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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 10, 2019 8:00pm-8:16pm CEST

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you look to the leaders you go. in because leaders are older 16 gto. this is getting news live from birthday russian opposition politician arrested and many more detained by places protests flare up again in moscow thousands have been taken to the streets in the past month to mounting the opposition candidate to be allowed to run in the elections the city council votes are coming up. the disgraced u.s. billionaire accused sex offender jeffrey x.
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state has killed himself in prison epstein was arrested last month in a future of running a sex trafficking operation involving dozens of underage girls. but police in hong kong by tear gas pro-democracy protesters say to find warnings to cancel a macho face fresh demonstrations contact the city's later valve not to run the protesters into concessions. and rebecca is as welcome to the program russian president vladimir putin is marking 20 years in power as tens of thousands of opposition supporters staged protests in moscow and some petersburg at a mounting democratic local elections riot police have arrested nearly $200.00 demonstrators and blocked access to presidential it to the presidential administration building among those arrested were opposition candidate lubov.
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thousands have been detained over the summer is russia's largest opposition movement and 2012 gather. all opposition candidates have been banned from running in next month most elections. earlier i spoke to david lee correspondent emily show in in moscow with those protests and asked her about the situation well we're back today we saw one of the largest authorized protests by the opposition and we've seen for many years police say that 20000 people were out today and independent monitors say it was closer to 50000 after that authorized rally protesters decided to go up or as they say walk through the city center and the police have been arresting protesters according to media reports over 100 people have been arrested in the center of the city police cordon to been kind of surrounding the remaining people including the press and kind of pushing people to
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move towards. metro station it's the biggest protest that we've seen for a long time including today there is a performer at the celebrities that came out to support the protesters tell us a bit more about what they protesting for what are they demanding. well the main demand that this kind of almost movement has formed around is that people want the registration of independent candidates for the moscow city elections. come thing that they have been chanting for today after all independent candidates have to collect a certain number of signatures to be registered for those elections and also already said that these signatures that they handed in were invalid and they. told people who don't exist and the candidates on the other hand say that they're certainly just simply don't want them to run people here today have been chanting
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to register for the for those for the registration of both candidates but they also have been chanting much more generally for freedom for democracy they've been chanting against president vladimir putin and people here say that this is about much more than. it was this is the 4th consecutive protest in moscow around this topic certainly not showing any signs of winding down. well i think it's hard to know at the moment the last 2 protests that took place in moscow on the last 2 feet and they were not authorized hundreds of people were arrested in. crackdown most of the independent candidates were trying to run have also been arrested including your book who was arrested at the protests today and people at those last 2 protests by those arrests told me that they actually have come out because they saw pictures of those arrests of peaceful protest and protesters being taken away and
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taken away by police so they're certainly defiant and we'll have to see how this develops in the coming week and in the run up to the moscow elections on that memory emulation in moscow thanks very much for that update. let's take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world at least 60 people have died in tanzania after an overturned fuel truck exploded people in the east african nation were siphoning petrol from the vehicle at a busy intersection when the blast happened some reports suggest a cigarette was to cause southern separatists in yemen have taken control of government military camps in aden fighting in the port city has been raging for 4 straight days between rebel and loyalist forces sources say the presidential palace has also surrounded. both koreas fired 2 on a unidentified projectiles from a site on its eastern coast they landed in the sea of japan according to south korea's military pyongyang has 4 other recent book tests
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a warning to seoul over its plans to continue military drills with the united states. disgraced u.s. finance here jeffrey epstein has been found dead in his new york prison cell epstein is thought to have killed himself he was a convicted sex offender who was rearrested last month and was facing 6 trafficking charges and accusations he abused dozens of teenage girls he denied the charges and faced up to 45 years in prison if convicted attorney general william by has ordered an investigation into the circumstances of abstains death and i'm joined now by washington correspondent have the foley alias probably the f.b.i. is investigating this what more can you tell us. hi rebecca you're right there the f.b.i. is investigating that and as you've also just mentioned of course the attorney
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general william barr actually released a statement on just going to quote so much of what he said there he said that he was a cold to learn that jeffrey epstein was found early this morning from an apparent suicide he said that in addition to the f.b.i. his investigation i have consulted with the inspector general who is opening an investigation into the circumstances of mr epstein's death so now we know that we've got the attorney general saying that we've got the f.b.i. investigation and it's being called an apparent investigation or an apparent suicide let's not forget that just over 2 weeks ago to 3 weeks geoffrey epstein was found unresponsive in his jail cell is also reports there you know he had been placed on suicide watch following that incident. several days ago he had actually been taken off suicide watch so there's a lot of questions being asked here in the united states it's also been said that in fact the attorney general was livid when he found that's what reports here in
