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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 28, 2019 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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start september 2nd d. w. . this is g w news. tonight in europe 2 governments in crisis in italy and a last minute deal the antiestablishment 5 star movement and the democratic party have agreed to form a new coalition government will mean more stability for europe's 3rd largest economy also coming up the u.k. prime minister boris johnson good old to suspend parliament next month but lawmakers are outranged accusing johnson of trying to get democracy in order to
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push through it plus. sales into new york harbor a 16 year old swedish climate activist spent the last 15 days crossing the atlantic 0. speak nets next week when climate change. plus the world over this film festival kicks off in venice plenty of hollywood stars and top filmmakers at the celebration of international cinema including french acting legends such as you see right there catherine the new but the lack of female directors in the running for the top prize it's drawing some fuck. off. it's good to have you with us we start tonight with politics new and old in
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italy there has been a breakthrough in attempts to form a new government the antiestablishment 5 star movement and the center left democratic party have agreed on a deal to form a coalition government which includes reappointing giuseppe conte as prime minister the coalition sidelines however vini the hard right leader who dominated italy's politics for more than a year but will it prove any more stable or harmonious then the one it replaces. after talks with the italian president this evening both the 5 star movement and the social democrats made clear an ounce meant one wants to stay in power the others still want to be involved. watching it today we informed the president of the republic that the 5 star movement and the democratic party will reach a political agreement giuseppe conti will remain prime minister and try to form
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a lasting government. it's time to form a government that will in a new direction no more business as usual it should be the beginning of a new political and social era in italy. there's no lack of similarity between the 5 star movement and the social democrats when it comes to social economic and financial policy but the ability to work together has been repeatedly scuppered because of reluctant key players in italy's volatile political scene the conflict swirled around personalities even after the collapse of the previous government since the nonpartizan prime minister conti is close to the 5 star movement he will remain in office. we're joined now by journalist francisco gaga who is at parliament in rome good evening to you francesco we understand an agreement has been reached what made this possible who
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made this possible so let's start for news 1st we know that that means that call in there we have to go tomorrow to meet the kind of president said tonight that they let through see them monday to form a new go at the success of the democratic party and on the 5 star movements after the no to leak on the crisis that you bought this wound have been fighting guts and almost in the past won enough you may be even more even than the last that you're that you're it that there was lots of tension between these 2 parties they decided to get together to form a new government. so we have to see whether that with menace to establish a good majority because i mean that point mention of call and that doesn't necessarily mean that it would ministers deliver accountability and yet so we have to wait for got for a few days and do you think francisca that there is still
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a realistic possibility that conte would not be able to put together a new cabinet for a new government. well there is not of take action so that i don't want to be very technical but just to give you an idea on the names of minister set there aren't big clashes between the 2 forces i mean basically the ways that the league who founded the fight started from this moment movement has led to a time enough force for instance who doesn't want to own the sion in technical mr pipes it was just 2 of the. technocrats who could do the things i mean of course the democratic party which is a political party with really good political roots kind of accept this kind of the automats so reactive to see what is going to happen there will be i think at least one wake up they will see a sion we didn't commentate was going to be in charge of this negotiation and it you parties so the indian the and they can find it with agreement which i think in
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the end will be front and oh you know we know all eyes have been on the far right leader of the league and to yourself. how does he look tonight in the eyes of italian voters is he the big loser here or is he now getting the air of a martyr well you're absolutely right i mean in the ice is 0 everyone is the real loser i mean he was not really out the today show down in front of the press after the out this focus of attention with president might that day that he was really young because i mean this in session is that if it really lost the plot by opening this crisis he was hoping to go straight to the polls thinking that the . great majority in your opinion polls by the end yes i mean that if you went and by words and system they need a legal system stop their race today ariel actions and allowed.
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the us system to find a new majority just elision new government which leaves suddenly out right francisco bumgarner joining us tonight with the latest on the political situation in rome from just thank you. well after 14 days at sea the swedish climate change activist the have successfully crossed the atlantic in a 0 emissions sailboat you see your wife there she docked in lower manhattan in new york city in just the last hour with many turning out to greet her. i didn't get several trying some in the city next week rather refused to take a plane to reach new york due to the emissions that are flowing so she set off from plymouth in the united kingdom her journey across the atlantic interest in one slightly delayed due to rough weather conditions.
