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tv   Business  Deutsche Welle  October 1, 2019 6:45pm-7:01pm CEST

6:45 pm
let's to business lavish celebrations in china and a display of military might to mount 70 years of communist rule this is how the party is celebrating let's look at how the chinese economy grew so quickly and what the current slowdown means for the globe with the trade war raging when the communist people's republic of china was founded in 1949 the country was dirt poor 70 percent of the population were peasants all day laborers getting by on just $57.00 a year multitool nationalized industry and redistributed land from the wealthy to the poor it was chaos the reforms caused widespread famine that killed millions millions more died in a wave of terror and in reeducation camps. after mel's death a $976.00 helping open the economy somewhat laying the foundations for the current form of communist backed capitalism chinese g.d.p. as risen from $150000000000.00 in 1978 to over 4
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teen trillion the 2nd biggest economy in the world well let's talk to you about that resident china expert tell us firstly about the costs that this rapid and historic economic expansion has actually incurred while you've just mentioned some of the amazing benefits that it's brought but obviously the biggest social transformation of all time in many ways is going to bring some costs in its wake i think we've seen it in the environment there's been a lot of problems with the environment in china and the people living in china are paying the cost through pollution it's also created a lot of problems for other countries dealing with china because the chinese economic model is an unusual one in that it's not based on a democratic political basis it comes from an all toward tarion marxist model so that's created some kind of regional tensions and now as we've seen is created global tensions which of turned into this trade war between china and the united
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states and has the complaints about human rights tell us about this next great leap forward that's the chinese going for now and how great that will be well this this technological leap forward in some ways the parallels are with the previous great leap forward which was a collectivize ation of agriculture we saw millions of people starve. they it's obviously very different china today's of the comparisons maybe aren't entirely they don't entirely follow but what you're seeing is things like artificial intelligence mobile telecoms all of these areas where china is leading the field and it's done that through a combination of this push together that the chinese government has overseen and it's created these these new grounds of which we all have to operate and we have to see how this. this technological leap forward plays out but it's going to be a big challenge for the rest of the world and to deal with i think and china is now moving ahead and really encroaching on the top spot that the u.s.
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has as far as economies go well that's going to be very interesting want to see because we've had a lot you know whether china overtake the u.s. some people are saying it might not do because the u.s. china trade war is making the economy slow but certainly the trajectory in china that we've seen over the past 70 years has been offered presidents so far show that there are definite a good place for that to happen if a community thank you very much for coming in well china is also trying to connect itself with the world through a one trillion dollar infrastructure project the belt of road a new york correspondence course spoke about it with political scientists mary. it was the belt and wrote to mr to will that lead to china to become the superpower in the world well that's a really interesting question right and in my book that was just released i point out that the benetton road is really a part off china's 3 step strategy to become
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a superpower so the 1st step was to get rich right which they did the 2nd step was to make their coastline unapproachable so today it's very risky for american aircraft carriers and conflict to get within a 1000 kilometers of china and so this is a 3rd step to become the most influential country in the world over the next 2 decades and to connect itself to all these other countries and i want to add that the strategy that china is following is not the one that america followed after the 2nd more wall which is to set a basis right to extend its influence china is much more business oriented countries so it's a win when it comes to countries and says you'll get rich we'll get krige and it just is a very very exciting and new idea but is it really a win win for that question to an historian steve. sometimes people jokingly say that when the chinese took a vote when they did it means they win 1st and then they win it again now when
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you're talking about when wrote in the shape to then you know we are looking at different time frame in the short term before that almost in the chinese government give out to receiving countries to finance those projects do you really ease clearly when when the chinese get the contracts they employ workers to generate income send them back to china the receiving countries get infrastructures being built but when dozhd loans do 'd then there is a question of false countries not being able to pay their debt and have to deal with the issue i don't it chinese government have to bite off some of it at all the chinese can and will take over some of those projects and i think he looks so much like when the chinese firms have spent the past few years on a shopping spree in europe buying up all types of businesses saving some and ruffling feathers in failed attempts to take over others the latest case concerns a german airport in the black forest
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a solitary helicopter buzzers over the runway but there's not much else going on here at la reported in southwestern germany there's a boeing 747 used for test flights otherwise the skies are empty. but because the city of largo has contacts in china investors there learned about the former military airfield the mayor says it has a lot of potential. to you if you look around the world as there aren't many people who are in a position to recognize these benefits and take action as well as provide the financing so sooner or later you're going to have to deal with china but the idea of the chinese taking over the airfield caused a stir in the city of $47000.00 after all flight operations have been kept going at least on a small scale thanks to tunnel boring company heaven it likes things the way they are and it isn't alone in rejecting the new plan not to snooty if you lot doesn't