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the media are saying i'm let's not forget that just yesterday unsealed documents were released related to the jeffrey epstein case and of course now today we're talking about his apparent suicide so as you can imagine this is dominating the news over here in the united states and tiffanie a lot more to come out about this story but tell us a bit more about exactly who this man was and what he was charged with. well jeffrey epstein was a billionaire financier he actually began as a teacher he had some very high profile contacts he was often seen socializing with current president donald trump former president bill clinton and even prince andrew of the british royal family but it wasn't just ben the world or very high profile members you know in the world of entertainment and business and even politics
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so you know a lot of sort of scrutiny being placed also on his former contacts and what happens is the latest accusations are in fact related to his arrest. they are they were sex trafficking dozens of girls as young as 14 he was accused of paying girls under the age of 18 to perform sex acts on his homes in new york and in florida he denied those charges but like i said there's been fresh scrutiny fresh spotlight placed on his contacts these high profile contacts that he had several years ago just briefly if you can mean this whole investigation is surrounding him now he's no longer alive what does it mean for the investigation what of course these charges are related to took place between 20022005 those who
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take an action against him have said that they're not going to stop their fight and they plan on the. pace that basically with this issue through the civil courts so they've said they're not going to give up so i don't think it's going to be the last we've heard of that jeffrey epstein case for now anyway. in washington thanks very much for the update. that's hong kong now where they've been renewed clashes between police and pro-democracy protesters place hired to get protesters who were holding an authorized demonstrations entered occasions it's the 10th consecutive weekend of protests that were triggered by opposition to a proposed law that would have been allowed extradition from hong kong to mainland china. activists held a number of other protests earlier in the day that remained peaceful including a sit in at hong kong airport. at the airport protesters assembled for a 2nd day to greet passengers arriving in the city drawing international attention
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to their cause saturday morning also saw a rather tranquil rally in support of the pro-democracy movement they brought together families demanding a stable and free future the wave of protests began 3 months ago in opposition to draft legislation to allow suspects in criminal cases to be tried in mainland china but the demands have widened. i'm worried if the extradition law to china is imposed or this movement of ours is a failure my kids might have no democracy or freedom and a lot of things will be taken over by the mainlanders. a group of elderly people also submitted petition letters to the police and the authorities to stop and investigate what they call violence against the protesters especially of clashes in july normal the reputation of the hong kong police was so good for more than a decade but it was completely destroyed on july the 21st i don't know how many years it will take to restore the trust of the people i was on. at the same time
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there were smaller demonstrations in front of several police stations in support of the police people gather to express their fangs and called on others to say thank you whenever they meet officers on friday various business groups also called on the people of hong kong to support the police and to reflect on the chaos and the economic impact of the protests. the average income of taxi drivers has decreased nearly 40 percent over the past 2 months. so i appealed you to stop and think if the situation continues our hong kong really is heading towards a dead end this is probably the kind of thing the communist leadership in beijing wants to hear and once people around the world to hear as it seeks to boost resistance to the pro-democracy movement in hong kong and china has issued a red alert its highest warning of the typhoon like a man made landfall south of shanghai the storm battered coastal areas bringing
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with it heavy rains it's now heading north woods with the country's most populous city in its path 18 people have been confirmed dead more than a dozen is still missing and more than a 1000000 have been ordered to evacuate their homes as the typhoon is. it's one of the most powerful storms to hit china in decades type from the kima battered the country southeast coastline early saturday packing winds of nearly 200 kilometers an hour the typhoon also brought to wrench all rain. the result floodwaters have submerged parts of the province emergency crews have scrambled to rescue residents trapped by the rising water. the flooding also triggered deadly landslides rescuers are searching for people reported missing and feared trapped under the debris sun shoot when floodwaters come down the mountains and converge areas at the edge of town a seriously affected the media. ahead of the typhoon is arrival authorities
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evacuated more than a 1000000 people. thousands of flights were canceled at airports across eastern china and train services were also suspended. the country's economic hub shanghai has so far got off lighter than areas further south reporting high winds but no major damage. still authorities ordered the shutdown of some tourist attractions i think you know and before i came here i had no idea that a typhoon was headed this way we had to change our plans because of the storm and. the kim is expected to weaken as it moves further north but forecasters warn the storm could cause more flash flooding and landslides. in the tennis american serena williams moved into the semifinals of the rogers cup in toronto by beating naomi a sock of japan williams lead early on in the 1st set winning 63 in the 2nd the 25th 3 time grand slam champion him tenure to dominate but then had
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a scare when she ran into the net post trying to chase down and a socket drop shot hitting her right arm. but she played on and she took the 2nd set 6 full to the semi's. it watching daily news from berlin up next data reporter which this week follows a young mexican volunteer who works in an addiction support center here in germany mariana evan stay will be out with you next hour thanks for joining us today w. . curious of. yourself. don't miss out. closely. carefully. don't lose something. to do good.
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