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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  July 6, 2018 9:00am-9:30am CEST

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first fighting against him seemed pollution of the sea much joy forty on w. pure. play. this is news live problem for lennon tragedy in thailand a former navy seal died bird died while working to free twelve boys trapped in the tide of the flood it became a stark reminder of the danger involved in the rescue efforts are. also coming up beijing calls it the biggest trade war in history this after the u.s. poses tariffs on billions of dollars of chinese imports. and german chancellor
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angela merkel compromises on migration and staves off a rebellion in troubling coalition but a new poll suggests her government is more unpopular than ever and does it mean that the fourth term leader will soon be on the way out. plus at the world cup quarter finals kick off we will look to moscow for a look at the match ups today and to uruguay where an entire country is gearing up for their match against france expectations are high as is the nation's footballing pedigree and passion for the game. i'm sorry kelly welcome to the program a rescue diver working to free the twelve boys and their soccer coach trapped in a flooded cave in thailand has died from lack of oxygen and officials say that the for. former navy seal was helping the rescue efforts as
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a volunteer he lost consciousness during an overnight mission delivery air tanks another diver brought him out but he couldn't be revived the experienced diver staff highlights the dangers of getting the trapped boys out concerns also mounting about the falling oxygen levels in the cave. i'm joined now by journalist tim newton he's joining us from thailand with the very latest in ten i mean how likely is this incident to impact more route during the ongoing rescue operation hi sarah well obviously after the jubilation on monday night following the discovery of the thirteen football was this death has put a real stall on what was going to be a risk you over the next couple of days or that was what was foreshadowed but now it's clear that getting the team out is much more dangerous than our imagination
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when you have the death of a highly qualified thirty eight year old former china a.v.c. all in the time long kites up in chiang rai so i would say that risky was a now scrambling to try and find alternatives or at least a cipher way of getting the boys out because it seems getting them out through where the why they came in is going to involve a very risky situation and sara such a tragedy hair what do we know i mean we're looking at images now of the boys themselves they appear in these images to be getting medical attention what do we know about their condition. because they've been underground for nearly two weeks at this point. yes. i think people were a little bit surprised that their spirits were quite good and they health was a bit better than people were considering when they were found on monday not tight time but as the days go by they're not getting any sunlight they're now getting nutrition but these stress and the ongoing white is always sleep whining on them
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they've also got this lingering situation which is just emerged in the last couple of days where it suggests that the oxygen levels inside the cave with their currently located and trapped is starting to drop and this must be just adding additional concern and to the situation that the medical condition of the boys is considered to be fairly good a few of them apparently are quite weak but what that of them people would have thought but probably not up to. a scuba diving outfit and making their way back through the cave considering that none of them can swim and they've certainly not had any scuba diving trying. and to add to that pressure to add to the urgency we understand that more rain is in the forecast and i mean that must most certainly be adding to the pressure as well. will the weather conditions are also wiring on the the group. more monsoonal rains on the way they've had three or
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four days where that hasn't been any rind there madly trying to remove all the water from the cave but the looming weather the monsoon added to the problem with this gentleman's death this morning is certainly making the the whole skype of these thirteen footballs much more complicated. tim newton with the very latest now from thailand thank you so much for telling us a little bit more about what has happened there in the past twenty four hours here for shit. saying in thailand now where ten bodies have been recovered after a tourist boat capsized off of the resort island of two cat authorities say that high winds caused the vessel to overturn pitching mainly chinese tourists into the sea rescue workers pulled around fifty people to safety but dozens more are still unaccounted for and are believed to be trapped inside the sunken boat.