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he is standing by in new york city good afternoon to you she has arrived on drawing what sort of reception as she'd been getting i mean if she'd been treated somewhat like a rock store. brand yeah well the rain is coming down but that did not dampen the spirits of anybody here she was greeted with cheers applause people were singing songs and she literally just stepped on to dry land just a few moments ago with the rest of her crew as she's heading up now to a press conference that she's going to give and she's scheduled to give with that the captain of her ship and i'm like i said the words you know loads of screams of joy and people are have been chanting her name and it seems like everybody here including this huge number of people have come from the international press. and
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were here to welcome her to new york city and talk to me a little bit about what she's going to be doing while she's in new york city. well brenda as you can hear there are some of those cheers and she has just i believe sat down hour she's heading towards that press conference she's going to give that press conference and tell us a little bit about the. crossing the atlantic and also attending the climate so much the u.n. climate summit is one here in new york and next month and then another in chile in december and she's also to to go to a protest here in new york city for the fridays for future movement and she also is going to take i would say tonight off perhaps even tomorrow and just sort of get used to being back on dry land and we know that she is. almost a household name here in europe she's had a very large impact here in europe but what about the united states she's really a new face there isn't she. you're absolutely right what's actually surprised me is
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and how you know in europe the name is very well known and but here in the united states just talking to people down here in battery park in new york city a lot of people came up to me asking me why why there were so many journalists down here recording or filming and i said oh well you know explaining what it was and some people had never heard her name but then many others particularly young people . didn't know who she was because you know they're very clued in on what's going on through social media and many people had in fact and particularly young had been following her trip bam online because you could actually follow it online across the atlantic and old way here to new york city people were very expectant because she had to go through immigration and customs here in coney island just you know a few miles from where i'm standing. but like i said it hasn't had the coverage perhaps in the u.s. media as perhaps it is hard to in other parts of the world to you know we're
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watching these live pictures with you. she's on the stage there and we think she's actually about to speak. waiting for that to happen and one of the. the fact that her activism it does have its critics right what do people who see. are negative about what she's trying to do. well there's been a lot of criticism based on the fact that you know she has traveled across the atlantic am a boat how is she going to get home a lot of people have been asking dot she's also going to the climate summit in chile in december how is she going to get to that and has also got trips planned to canada and mexico and you know there's been a lot of criticism on how the boat at this boat that's just behind me here in battery park at how it's going to get back to europe and how the crew are going to get back and that many are actually flying back to europe and has been a lot of criticism now what she has said and what other members of friday's for
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future who i've actually spoken to today said to me was what they need to do is focus on the fact that she has highlighted the climate crisis which is taking place and instead of attacking her who you know she is barked on this incredible journey across the atlantic they should focus on what she wants to achieve as opposed to you know the fact that her crew may travel back to europe back on an aircraft so. she seems sort of almost on fazed by the criticism brant yeah and talk to me a little bit about. what we're seeing right now it looks like mainly of young people waiting to be. there giving them. no i think. it. looks like. a little bit about the young people. primarily young.
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a lot of a lot of sort of teenagers. are down here and you know they really made their voices heard brands a lot of them have come down with banners i spoke to a good few of them about you know the fridays for future movement this is this movement where essentially children go on strike. to highlight the crime a crisis which is taking place across the world which has been really growing here in the united states because it's quite well known now when europe and a lot of these activists really i was astounded by by them they were you know 1617 years old 14 years old organizing big events getting people out on the street getting you know schools to take part across their countries and many of them are here and they and they get together and they discuss things they discuss it if you're living in another country they use social media they use online sort of you know like skype and these kind of things they seem unfazed by the distance it's
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really quite remarkable brand and how they have managed to mobilize so many people across the planet on this issue and they said to me time and time again they are the ones who feel they are going to be affected the most by this. point you know i was in the united states just last week everyone was talking about the fires in the the amazon. it was also talked about the g. 7 summit. the environment climate change. she definitely has hit on the you will. of this generation. and we're waiting and. they've got a lot of introductions to do let me ask my producer. if we know how long we can stay on this is. very emotional i just want to give a few facts as to kat so we're going to stay on this a little bit longer. let's just listen in one second ok what they say.
