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tv   Business  Deutsche Welle  October 3, 2019 11:15pm-11:31pm CEST

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like how to understand that and also why german unity wasn't just a positive experience for many east germans. and the poor the teeth of august a day of celebration for germany but also no kasian to look at how difference is that still exists between east and west can be mended. g.w. business is up next. the adventures of the famous naturalist and explorer. too soon to bring to the public some dough from the books 250. dollars for the discovery. expedition boyd on. every journey begins with the 1st step and every language the 1st word can go coaxing germany. why not permit him.
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it's simple online on your mobile and free. w z learning course. german made easy. from the skies to the dinner table a transatlantic trade dispute over plane subsidies has the u.s. going after french wine and european cheeses and the e.u. may respond with its own duties on i didn't like american culture. and u.s. investors see the good in the bad news so we get the word on wall street. the u.s. china trade war how the surprise winner mexico we take you to a border city seeing the booming trade. and all aboard
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a major boost for germany's shipbuilding sector as the chinese cruise market returns to growth. this is b.w. business i'm joined in in berlin welcome frozen fish handbags catch up and video game consoles those are just some of the american products the e.u. is prepared to hit with new tariffs if the u.s. goes ahead with the ones it has planned more indication that the e.u. and the u.s. are prepared to keep circling each other in their drawn out trade dispute over playmakers subsidies the world's longest and most expensive trade spot so far. u.s. secretary of state mark called pay was given a surprise welcome gift in rome a journalist handed him some parmesan cheese produced by italian farmers she asked them to give president donald trump a slice before being led away by our security. italian cheese is
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just one of the e.u. products that donald trump wants to swap new tariffs on. the list includes french wine spanish all those butter coffee scotch whiskey and many other items. 25 percent duties will drive up the prices of those products in the u.s. farmers in southern spain now fear for their livelihoods. the united states is our main client outside the e.u. that the market with high purchasing power with high demand for prestigious quality spanish products this is the case of all of oil and all of. the new punitive tariff so the result of a long dispute regarding subsidies given to european aircraft maker air bus the world trade organization ruled that the subsidies were unlawful and gave washington the green light to impose 7 and a half $1000000000.00 of tariffs on e.u. imports but the e.u. is ready to retaliate and has announced tariffs were some $12000000000.00 in
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response to unlawful subsidies given to u.s. plane maker boeing that w t o is expected to announce the penalty for that in the coming months. you. free and fair trade based on a level playing field and. we would not be naive but to be. reading and to mean to be. and if someone is imposing our weaves on of us insect we do exactly the same. the latest terrorist mean americans will now have to dig deeper into their pockets for e.u. products that's likely to trigger a sharp drop in sales and layoffs at companies producing their items. a bit of call has now been restored to u.s. indices but a week services report released thursday sparked anxiety among traders the
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institute for supply management and association of purchasing managers said its non-manufacturing index slipped 2 or 3 year low more unwelcome news for investors given that the services sector accounts for more than 2 thirds of the u.s. economy stocks later recovered on hopes that signs of an economic slowdown would trigger more stimulus from the us federal reserve. yeah joins us now from wall street yes are the markets right to bet on further rate cuts. the likelihood of another rate cut has certainly increased at the last fed meeting in september the federal reserve said on one side that there is no pre-set course for further rate cuts but on the other side the federal reserve also said they will follow the situation and then act accordingly and knowledge just this week we got those weak numbers from the service industry on thursday we got the week numbers on tuesday even weaker numbers from the manufacturing area now we are waiting for the
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jobs report friday morning but the bets on wall street have increased the bets actually stand right now at about 90 percent that there will be another rate cut by the end of october and that's what we saw on the market after the dow jones industrial average at some point was down by more than $300.00 points at the end of the session we saw an optic of 120 points or half a percent. but how much comfort would more stimulus bring it if the thing that's causing or contributing to all that pain that the trade war keeps dragging on. well what's good for the markets does not necessarily mean that it's going to be good for the economy specially if you look what corporations for instance are doing with all the cheap money they're not necessarily investing but they're buying big their own stocks they're paying higher dividend so that's good for the stock market
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to for share prices but not necessarily for the overall economy thank you youngs carter there on wall street for us. europe's top court has ruled that individual governments can order facebook to remove content determined to be illegal worldwide it's a landmark ruling if also controversial critics say the decision by the european court of justice infringes on free speech and could allow authoritarian regimes to block critical content even beyond their own borders the case behind the ruling concerned an austrian politician who sued facebook to have offensive comments removed from the site. now u.s. president donald trump may be talking about building a wall and fighting trade wars but somewhat counter intuitively mexico's exports to the united states are booming this year it sold $361000000000.00 worth of goods to
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its neighbor in the 1st 7 months close to 3 percent more on an annual basis business in laredo is already in full swing. almost half of all mexican exports come to the u.s. via this border crossing. in july and car exports from mexico across the border were particularly lively 18 percent more than a year earlier the mexican foreign trade association represents $3500.00 companies association president jose gerardo taha there says mexico has profited from the trade war between the u.s. and china. you're well aware that the trade war between china and the united states has made chinese products more expensive in the u.s. or in america mexican products have become more competitive. and this is led to an increase in demand. nevertheless export with mexico's exports to the u.s.