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so exhausted but say. dozens of the boat's passengers and now back on dry land others are still missing. everyone on board had been wearing a life jacket of thirty set but thai tourist boats have a poor safety record when harsh weather hits the captain lost control. of an off the first wave hit the boat rubbish goes into the drainage engine so the draining system was not working fast enough to keep the boat steady then more waves hit as the boat was tipping from side to side and then it capsized. and it wasn't the only one a second boat also at the time and as another location off to catch on thursday afternoon officials said its passengers had all been rescued. with the severe weather set to continue authorities are considering banning boats from going to see during strong winds. let's get
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a quick check now some other stories making news around the world japan's justice ministry says that the former leader of a doomsday cult for sponsible for the one nine hundred ninety five sarin gas attack on the tokyo subway has been executed along with six followers thirteen people died and thousands were injured he had been on death row for more than a decade. in the us scott pruitt the embattled chief of the environmental protection agency has resigned the e.p.a. administrator has come under fire for alleged ethics violations and for his spending habits pruitt is reportedly under investigation in a dozen separate federal probe. and at least twenty four people have been killed in a series of explosions at fireworks warehouses and warehouses in central mexico the casualties included rescuers who arrived in the tepic to have to help the victims of the first blast the town is known for its long tradition of making fireworks but
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also its history of deadly accidents. you're watching news still to come on the program uruguay won the first ever world cup back in one nine hundred thirty we had to south america to find out about the nation's passion for the game ahead of their quarter final clash with friends. but first it's over to helen hunt for sara thank you very much for taking a look at what is a significant escalation in the trade dispute between the united states and china the u.s. going ahead doing what it said it would introducing its threat in levy's on chinese imports china saying it could herald the wall the worst trade war in history eight hundred goods from china are affected we're talking cars planes and hard drives to the tune of some thirty four billion dollars now china is ministry of commerce reacted angrily saying it would be forced to make a necessary counterattack which could mean thomas retire on u.s. goods like soybeans and meanwhile u.s. president donald trump says the u.s.
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won't stop that a u.s. tariffs could run to some fifty billion dollars worth of chinese imports meanwhile markets have reacted with trepidation chinese stocks collapsing. now let's bring in gonzalez it is that to director all of the international trade center the joint development agency of the united nations and the world trade organization in geneva thank you very much for joining us on the program now the latest that we've heard from china is that this move from the united states represents the overtures to the biggest trade war in history is that rhetoric or fact in your opinion well i think we are facing the largest trade conflict since the second world war but more importantly is that this conflict is already having an impact on the ground it's already affecting workers that are being laid off as a result of this issue and especially in america to move out of the country and
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produce elsewhere given that it's having an impact on businesses that are not making capital investment decisions because of the uncertainty of the situation but let's not forget our taxes taxes that the consumer will have to pay it will make it is making already american consumers. pay more for the goods they buy and it's making american companies less competitive because the the inputs the import in their manufacturing chains will be more expensive so frankly who wins from this conflict is a big question mark today but the impact is clear as you've just pointed out often consumers paying the price as a former chief of staff for the world trade organization without experience i wonder do you think that the w.t. i will be able to help calm these masses. well you see the wu is all these countries the w d o is one hundred sixty four countries around the davil
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though you do you is what these countries want to be and i do hope that after some initial moves i hope these moves are aimed at going back to the negotiating table sitting around a global table simply because unilateral measures do not solve problems that have to do with in international trade cross border trade cross border i'm not theirs by definition cannot be solved with unilateral decisions indeed but i'm wondering if there's the appetite for that for the w t o involvement right now because we've seen germany have to see the us talking about lifting tariffs on cause for example i mean could we now be seeing a move to bypass a global trade body and if so what could the consequences be well first of all is not germany would have to be europe because germany does not have authority over trade policy is europe that has authority over trade policy and two
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if it is a deal on cars it will have to involve all the major exporters of cars not just the u.s. and europe but also mexico canada japan korea china and if they do that it will be good news because they would have found a way to solve this problem in a cooperative manner but it has to be with all of them around the table not just germany and the u.s. let's take past then for a minute how do we avoid a trade war what lessons can be taken from history in this trade dispute. listen we take from history is that nobody wins a trade war that in order to solve a trade dispute you have to sit around the table and talk that it's good maybe as a first move to threat then that improves your leverage. but at the end of the day it's through a negotiation this is the hard lessons of history you know we went through these
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already in one thousand thirty when the u.s. congress decided that largest increase interest ever in the history of the u.s. we know that these aggravated the great depression we know that this was the prelude of the second world war and we know that after that countries decided that the best way to manage their trade relations was through cooperation did around the table talking giving and taking finding and fences to fix the problems of their interconnection of their economies or at. executive director of the international trade center in geneva we value your insights thank you. well while some countries are busy putting an end to free trade the african country of djibouti is bent on doing the opposite as of this week a small nation is home to the largest free trade zone in africa leveraging its location the coast of one of the world's busiest trade routes where asian and
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arabic vessels make their way towards the suez canal that the ships will dock in djibouti a neighboring the country and the entire continent to play a bigger role and world trade. it's the first phase of what's to become africa's biggest free trade zone the two hundred forty hector site that's the size of about three hundred fifty football pitches is intended to encourage foreign companies to set up manufacturing plants. at the opening ceremony djibouti as president was joined by several chinese business representatives a reflection of the two countries close economic ties. international freezone is a flagship project it culminates a significant number of infrastructure projects that have seen the light of day in recent years that are helping to strengthen djibouti its place in international trade and commerce. the free
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trade zone won't just boost to beauty's economy but that of east africa as a whole neighboring landlocked ethiopia for instance will benefit from accessing the port within the zone china has also invested billions in rail and road networks within the region the project is an important part of china's belt and road initiative its global infrastructure project that's also been dubbed the maritime silk road chinese companies in particular are likely to make use of the chance to manufacture and export products duty free. government will be the free trade zones majority shareholder with three chinese companies owning the rest since ninety percent of djibouti land is made up of desert raw materials are in short supply that's one reason for the country's high unemployment rate. the government hopes the free trade zone will create new york city's help lift people out of poverty.