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we started on august 14th $1445.00 u.t.c. . we did it was 6 low pressure systems and tropical depressions a very tough north atlantic route. we encountered wind speed of certain knots we hit 2 times a boat speeds of over certain notes we passed very near as a source on august 5th we finally arrived this morning at lighthouse it's 845 u.t.c. we spent $330.00. ok. pablo you're going to be staying there to cover the can you give me a gauge of how many people you think. can you.
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yeah. it's definitely i mean there's probably hundreds a couple of 100 people particularly like you said a lot of young people here and then huge number of international media have been gathering i got here at 7 am this morning brant and there were already a few of us down here diehard journalists making sure that we were here would miss the moment and then as the morning gathered on the word got out and more and more people were coming down a lot of families have come down here as well you know it's a pretty spectacular and beautiful location down here. and it is raining now but that has not stopped people from coming down and they've set up a. news conference under some trees be considering the rain that we're having at the moment but they seem to people really want to make sure that this gets maximum out of these young activists who are saying to me they really support. you know journey across the atlantic that's what that's what my impression has been
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from being down here mourning. all of this very overwhelming. the ground still shaking. so i want to thank everyone so much everyone who is here and. everyone who is involved in this climate fights because this fight. as. it. says you said it is saying that a 6 year. the atlantic ocean to to make a stand in 2 and. this of course is not something that i want everyone to do. the trip was it was very surprisingly good. i did not she will cease each one's
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so with that was. and i am very grateful for teammates and everyone else who has been making this trip possible and of course for everyone everyone else every activist who fights daily to. just save the world basically but to keep most of fuels in the ground and to create. a safe passage to. my brain is not working correctly. did it. have.
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the climate and the crisis is a global crisis and the biggest crisis humanity is of the face and if we don't manage to work together to cooperate and to to work together despite our differences then we will fail so we need to. choose band together and support each other. and to take action because otherwise it might be too late so. this is not wait any longer let's do it now again have a out. laughing. ok. they're speaking in new york city and she's just arrived after 15 days of crossing the atlantic. i mean you're watching with she i mean maybe i think she's got
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a case of dry land legs right now she seems. back on firm land but. she's she's a little all struck by the impact that this trip has already had. absolutely brenda mean imagine you know a couple weeks crossing the atlantic over 4000 kilometers and then you're greeted by you know hundreds of people who support you and i mean she was aware of it obviously because she's been very active on her social media accounts crossing the atlantic and but still you know. she said there you know and you know a sense of humor there and saying that she wasn't seasick which you know is pretty impressive i wouldn't be able to say this i would be the same thing to say the same thing brant but you know big words very impressive and she has a lot of support like i said here in the united states. in the us on the story for us there in new york city public thank you. in other
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news britain's queen elizabeth gave her approval today to a request by a prime minister boris johnson to suspend parliament westminster will be closed for 5 weeks in september and october just before the u.k. is scheduled to leave the european union johnson says the suspension is overdue and totally legal with opponents call the move undemocratic they say it will give lawmakers less time to try to stop a new deal bricks. it dropped like a bombshell in a letter to m.p.'s boris johnson explained that he wanted to suspend parliament until just 2 weeks before the u.k. is set to leave the e.u. that severely limits the time opponents would need to try to stop breaks it johnson denies it's a clever move to silence them there will be ample time on both sides of that crucial october 17th summit ample time in parliament for m.p.'s to debate the
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e.u. debate british and all the other issues and put up at a mockery to the is of the opposition parties only yesterday they had agreed to quickly put a bill before parliament designed to hinder a no deal breaks it now time is running away from them the speaker of the house of commons dubbed the lengthy suspension of parliament a constitutional outrage the leader of britain's main opposition party jeremy corbyn also condemned the move. suspending parliament is not acceptable it's not off the premises doing as a sort of smash and grab on our democracy nor as a force through a no deal exit from the european union what is so afraid of that is suspend parliament to prevent parliament discussing these matters and there was fierce criticism from scotland to know what democracy is dictatorship and if m.p.'s do find a way of coming together next week to stop johnson in his tracks then today will go down in history as the any semblance of u.k.