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need it the airports doing well it is a good solution with half and commissions and other companies on board if we can keep going the way we often now and take have time to see if there are opportunities for investments this tool and the british and australian companies already have big plans to connect with the world but they failed what the chinese solution be any better. and they've been very bad experiences with chinese investors at other airports with had i think it's been the only what i need to say is hun frankfurt han airport is not a remote region of western germany quite far from frankfurt for years it was a financial burden on the 2 german states that jointly owned it in 2017 china's h. and a group took it over the result. we have almost doubled our growth in freight and that's something we can be satisfied with but there's not much we can do about macroeconomic developments and. translation global trade conflicts are causing cargo levels to fall again
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a glance at the terminal suggests there's little chance of a revival for frankfurt han. passenger numbers have fallen by almost half over the past decade even so the airport is still an important employer in the region leaving people there dependent on the chinese back in lar the airfield has also created numerous jobs but they have nothing to do with air traffic instead it's thanks to companies that have located on the former military base. slovenia's flag carrier. has filed for bankruptcy it failed to come up with a feasible restructuring plan the company blames a lack of liquidity grounding all its planes the government has no down setting up a new state of daylight to secure some of the routes that. the korea is the latest a full victim to a rough business climate for airlines chelsea delaney is following the story for us
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what's going wrong with the sector. it's been a really tough couple of years for the low budget airline sector especially in europe and $28000.00 we saw over 20 airlines go bankrupt it's about that level this year already it's around 19 and clearing a lot of big european names companies like wow air here and germany and x.l. airways and france of also recently gone bankrupt so we're seeing a lot and some of those are you know. factors that these companies can control things like oil prices labor shortages currency fluctuations but at the same time a lot of these companies have sort of come into the market thinking that they could under-price their way and to grow that they could just cut prices to the baseline and they would be able to grow really fast but all of these companies were doing that and what it's really shown is that it's really you know a market for bigger companies like ryan air or easyjet and those are really the
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companies that are able to survive in a market like this was all about run at chelsea let's just have a listen to how its c.e.o. sees the future of the industry i found this quite interesting i think it is inevitable that in the next 5 or 6 years you are somebody to run for large carriers beechwood go 20 percent market share i.e. g. air france killem and right here and everybody else either disappears merges gets taken over partners we would route before until see it's not just a whole lot of a lines that could be facing turbulence o'leary says the package holiday market is dood. i think that's yeah that's a little bit of a grim assessment but there's definitely truth to the fact that it's you know a very difficult market for these traditional package travel companies we saw thomas cook go under just about a week ago one of the oldest travel companies in the world and they're dealing not
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only with the same things that are pressuring budget airlines but they're also sort of feeling the effects of this huge online growth and. operators like google google flights and travelocity things like that so it definitely is a changing market and there's not a huge place for for a company like thomas cook there or travel operators in general chose to do anything to very much less doing business with you. the body.
6:57 pm
the body. the mother. the flock. the be. the be. the game.
6:58 pm
where is. your family scattered across the globe. i saw. the book turning them into the current issue again a minimum of the. bush family from somalia. the money needed urgent assistance of. the family starts october on. the an audience time to teach students alumni and since the. time of year of just such the young. and fun for the troops luck it's hard to overcome trends and connection to. the audience time for. a dude every news coming up ahead. minds. how's your view of the world.
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where i come from but oh is that it does this go it's just like this chinese food that's natural where i am it's always reminds me of home after decades of living in germany chinese food is one of the things i miss the most but better taking a step back i sees things i need to the difference between now and then of fluids of president reagan a sense that exists as a part of the wall haven't been implemented in china that's why you cannot have chinese people wondering if there are no it isn't safe to leave but if you don't have the right to learn a little bit that is this is a job a job that as a mom how i see it and deficit why i have nothing my job because i tried to do it exactly it is an hour a day my name is out into work and i work at d w. 2
7:00 pm
this is data from a news lot of folks above there by. in hong kong escalates as tens of thousands of protesters defy back on demonstrations on china's national day and a protester is hospitalized after being shot at close range by police. restrooms as china for its own a massive show of military might to mock 70 years of communist rule doesn't she should be playing tells crowds that no power on earth could hold the countries that are also on the program u.s. democrats subpoenaed to talk trump aides including this.


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