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now with sarah palin. the german chancellor angela merkel has emerged from a week's long fight over migration with her job intact but her political future is in doubt the junior partners in america's coalition government the center left social democrats have signed on to her new tougher line on migration it was a key demand of interior minister forest as a whole for leads merkel's conservative bavarian sister party of the c.s.u. his party faces elections later this year and a state that is the main entry point into germany for thousands of migrants those would be that if the malls and the deal covers measures denying entry right on the border but also a faster implementation of the dublin regulation within germany you know. it covers everything that an interior minister would want so you must use those roads through to new government is the urge to get more on this now we're joined by our political
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correspondent max kushnick who is at the parliamentary studios here in berlin welcome to you max and as we just heard there from the interior minister he says that he got everything he wanted what did he get. well he got to dominate the political debate which is really important for him and his party the conservatives varia as they're heading to state elections in october as you just heard but regarding the migration policy actually not that much has changed so there is still doubt what he has gotten in fact there's not going to be any unilateral action regarding migration instead the three coalition partners have agreed yesterday night that they want to have or they want to aim for quicker processes in the. asylum applications but in accordance to the dublin agreement that regulates migration for the european member states and there's not going to be the controversially debated transit centers that have made the rounds in the last week instead what they've agreed on last night is that they want to have these
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transitions from saddam up to cannes be put through through police departments at the border max the german chancellor for her part she has always insisted that germany is an open country is that still true. it is true in a sense that they're still sticking to the agreements of the dublin agreements and to a open borders policy in general but what we seeing is that has been a shift in migration policy and this is something that the very conservatives to see as you have been angling for that a solemn policy shift that they called it in the last weeks so what we're seeing is that with this new agreement that came forward last night that all three question partners want to put forward an new migration bill this will be the responsibility of the federal interior minister jose if it was just seen and he has to bring this forward after this. after the summer break when the parliament reconvenes so we've been talking a lot about what all this means for the politicians would like actually like to
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find out what german citizens think about all of this and i'd like to get your reaction to max because we've got this poll that i'd like to bring and it's from in protest do you map and the posters they asked how satisfied are you with the german government's performance and here's what people said a vast majority more than three quarters said that they were disk satisfied only twenty one percent of voters said that they were satisfied with the government's record so i mean max that would seem pretty clear there. how long can the government survive in office with these terrible approval ratings well that will remain to be seen but will be also seen with the latest polls coming is that german chancellor angela merkel has barely taken a hit in this whole migration policy spat so she's only lost two percentage points in popularity with the latest polls coming in last night and so have her closest allies both in her own party and in her coalition partner the s.p.d. so and all of them haven't really made clear how they would go forward if medical
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would step down and the new successor would be seen so i think what we can see is that this government will try to stick it out and try to stay on as long as they can be a political correspondent max kushnick thank you. well it is the day that the fans of the eight remaining world cup teams have been waiting for we spoke with sports correspondent oliver moody earlier today on us up to date and what we can expect from today's games starting off with your match up with. france certainly one of the most talented sides in the world they showed in the last game against argentina. when they let loose in attack it can get really quite unpleasant for the opposition. again it will be the likes of greece. and of course. in the last game was just too much for the opposition he was too
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quick and too clever for argentina and he and france will be hoping they can repeat performance but france do have to be a little bit careful at the back they conceded three goals against argentina and i think. will not be as forgiving as their neighbors argentina were in the last game so for us to just have to play with a little bit of caution there as well so let's talk strategy and playing style for just a second i mean how similar or different are these two countries and their approach to the game or france or a much more kind of fluent side in attack they base a lot on creative players and and scoring goals you're going to perhaps a bit more pragmatic your guys are really interesting case as well in footballing terms it's like france is going to great footballing heritage it's one to one of through the four first four world cups which is so incredible because it's relatively such
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a small population compared to the other footballing giants and it really has all the success and the way the country punches above its white so regularly it really has elevated football for a merger to sports a bigger way of life in europe why so we can take a look now at how people back home are enjoying the tournament. the whole country is gearing up for the quarterfinal match against france here in europe why we're football is more than just a game it's a raise on death row. winning the round of sixteen match against portugal sparked an explosion of joy throughout the country. a party that lasted well into the night. on par with the team celebration in the dressing room after the match. yet but at the end of