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have been rising $4.00 or 5 percent for a long time. the side of all this morning is this constant. although this solar technology company trauma's up a palm is not yet exporting to the u.s. it is selling to chile dubai and the dominican republic and it builds in u.s. dollars and it's not the only company that has benefited from the mexican peso losing nearly half of its value against the u.s. dollar over the past 5 years experts. it. says that. attractive costs. because of the material labor. while domestic demand is weak the export business is booming exports to the u.s.
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are growing even faster than imports of course this also leads to an increase in the mexican trade surplus. sensing opportunity and the rising popularity of cruises among chinese tourists a malaysian group in germany recently bought a raft of shipyards here to build big boats and their bet is paying off our correspondent. sent us this report. it may not look ship shape yet but you can already make out the best most 20 decks this colossus will hold 9500 passengers will get around the long decks using walkways and escalators the whole almost feels the dry dock it's being built and. you have you all to do something don't we took up the whole of the drive dark with the 54 meters yes and he goes that's the main challenge the sheer size and the amount of equipment that needs to be installed you know it was full on but using ship it's taking around $60000.00 tons of steel 6 times as much as the eiffel tower everything is so much
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bigger than on traditional cruise ships including the cabins it's targeted a chinese customers and for people who often share a room. isn't on their already fitted they're a bit larger than normal cabins that's a characteristic of the ship overall that there's plenty of room in the cabin that that's an interview interviewers designers referred to a raft of chinese market research when fitting out the cabins they put in voice controlled equipment and variable lighting. for passengers who won t. on soup noodles they hold water dispensers in the corridos just like in china the installation of 3700 cabins is on a tight schedule construction set to begin on a 2nd identical ship in december. the john cruise ship is due to set sail in the spring of 2021 to cater for chinese tastes that will make sure 3 to 5 day trips over long distances with only brief stays online. and happy birthday to berlin's
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t.v. tower one of the capital's most famous landmarks opened exactly 50 years ago the 368 meters structure is germany's highest building and a major tourist site attracting around a 1000000 visitors every year they flock to a viewing platform and a restaurant but the tower is still mainly used for its original purpose broadcasting analog and digital t.v. and radio signals for dozens of stations. thank you for watching.
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going to a concert. with time running out of brussels on monday to get a breakfast you feel you are going to be the blame on the brits your family goes your actions friday our guest this week here in prague is the czech for minister tomas partnership to have surprisingly clear differences with the government to do so so why doesn't he resign. in 60 minutes.
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the system the entire. empires came from tourists or didn't i mean that i killed many civilians i mean. come on including my father was selfish and i was a student because i wanted to build a life for myself. suddenly life became mellish kind of. providing insights global news that matters d. w. made for mines.
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after the fall of the berlin wall not the monarch. this is the deputy is africa coming up in the next 15 minutes the meeting off the giants nigeria's mamadou body is visiting his south african contrapositive rolled up was that recent attacks on foreign nationals is high on the agenda. grange in mali wives and rates of soldiers killed in jihad this attack take to the streets to vent their anger and grief. and brought the pitch camera in to hit up their clash with then go left at the africa cup of nations.


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