainable way to us of preserving the environment and the lives of the people here in uganda 3 had designed this simple bike but he has to import parts from
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mainly china he does the assembling in uganda. that food charge going to cover a distance of 60 kilometers to speed of 60 kilometers per hour right now we extend our tests we're going to import now 40 motorcycles already adopted through uganda needs end of this year we want to bring 200 and next year in 2020 we want to bring 2000 and of course we know the sector in uganda is quite used to have around 602700000 motorcycles and in long term all of those motorcycles will be electric but access to power is a challenge in uganda only 4 out of 10 people use electricity and that's where we're going to use solar panels to generate this energy used by those motorcyclists our target is definitely also to make recharging stations in of grid
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areas. motorised transport is one of the biggest causes of air pollution in cities like. this is a good plan a strong cruising list for cars simply no alternatives which is an opportunity for emission free innovations like this simple bike. ok let's go talk to joy doreen who joins us from neighboring kenya joy talking about the bikes and whether or not they'll catch on income paula what do you reckon. i think there there there is a possibility and a chance over you by scott you know in a city like kampala it's very possible because as is or you have more to bikes that you do out of kampala what needs to be done now is they get to dimock what area of the box to be on the route for and also course the charging system for
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them to be able to be in the city but what we're seeing is that a city like kampala is still grappling with lunch in most parts of the city so until that can be done and i think that can be the only time we are going to see even seen an operation in operation in kampala. what about the electricity they use because i mean it's not going to really make much sense if it's all generated by coal power stations for example i mean how much how much solar is there are available in places like kampala in uganda to ensure that this is green energy that's being used. most of uganda's electricity is hydro electric power and we have renewables like solar as well but the percentages of solar still very slim probably just of paltry 2 or 3 percent
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currently in uganda saw the possibility of charging these ebonics is what is going to be in car a lot of cost and because renewable energy in uganda and africa in general doesn't actually have good storage mechanisms and so this makes it a bit difficult for green energy to be used on a large scale in most spots all over africa so i till we can have a good storage systems for renewable energy solutions then we can actually talk about that but until that happens it's going to have to come from political will from the litter shipped in uganda for instance for them to the site and say this is how much we're going to dedicate to each bikes or isa lucian's in uganda just really briefly demand all in all in africa where when it comes to the mobility the reason high demand for this kind of infrastructure or evil billet even now.
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but then the challenge still remains the infrastructure to spread. this kind of challenges it's very had even when the demand is there and the little these little infrastructure they resist definitely going to be questions of how exactly do we get by where do we charge where are the charging systems how much does it cost so it has to be economies of scale that have to play out even in situations like this so i thank you very much for joining us. and nice to business with you.
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come on. the rain forests in ivory coast are threatened by illegal logging to make room for lucrative cocoa plantations. the but a new at the potential to solve the conflict it's allowed the set up of conservation areas and distributing the land to.
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60 minutes. takes place. with wonderful plans to make the game so special. true for. the become more than football on line the game is. this year's africa coming up on the program. that is. the question on many lives after international dialogue to end the effort this crisis on clue that encounter. on the same page also coming up. when recycling becomes health positive why reusing plastic containers is not always a good idea. and punching for the love of the sport will find out how
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the traditional combat sports in nigeria is up.


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