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democracy. the queen has approved johnson's request to suspend parliament the opposition figures have now asked to meet with her putting the politically neutral moniker at risk of being dragged into the dispute. for the good sea. wednesday but the 11 day celebration of international cinema and go off to a shaky start with criticism about a lack of women directors in the running for its top prize the festival opens with . the film starring the french actresses katherine didn't do and julie the truth is a french film star whose decision to publish her memoirs of fiery mother daughter union the film won the top prize that's the palme d'or at the film festival last year. culture correspondent with all the good assignments he's in venice this evening and if you do you talk to me about this film the truth
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by the japanese director hirokazu. what can we expect. well i know his films quite well as you said last year he won. the palme d'or in cannes with shoplifters but also as with the made in japan up to now and this is the 1st film made outside of japan and he chose to make a french movie go figure and this is a credibly french movie it's really a love letter different cinema and quickly a love letter to the grand dom of french cinema cotland and she's amazing in this movie but i don't know i was comparing this movie to 2 french food and i think if you want to compare it to french food this would be a that you know it's sweet it's like maybe a little bit thin but definitely worth checking out if you if you love french cinema and if you want to know which i do and i could watch her all day so this is definitely 11 for one for her fans but maybe not the heaviest doorway the
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a still that i'm going to see this year ok i mean there are 20 other films this year in the composition of what are you looking forward to the most. well there are a lot of very interesting movies here as always in venice but venice is also sort of the starting gun for the oscar season and so i'm looking a lot of the films that i think have a good chance to get academy awards in in a few months time and i'm really looking at a joker which is a really interesting movie it's a superhero movie. this is the oldest film festival world there's never been a superhero movie in competition here but it's a very dark take on the superhero genre it stars joaquin phoenix as the very as the infamous villain in the batman movies joker but this is sort of a film from his perspective and it's being compared to films like taxi driver martin scorsese films i'm not sure how you can combine a martin scorsese movie with a superhero movie but that's apparently what they've done and i'm really excited to see it that's really top of my list ok of course there are many other things are
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experience and more besides the competition what can you tell us. well i mean there are say lot of interesting films here but after you mention the bin your intro there is some controversy here because of so few women in competition 2 out of $21.00 less than 10 percent you think that a film like of and this to do a bit better the particular because of one of the men that they invited roman polanski. obviously oscar winning director a very well known and very well respected in the industry but of course he is also a convicted. rapist he was is on the lam and has been for decades from the u.s. . u.s. justice for a sexual assault that we committed decades ago but he's going to be celebrated here in venice he's a new film who's an officer and a spy will have its premier here and that's a lot of people are very are debating about whether or not this film and this man
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should be celebrated in this way and in what is one of the most prestigious film festivals in the world i think that's going to be a really hot point is going to be a real major talking point here in venice this year. festival in venice scott thank you. and here's a reminder of the top story we're following for you italy's political parties have reached a deal before many governments a coalition between the entire u.s. government finds for movement and the central a democratic party will be led by giuseppe conte conte resigned as prime minister just. a few weeks ago following the collapse of italy's populist government much of the w. news after a short break i'll be back to take you through the day. it's
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time to take one step further. and face. time here of just such the young up and fight for the troops.
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to overcome downtrends and connecticut. it's time for. a new ws coming up ahead. minds. i'm not laughing tap the gem well i guess sometimes i am but i stand up in whichever piece of german thinks deacons or german culture looking at the stereotypes question to me is think this leaves the country behind on time. do you mean to say thanks for this drama. to me it's all about a new i'm rachel join me in the kitchen beat up your. post. count as time one takes. the w. correspondent susumu. coast to begin lee. for
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the various flavors of the exotic crazy. challenge for you all very even and the. fusion and fun. from street food the 5 star restaurant tasting taipei starts september 1st on t w. this is how the british parliament will look in the final weeks before the country leaves the european union and empty westminster before bret's it and that is how prime minister boris johnson wants it to be his decision today to suspend parliament for 5 weeks is completely legal and it has the queen's blessing it also has many lawmakers outraged accusing the prime minister of acting like a dictator and trying to shut down democracy is he i'm for golf in berlin this is
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the day.


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