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a from now on if we win or lose it doesn't matter we went this far i have no words . my pregnant and if i give best to it go oh who has said i stay. i have less and less to the sky blues as the national team is called have impressed so far in russia. and the whole of or of why is dreaming of big things to come eagerly she was there was that your reply in folk song that has never favorites we always come from behind that's all reality but in a sudden sense i think we take some pride from it. all of our acquired hopes they can party again on friday. but regardless of the result a hero's welcome for law celeste day whether after this round the next or even the final. is a certain genes. and what we do know ali is that france were strong against
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argentina so to europe i have a chance of winning this match up. i think they certainly do you know your go are different type of side as i said to france they focus a lot more on defense but that makes them dangerous as well the likes of gardena new method the back the hard as nails and they won't allow the french players to play the game that they want to also in attack so they do combine that defense with good attacking play luis suarez was excellent at the start of the tournament and edinson cavani his fellow forward in the year ago i see him has really come into his own in the last couple of games two brilliant goals in the last match against portugal so france really have to be very wary here because you're a guy i think are a little bit under rated still i think this could be a much closer much up than a lot of people are expecting let's talk a little bit more about close match ups because i mean this is one which could certainly be very close many people saying that this is the more challenging match of the tournament that is brazil versus bell john star player of brazil neymar i mean he is really the standout for the five time champions so before i ask about
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the game i'd just like to play now what the brazilian coach has been saying about him. with its not just with the ball not just dribbling you know there are moves and defensive transitions if you look you will see how much he's been participating in the group. and neymar has really been the deciding factor in most games will it be any different this time round. well neymar is certainly the star of the show brazil but i don't think it's quite like it was four years ago when really the whole team relied very heavily on him he's got a good supporting cast this time i think in this game against belgium a team that probably will come out and attack against brazil. the midfielder could be a very important player his light runs from midfield could be very dangerous belgium get back and defend from their attacks quickly enough brazil though also a bit like you're going to have a very very strong defense that sometimes get forgotten with all of their great
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attacking players silver sensor back there have only given up one goal of the tournament so far so it's going to be a tough nut to crack for a talented belgian team but if any team can stop brazil belgium must feel bad ali. yeah that's right i mean remember lukaku the striker has been or the most dangerous forwards of the tournament so far they've got some great midfielders as well and and in as and kevin de bruyne or so this is going to be a great quarterfinal match up one of the real world cup classics i think and make sure you get yourself in front of the t.v. for this one oliver meeting in moscow hopefully you'll be in the stadium in fact thank you so much for your reporting. let's go to quick check now of the top stories we have been following for you here at the german chancellor angela merkel's governing coalition has reached an agreement on a tough new migration policy the deal follows weeks of infighting between merkel
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and hardliners in her conservative alliance that have threatened to topple her government. and search efforts are underway at near the island of st pat's in thailand after a boat carrying losin chinese tourists has capsized at least ten bodies have been recovered but several dozen people remain missing around fifty people have been rescued. but that you're up to date now on d w i'm sorry kelly and berlin bank you so much for joining us and don't forget you can always get all of the latest news and information around the clock on our web site that takes d.w. talk com you can also follow us on social media we're on facebook instagram and twitter thanks for watching have a great. looking
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. woman. i'm. going to. take it personally with a wonderful people and stories that made him so special to us. oh my.
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goodness. next d.w. . intrigue international talk show for journalists discuss the topic of the week it's been a tumultuous week in german politics chancellor angela merkel faced open rebellion from the interior minister told see the government it is said step into the abyss so is the stability of the era. played out shortly on poetry. quadriga in sixty minutes on t.w. . assignment a clash of cultures in india. a clash between those who believe in arranged
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marriage and those who want to marry for love. because that's shaking families and society to the cool. my father would be angry sometimes i think the way he did. commandos starts july eighth d.w. . football is a simple game twenty two men chase a ball for ninety minutes and at the end the german the croatians the english raj shah the euro why and the belgians the brazilians the speed the farm the french always win. thank you. hi my name is camilla welcome to our wealth cup show.


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